" . :, ' 47 ' ; ii0C08141T. RES0.81 **190; 188 ." CE 026 186 Aill.09X .Banathy, 'Bela And Others -4 "four Chance to Ielp." C,atmalty:Prevemtion and. Care ' lilt* ontetiald: radical "Stipprement to "Your Chance to 3 =12. -8 1916. Teac h . Report._ :Par, Se4t-Otb, fox = Educational Research and .Development., St) Fianc,iico:' ..ff6Ns utick befeese. Preparedness Agency (DOD)Washington, . 116'1.040. '10176 NOT!: a. IpTS-*itzei lifOlip,C04,',Plat Pottage: 0000Toti iliccident:4PreWentionl. ACctientii.; Civil Defense :' 'Ciirriodleiv.Detigat Carricalgs Revelopeelitt:Biergency .-PrOgraa4 Oitst: -Aid:: .Education: .instructional 4Litei*S* **0041, .41141040f ittatiatiOn* joSeottiutTOT tdiscatiCiai :OtwOritits Ofik-00-10IVIJediO4 SOOric,i .1.1144.0.nW.14Ssie0i: tietatp;'.0itietetei0: .leohokO04). .Disasters :]ABSTRACT t :.This tepOrt concerns project. ttantlyie available ...iinteriakt:.and 4410. and AerelOP. smppIelentelf ones -to kepate, . grades 7 -12 to cope-With' medical .emergencies in natural"- .teCf,haolo,gica4:.00:nationaldisatters.. SeCtion 1: defines the .00400, .$10t,01(-2.:sammariiletz:COnclitiOnt. of. the 104100 ,phatet. whi411'focitiet On three .. sets, of latetialt:. medical 8elf-Relp.training: the American ;. 0 StandiitCPitlit. Aid teiseeo. 'witty' 0014. and utOar, tiie::0; .desCrihes: the r-esulting fiie-tedtion.clirriColum. -40E00 general: xeguireeent* Or. 4 casualty preWerittOM inets10404:!. and curricula=- objectives: .Selection. and organization instructional content, selection and organization of learn4.00i.exPerAlik0e4t ;*Tid. an..ewaimation VditC.utiw, :four ;p0:deo`t. ibteee of analysis, -design, and development: materials - devi4Opterit: materials revision reproduction: 'ant field; tettiki4:. .Piii.difima Of pilot and .1304: telittwite: reported iw °SeCtiOn :$040,4 $`desCrihet- the .ProjeCttii.,prOdOcti*4 student manual ,afit, MCCOSPOii69,0ii her!0- cbieCtive and summaries are prOWidEd fefeack of the, ten; chapters in the student manual. IilestratiOnt. .40ie*%dtaign4and,.ttory.stinCtereare discussed: The format of the ntekt,Cheifes; manual is alsO detcribed. ReCommemdationt in section. toc90.10, system, .dissemination /diffusion program, *Oki; orientation /training program, and vevision,.1md _further defierbpment-ilL8)- . ,.! ., . .esip**,*****.4****e**.m****************************************************, . ,. 1,4,.--...423eliiroduciiOnd. snpAied. by BDR$ are the best that can be made .-'gr''' -lir- .-4.,;.' ,- :''' ftii the original doCumont. ..* 4.istjpikmiststAt:****Iitstiostee4tiovii*******9***Iitiom**e******************el*********Iitio .. ' , . - I 0 . .1. ' s ATAWEITRIP! o, .1 *19illeSkirePPOIPTOOP ST arIP fouTmarto-3 atclaad ;4076 10; xratr4 suqtrit5T1.4047 03, IP*Cold'intr4 Jo; Iremnp114.'etr4 r van ow OS d1311 A zatpe-0-4 mint= ' R °sTim!orIP141 Strinal#111init 1,/uulect *wawa miaco 47R - sairpri , - *4t°Lvtit. Arr4T* sub 4atiti e ewes' iiirOuTpxoco axd, fa?anaffr a. BAY, -sxakiTS ...A min" Or6fil . qnsatetEW ncrakTIPPara`..' < * ,,.." . :saw sea-01:Tirsiotu iturandve, !Plir4raglig uerrrxewi ritorm pea gswa -nuewsuco . 0-,1........ *,--,*, ... -.Aft V. - *. 414iptsort , irIV..:CirliVFMset t . e-exalos,r4 '84116 orruzomass -4uncrit.ium, :10:0ax0 a3S z , , 4 .... ,_ ' ."."4:. ' en -.: .01..4.. '1 1, , , 0, 0 4 F ON . 0 'YOUR ORME' 10 HELP . -- a._ a . CORIUM 41. I.Definition of 'the Project...,. 1 -yeis and:air:rid:WE Design n of Developm ent and Testing 13 . Report ca Findings of Pilot and 'Field Teiting . Description of Products .... 32 Reoarenenda tions.. * .451- *\, 0. 4 O 4 -ve ;-4 , 01. a a. , -.****.***/....r w***tv**74,Ut r ,; 4 C I ` byerICS A LEFINITICk. CF. TIE P14371t11 F -410etirtg-and Preparing youth.; ;adults far survival in time of natural, te0Soloqical,ornatioigil disaster is of the FriOrity-and is a task of 4iMibse propartittns. :The refeise Civil .Preparedness agency (raA) attends . tkt.ige.priority 'taxi is continuo** engaged in the task of educating, and s.. :40,014114 tlse le el of prepare the citizeny of the Uttited States. *eparation of the 'Your Chino; to Oats wasa major step toward 0704041-0Gi4i0i0d:ed9ont4on far t sign people in ,dinaner-tx04ngiIt. was° reCoiniSiethtiemier,- that .aniCticatiOnal prograei similar to Yvorailrnce to_LiVe to s Oi.30001 iii. -t:1* area of DE*41 Awbrpeoplii .Basedon fisidf . i4-0'kt 4450-Witim 'irkWrit it aFteas*thet #001Pg3AtiteFSAS` currently i94.414.0..