iCO <£> ioo ftO ico THE COLLECTION OF ANCIENT GREEK INSCRIPTIONS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM PART II EDITED BY C. T. NEWTON KEEPER OF THE GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES AT THE CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD 1883 CH ptZ i^t \^^ / ^ n- s PREFACE. The first Part of 'The Collection of Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum/ published in 1874, contained those found in Attika. In editing the Part now published I have followed the geographical arrangement adopted by Bockh, placing first the inscriptions from the Peloponnese, after which follow those from Northern Greece, Macedonia, Thrace, the Kimmerian Bosporos, and the islands of the Greek Archipelago. All the inscriptions from the island of Kalymna, and most of those from Rhodes, Kos, and Lesbos, are now published for the first time. I have to acknowledge the very valuable aid I have received in preparing this Part from Mr. A. S. Murray and Mr. Cecil H. Smith, Assistants in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, who have carefully collated the uncial texts with the original marbles, and revised every sheet as it passed through the press, contributing at the same time valuable suggestions as to the decypherment and interpretation of certain very difficult inscriptions. Part III, edited by the Rev. E. L. Hicks, and now in the Press, will contain the inscriptions from Priene, Ephesos, and lasos. C. T. NEWTON. CONTENTS OF PART II. PAGE Chapter I. INSCRIPTIONS FROM MEGARA, ARGOLIS, LAKONIA, . i KYTHERA, ARKADIA . Chapter II. INSCRIPTIONS FROM BOEOTIA, THESSALY, CORCYRA, MACEDONIA .17 Chapter III. INSCRIPTIONS FROM THRACE AND THE KIMMERIAN BOSPOROS 34 Chapter IV. ISLANDS OF THE AEGEAN : THASOS, LESBOS, SAMOS, KALYMNA, KOS, TELOS, RHODES, KASSOS, KARPATHOS 46 Chapter V. MELOS, DELOS, lOS, SIPHNOS, TENOS .... 141 Chapter VI. KRETE, CYPRUS . - 151 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART H. Plate I, Fig. i. FACSIMILE OF No. CXXXVII Plate I, Fig, 2. FACSIMILE OF No. CXXXIX - To FACE Page 3. Plate I, Fig. 3. FACSIMILE OF No. CLVII Plate II, Fig. i. FACSIMILE OF No. CLXV "^ To face Page 29. Plate II, Fig. 2. FACSIMILE OF No. CLXVII Plate III. FACSIMILE OF No. CLXVI . To FACE Page 30. Woodcut of INSCRIPTION ON BRONZE VOTIVE HARE, No. CCXXX, Page 53. m. du ilo- in Notice to Binder. Insert the four pages of Inscription CCCLXXVII between pages 146 and 147. The two with upright Greek characters to come first, those with sloping Greek characters to follow, according to the number- ing of the lines in the Inscription. n THE FOLLOWING WORKS HAVE BEEN QUOTED IN AN ABBREVIATED FORM. Abhandlungcn der koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Berlin, 1815; in progress. Annali dell' Institute di Corrispondenza Archeologica. Roma, from 1839; in progress. Archaologische Zeitung, Denkmaler und Forschungen. Berlin, from 1849; in progress. Archives des Missions Scientifiques et Littdraires. Choix de rapports et instructions publi6 sous les auspices du Ministre de I'lnstruction Publique et des Cultes. Paris, 1850-56, and 1864 (deuxi^me s^rie) ; in progress. 'AOrfvaiov, (Tuyypafifia irfpioSiKOf, 'AOrivrjcrLv, 187a; in progress. Ausgrabungen zu Olympia, hcrausgegeben von E. Curtius, &c. Berlin, 1876-1 881. