Trinity College Trinity College Digital Repository Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, present) Catalogs, etc.) 1909 Trinity College Bulletin, October 1909 Trinity College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/bulletin Recommended Citation Trinity College, "Trinity College Bulletin, October 1909" (1909). Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - present). 23. https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/bulletin/23 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, Catalogs, etc.) at Trinity College Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - present) by an authorized administrator of Trinity College Digital Repository. TRINITY COLLEGE BULLETIN (NEW SERIES) VOLUME VI. NUMBER 4. FINANCIAL NUMBER HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT OCTOBER; 1909 TRINITY COLLEGE BULLETIN Issued quarterly by the College. Entered January 12, 1904, at Hartford, Conn., as second class matter, under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. The Bulletin includes in its issues : the College Catalogue, Reports of the President, Treasurer, and Librarian ; Announcements and Circulars of Information. wru.atrr.a nf wrinity Qtnllrgr i;artfnrll. Q!nnnrrtirut. REPORT OF THE TREASURER July 1, 1909 REPORT. To the Trustees of T rinity College : The Treasurer makes the following report of the financial affairs of the corporation for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 190<). During the year four new funds were established, as follows: the William G. Mather Fund by a gift of $5o,ooo from \i'/illiam G. Mather, '77; the Francis Goodwin Fund by a gift of $20,000, supplementing a former gift of $5,000, from the Rev. Francis Goodwin, D.D., Hon. '63; the John Ordronaux Fund by a legacy of $10,000 from John Ordronaux, Hon. '70; the Archibald Codman Fund by a gift of $1,000 from Miss Catherine A. Codman. There was also received during the year ior permanent endowment $37,500 fmm the e"state of Lucy H. Boardman, deceased, $25,000 from William P. Clyde, Hon. '65 , $2,000 from Miss Sarah N. Pardee, and other smaller gifts to the Academic and Professorial Endowment Funds as set forth in Schedule 6. There was also received in gifts for general expenses and special purposes $3,578.25, as given in Schedule 5· The receipts from the Alumni Guaranty Fund amounted to $6,g10.70, which is materially smaller than the receipts from this source during the previous year. As the five years, for which the original pledges were made, expired with the payment last January the ·receipts next year will be very small, consisting only of a few pledge.e which have not yet been paid and a few which were made after the fund had been in existence some years and on which one or more pay­ ments are still due. The following purchases for investment purposes were tpade during the year: $20,000 Chicago, Rock Island and 4 Pacific R. R. Co. first and refunding 4 7o bonds due 1934; $10,ooo N. Y., N. H . & H. R. R. Co. debenture 47o bonds due 1956; $10,000 Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Co. first con­ solidated mortgage 47o bonds due 1952; $5,000 St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Souther:n Ry. Co. general consolidated s % bonds due 1931; $1o,ooo Norfolk and Western Ry. Co. divisional first lien and general mortgage 4% bonds due 1944; $sao Alabama and Vicksburg R. R. Co. first consolidated mortgage s % ' bonds due 1921; $20,000 Washington Water Power Co. first refunding S7o bonds due 1939; $ro,ooo Houston Lighting and Power Co. first mortgage S% bonds due 1942; $ro,ooo rew Milford Power Co. first mortgage S7o bonds due 1932; $6,ooo Portland Gas Co. first mortgage S7c> bonds due 1951; $6,ooo Central Union Gas Co. of New York first mortgage guaranteed S% bonds due 1927; 14 shares Atlanta and 'vVest Point R. R. Co. certificates of indebtedness. First mortgage loans on real estate were also made to the amount of $16,950. On a conservative valuation of the real estate the different loans vary in amount from 30 to so per cent. of the value of the property. The deficit for the year, as shown by the report, is $13,504·59 as compared with a deficit of $14,810.98 for the previous year. During the year the college has received quite a number of very generous gifts, the income from which will be of material assistance during the coming fiscal year. This income, however, will approximately offset the loss of revenue from the Guaranty Fund and, therdore, the deficit will remain about the same unless further endowment is raised. For any who may be disposed to remember Trinity College by will, forms of bequest have been appended on Page 70. EDGAR F. WATERMA , Treasurer. July