American Mineralogist, Volume 76, pages 1728-1735, I99I NEW MINERAL NAMES* JonN L. Jlunon CANMET. 555 Booth Street.Ottawa. Ontario KIA OGl. Canada Jncrx Puzrnwtcz Institute of Geological Sciences,University of Wroclaw, Cybulskiego30, 50-205 Wroclaw, Poland shcharovskii ( I 99 I ) Bekovite-A new barium-niobium A.p.Khomy"n"", o.r'ltillillli'or",,"", R.K. Rasrsve- silicatefrom carbonatitesof the Vuoriyarvi massif(Kola taeva ( I 990) Alluaivite Na,r(Ca,Mn)u(Ti,Nb)3Sir5O,oCl. Peninsula,USSR). Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Mon., 23-31. 2HrO-A new titanosilicate of eudialyte-like structure. One of four electron-microprobe analysesgave NarO Zapiski Vses.Mineralog. Obshch., I l9(3), (in l17-120 0.20,KrO 0.55,CaO 0.05,BaO 30.30,AlrO3 0.14, FerO, Russian). 1.78,SiO, 17.80,TiO, 5.60, ZrO. 1.20,NbrO5 42.20, Microprobe analysis (averageof three grains, HrO by TarO, 0.15,sum 99.97wto/0, corresponding to (B:tr,rolQ.,u- coulometry)gave NarO 18.6,KrO 0.2,CaO8.6, SrO 1.0, Na oon Ca o o, ) o0( Nb 44 r Ti o rrFeo' Zr o,,Al ooo Ta oo, ) r, - "3 "r BaO0.6, MnO 3.6,LarOr0.2, CerOr 0.8, SiOr 53.3, TiO, Sior2O24eo, ideally Bar(Nb,Ti)u(Si2or)ro,r.The mineral 6.0,2rO,0.2,Nb,O5 3.9, Cl 0.8,H,O 1.7,O = C120.2, occurs as thin rims on barian pyrochlore and as crystals sum 99.3 wt0/0,corresponding to (Na,rorKo,rSrorrBa",,- up to 1.0 mm long showing{l l0} and {001}; commonly LaoorCeo,,o)r,, ,r(Cao ouMn, or)r, n.(Ti, ,rNborrZro or)", or- barrel shapedby combination of severalprisms and pin- Si258ror3 26C10.66.2.75 HrO. The mineral slowly leachesin acoidal termination. Color brown, transparent, white l0o/oHCl, lowering refraction indices. Occurs as irregular streak, adamantine luster, fI : 6-7, VHNoo: 970 (900- accumulations up to I mm, closely intergrown with eu- 1030),D-.." : 4.16(3),D".t : 4.25 g/cm3with the em- dialyte. Transparent, colorless, in places weak pink- pirical formula and Z : l. Optically uniaxial positive, brownish tint, vitreous luster, conchoidal fracture, brittle, colorless, r': : 1.928(2) e : 2.002(5); some grains show H : 5-6, D-"," : 2.76(5),D"u,": 2.'78g/cm3 with Z : 6. biaxial figures with 2V up to l0o. X-ray single-crystal Vivid red-orange fluorescencein ultraviolet light. Opti- structural study (R : 0.040) gave hexagonal symmetry, cally uniaxial positive, a : 1.618(2),e : 1.626(2).The spacegroup P62m; the X-ray powder pattern (diffractom- infrared pattern is similar to that of eudialyte, with weak eter, CuKa radiation) has strongest lines of 7.81 extinctionsat 1600 and 3400-3500 cm-'. Single-crystal (35,001,0 1 0), 3.888(5 1,002, 1 I 1,020),3.481 (24,012,021), X-ray study showedtrigonal symmetry, spacegroupR3rn, 2.937 (100,112,120),2.750 (25,022,121),and 1.948 a: 14.046(2),c: 60.60(\ A. Groups of [Si,O,] and two (26,123,222,040),from which a: 8.996(3),c : 7.799(3) A. types of [Si,oOrr]are presentin the structure. The powder The mineral occirrswith magnetite,pyrochlore, phlog- pattern is almost identical to that of eudialyte; strongest opite, chlorite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, apatite, barite, alstonite, lines(35 given)are: 7. l4(80,1 l0), 2.960(100,315),2.825 and nenadkevichitein dolomite-calcite carbonatitesof the ( I 00,404),and, 1.7 62(80,44O). Vuoriyarvi alkaline-ultramafic massive, Kola Peninsula, The mineral occurs in ultra-agpaitic pegmatitesat Al- USSR. The new name is for Soviet mineralogist I. V. luaiv Mountain, Lovozero alkaline massive, Kola Pen- Belkov (1917-1989). Type material is in the Fersman insula, USSR. The pegmatites consist of nepheline, so- Mineralogical Museum, Moscow, USSR. dalite, and potassium feldsparplus arfvedsonite,aegirine, Discussion.Structural study of the then-unnamedmin- a cancrinite-like mineral of composition NarAlrSir- eral was abstractedin Am. Mineral., 76, p. 671, 1991. O,.(CO3),alkaline silicates,and Ti-, Nb-, and Zr-silicates. J.L.J. The name is for the place of occurrence.Type material is at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Moscow, USSR. Bogvadite+ Discussion. The X-ray structural study is reported in Doklady Akad. Nauk,S,SSR,312(6), 1379-1383, 1990. H. Pauly, O.V. Petersen(1988) Bogvadite, NarSrBa,AloF2o, J.P. a new fluoride from the cryolite deposit, Ivigtut, S. Greenland.Bull. Geol. Soc.Denmark, 37, 2l-30. Belkovite* The average of electron-microprobe analyses of I I A.V. Voloshin, V.V. Subbotin, ya.A. pakhomovskii, crystalsgave Na 5.57,Sr 7.03,Ba 32.17,Al 12.45,F40- A.Yu. Bakhchisaraitsev, N.A. yamnova,D.yu. pu- 45, F*r"42.85, sum 100.07wt0/0, corresponding to Nar.,r- Sro,, Ba, orAloonFro, ideally NarSrBarAloFro.Crystals are 0.05 * Before publication, minerals marked with an asterisk were to 0. 