John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 12-17-1937 The aC rroll News- Vol. 18, No. 5 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 18, No. 5" (1937). The Carroll News. 66. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/66 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE CARROLL -NEWS Edited For and By the Students of John Carroll University Vol. XVIII CLEVEL ND, OHIO,DECEMBERl~ 1~7 No.5 Carroll Beab Reserve, 5 t:o 2 Fat:her Edmund C. Horne Appoint:ed By merely playing the hockey of whlch they are capa­ ble, by merely defending their goal until an opportunity presented itself, John Carroll's hockey team last night skated to an impressive victory over Western Reserve To Presidency of John Ca_rroll University at the new Arena. The score was 5 to 2. Eddie Arsenault and Fred Rancourt scored all of the Blue Streak goals. Eddie whisked in three goals and -Takes President's Chair- Father Pickel Concludes Temporary Fred two. The victory pla.ced Carroll in undisputed Posit:ion as Rector position of first place in the district hockey league. ITH the customary lack of fanfare, the Society of J e us changed presidents of Osborne Brothers Beat: W John Carroll University on December 5, 1937. \Vhile seated at dinner on that Sunday eve­ Corrigan and Burlage ning, the Rev. George J. Pickel, S. J., who had been acting a president since October, read the In Debate Finals official order from Rome dispatched by the Rev. Vladimir Ledochowski, S.J., Head o£ the Order, UCCE SFULLY defending the a£firmative which named the Rev. Edmund C. Horne, S.J., side of the NLRB debate question, the team S of Thomas and James 0 borne wa declared as the new Carroll rector. Father Horne and the winner of the John Carroll Univer ity Debate Father Pickel then merely exchanged places at the Tournament sponsored by the Oratorical Society. table, Father Horne going to the head and Father Scene of the debate was last \Vednesday's student Pickel to his right. and the ceremony of installing conYocation in the Carroll auditorium. a new president at John Carroll University was over. Although the decision of the judges was unan­ Father Horne was born in Meadville, Pa. He first be­ imous. Tom Corrigan and Carl Burlage, members­ came acquainted with John Carroll when he attended and of the negatiYe team, offered strong opposition was graduated from the University, then known as St. 'and made the debate one of the most interesting Ignatius College. After joining the Society, and after doing tournament finals "·itne , ed in recent years. po t graduate work, he returned to Cleveland in 1927 as an in tructor in English and Latin and as director of Ath­ Frs. Horne, Rodman and Pickel letics at St. Ignatius High School. In 1929 he left to do Render Decision further graduate work Father Horne was ordained in The Carroll Oratorical ociety departed from the 1933 at t. Mary's, Kansas. -~---t ~of- ubtrinin:; the .;cn·ices f lay In 1934 Father Horne was named to the faculty of Creigh­ judges when it called upon the new Pre ident of ton 'niver·ity, Omaha, Kebraska'"/'iiri'Gm 193~ and 1936 John Carroll Gni,·er ·ity and two ex-Pre idents of he had charge of layman retreats ht Cincinnati. He came to Carroll from Georgetown University where he was re­ the institution to render the final deci ion. The siding while engaged in research in Sociology. judges were the Very Rev. Edmund C. Horne, The Very Rev. Edmund C. Horne, S.J. Father Horne's appointment marks the third time within .J., recently appointed Pre iclent, the Rev. Bene­ a year that the University has had a change of admin­ dict J. Rodman, .]., and the Rev. George J. Pickel, istrators. The Rev. Benedict J. Rodman, S.]., pastor of S.J., both former Presidents of Carroll. Gesu Church, was succeeded nine months ago by the Rev. William M. Magee, S.]., who has since been appointed The forensic skill of the Osborne brothers, which - A Christmas Message- head of the ] esuit's Chicago Province. When this order had been definitely e tablished when they de­ By Edmund C. Horne, S. J. came from Rome, it was also announced that Father Pickel feated the debaters from Oxford and Cambridge would act as president until a later time when a man Uni,·ersities last month, wa in much evidence in President: of John Carroll would be permanently installed. Father Pickel had formerly the tournament finals. Jim with his clear and cool been president during the earlier days of the University, and was at the time of the appointment head of the Chem­ My Christmru message to )'Ou is a borrowed oue from the hillside cave of Bethle­ presentation of the first affirmative speech. and istry Department of the University. He has reassumed that Tom with hi fiery and convincing manner of ex- I. hem. lt will take all tltc loti!ly humilit::.' a11d trusti11g faith of the Shepherds for position, now that Father Horne has been seated in the (Colllimtcd 011 Page 4) ~·ou lo grasp its full sigllificallce. pre idency. 