PAGE 20 PRESS & DAKOTAN I TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 fire out when we got to the quested by the defense. 1625 Mobile Homes For 1705 Items $100 or Less Fires scene,” he stated. “There was Wilson Yankton authorities say Rent Large area rug $25. Hose reel no damage to the house.” Wilson assaulted his girl- Nickles said Sunday’s con- Nice newer 2-bedroom only & hose $20. Sewing machine From Page 1 From Page 1 friend in the 900 block of cabinet $25. (605)661-2550. trolled burn had not been East 15th Street during the $485/month plus deposit. No called in as required by Yank- pets, good references a must early morning hours of April Toaster oven brand new ton County Ordinance 17. The 5, 2013. The woman fled from (605)665-0822. trolled burn that had gotten controlled burn near Irene had tion of the evaluation, Fox never used $35. Air purifier out of hand near 297th Street told the court it would be un- her residence to a neighbor’s 1635 Commercial $25. Can opener, new in box not been reported, either, ac- and NE Jim River Road. cording to Johnke. necessary to hold a hearing home. Rentals $10. (605)661-1073 or “It was pretty much burnt regarding Wilson’s compe- Wilson is alleged to have (605)661-7363. Residents are to call the Office/Warehouse/Storage out, but it was burning in the Yankton County dispatch cen- tency to stand trial. He sug- followed her and fired a long rifle. However, the bullet Solve your space needs. Mul- 1735 Business Furniture trees along the (James ter at 668-5210 prior to doing a gested a June or July trial. tiple/flexible options in lower River),” said Bryce Johnke of controlled burn and inform of- Johnke estimated the trial went through a window in a Variety of office furniture and downtown Yankton. Call the Irene Fire Department. “It ficials when and what they would take three to four door and did not hit the equipment. (605)664-1397. (605)660-1906. really didn’t have anywhere plan to burn. days. neighbor or the girlfriend. to go.” 1770 Home Appliances Burning must occur be- Eng set the matter for 9 The neighbor was trans- Firefighters were on scene tween sunrise and sunset, and a.m. July 14. Any motions are ported to the hospital for 1650 Houses For Sale For Sale: 2003 Whirlpool re- for approximately an hour hit- is limited to things like vegeta- to be filed by April 28 and, if minor injuries from flying de- frigerator side by side, ice and ting hot spots around the tion, tree piles and rubbish. there is to be a plea in the bris. water in door. Also, GE Profile edges of the blaze. County law prohibits items case, it must be done by Wilson is being held in glass top convection range. Johnke said some trees such as rubber-type products, June 23. the Yankton County Jail on Both for $400 (605)665-2801. were still burning when he petroleum products, asphalt Wilson told the court he $500,000 bond. drove by the area at 3 p.m. shingles and most chemicals Monday afternoon. from being burned. did not object to the trial 1775 Home Furnishings date and agreed with his at- You can follow Nathan At 2:37 p.m. Monday, Yank- Johnson on Twitter at twit- Must get rid of discontinued ton firefighters received a call You can follow Nathan torney that it would not vio- and floor sample mattresses. late the 180-day rule that ter.com/AnInlandVoyage. Dis- 1208 Green of a fire in the 1200 block of Johnson on Twitter at Making room for new Serta Ferdig Avenue. twitter.com/AnInlandVoyage. ensures a speedy trial. The cuss this story at $298,500 mattress models. Savings up Nickles said a cigarette had Discuss this story at months spent pursuing a www.yankton.net/. For Sale by Owner: 4-bed- to 40-60%, Queen Memory been thrown in a pile of leaves www.yankton.net/. psychiatric evaluation do not room, 3-bath, double garage. Foam with adjustable Base near a house. count toward the rule be- Master suite has walk-in tile $999. Hatch Furniture, 109 E “They pretty much had the cause the delay was re- shower. Screened porch faces 3rd St. Downtown Yankton. trail and park. (605)665-0752 (605)665-4416. http://www.yankton.net/app/ht ml/1208green/ 1790 Lawn - Garden ing clarification. cording to Dryden. ered for letters of intent regard- “That’s why we need the “It is my hope we continue ing additional money that was Large fountain with pond, Money letter of intent,” Peters said. that. How we’re going to go budgeted. 