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der koniglichen sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Philo- logisch-Historische Classe. Leipzig, 1849 > '"^ progress. Bulletin de Correspondance Helldnique. Athens and Paris, from 1877 ; in progress. Bullettino dell' Institute di Corrispondenza Archeologica. Roma, from 1829; in progress. Bulletin Arch^ologique de I'Athenaeum Fran9ais. Paris, 1855. Bulletin Historico-Philologique de I'Acaddmie Imp6riale des Sciences de St. P^tersbourg. St. P^tersbourg, 1850; in progress. Brondsted, P. O. Voyages et Recherches dans la Gr^ce. Paris, 1826-1830. Cauer, P. Delectus Inscriptionum Graecarum propter dialectum memorabilium. Lipsiae, 1877. (C. I.) Bockh, Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum. Berlin, 1828-1853. (C. I. A.) Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum consilio Academiae litterarum regiae Borussicae editum. Berlin, 1873 ; in progress. Classical Journal. London, 1810-1829. Compte Rendu de la Commission Impdriale Arch^ologique. St. P^tersbourg, i860; in progress. Daremberg, Ch., et Saglio, Edm. Dictionnaire des Antiquit^s Grecques et Romaines. Paris, 1873 ; in progress. 'E(prj/xepi9 'Ap-)(a.io\oyiKfj, . eKSiSo/jLivr] Kara ^acriXLKrjv Siarayi^y iinb Trjs 'Ap)(^aioXoyiKfJ9 ' ETriTp&Trrfs. 'Adrji'ijaiy, 1837-1870- Ephemeris Epigraphica, Corporis Inscriptionum Latinarum Supplementum, edita jussu Instituti Archasologici Romani. Roma, 1872 ; in progress. Facsimiles of Manuscripts and Inscriptions published by the Palaeographical Society. Edited by E. A. Bond and E. M. Thompson. London, 1873; in progress. Foucart-Lebas*, Voyage arch^ologique en Grece et Asie Mineure. Paris, 1848; in progress. Gottingische gelehrte Anzeigen, hcrausgegeben von der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Gottingen, 1824; in progress. Greek Inscriptions, the Collection of Ancient, in the British Museum. Edited by C. T. Newton. Part I, Attika, edited by E. L. Hicks. Oxford, 1874. Hermes, Zeitschrift fiir classische Philologie. Berlin, 1866; in progress. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft : hcrausgegeben von Conrad Bursian. Berlin, 1875; in progress. Journal of Hellenic Studies, published by the Council of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Lon- don, 1880 ; in progress. Leipziger Studien zur classischen Philologie, hcrausgegeben von G. Curtius, L. Lange, O. Ribbeck, H. Lipsius. Leipzig, 1878 ; in progress. Melanges Greco- Romains de I'Acad^mie Imp^riale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. St. P6tersbourg, 1855 ; in progress. Memoires de I'Academie Impdriale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. St. Petersbourg, Vll" sdrie, 1859; in progress. Mnemosynt, Bibliotheca Philologica Batava, collegerunt H. T. Karsten, &c. Nova Series. Lugduni Batavorum, 1873; in progress. Mittheilungen des deutschen archaologischen Institutes in Athen. Athen, 1876; in progress. Mova-dof Kal Bi^XioBrjKrj ttjs EvayyeXiKrjs Z)(oXfjs. Zfivpyr), 1876; in progress. Neue Jahrbiicher fiir Philologie und Padagogik, hcrausgegeben von A. Fleckeisen. Leipzig, 1831 ; in progress. Nouvelle Revue Historique de Droit Fran9ais et Ftranger: publid sous la direction de MM. Laboulaye, Dareste, &c. Paris, 1877; in progress. Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society. Edited by J. Evans, W. Vaux, and B. V. Head. London; ist series, 1836-1860; 2nd series, 1861-1880; 3rd series, 1881; in progress. PaySmpa: a-vyypamia TrepioSiKov . ZvvraKTai : A. P.' Pay Ka^rjs, K. riaTrapprjyoTTovXos, N. Apayov/xr)^. 'Ev 'AOrjvais, 1851 ; in progress. <PiXi(TTa>p : (Tvyypafifia TrepioSiKov (f>iXoXoyiKw Kal natSaycoyiKoy, ^KSiSofKi/of virb Z. KovfiavovSov k. t. X. 