15 mm, blocky, somewhat rounded with strongly approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral corrodedfaces, showing {ll0} and {010} terminatedby Names, International Mineralogical Association. {012}, slightlyelongate [00]. Colorless,transparent, vit- 0003-004x/91/09 l0- I 728$02.00 1728 JAMBOR AND PUZIEWICZ: NEW MINERAL NAMES t729 reousluster, white streak,nonfluorescent, uneven fracture, negative,nonpleochroic, a : 1.660(l),0 : 1.725(l),7 : : : VHN,': 300(50),D-"." 3.85,D*r" 3.898 g/cm3with 1.76|(l),2V^,": 70o,2V.k: 74o, weak r < udispersion, : Z 2. Optically biaxial negative, a : 1.4326(2), 0 : Z : c. Single-crystalX-ray structural study (R* : 0.036) | .4360(2),7 : 1.438 9(2) for tr : 58 9 nm, 2V^*": 87(0. 5)., showed monoclinic symmetry, space group Pm, a : : : : 2Vurc: 85(6)',a c, A a, t b,optic-axisplane {010}. 4.976(2),b:8.468(2), c :7.212A, B : lO.O+13)".Strong- X-ray single-crystalstudies gave orthorhombic symmetry, est lines of a I 14.6-mm Gandolfi powder pattern (FeKa : spacegroup Pnmn or Pn2n,a:7.110(3), , 19.907(10), radiation)are 5.49(60,01 1), 4.26(100, 1 l 0), 3.67(70, 1 I l ), : c 5.347(3) A as refined from a Guinier-Hiigg powder 2.905(90,r02), 2.320(70,131), 2.048(80,221), and pattern (CuKa, radiation) with strongest lines of 1.979(70,212). 9.9681(40,020),6.6886(40,1 l0), 3.2403(t00,t41), The mineral was found atop pinkish orthoclase in a 3.1945(50,051), 2.924t(50,211), 2.6681(40,002\, miarolitic cavity in granite in a quarry at Baveno, Pied- 2.3758(40,25 I ), and 2.I I 58(50, I 52,321,1 90). mont, Italy. The repository for type material is not given. The mineral occurs with jarlite, ralstonite, barite, J.L.J. K-mica, quartz, and a kaolinitelike mineral in the cryolite deposit at Ivigtut, Greenland. The new name is for Rich- ard Bogvad (deceasedI 952), former chiefgeologistfor the company that mines the cryolite deposit. Grechishchevite* Discussion.A repository for type material is not given. V.I. Vasil'ev, L.V. Usova, N.A. Pal'chik (1989) Grechi- J.L.J. shchevite-HgrSr(Br,Cl,I)r-A new supergenemercury sulfohalide.Geol. Geophys.,30(7), 6l-69 (In Russian, English translation available). Calcian mottramite The averageof I I electron-microprobe analyses(nine K.A. Lazebnik,N.V. Zayakina(1989) Calcium mottram- for material from the Arzak deposit, two from Kadyrel) ite, the first known representativeof a new isomorphic gaveHg 73.00,Br 9.85,Cl 2.05,I5.86,S 7.83,Se 0.02, mottramite-tangeite series.Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, sum 98.61 wt0/0,corresponding to HgrorSroo(Br,orCloon- 306(2), 434438 (in Russian, English translation avail- Io.r),, n,, ideally HgrSr(Br,Cl,I)r. Occurs on fracture walls able). as films consistingof minute prisms and groups of equant The average of seven electron-microprobe analyses to slightly elongategrains to 0.2 mm (Anakdeposit); also gave4.82 wtoloCaO (range 3.98-5.94 wto/o'Sand the aver- as powdery massesand as concretions of short prismatic age formula (PbourCao r,)"o.nr(Cu, o,Zlo o,)r, or(Vo nr- crystals to 0.3 mm (Kadyrel occurrence).Color variably P00s)r,.0oOo(OH)."The mineral . is an intermediate bright or dark orange,slowly darkening to brown-orange, member of a new mottramite-tangeite series.Since our then black. Streak deep yellow to yellow with a slight mineral is closerto mottramite, we designateit as calcium orange tint, luster vitreous to adamantine, brittle, I1r, : mottramite." 106(88-l l6) kglmm, (Mohs =2.5), distinctcleavage par- Discussion.The approved name for tangeite is calcio- allel to prism elongation. Fragments blacken in 400/oKOH; volborthite(l m. Mineral.,75,p. 1214,1990);the mineral unaffectedby HCI or HNOr. In transmitted light, trans- described is calcian mottramite or, as the authors also parent, parallel extinction, uniaxial positive, refractive in- state in their concluding paragraph, a calcic variety of dices >2, pleochroic from straw-yellow (E')to yellow (O). mottramite. J.L.J. Gray-white and anisotropic in reflected light, distinctly bireflectant from gray-white (R) to gray (Ri) with corre- spondingreflectance values (nm, o/o)436,22.8, 19.2;460, Calcio-ancylite-(Nd)* 24.5,22.2;500,21.4, 18.9; 546, 19.8,17.3;590, 18.8, 16.5;620,18.9,16.7;656, 18.1, 15.9. Strong light orange P. Orlandi, M. Pasero,G.
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