?ffiMlll^i-';'v .-'.;','' 317.3M31 M41 ; ; .?^„^ THE MASSACHUSETTS 3^egifter AND United States Calendar For the Year of our LORD 18 19, and Forty. third oi American Indspendencs, C0NTAlNI^fO I Civil, Judicial, Ecdejiafiica!, and Military Lifls in MASSACHUSETTS; Associations, and Corporatk Institutions, for literary, agricultural, and charitable Purpofes. A Liji of PoST-TowNS in MaJfachufettSy with the Names of the Post-Masters. ALSO, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, With its feveral Departments and Eftabllfhrrients ; Times of the Sittings of the feveral Couits Governors in each State And a Variety of other intcrefting Articles. BOSTON : Publ../«/72e.9 Lorinff,and IVfst, Ric/iarclson, iP" Lord. Sold, wholefale and retail, at their Book Stores, Cornhiil. ^<i^^^^^ ^ ife ^^Vi s^^^?^e^"^g9^?v^^ ^^s^^^^^: , ECLIPSES FOR 1S19. I There will be four Eclipses, this year, two of the Swif and two of the Moon^ as follows, viz. I. The first will be of the Moan, Aprit 10th. day, 8h. 21m. in the morning, and of consequence invisible to us. II. The second will be a small cchpse of the San*, April 24th. visi!)le as follows. Be^innin, "^ f Appar .hv,e f J •"""""g- End 7 i S Duration 1 39 DigHs eclipsed, 3^° nearlj'-. IH. The third will be of the Sun, September 19th. dav, 8h. 8m, in tiie morning, but invisible at Boston. — The Moon's lat, V> 24' N. TV. The fourth and last will be of the Moon, Octr- hi^r the 3d. day, lOh. 38m. in the morning, invisible. VOTES FOR GOYYJ^QR-^Throughout the Stmc, ForMr.Strong,1800 19,630 For Mr. Gerry, 16,958 For 1801 25,4524'For do 20,169 1802 29,98 3 4^ For do 19,584 1803 29,19 94^For do 11,656 1804 30,01 7 >,For Mr. Sullivan, 23,979 1805 35,204^For do 33,250 1806 56,4334,For do 36,031 1807 39,224TFor do 41,954 ForMr.Goreinl808 39,64 SlFor do 41,193 For do 1809 47,9 iMT^For Mr. Lincoln, 45,118 For do 1810 44,272XFor Mr. Gerry, 46,541 For do 1811 40,142lFor do 43,328 ForMr.Strong 1812 52,696XFor do 51.325 For do 1815 56,754*For Mr. Varnmn, 42,789 For do 1814 56,374*For Mr. Dexter, 45,953 For do 1815 50,92lTFor do 43,938 ForMrBrooks 1816 49,578 JFor do 47,384 For do. 1817 46,160*For Mr. Dearborn, 38,129 For do. 1818 39,538 ^ Mr. Crowninshield 30,041 Boston, 1818, Mr. Brooks had 2,999, Crowninshield 714» Erraia in Calendar fiages. 0^ In the pages of Fel^ruaiy, April,. Octo. & Nov. the first line respecting the Moon should be thefourth. In the pages of May" 9 nd July, also, the arrangemeiVt of the lines should be according to the dates. -' I i> -^ I'll W> f Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2009 witli funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston littp://www.arcliive.org/details/poGl<etalmanackfo1819amer 1 JANUARY, 181.9, begins on Friday. Firft,Quarter Sd. day, 3h. 56ai. morning. Full Moon 11th. Jay, 6h. 5-2m. morning. Laft Quarter 19th. day, 5h. Om. morning. New Moon 25th. day, 8h. 26m. evening. M\\Vi Oblervable Days, iffi. ,' r. s. jr. 9 Circum. Grows cooler \y 5^0 45 7*8 fouth 8h. 42m. (luitb .6\il 54, 2d. Sun. pall CliriftiTi. 