XTbe IRo^ai 0a3ette anb Colonist ,_ j| INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL 6, No- 146 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1926 PER COPY 3d. or 6 cents-40/- PER ANNUM FAlAL CYCUNG ACC,DENT Personal. They Say BERMUDA RAILWAY CO. BEGIN OPERATIONS That the big shipping deal has Mr. Thomas Butterfield Among the arrivals from New been completed. York yesterday by the S.S. Fort Killed. * * Se St. George was Miss Clarice Rey­ That the old adage of 'Mudian nolds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. luck is again proved. GOVERNOR CUTS FIRST SOD. The whole community was Charles Reynolds, of Devonshire. shocked to the uttermost at the * * * * She is a student of the New Eng­ That there is little room for an­ tragic death, on Sunday evening, land Conservatory at Boston, and of Mr. Thomas Butterfield, of Ha­ xiety over the steamship service has a brUiant musical future be­ now. milton, as the result of a cycling fore her. Miss Reynolds wiU re­ accident on Mount Langton Hill, * * * More Than £50,000 Capital Subscribed. main in Bermuda for the three That perhaps there is over the Pembroke. months vacation. Returning from the Garrison inland transportation. * Golf Links, Mr. Butterfield was cy- * * * * * * The rumours current during the It is understood that Miss Wat­ That the hotel accommodation Cummiags, Jr., Mr. J. Bluck, Mr. Not interfere with the roads, both J cling down the smth side Jf the lington wiU graduate from the Con­ past week with regard to the com­ W. F. G. Gosling and Mr. Hereward i hiU when he was either thrown is also worthy of serious considera­ on account of their narrowness, servatory this week. tion. mencement of actual construction Watlingtoa. curves, the material of which they f or skidded from his cycle, and every- * * # work by the Bermuda Railway Co.,J I thing took place so quickly that * * * After cuttiag the sod, His Ex­ are constructed, and the heavy Mrs. Winter and her daughter, Ltd., have crystallised into sub­ cellency made the following speech: cost of constructing the footpath though many people were quite That some say the reason so few stantiality by the news that the Miss Phyllis Winter, oi Paget W., old members of the Corps visited that would be necessary if mechani­ j near at the time no one can really returned yesterday after a visit first sod yesterday was cut by His I regard to-day as oae of the cal transport were used. Also, be­ i say how it did happen. Being a iiorth. camp was because they were not Excellency the Governor. most important days of Bermuda's cause a cloud of dust and much heavily built man, he came down * * * invited. Yesterday morning, in confor­ with such violence that from the history; the actual commencement hooting at the numerous corners A party of prominent Shriners mity with the provisions of the in- j of work which will be the solution ! would spoil the pleasure of those j time of the accident he never re­ That quaUty of tourists was once from Newark, N.J , arrived yes­ held to be dependent on the * corporating Act of 1924—which of a much vexed questioa, which ! who prefer to drive aad be aa aa- gained consciousness. steam- made ir compulsory that when not terday fnr a flying visit to make ship. has engaged the thoughts and at­ noyance to those dwelling at the With help near at hand, he was arrangements f Jr the expected pil­ less than £50,000 of the capital had tention of the people of Bermuda road-side. carried into Pembroke ViUa, out­ grimage of Shriners during the been subscribed and allotted the for at least the past 50 years. Dstract as little as possible from side of which theaccident occurred, That now it is claimed it depends late summer. They are Mr. C. on the horse and carriage. Directors should be appointed—'a On August 21st, 1876, the fol­ the charm of these Islands, which but medical orders were received W. Merril, Mr. F. E. Davenpo-.