![Cave and Karst Science 31 (2) 2004](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Cave and Karst Science The Transactions of the British Cave Resean:h Association BeRA [ Volume 31 Number 2 2004 ) Subaerial tufa stalactites: biota and biological processes Invertebrate fauna of Ogof Ffynnon Ddu, South Wales Pseudoparonel/a dove'; In the Dark Cave, Malaysia Algal studies In the Shulgan-Tash Cave, Russia U-series date, KeJd Head, KingsdalB, UK IGU Glasgow Congress abstracts Forum Cave and Karst Science Authors are encouraged to submit articles for publication in the Transactions of the Brirish Cmo!' &search AuociatiOfl under row broad headings: I. Pape" SclUllific papm, normally up to 6,000 words, on any aspect of karsllspeJeologicai science, including archaeology, bIOlogy, chemistry, conservation, geology, geomorphology, history. hydrology and phys ics. ManUKript papers should be ora high standard, and will be subject to peer review by lWO referees. 2. Reports Shorter coouibuhonS, normally 500-3,000 words, on aspects of kant/speleological science. as listed above, or more descriptive material, such as caving expeditioo reports and tcchlllca! artIcles. Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Board unless the sUbject maner is outside their fields of CJCpenise, in which case assessment b) an appropriate expert will be sought. 3. Forum Personal statements, normally lip to 1,000 words, on topical ISSues; discussion of published pipe"" and book reviews. Where appropriate, statements should pot f()l"o\o'ard an argument and make a case, backed-up by examples used as evIdence:. 4, Abstr.t:ts Autl'ton (or supervisors) of undergraduate or postgraduate dissertations on cave/karst themes arc encouraged to submit &bstraC:lS for publlC81ion. Please indicatc I'Incther- the thesiS is aVllIlablc on inter-library loan. Abstracts of papers presented at BCRA (and related) conferences eM'" symposia arc also published. ManUSCriptS may be sent \0 either of the Editors: Dr 0 J Lowe, cio British Geological Survey, Keyworth, NottUlgharn, NGl2 SGG, UK, and Professor J Gunn. umestone Research Group, UmvC:rliry ofHuddc:rsfield, Quec:nsgalc:, Huddc:rsfic:ld, HOI 30H. UK . Inlendlng authors arc: welcome to contact !he Editors, who wlll be pleased 10 advise on manUS(:ript preparation. Enquiries by E-mail arC: l.lelcomed. to; [email protected]'"j .gunn@bc:ra.org.uk. Notes for Contributors These OOIes are Intended 10 help authofs prepare !heIr material In the most pencil will not reproducel lIIuslnltions should be designed to make lfUll(imum usc advantageOUS way, so as to expedite pubhcallon and reduce both their own and of page space. Maps must have bar scales only. If photO-reduction IS editOrial labour Tlnx and effort arc sayed If the: rules below arc: followed. contemplated, all letters and lines must be large and thick enough 10 allow for their reduction. LettCfS must be done by stencil, Lctrascl or similar methods, nOi Ttlt All matenal should be presented in a format close possible to that as as Iland-written. Diagrams should be numbered in sequences 85 figures, and referred adopted by Caw a1ld Kanl Se~na since 1994. Text should be typed double­ 10 in the 1m, where necessary, by insening (Fig.I), etc, ill brackets. A ful\lisl of spaced on one side of the paper only. Subheadings within an article should follow figure captions should be submitted on a separate sheet or on a fleW page the system used In Ctmt' and KarSI Sciena; a system of primary, secondary and, following a hard page break in digital files. If necessary, tertiary subheadings should be Indicated clearly. Imtial manuscriptS may be: supplied as hard copy, as a suitably formatted text. file on computer disk, Pbotogfllpbk: iNltes an: wclcome. Photographs in various digital formats can be E-m8.l1 attachment (addJes.scs above) in appropnale fannat. Where or as an handled but, 85 ooly a selcction of iIIustrlllions provided with a manuscript rna) possible the final revised tCJ[1 should be submitted on computer disk or as an E­ be included in the: final publication, recommended pracllCC: is 10 provide hard mail anachmenl, although paper copy rem8.lns acceplable. II is reeommended copies with the initial SlIbmission and reference hard copies and di gital files with that. where tCJ[t Includes unusual characters or eqUalIOnS, a hard copy the final draft. Authors should contacl the FAltors\o check both !he desirability of hlghllghlJng non-standard features be proVided 85 a guide for the Editors. Most thiS apprOlCh and sUllable filc formats before submitting the manuscnpt. modem PC-based word processing packages can be translated bot, if in doubt, Traditional hard copy photographs arc: cqLJally acceptable and may be good clear please: consult one of the FAltors. Apple Mac disks arc: accepted, but cannot be black and white prints, colour prints or colour transparencies with sharp focus dealt With routinely and may cause