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Those too lerge to be Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre entirely included in one exposure are filmed reproduit en un seul clich*. il est film* * partir beginning In the upper left hand corner, left to de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite. right and top to bottom, as many frames as et de heut en bas. an prenent le nombre required. The following diegrams illustrate the d'imeges nAcessslre. Les diagrammee suivants method: illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 6 6 Mtaocan msouirioN tkt omit (ANSI ond ISO Tf ST CHART No. 2) 125 tit 1^ 12.2 ISi _ fkm2.0 1.25 ^ /1PPUEDJVHGE Inc '653 £o»( Mam Slr««t "^ (716) t»l - OJOO - Phone (716) 3aa - s9n - fo. "^ BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS AT HOME AND ABROAD i >k. i h J . X ^. > <_. k- A 4;i 3a Butterflies and Moths AT HOME AND ABROAD BY H. ROWLAND-BROWN M.A, F.E.S. MEMBER OF THK KNTOMOLOGICAL SOCIFTY OF FRANCE, AND OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETV OF GENEVA :v^.;_::£NCE WITH 21 FULL-PAGE PLATES TORONTO BELL AND COCKBURN \r)li R£F...R£NCE i DEDICATED TO M. CHARLES OBERTHUR of Rennes flRST Ob- KIKLD NATURALISTS 39685 ; AUTHOR'S PREFACE An elementary work of this kind necessarily displays many imperfections. The subject is too wide for casual survey the treatment of the few species of British butterflies and moths I h'.ve attempted to describe falls fr short of what, as a naturalist, I am conscious it should be. M>- aim in writing, however, has been rather to guide and to suggest than to provide further material for advanced students ; and I venture to hope that the indications given may induce those who are drawn towards Entomology, whether as pastime or study, to fill in the outlines for themselves fr .n the inexhaustible Book of Nature. The difficulty of painting scientific pictures accurately with the primary colours of simple language is acknowledged by advanced workers. I have tried to dispense with techni- calities, but in some cases, of course, esppcially in my remarks tipon classification and in the Second Part, I have been compelled to employ a certain number of special words and terms. None t'le less, I trust that, with the help of the explanations in the text, and of the color plates, my meaning will be intelligible .o beginners, to .nom chiefly my remarks are addressed. For many details I am indebted to " The I.arv?p of the 7 Author's Preface Buckler, British Butterflies and Moths," by the late William for the arrangement published by the Ray Society ; and "British and nonicnclature of the Super-Families, to work, Lepidoptera." by the late James W. Tutt—a great the premature death of unhappily cut , hort last year by author. the ^ ^ ^ January igix. CONTENTS PART I PACK I. I'SKS THE OF COI.l KCTIN(; AND OBSKRVATION '3 II KNTOMOLOr.V : ITS - MKAMNi; THE EGG-TIIK l,AK\ A I HK PUPA— THE PERKF.CT NlKCT — I KKMS KMIM.()VF.I> TO DKSCKIIiK THEIR STKUCTfUK Ill n.ASSIFIOATI'JN— NAMES, SCIENTIFIC AM) I'OI'LI.AR — ME \NINC OF TERMS- LI-.T OF THE SUI'ER-FAMILIKS OF LKPIDOPTERA IV. kFAKINO 11REK|JIN(. AND 35 V. THE l'ERr.;'T IN> .XT - KILlINli—SETTIN(;- sTuRlNG 45 VI. DISTRIIiUTION—IMMIGRATION— COLONIS.ATION .... S5 VII. COLLECTINC. 66 VIII. PROTECTIVE POWERS -MIMICRV, ETC n PART II DESCRIITIONS OF GENEKA AN1> .Sl'ECIES A. HUTTERFMES . 83 A A. B. C. MOTHS 154. 194. 232 NOTE .Vhere authors' names arc not given in full after the names of species they arc abbreviated as follows :- ~ Bgstr. Hergstrasser. Och. dchsenhcimer. Bkh. Boric hausen. Pall. rai!a5. CI. Clerck. Rbr. Rambur. Don. Donovan. RoU. Roltcmburg. Dbld. Doubleday. Schitr. SchifTermUllcr. Ksp. Esper. Sc. Scopoli. F. Kabricius. Stt. Stainton. Kucssl. Fuesslv. Stgr. Staudingcr. Gem. (Jerning. Thnl.. Thunberg. Hb. MUbncr. View. Vieweg. Hafn. Hufnagel. Wallgi. Walleiigren. Haw. Haworth. Z. Zeller. Kn. Knoch. Zett. Zetterstedt. L. Linn;^us, LIST AND EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. The letter a denotes the larva of each '^pecics numbered, m. = male, f. = female. pat:* too). Pl-AIK I. {FretUisfiite). i'lAri; V. (Fadng Euvantssa aHlitf<a Camberwell . The Smrcc r . IfhieliiUi fiodalirim Bcanty. Swallow-tail. Granville Fritil- Black-veined Melittta cin.xia . 2 Atvria cralirri . The White. lary. Friiillary. , atha 'ia Heath Swallowtail. , }. rapitiemacha.n . The . , aurtlia. Large White. 4. I'irris irmsu.. The , , diiiyma. Pcarl-bor- Hnnlhis sttine . Small Platk II. [haciHg MK' 29)- dcrcd Fritillary. tuf^hrosynt . I'carl Ixirdeiwl a.-ollo . The .Apollo Butter Pamassius Fritillary. lly. mri' mayiie, „ Plate. VI. (l-aans f-:' '"7) F.uchlot ratdaminfi . Orange Tip. Wliitr. Brfiilhis iiio. Pitris raf; . The Small aglaia Dark-Rrecn Fritil- Colioi kyali Talc Clouiled Arxytnis Villow. lary. \ cllow. fiicnthii amatniisia. ,, edtna rioiuled ptiphia Silver - washed Thais /•olyxriiit. Dryas Fritillary. Arxyniiis laodice. I'LAli; III. {Ccr.'fr). Tin: Mnrttled .
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