-t, meeting of the shareholders was lowing message was sent by the charm I regard as our greatest as­ to take Mm to King Edward VII Mr. J. F. Andrews and Mr. H. N. held at the offices of the Company, House of Assembly to the then j set. Memorial Hospital, but Mr. Butter­ Petty. The latte/ gentleman is That any old argument WiU do to persist in a prejudice. Chancery Hall, Hamilton. Goveraor:— On consideriag the problem, I put field died soon after admission in charge of the party. Every ne­ The following Directors were from the injuries he had receivea, cessary detaU has been decided up­ aside the idea of an old-fashioned That it is elected:— MAY IT PLEASE railway with engine and carriages. principally to the head. on and the party are leaving this hoped tho weather is fine for the y ichts. R. A. Cummings, Sr., Esq., Pre­ YOUR EXCELLENCY: It would disfigure the country, and | No inquest was deemed neces­ morning for home. They were sident. the intervals between trains would j sary in view of the medical atten­ guests at the New Windsor Hnel John E. Lightbourne,Esq., Vice- The House of Assembly respect­ be too great to meet our require- j tion which was given Mr. Butter­ I during their stay. That a:i ocean yacht race is to test sea-going quahties. President. fully request that Your Excellency ments. Motors, I considered, j field at the hospital. * * * W. F. G. Gosling, Esq., Secretary. will be pleased to obtaia aPlan of would be the ruination of Ber- J Deceased, aged 46 years, was a Hereward Watlington, Esq., Trea­ Mrs. G. M. Trautschold returned That no one an eligible route for a narrow gauge muda, and, moreover, would even- t son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James home yesterday after a visit north. J wants the test too surer. single liae of Railway, including tually land us with a huge bill for j Eston Butterfield, of Paget, and ... I John Bluck, Esq. sidings or passing places where re­ the repair of the roads—a view j the survivors of the family now are Mr. Philip Hurn, who has been t That another sad J. R. Conyers, Esq., M.C.P. quisite, betweea the Town of St. since confirmed by statistics from i Mr. H. St. G. Butterfield, Mr. Wm. cycling acci- R. A. Cummings, Jr., feq. enjoying a stay at the Elbow Beach J dent has occurred. George and Somerset Ferry, in the Islaads in the West Indies which j Butterfield, Miss Julia Butterfield, Hotel, is saUing this morning for j From the appeaded correspond­ vicinity of Her Majesty's Dock have been published. The con- ! Mrs. Giosvenor Tucker, and Mrs. * * * ence it will be noted that the Secre­ New York where he will supervise > That the sympathy of the com­ Yard, with the head station of such trolling of speed by mechanical James H. Trimingham. the production of two of his plays. J tary of the Company is aow Mr. Railway contiguous to the Town of means is impossible and, conse­ He was formerly employed at the munity is extended to the relatives W. F. G. Gosling. He has enjoyed his sojourn ::i Ber- ' of the unfortunate victim. Hamilton, and to apply for assist­ quently, an iacreased police force firm of W. T. James & Co., whose muda and hopes eventuaUy to re­ The following letter has been for­ ance from the Royal Engineer De­ would be needed. place of business is now occupied turn for a prolonged visit. warded to the Coloaial Secretary: partment to join the Colonial Sur­ by the Bank of N. T. Butterfield & That ther. is definite news of Motor-buses, I came to the c i- * * * the railway. veyor in a preliminary survey. clusion, would not be suitable. In Co. Leaving them, he became a Mr. Robertson Honey, jr., and Hamilton, Bermuda, the country-side in Eaglaad they member of the Revenue staff, but Mr. Robertson Honey, sons of the June 21. 1926. a few years ago he went into busi­ That only two guesses are al­ Also that Your Excellency will be are regarded with abhorrence oa [ American Consul, Mr. Robertson lowed as to what the issue wUl be. pleased to draw the attention of ness with his brother, Mr. H. St G. account of the dust, destruction cf j Honey and Mrs. Honey, came down * * * The Honourable, the Home authorities to the ad­ roads, nuisance to traffic, and vibr^ j< Butterfield, as commission mer­ to join their parents yesterday on The Coloaial Secretary, vantages of a Railway, with a view chants, insurance, etc. the "George." Their presence will That many people are wonder­ tion to buUdings. 'They c-.vld P ing whether the consideration of Public Buildings, to co-operation. And this House of sufficient size ^ |p h. fe . a. Jk _WJ.ien the Great War broke out, i add materially to the social in^ Hamilton. he went to Canada and enlisted in j terest of the younger set, as both service during t.he war will include will be prepared to grant a sum not rates of fares, and' would conse- j more than one person. exceeding .pounds to meet the quently meet the requirements j a Dominion regiment, and was un- these young gentlemen have taken 1 * * * Sir:— expense of such survey while in pro­ only of those who now use the horse j dering training there when the an active part in sue" functions Armistice was declared.
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