I, 1909. • 5 INDEX. PAGE Certific~te of Auditors, 7 Balance Sheet, . (Schedule 1) 8 Receipts and Payments, (Schedule 2) 9 Income of the Corporation exclusive of Income of Trust Funds, (Schedule 3) 10 Income of Trnst Funds held for Special Purposes, (Schedule 4) 12 Gifts and Receipts for Designated Purposes, (Schedule 5) 13 Receipts and Credits not Otherwise Classified, (Schedule 6) 13 Current Expenses, . (Schedule 7) 15 Summary of Schedule "7," 19 Payments and Debits not Otherwi e Classified, (Schedule 8) 20 Account of Income and Operating Expenses, (Schedule 9) 23 Principal of Trust Funds, (Schedule 10) 24 Investment of Trust Funds, (Schedule 11) 26 Balances of Income of Trust Funds and Special Donations, (Schedule 12) 61 Total Assets, . ( Schedufe 13) 62 Forms of Bequest, 70 • • 6 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TRINITY COLLEGE. THE REv. THE PRESIDENT OF THE CoLLEGE Ex OFFICIO, PRESIDENT,* . Hartford. THE RT. REv. WILLIAM W. NILES, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Concord, N. H. THE HoN. WILLIAM HAMERSLEY, LL.D.,* Hartford. THE REv. FRANCIS GooDWIN, D.D.,* . Hartford. THE HoN. \VII.LIAM E. CuRTIS, LL.D., New York. ] . PIERPONT MORGAN, LL.D., ew York. }OHN H. S. QuicK, M.A., . Chicago. THE REv. WILLIAM H. VIBBERT~ D.D., ew York. SYDN EY G. FrsHER, L.H:D., LL.D., Philadelphia. }AMES ]. GooDwiN, EsQ.,* . Hartford. WILLIAM ]. BOARDMAN, LL.B., Washington. P. HENRY WooowARD, M.A., SECRETARY,* Hartford. VVILLIA M s. COGSWELL, M.A., J amaica, N. Y. THE RT. REV. CHAUNCEY B. BREWSTER, D.D., Hartford. WILLIAM c. SKINNER, M.A.,* Hartford. AMBROSE SPENCER MuRRAY, }R., M.A., New York. THE HoN. FRANK L. WILcox, B.A.,* Berlin, Conn. REV. HENRY FERGUSON, LL.D., Concord, . H. EDGAR F. w_.. TERMAN, M.A., LL.B., TREAsuRER,* Hartford. EDWARD B. HATCH, M.A., Hartford. FREDERICK EVEREST HAIGHT, PH.D., New York. THE HoN. JosEPH BuFFINGTON, LL.D., Pittsburg. RoBEh THORNE, LL.B., New York. *These members of the Board form the Executive Committee. 7 CERTIFICATE OF AUDITORS. Hartford, Conn., October 21, 1909. The undersigned have employed a competent accountant to examine the books, accounts, and vouchers of the Treasurer of Trinity College. We find that the Treasurer has furnished satisfactory vouchers for all payments entered in the Cash Book for the period from July r, rgo8, to June 30, 1909, and that all income clue from Bank Stocks, Miscellaneous Stocks; Notes, and Bonds has been properly credited. We have examined the Securities in the possession of the Treasurer, and find the same to correspond with the inventory of property as given in the Balance Sheet and in the Ledger. FRANCIS GOODWIN, } Auditors. P. HENRY WOODWARD, Schedule I. 8 BALANCE SHEET, JUNE 30, 1909. DR. Total Assets: Real Estate (see Schedule 13, Page 62), $138,721.30 Bonds (see Schedule 13, Page 63, Second Column), . 572,042.03 Bank and Miscellaneous Stocks, (see Schedule 13, Page 66, Second Colunm), 128,175.50 Mortgage Loans (Co1mecticut) (see Schedule 13, Page 67), . 65,950.00 Mortgage Loans ( l\liscellaneous) (see Schedule 13, Page 69), 21,400.00 Sundry Hems (see . Schedule 13, Page 69)' 24,440.18 $950,729.01 Income of Trust Funds, Etc., Debit Balances (see Schedule 12, First Column, Page 61), 1,854.82 Rents and \Vater Charges Due and Unpaid, 1,156.65 $953,740.48 CR. Principal of 'L'rust Fwtds (see Schedule 10, First Colwnn, Page 24), $757,765.52 Academic li'lmd, . 129,377.17 Income of Trust Fnnds, Etc., Credit Balances (see Schedule 12, Second Colmrui, Pnge 61), 5,449.66 Rent Account, 1,148.13 Bills Payable, 60,000.00 $953,740.48 Schedule 2. 9 RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS. RECEIPTS. Ca h in Bank, July 1, 1908, . $5,559.60 Income of the Corpot•ation (exclusive of Income of Trust Funds held for Special Pw·poses) (see Schedule 3, Page 10), 51,495.58 Iuco~e of Tt·ust Funds hel<l fot• Special Purposes (see Schedule 4, Page 12), 16,718.34 Gifts and Receipts for Designated Pw·poses (see Schedule 5, Page 13), 3,578.25 Receipts and Credits not otherwise classified (see Schedule 6, Page 13), 182,239.98 $259,591.75 PAYl\IENTS.t Current Ex)Jenses (see "Sununary of Schedule 7," Page 19), $84,156.07 Payments and Debits not otherwise classified (see Schedule 8, Page 20), 154,033.08 Cash in Bank, June 30, 1909, 21,402.60 $259,591.75 Schedule 3· 1 0 INCOME OF THE CORPORATION. (Exclusive of Income of Trust Funds held for Special Purposes.) RENTS: Elm Street, No. 107, $800.00 Repairs, etc., 5 .48 $741.52 Elm Street, No. 109, 800.00 Repairs, etc., 245.17 554.83 Elm Street, No. 111, 800.00 Repairs, etc., ,. 144.44 655.56 Elm Street, No. 113, 900.00 Repairs, etc., 47.56 852.44 Elm Street, No.
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