delays and 001 too mud! contrast. Prints aboul IS l( IOcm (6 x 4 inches) are best: ifin doubt, a selcctKxi may be submincd. They should be nllmbered in sequence but Abstraet All material should be accompallIed by an abstract, stating the 001 referred to in the text, except where essential, and then only after discussion essenltal results of the InvCSligatioo or the significance of the contribtilton., for with ooe of the Editors. A full list of plate caplions, with photographer credits other usc by Bbstrac:tmg, library and services. Oc:casionaJly such abstractS may where relc'Vanl, should be submitted on a separate sheet or on a new page also be publtshcd In Caws and Caving. following I hard page break in digital files. RrfrrtDc:es to prevIOUsly publJShcd work should be given In the sl8ndard format TIbia: These should 001 be inclLJdcd m the lext but should be typed, or clearly IIScd In Caw artd Kars/ Sclrncr In the tel(t the statemenl referred 10 should be hand-written, on separate sheets or on a new page following a hard page break in follol'oed by the relevanl author·s narne and date (.,d page numbu ifappropnllk) digital files. All tables, especially those provided in digital form, should use a In btackas. Thus. (S mith, 1969, pA2). All such references Cited In the lel(t should simple format to allow ready uanslation inlo an appropriate publication style. he liven In MI, In alphabctKal order, It the end of tile rnanuscnpl. Thus Smith, They should be numbered in sequence, and a list of captions, if necessary, should E, 1969. The spclcogcneslS of the Clvern Hole Bulletin of the Yorbhire o be submlned 00 a scpatate sheet or on a new page following a hard page break in Clvmg AssoclatJon, VoU, 1-63. Books should be cited by their author, dale, digital files . trtlc, where publIShed and publisher. As there is no lad..i.It Ivailable lisllllg of abbrcvlllCd 1It1cs, and as references to publicallons In llilguages other th., Authors mlY mark approl(imale locations for tables, plates and figures , in pcrICll EnglISh Ire bccormng more common, DcnodlCll tilks should be written W full. in the manuscript margins, as a gU ide to formattillg fOl' publication. Flilure 10 provide full and UflIffibiguotJS Refcrcncc informal}on may lead 10 a delay In pubhcalOl'l. Copyright: It IS the author's responsibility to obtain written permission \o\"hcrc nccc:ssary to reproduce all matcnal $ubmmed fOf publication. Copynghl on AeluwwkdCtllKllb Anyooc who has liven I grant or hc:lped With the artkles pubhshed in Cave a1ld Karll Selena rests With tnc British Cave Rcscl1ch InYCSUplOf\, or With the prcpar&OOn of the arllcle, should be acknowledged AssociatIOn. bnefly Contributors In unlVCfSltleS and otho- InstltutlOOS are reminded that grants ioWuds the cost of pubhCllKln may be IVlllable, and !hey should make the Sptltoklgkal cspeditktu have I moral obhgatlOf\ 10 producc rc:~ IIpprOprWC cnqumes as early IS possible El(pcdltlOfl budgets should Include an (conll"lClUal In the case of rccipicnlll of awards from the Ghar Parau FOUIIdatIOO). clement to help publJClllIOl'l, IWId the editors should be Informed. the tunc of These should be (OO(;isc and coyer the results of Inc cl(pcdllion as soon as ......w ~ possibk a.ftcr the mum from overseas, so that I.er expc(htlons arc mfornled for their plannlfl&. Personal aneaIoIes should be kepI to a minimum, but useful tic-res JlIUSlraIlOns m I number of dlg.taI graphICS file formats Ire ac:ccptable lidvtcC such as loeIIion of food wpphcs, medical services, etc, may be Included. for nentual publ" 1On However, as chanF to figures may be requested by preferably IS I series of appendICeS. referccs, rcoornmendcd prKtlCC 15 to prOVide hc"d COPICS With the 1000al JUbmlSSMJII and refercnc:c hard coplCS and dlgnal files With the final draft. Authors Will be proVided With 20 repnnts of their own contnbullOll, free of Authors should ~ the Eclitors 10 check both the desirabliJty of thiS approach charl!e. for their own use and surtabk file formalS before JUbmllllnC the manuscnpt. TradillOnallwd copy lme d...,.-ns and dnWInP must be In blact Ink on either clan wtlllC paper or If any problems arc perceiVed regarding the nature, content or formal of the c.d, or on UKIn' paper or such tr\IICflais as KodatrKc AnKmlC J1CY Ink and matenal, please: consult either ofthc: Editors before: submlttmg the m.-.uscnpl Cave and Karst Science TRANSACTIONS OF T ilE BRITISH CAVE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION Volume 31 , Number 2 Contents Papers Biola and biological processes associated wi th subacrial lufa stalactites in the tropics. 51 Do.nko TABOROSI and Kazuomi HIRAKAWA The invertebrate fauna of the Ogor Ffynnon Ddu cave system, Powys. South Wales, UK. 63 G T (JeiJ) JEFF£RSON, Phil CHAPMAN. Julian CARTER and Graham PROUDLOV£ Reports A uran ium-seri es date from Kel d Head Kingsdale, North Yo rkshire, UK.
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