Chronicle of events Peacekeeping chronicle of events 31 August ment and LJNITA to 'adopt without further South African Defence Minister Joe Modise delay a comprehensive and workable pro- August-September 1995 has announced that the country is gramme for the formation of the new armed considering allowing the UN to establish a forces, and accelerate the exchange of logistics base at a former military base at prisoners and the repatriation of mercenaries A. General Pietersburg. (South Africa Press Agency, 311 in order to reinforce freedom of movement August; IPN) of people throughout the country'. The 6 August Council also requested that the parties 11 September provide UNAVEM III with the necessary Arab League Secretary-General Esmat In the Secretary General's annual report Mr. Abdel Meguid has announced that the Arab information and freedom of movement, Boutros-Ghali expressed concern for the including total access to all military League plans to establish a joint peace- security of UN peacekeepers. 'When lightly keeping force under a proposed 'pact of facilities, to enable it to effectively armed peacekeepers or unarmed aid implement its mandate. (IPN) honour for security and cooperation' to workers on a humanitarian mission are prevent conflicts between Member States. threatened, taken hostage or even killed, the 8 August Meguid said that the proposed pact would world must act to prevent such intolerable A unit of I I I Portuguese peacekeepers are be submitted to the next Arab League behaviour. The credibility of all UN peace to leave for Angola later this month to Foreign Ministers' meeting in Cairo on operations is at stake; to preserve it, provide logistical support for LJNAVEM III. September 20. (Agence France-Presse personnel must be protected as they carry The unit will replace a British battalion. International News, 6 August; IPN) out the duties the international community Approximately 40 Portuguese soldiers are 8 August has sent them to accomplish.' (NYT, 12 already stationed in Angola to help Soldiers from 14 former Soviet bloc September) guarantee communications for UNAVEM III. (Reuter News Reports, 8 August; IPN) countries joined British, Canadian and US 14 September forces for the first NATO-sponsored peace- The UN has run out of money to pay its 11 August keeping exercise in North America. The regular operating expenses and is being The leader of the Angolan resistance exercise at Fort Polk in Louisiana, entitled forced to borrow from peacekeeping funds, movement UNITA, Jonas Savimbi, has 'Cooperative Nugget '95'. British Field which are also strained, a US accounting accepted an offer by president Jose Eduardo Marshall Sir Richard Vincent said that the expert in charge of financial management Dos Santos, to become vice president. aim of the exercise was to foster coopera- told a General Assembly committee. (IHT, (NRC, I I August) tion and understanding among multinational 14 September) units, as well as to learn more effective 22 August methods of conducting humanitarian and 27 September The Brazilian Embassy in Luanda has peacekeeping tasks. (Reuter News Report, 8 Foreign Ministers Canada, Denmark and announced that the first unit of a Brazilian August; IPN) The Netherlands, as well as five other infantry battalion is expected to arrive in foreign ministers of nations contribute Angola on August 23. The Brazilian 14 August personnel to peacekeeping operations, officers and soldiers will be responsible for Romania has begun a Partnership for Peace Australia, Jamaica, New Zealand, Nicaragua preparations for the arrival of the rest of the (PfP) naval exercise on the Danube to and Ukraine, a representative from Senegal contingent which will be deployed at demonstrate its capacity to protect humani- and UN Undersecretary-General for peace- Lwena, in the east of the country, and at tarian aid convoys in 'hostile waters'. keeping, Kofi Annan, met to diseuss a Huambo, in central Angola. A Brazilian NATO and PfP observers from France, Canadian idea to create a permanent UN naval vessel bringing heavy equipment to Germany, US, Hungary, Slovakia and peacekeeping force and similar ideas from Luanda is expected on September 30. Ukraine watched the exercise. The exercise, Denmark and the Netherlands. All three Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Zambia and code-named 'Danube '95', runs until envision a force to bridge the gap of many Zimbabwe are supplying infantry battalions August 16 and is the first of its kind staged months between Security Council resolu- for the operation, while Argentina, Britain, by an East European country. (Reuter News tions to dipatch a force and actual deploy- Portugal and Romania will supply support Report, 14 August; IPN) ment. (IHT, 30 September) units and logistical back-up. (Agence 17 August France-Presse, 22 August; IPN) The Japanese Defence Agency has decided B. Operations 28 September to create a peacekeeping office to collect On the initiative of the UNDP a conference data on UN peacekeeping activities and has been held in Brussels on