Executive Aid Legislative Departments

Executive Aid Legislative Departments

[0.] ANNUAL REGISTER OF THE EXECUTIVE AID LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENTS OF THE iotontfttt of Hasmjraseifs, 18 6 9. 70 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. 1st year Occupation. NAME AND OFFICE. Residence. Date of Birth. Native rlace. in ofllce. William Claflin, Governor, • Newton, . Mar. G, 1818, Milford, . Merchant, 1869. Joseph Tucker, Lieutenant-Governor, • Lenox, Aug. 21, 1832, Lenox, Lawyer, . 1869. Marshall S. Underwood, Councillor, Dist. No. 1, Dennis, June 29, 1812, Harwich, . Grocer, . 1869. Charles Endicott, " 1 2, Canton, . Oct. 28, 1822, Canton, Lawyer, . 1868. Thomas Rice, Jr., " ' 3, Newton, . Dec. 16, 1810, Newton, Paper Manufacturer, 1867. Otis Norcross, " ' 4, Boston, Nov. 2, 1811, Boston, Merchant, 1869. Roland G. Usher, " ' 5, Lynn, Jan. 6, 1823, Medford, . - 1868. Thomas Talbot, " ' 6, Billerica, . Sept. 7, 1818, Cambridge, N.Y., Manufacturer,. 1865. 1867. Charles Adams, Jr., " ' 7, N. Brookfield, . Jan. 31, 1810, Antrim, N. II., . - Horatio G. Knight, " ' 8, Easthampton, . Mar. 24, 1810, Easthampton, Manufacturer,. 1868. Charles II. Taylor, Governor's Private Secretary, Somerville, July 14, 1846, Charlestown, Journalist, 1869. Heads of Departments,—- Oliver Warner, Secretary,. , April 17, 1818, Northampton, 1858. Jacob H. Loud, Treasurer, . Feb. 5, 1802, Ilingham, . Lawyer, 1853. Henry S. Briggs, Auditor,. Aug. 1, 1824, Lanesborough, Lawyer, 1866. Charles Allen, Attorney-General, . , April 17, 1827, Greenfield, Lawyer, 1867. James A. Cunningham, Adjutant-General, Nov. 27, 1830, Boston, Farmer, 1866. Vx Vx 05 LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. SENATE. ROBERT C. PITMAN* PRESIDENT. Districts. 1st year Date of Birth. Native Place. Occupation. in Leg. SUFFOLK COUNTY. First District, Charles R. McLean, . Boston, April 12, 1824, Caledonia, N. S.,. Millwright, . fl865. Second " Alonzo M. Giles, Boston, Feb. 25, 1821, Brookfield, N. II., Boston Gas Works, flSGl. Third « Ellis Wesley Morton, Boston, Oct. 8, 1840, No. Bridgewater,. Counsellor, . fl86S. TJ Fourth " Horace II. Coolidge,. Boston, Feb. 11, 1832, Boston, Lawyer, fl865. Fifth " ¡3 Samuel Dexter Crane, Boston, June 14, 18JG, Boston, Merchant, 1868. 2: Sixth " Benjamin Dean, Boston, Aug. 14, 1824, England, Counsellor-at-Law, 1862. I—ÖI ESSEX COUNTY. M First District, George H. Sweetser,. Saugus, Feb. 12, 1823, Saugus, Manufacturer, 1867. Second " Nathaniel J. Ilolden,. Salem, . June 17, 1826, Salem,. Lawyer, f 1864. Third " Julius A. Palmer, Boxford, June 14, 1803, Little Compton, R. I.. Merchant, •f 1843. Fourth " Richard Plumer, Newburyport, July 24, 1813, Newburyport, Dry Goods Dealer, 1869. Fifth « J. Scott Todd, . Rowley, July G, 1828, Rowley, Grocer, . 1867. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. First District, Oliver H. P. Smith, . Charlestown, July 8, 1824, Ilolderness, N. II., Express & Teaming, 1868. Second " George O. Brastow, . Somerville, . Sept. 8, 1811, Wrentham, . Trader,. f 1849. Third " Estes Howe, Cambridge, . July 13, 1814, Worthington, Ex-Physician, 1869. Fourth " Edmund Dowse, Sherborn, Sept. 17, 1813, Sherborn, Clergyman, . 1869. Fifth » Daniel Needham, Grotou, May 24, 1822, Salem,. Attorney-at-Law, . 