011 I hal first Christmas Day the court of Herod wined a11d danced a11d lilted the songs of pagall poets, but the ShePherds heard the celestial sym­ "Riddle Me This" Enters -News at a Glance- ' . By Bernard R. Sallot and Charles R. Brennan pholly. Wise men of the Te1nple dis­ co11rsed learnedly 01~ the Messias, brtt the Shepherds adored at His birth. -First Stage of Production Normile Chairman of Carrual Club Dance A11d so now there will be festive cheer of a fcuhion, and the illtc/lectual Campus Club Dance Profits Go to Annual indiffermce of tire hard of heart. But HE Little Theatre Society o£ John was selected primarily because of its JOU will k11ow that Christmas is tire Carroll University has announced high entertainment value, and also birthday of your Redeemer, Who T because of the opportunity it af­ !\' Wednesday, Dec. 15, the an­ NNOUNCE1IENT was made yes­ that its. main production of the scho­ lived a !fa1> as yor~ are, Who is God, lastic year will be "Riddle Me This" fords to display the dramatic talent of nouncement was made that many terday that the Carrual Club Who gave )'Oit tile right to be fli.s 0 A by Daniel N. Ruben. As yet no defi­ the players. "Riddle Me This" has the members of the sophomore class of would donate the proceeds of a hard brother, T•Vho keeps a far closer than unusual quality of being a combination times social which they plan to hold in nite dates for the performances have Jolm Carroll had been named to the blood-rclatiO'II-Ship with yo1~ i1> the life of a mystery play and a comedy with the Big Barn on the Lorain County of the Sacrammts, 1¥/w loved yort so been set by the dramatic organization, committee for the annual Campus Club the emphasis on the latter. line on January 14 to the general fund 1111tclr that He gr:we His life to make but it is certain that they will take dance. \Villiam Duffin, class president, of the first John Carroll Year Book. Director Wiess has already conducted )'0" His. place during February on a Saturday several rehearsals so that the play will will be honorary chairman. Receive on Christmas Day the br.­ and Sunday evening in the Carroll audi­ Parnin and Lal\faida torium. be in smooth running order when the fant l esus i1~ Holy Com1111t11i01> and According to the announcement \Vil­ Co-Chairmen time comes to put it on in public. At liam Normile will head the committee. ask Him to know and love and serve Mr. Weiss in the tryouts held a few weeks ago Mr. Assisting him will be James Giblin, John Parnin and Vincent LaMaida, Him uwre faithfully. Charge of Production Wiess said he had discovered a sur­ Louis Sulzer, Charles Kaps, Edward members of the business staff of the !It the 11ame of the Faculty and in prisingly large amount of real talent. Willard, Vincent Collins, Medard No­ annual will act as co-chairmen for the m.y own name, I wish yort and :}'Ours In complete charge of the production is The female characters are students en­ lan, and James McCrystaL affair. Others on the committee are: a blessed a11d happ-y Christmas in llze Mr. Frank Wiess who has had exten­ rolled in Carroll's evening session. spirit of 1 esu.s. sive experience in amateur theatrical The scene of the affair has not been James Carroll, AI Weiler, james Calla­ Edmund C. Home, S. !., work. Thi is Mr. Wiess' fi rst en­ Director Chooses decided upon as yet, but according to han, Joe Connelly, Jack Heffernan, deavor in directing plays for the L.T.S. Double Cast Normile there will be a meeting of the Malromb Gaviu, James Moraghan, New Schedule Mr. Carl Freidel was the former di­ committee during the holidays at which Ralph Shea, Joseph Cerino, Ed Ram­ In selecting the cast Mr. Wiess chose According to the Rev. Fr. Cecil rector of the society, having led the time the orchestra and place will be bousek, Tom Victory, and Jack La­ two actors for each character in the Chamberlain, Moderator, the actors through their paces since the named.
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