'Ev 'A drjvais, 1861-1863. <t>tXoXoytKbs ZvXXoyos. Tov iv KcouaTavTiuovnoXei 'EXXtjpikov 'PiXoXoyiKov ZvXXoyov rii. mpicroiOtvTa. 'Ev K<ov- (TTavTiPovnoXd, 1865 ; in progress. Philologus, Zeitschrift fiir dasklassische Alterthum, hcrausgegeben von E. von Lcutsch. Gottingen, 1846; in progress. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of London. London, l'85i ; in progress. Revue Archeologique. Paris, 1844-1859. Nouvelle S^rie, from i860; in progress. Revue de Legislation Ancienne et Moderne, Fran9aise et Etrang^re, publi6e sous la direction de MM. Laboulaye, &c. Paris, 1 870-1 873. Rheinisches Museum fiir Philologie. Neue Folge, Frankfurt am Main, 1871 ; in progress. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. Second Series. London, 1843; in progress. Waddington-Lebas*, Voyage archeologique en Gr^ce et Asie Mineure. Paris, 1848 ; in progress. * The different portions of this work are quoted under the names of the separate authors, thus, Foucart-Lebas, Waddington-Lebas. PART 11. CHAPTER I. INSCRIPTIONS FROM MEGARA, ARGOLIS, LAKONIA, KYTHERA, ARKADIA. CXXXVI. Two fragments of white marble found at Megara. a is broken on three sides. On the left side it has been roughly tooled by a modern hand, probably to fit it as a jamb for a door or window. Height, i ft. 5 in. ; width, 6 in. b is broken on all four sides, and has been similarly tooled at the sides. Height, i ft. 3^ in. ; width, 65 in. a is probably from the upper part of the stone, of which the original size cannot be guessed. Brought from Greece by Percy Clinton, Viscount Strangford. C. I. 1052 b. p. 920. a. b. oNoloX- I o N Y X I c oIETAIPoAEI X E N K - TANEIoNEPn K E X E I P ^ NAYTolSiEKEXEl IKOXIKAITOIX'' KAinPolENoYX PAinN inNAAIoNYXAN lAoioNTEXK A0IXMAEITOIX XoiNoPinNA EAiriNinN NOOAHMoNP XTEIPoYKAITo PEXBEYTAFKI 10 TAIXHTEIPAi 10 nNolNoPliiNox 3YNKAITANPC AXOYXIAXKAI oXXPHXMoX AlAAEroMENoY'* oYXToiXENToi < EXOAITANEKE ANTEXYNPE oXKAlANANEIiX 15 ATAPPorErP IS \EKAITANXnP/ XINAYTAXKAIK TflNKAIAXYAoi IPEPOIEIMEN NTIKOIN ToX<J)lAIPP oYMEN TETn T a. ovoioi . r]ay Qvaia^ Kal eSlo^e ra iroXn ^kiraivkcrai roiis Sduas . KaX(<rai 8k avTois Kal im ^(fia . SiaXfyofievov (TTi 71 Koivav ecrriay fii TrpvhiTafewf f av , nape^\f(T6ai rai/ fK(^\(ipiat> f avToTs eKe^dlpiav . OS Kal dvaviwa . Kal vpo^kvovs . «5 . S\ Kal rap ^(opalf . OiVoTrl/co^a, Aiovvaav . T(ov Kal davXo^v .... (Pfrl KOti^coi' \fr^d.(pLcTna el toi x . dya6S)v ? . n }lfSicoy Tcof ? . OVfliV TfTCB . 7r]/)«rj8€i/Tay ;c 20 , . T Oil' Olfonicovos MEGARA — ARGOS. b. l^iovva-io .... TO, lEcoTfipa . CtiVKT , . .... ovv Kal Tau TToTXir . , • "y XP^'^h°^ . iKodi Kal ToTs . ovs ToTi kv Toi . paiwv , . TJdy re <Tvvy^pap.iiivav 1 i.'^ . (f\iKoL ovrei k , Karja ra TTpoyeyp^^afifieva . , . OivoTTimva . , . aif avTas Kal k . 'AKajv&oStjftov ? , . 7rfnoiei/i€y[os or 01 . aTftpov Kal TO , . Tos 0(Ai7r7r 1 The subject of this inscription is not clear. We be the sacred truce at the Olympic festival. This have in a, lines 2, 7, a decree of the city, then would explain the davXia, which seems to be con- mention of a truce, kKiyeipta lines 4, 13, npS^ffoi ferred on some territory, a, line t6. line 5, irpea-^evrai line 9, sacrifices line 11. If the 6, line 12, an oracle, xPWh-o^, is referred to. restoration of lines 2, 3, given above, is correct, Bockh supposes the persons invited to the Prytaneion would pro- the Oinopion, d, line 7, and a, line 6, to be the son of Dionysos bably be the irpfo-^iVTai of line 9.
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