1867. Sixth District, . Joseph G. Pollard, . Woburn, Feb. 11, 1833, Wilton, N. II., Leather Manufaet'i Seventh " Joshua N. Marshall, . fl805. Lowell,. May 22, 1830, Dracut, Lawyer, fl863. WORCESTER COUNTY. .First District, George M. Rice, Worcester, . Nov. 21, 1810, West Brookfield, Manufacturer, Second " Charles A. Wheelock, 1869. Uxbridge, Feb. 27, 1812, Uxbridge, . Manufacturer, 1869. Third " L. J. Knowles, . Warren, July 2, 1819, Ilardwick, . Fourth " Manufacturer, |1862. George M. Buttrick, . Barre, . Nov. 24, 1822, Rindge, N. H., Manufacturer, Fifth John H. Lockey, 11855. Leominster, . July 25, 1822, St. John, N. B., Manufacturer, fl866. HAMPDEN COUNTY. First District, . Charles R. Ladd, . Springfield, . April 9, 1822, Tolland, Conn., Second " Insurance Agent, tl853. George S. Taylor, Chicopee Falls, Mar. 2, 1822, South Hadley, Manufacturer, fl860. BERKSHIRE AND HAMP- t> SHIRE COUNTIES. Ti Hampshire District, . Edward A. Thomas, . Preseott, April 10, 1829, New Salem,. T Berkshire & Hampshire Dis., Merchant, fl864. Richmond Kingman,. Cummington, Jan. 2, 1821, Cummington, Trader, . M Berkshire District, Charles J. Kittredge, fl868. ÎZÎ Hinsdale, April 1, 1818, Hinsdale, Manufacturer, -(•1868. t—a I FRANKLIN COUNTY. M Franklin District, Whiting Griswold, Greenfield, Nov. 12, 1814, Buckland, Lawyer, fl848. NORFOLK AND PLYMOUTH COUNTIES. First Norfolk District, George H. Monroe, . Boston Highlands, Aug. 28, 1826, Dedham, Journalist, fl864. Second " " Charles Marsh, . Quincy, April 11, 1818, Quincy, Third " » Leather Dealer, fl861. Joseph G. Ray,. Franklin, Oct. 4, 1831, Blackstone, Norfolk and Plymouth Dis. Manufacturer, fl860. Francis A. Hobart, . So. Braintree, Sept. 18, 1833, Braintree, First Plymouth District, Boot Manufacturer, fl860. Gershom B. Weston,. Duxbury, Aug. 27, 1799, Duxbury, Merchant, 11828. Second " « Jona. White, . N.Bridgewa'r, Aug. 22, 1819, Randolph, Attorney-at-Law, . fl8G4. : MR - PITMAN resigned his seat June 19, and Mr. GEOROE O. BRASTOW was elected President. t House of Representatives. Ot Ut Onr 00 Districts. 1st year Names. Residence. Date of Birth. Native riace. Occupation. in Leg. BRISTOL COUNTY. First District, . Harrison Tweed, Taunton, Feb. 17, 1806, So. Reading, Ag'tTaunton Locom. Co., »1852. Second " Robert C. Pitman, . New Bedford, Mar. 16, 1825, Newport, lt. I., . Lawyer, *1858. Third "... John B. Hathaway, . Fall River, . June 28, 1809, Rochester, . Merchant, *1866. BARNSTABLE, NANTUCKET AND DUKES COUNTIES. Cape District, . Nathaniel E. Atwood, Provincetown, Sept. 13, 1807, Provincetown, Lecturer on Fisheries, . *1857. Island " George A. King, Barnstable, . Mar. 12, 1834, Charlestown, R.I., Lawyer, 1869. fe) OFFICERS OP THE SENATE. g 1st year NAME AND OFFICE. Residence. Date of Birth. Native Flace. in office. Stephen N. Gilford, Clerk, Duxbury, . July 21, 1815, Pembroke, 1858. Benjamin C. Dean, Assistant-Clerk, Lowell, Mar. 8, 1843, Lowell, 1862. Edward N. Kirk, Chaplain, Boston, - - 1869. John Morissey, Sergeant-at-Arms, Plymouth,. Sept. 22, 1818, Boston, 1859. * House of Itcpreaentatives. HOXJSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HARVEY JEWELL, SPEAKER. Name of Representative. Date of Birth. Native Place. Occupation. SUFFOLK COUNTY. Wesley A. Gove, Boston, Sept. 9, 1836 