*0 thiiirOepi4unt-area were not adequate tie in.8d05. Weft laijarabtory fir 8:kraticoallieseirch and reim14- (E WL) was,' therefore, to analyze available materials, and to design and ,,cleVelOp si!Ppletrettarx ones that would prepare young people to cope with rredipil en4gertcies ditch might occur in natural, technologir). and national disasters. Vateivaterials would enable students in grades 7 - 12 and their families .to survive in such emergencies when the se vices of a Physician or Other health carepericanel were not readily available. She Of Nark The gamel scope of work was to provide the personnel, facilities, and ot)ii#.services necessary to produce "mere ready" student andteacher eateries' whibli would supplezent'the Defense Civil, Preparedness Agency-Far West laboratory publication Your Char= to Live.. .44 'In terms ..of specific work and Services the project was to: . ., (1)analyze the contett. of YOur Chime to Live and the Medical Self.41e1P Course and make a parallel anal- . ysi-MTIcif the Standards' t Aid and Personal Safety kook issued by tie can Red as an elerent of control and cioverage; , . 4 LAltman, Teraia C.and yAnda. A. Sikorsld.. A Study of SW 3-12, "Your dianoe :to:Live,"Finaldeport,January, 1975, AAIC 20-73-C-0259 work unit 4,41W, Far sfest 5 $e .1 I 47. O J. 0)wovicie. .the'OoVecrnMent with a 'written report which depaiihia fii*igii;Ofthe'ranalyeit, made repot- mandationg,.:rtgarding'thimidical Self-Help lessons .. that:46dd beat *Via* laguy supplant* the, lead* in *Ur, Cheibte,to Live, aid reoceThended thelgetierl' orgenization. and content of the pro-. liNi.:00*144411#74; , . 6,(3)' -afzelc,cf.liosely.with the Arrericin Bed Cross to develop. Aster** *di 'Cs the balds of, the .approved anal- ° Yaiee.,,P17e0are:a teacher.senual'And a student .ameiiiiil'_With apicopriate. arilerii-, arid illustrations, . eiid:Ouskieit401 10_,., if AnYt in* itt!tetl iimilar- to O that .of ,i14-:ifir _unanceAo Live.laid. within. school . grade reading4evia,ls:7-irodogh.l2;. 4n.addit.ion.to . 4 .. facillta :0fc as .d4t,4itittic; Y14e- WritiOn.. letS4 such 1USi at least- one :Oliai*or: of.' "'.*.-a , handling Of reLited:CasUaltiesi Oh, an individual. or 'family firs* aid hatis; . ..- . (4') work through the mierican .Naticna coed Cross Jaiadcluarters". staff to have draft Materials t... ' techni CaLly reviewed and apprbved by the appro- - priatetconponents of the National Academy 0 science; .: (5)field test the draft astecials in at least one .urten, one..stiturban, and an rural school and subsequently mike the editorial and` inethcid- °logical changes indicated' as needesl by the tests; , (6)Provide the GoverikwantIfitrh 4?gurreetatice of pro- jeet7progras ierma- Of:three -(3) bb-sitathly reports end a final imperil report describing *field test. findingskilOttlems encountered, and zeitratetidations.ftir fiat* wOr in Six/tier areas; . (7) .provide the doVeineant with One (1) "calrera ready" OPPY. Otte- 11) 1454 Au* Wit. and two (2) ' 61013.0atee- of the teacher-avanial, studerit manual, finiatie&areitork alid illustrations, apci iinys the Student menu er Should cemaist J of loo *Oa, 16 chap re, 75 sketches:- the teacher raanual:4104d-be keyed to the Student manual so that it iituld allow teachers' with little learning experiehOe. it"1 the content area to coordinate learning experiences. 26 is - °1 9I I. ti O a 1 i>, ..r $ I t, $ z ..... ..... k '4` .c O . SECIszat n. luttiLYSli AND muumuu raw "" Analysis of :ftisting teliterialmi ThezeralYsis phase of the project tpcuaed on three sets of materials: imidicai. Self-Help Training (EH,, theAmerbcan lied Cross. Standard First Aid, and Personal Safety book (SAPS),. and Your Chanoe tovs(YCL).2Cbnclusions; xSqbsitted to ECPA fn. a balty-foarpage refort,3 are ized below. : ;744 'MS!! is designed foT use by relatisiely untrathed instruatcrs.in various - settings -frompublic school classei to ommunity serliice groups.An instructor guide assumes no 'teacher training and'gives specific basic suggestions for - prelea taticri of the material. The purpose of Mr is what .,to da when profess sional care, is Unavailable for an extendedperOpf tine. - . ..- . *0- a.1' Also ri:fentiel to in the initial analysis was a Far West laboratory report ,node in January, 1975, of the dismianinatice Study of Your Chance to .Live. (80.0..tobtnote,p..1 of MS report.) A *or finding of that study which had an important effect on the development of .this project was "...the wid - spread desire for first-aid instructional materials all a part of the general.'preparidniss curricullmt.'"The study conclUaeorthat, ,"Based on the frequent requests -for infoimation and materials we experienced in the field, vac red:Wend that =wear:sive materials be provided; teachers seem ready and to use them!The study also reramended. that the information for si,udents!be specific and that instructional guides. for teachers be included'.Specific teacher requests included: detailed methods of incorporating the material into specific curricula .arpas; . 1r. teacher aids, lesson plans; activity handouts; , attention to the need to. overcome initial student apathy toward preparedness instructicas -
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