Angola. About conduct language and other training for Angola / UNAVEM III 300 representatives of donor countries, prospective Japanese peacekeepers. Accor- Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos ding to the daily Yomiuri Shimbun the and Jonas Savimbi were present to talk peacekeeping office with a staff of around 1 August about plans to rebuild the country. Around 70 is intended to prevent the Self-Defence Almost 800 Indian UN peacekeepers have I billion Dollar will be donated. (SZ, 28 Force (SDF) from establishing an indepen- taken up positions in the northern Angolan September) dent peacekeeping force. The office will be province of Uije to help supervise the a part of the next defence program provisions of the Lusaka peace agreement. beginning in April 1996, although its actual Battalion headquarters will be established at Cyprus / UNFICYP operations will not actually begin until Negage, a former military airport now FY'97 or thereafter. (Kyodo News Service, controlled by UNITA. (Agence France- 17 August; IPN) Presse International News, 1 August; IPN) 7 August The Turkish Cypriot government has 30 August 7 August criticised the UN for failing to prevent a The Japanese Defence Agency has decided The Security Council unanimously voted in violent protest by Greek Cypriot nationalists to approve cooperation between the SDF a resolution to extend the mandate of along the LJN-controlled buffer zone. and the US military in UN peacekeeping UNAVEM III until February 8, 1996, and Hundreds of protesters clashed with Greek operations based on a proposed bilateral urged UNITA and the Angolan government Cypriot and Turkish police officers deman- treaty (Acquisition and Across-Servicing to 'adhere strictly to the revised timetable ding an end to the 21-year-old division of Agreement) on providing logistical support. on the implementation of the Lusaka the island. (Reuter News Reports, 7 August; (Kyodo News Service, 30 August; IPN) Protocol, particularly in the establishment of IPN) ' quartering areas for troops, complete troop disengagement and the conduct of demi- ning'. The Council called upon the govern- Former Yugoslavia / region that they have moved to retake. because of shelling Serb civilians in the NATO has threatened Bosnian Serbs with Croatian offensive against the Krajina UNPROFOR/UNCRO// widespread air strikes if they attack the enclave. (TL, 8 August) remaining UN designated 'safe-areas' in UNPREDEP Bosnia Gorazde, Bihac, Tuzla and 8 August Sarajevo. (1HT, 5 August) Croatia said that diehard rebel Serbs in Krajina had begun surrendering after the 1 August The Croatian government launched its long- UN brokered a pact to allow tens of The US House of Representatives voted by threatened attack ('Operation Storm') on thousands of refugees trapped by fighting to 298 to 128 to abandon American partici- rebel Serbs in the Krajina region. By enter Bosnia-Herzegovina. pation in the UN arms embargo against nightfall a Danish and two Polish peace- Bosnia. The bill, that was identical to a keepers were killed and 98 peacekeepers In a letter to Dutch parliament, Dutch measure approved last week by the Senate, captured by Croatian forces. The Croats Minister of Defense, Joris Voorhoeve, made must be presented to President Bill Clinton have also attacked civilian populations, with it clear that the Netherlands have set a for his signature or veto. (IHT, 2 August) heavy artillery bombardment. (1HT, 5 surgical team at the disposal of the UN August) peace forces in Northern-Bosnia. The Mass mobilisation in Croatia and in the military team is supposed to assist in taking Serb Krajina territory has produced a line- Seven Danish peacekeepers were reported medical care for Muslim refugees in Tuzla. up of forces which appear to herald a full- to have been used by the Croatian army as (TL, 9 August; NRC, 8 August) scale confrontation. Croatia's rebel Serbs 'human shields.' (TL, 7 August) launched airstrikes against Croats attemp- NATO planes fired two HARM anti-radar 9 August ting to drive them out of their Krajina missiles at Serb radar missile sites at Knin, President Tudjman said that he would not stronghold with three strafing raids against Pentagon officials in Washington said. The attend negotiations in Russia with Mr ground troops in the border village of NATO planes responded to a UN request Milosevic unless President lzetbegovic of Strmica. UN Secretary-General Boutros- for a show of force over Knin after UN Bosnia was included. (TL, 10 August) Ghali urgently appealed to the parties to the peacekeepers there were threatened, a America and Germany are ready to agree to conflict to 'stop and reflect about the choice NATO source said. (WP, 5 August) a further easing of sanctions against Serbia which now faces them.' Yasushi Akashi, the in exchange for Belgrade's recognition of UN special envoy, said that the Croats, 5 August Bosnia-Herzegovina, Western diplomats triumphant after their recent victories in Croatian troops have captured Knin, said.
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