Boston, . Wood & Coal Dealer, No. 1, Luther A. Wright, May 14, 1828 Grafton, Merchant,. Francis A. Perry, Dec. 30, 1835 Belchertown,. Lawyer, . Dennis Cawley, Jr., Dec. 6, 1836 Ireland, Grocer, Murdoek Matheson, Aug. 15, 1827 Grand River,Cape Breton. Michael Carney, Nov. 12, 1827 Ireland,. Trader, Avery Plumer, . May 6, 1813 Portsmouth, N. II., Commission Merchant, Lyman S. Ilapgood, Dec. 10, 1822 Waterford, Me., . Merc. Savings Bank, James H. Roberts, Apr. 15, 1831 Gilford, N. H Manufacturer, . Dexter S. King, Aug. 16, 1806 Leicester, John Brown, Feb. 28, 1811 Waltham, Trader, John P. Ober, . Feb. 7, 1805 Salem, . Cooper, Otis Rich, Aug. 30, 1806 Lynn, . Assessor of City of Boston, William G. Brooks, Oct. 12, 1805 Portland, Me Hardware Merchant, Dennis J. Gorman, Oct. 25, 1842 Boston, . Clerk, Ilarvey Jewell,. May 26, 1820 Manchester, N. H. Lawyer, . Linus M. Child, Mar. 14, 1835 Soutlibridge, . Lawyer, . John J. Smith, . Nov. 2, 1820 Richmond, Va., Hair Dresser, Patrick A. Collins, Mar. 13, 1844 Fermoy, Ireland, Law Student, Hugh A. Madden, Mar. 31, 1839 Boston, . Grocer, William P. Tyler, O* ZJx «5 Or Oì o 1st year Districts. Name of Representative. Date of Birth. Native Place. Occupation. in Leg. SUFFOLK CO.— Con. Moses Kimball, . Boston, Oct. 24, 1809, Newburyport, Boston Museum, 1850. No. 8, P. Ambrose Young, . Sept. 11, 1824, Boston, . Apothecary, 1868. Nathaniel C. Nash, . Apr. 4, 1804, S. Scituate, Merchant,. 1858. L. Miles Standish, Aug. 15, 1808, Bath, Me., Mason and Builder, 1S69. Jeremiah L. Newton, Oct. 2, 1824, l'hillipston, Lawyer, . 1869. 10, Samuel G. Bowdlear, Jan. 10, 1813, Boston, . Flour Dealer, . *1867. Alvah A. Burrage, May 30, 1823, Leominster, Merchant,. 1867. James Horswell, 11, Solomon Carter, Jan. 19, 1816, Lancaster, Druggist, . 1869. ^T ) Lansing Millis, . Sept. 3, 1823, Lansingburg, N. Y., Railroads, . 1869. Robert Johnson, 12, July 18, 1823, Harrison, Me., R. R. Superintendent 1863. 55 William W. Nichols, Apr. 8, 1820, Columbia, Me., Merchant,. 1869. Ö Andrew L. Haskell, Chelsea, Aug. 22, 1806, Newburyport, Manufacturer, . 1869. i—* 13, Kufus S. Owen, Jan. 20, 1817, Brunswick, Me., Trader, 1867. M Caleb Lombard, Oct. 20, 1817, Wellfleet, . Salesman, . 1869. ESSEX COUNTY. No. 1, Joseph N. Clark, Salisbury, Oct. 17, 1808, Salisbury, Tanner and Currier, 1869. William II. Haskell, . W. Amesbury, Sept. 21, 1810, Newburyport, Bank President, 1869. Sam'l K. Towle, Haverhill, Aug. 11, 1829, Parsonsfield, Me., Physician,. 2, Eben Mitchell, . Mar. 28, 1818, Methuen, Ilat.Manufacturer, 1869. ThorndikeD. Ilodges, Dec. 19, 1836, Salem, . Lawyer, 1869. William A. Russell, . Lawrence, Apr. 22, 1832, Wells River, Vt., Paper Manufacturer 1869. 3, Frederick Butler, u May 3, 1827, England, Manufacturer, . 1869. Kimball C. Gleason, . Methuen, Apr. 30, 1809, Haverhill, Manufacturer, . 1869. 4, Augustine K. Russell, Andover, June 24, 1820, Bradford, Shoe Business, . 1S69. No. 5, Oliver S. Butler, Georgetown, . Dec. 14 1826, Harwich, Clergyman, 1869. David T. Woodwell,. Newburyport,. Oct. 7 1820, Newbury, Hardware Merchant, 1869. 6, Horace Choate,. a Joseph N. Rolfe, Newbury, Aug. 22 1822, Newbury, Miller and Farmer, . 1869. 7, Josiah Lord, Jr., Ipswich, . Aug. 1 1820, Ipswich,

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