1801 West St. $100, You must remove. She chairs the Senate Appro- about that, I don’t know,” he The extra bump in school Now building (402)910-8634 From Page 1 priations Committee and the said. aid gathered the most atten- 4-bedroom spec home joint Senate-House panel. Peters said the work should tion. with triple garage in Sears Craftsman 46 inch The letter can be an impor- be on a broader basis than just Early in the 2014 legislative average teacher experience Summit Heights. deck, 21 HP Briggs and tant tool for superintendents the 18 appropriators. “Come session, a majority of Republi- Straton turn tight hydro- was 15 years. to take to their school boards, up with a coordinated effort in can senators without saying a Call JW Tramp Construction Rep. Susan Wismer, D-Brit- for information. static riding lawn mower. 6 said Sen. Bill Van Gerpen, R- the Legislature,” she said. word against it rejected a reso- Bushel 2 bin soft bagger, ton, said the letter of intent Tyndall. South Dakota ranks last na- lution from a special legislative (605)661-2191. extra new blade, used 2 isn’t needed. “It’s only point-3 percent tionally in average teacher pay. committee that looked at and a half summers. “It’s demeaning. We’re not (0.3) but it’s meant a lot to “I think we’re going to be teacher availability last year. respecting our local school $1,350 firm. them,” Van Gerpen said. running against nothing short During the House discus- boards to make decisions,” The appropriations mem- of a teacher shortage in the sion of the extra $2.2 million, said Wismer, who’s running for bers informally agreed there near future,” Sen. Billie Sutton, House Democratic leader Craftsman 33 inch, 357cc the Democratic nomination for should be a look at teacher D-Burke, said. Bernie Hunhoff of Yankton said dual stage snowblower governor. salaries and school districts’ The appropriators held South Dakota would need to with EZ steer, heated hand Sen. Deb Peters strongly available funding. their discussion Monday morn- pay its teachers an additional grips, electric start, used disagreed. Peters, R-Hartford, The extra $2.2 million was ing after the Legislature ad- $2,800 apiece to pull ahead of less that 8 hours. $1,250 said “about a dozen” superin- 204 Brown St., Gayville an important first step in im- journed the 2014 session. Mississippi into 49th place firm. tendents and school board proving teacher salaries, ac- Various matters were consid- among the 50 states. For Sale by Owner members contacted her seek- $137,000 Both for $2,400 firm. Call 4-Bedroom, 2-full bath, 1881 (605)661-0321. square feet, 2+ car garage. to assure this does not hap- 4. Plans are being devel- Yes, I think the City needs (605)660-7537 pen again. oped for the Meridian Plaza to have a role in addressing www.yankton.net/app/html/204 1820 Give Aways Ferdig that include a fountain, the housing shortage. A lack brown/ A good multi colored couch. From Page 1 3. The city purchased 35 spray pad and garden. of housing, and more impor- Beautiful New Home. Free, call (605)689-0211. acres of Human Services What do you think of these tantly, affordable housing af- 3-Bedroom, 2-1/2 baths, 3+ Center ground in 2012 at a plans, and what is your fects numerous areas of city car garage. Crofton Schools. 1850 Agriculture cost of approximately $1.95 long-term vision for the concern. We can not expect million and is marketing it plaza area? the first time homebuyer to Lewis Clark Estates. Want to Rent: Pasture for 25 2. The City Commission (402)388-2378 . recently decided that it for retail development. In The walking bridge is a purchase in Yankton if prices head of cattle within 30 miles addition, the City Commis- unique feature that Yankton are too high. We cannot ex- of Yankton. Call Jim would continue with plans to build its new water treat- sion incentivized retail out- has and the plans for the foun- pect much economic develop- Now building a duplex at (605)665-9441 days; Martha lots on the Menards tain and spray pad features at ment if there is not enough (605)660-9919. ment plant adjacent to 1707 & 1709 West Street. Water Treatment Plant No. property that remain unde- the base of the bridge (the housing and/or rentals for em- Great retirement units with 2 in Riverside Park rather veloped. Do you think Meridian Plaza) are pretty ployees. This commission had 1650 square feet on main Wanted: Pasture land to buy enough is being done to cool, not to mention the po- the opportunity to sell some for my tame cattle. Need at than a different location.
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