17 SI 5 morn.; 30 o, Bort. Jig^s o/\y 3 C.P. 6; 7 Epiphany. /now. \7 29 9; 7 In d ^ 5 '7 2:, 8 Lucian.Brit.def.atN.O. '15 -^ 7 17 9 Moderates, luiibj 27 6 17 10 ^7 ift Sun. paft Epiph. ]) apo. 7 7 II 1 C. C. P. Warren. rai/J. 7 o #rii> li 64 i2;3 Mid. Tides. 5 5 1314 5 M 5 Yd. L. fou. 9h. 44m. 5 15 6 jnow, 6 ^% 5 167 % ftation. 5 id. Sun. paft Epiph. and 5 18 2 'very cold. 5[ »9 3 Nocjj cGnies 5 204 on a Jever e 5 Lou. XVI. beh. 1793. ^ £2 6 Vincent. fnow 5 23:7 Very high Jiorm, 7 5 24|: *>5 3d. Sun. paft Epio. ]) perig. 7 5 ^4 Conver. St. PauL i7 5 ^ tides. More comfortable, 7 ^ b ^^ 27I 7*s Ibuth 7h. eve. |7 5 28|4 Peter the Great died 1725. 7 ^° b for a day \7 9 b 306 or t -100.7 ^« b 3i;c i4Sun.paftEpip.coldT.'i5'7 7 b 7 FEBRUARY, lal9, begins on Monday. New Moon 24th. day, 7h. 9m. morning. Firft Quarter 1st. day, 8h. 40m. evening. Full Moon 10th. day, Ih. 31m. morning. Laft Quarter 17th. day, 3h. 55m. evening. MiW Obfervable Days, U>V. F. Sea. 1 2 Mid. tides. Changes I ^3 jPurif. V. M, or Cand. to cooler^ * fet 4 '5 7 s ih. 4 8m. More\ 7 56 Agatha. figns of 6' falling civeather. 7;c Septua. Sund. D apog 82 Now you may 9:3 Not very high expcSl a lo4 tides. f.orm offno<i[? YML.fetsih.5om.6 $ ^ Pe. an. w. G.B. '15 or rain. [ColdFrid. 1817. 6$% So:^ages. Sun. VAi.EN.Day. Gosd weather, i6!3 S. J. C. Ded./ur thefeafon Ghent tr. rat. by Con. '15 180 7*s fet ih. morn. More un- i9r Luther d. 15^6. comfortable 2o|7 High weather. 21|C v^inquag. Sun, D perig 22U C. C.P.Lenox. W.b.'sz C.C.P. Paris, 23I3 tides. Look 244 A. Wed. or Len t. St.Matt out for a 6^ h 2o!o dri-ving Jlorm. 7*s fet oh. 17m. morn. I ft. Sun. in Lent. Venus will be morning star till October 9th , thence evening star to the end of the year.— Jupi- ter will be morning star through the year. MARCH, 1819, begins on Mondiy. Firft Quarter 8d. day, Sh. 47m. evening. Full Moon 11th. day, 6h. 18m. evening. Laft Quarter i8th. day, llh. 57m. evening. New Moon 25tb. day, 6h. 4<0m. evening. MIWI Obfcrvable Days, Is'c. r.0 s. |r- ^ S.I F. Sea I APRIL, 1819, begins on Thursday, New Moon !^4th. day, 7h. 4m. morning. Firft Quarter 2d. day, IJh. 35m. morning. Full Moon 10th. day, 8h. 21m. morning. Laft Quarter 1 7th. day, 6h. 3m. morning. Obfervable Days, ^c. r. s. M' I r.#s.|F. W( | Sea Sometubat 44 7 51 4 47 Quite-low cooler, 42 7 1 50 5 89 tides. ziJitk > apog 41 7 ^ 35 6 30 6th. Sun. in Lent. 40 7 3 16 7 19 Gov.&Sen.cho.inMafT. rain 38 7 3 48 8 S. J, C. Wore. C. P. Boa. 37 7 4 14 8 50 ^iie plea/ant 36 7 4 9 33 forjome 34 7 4 58|io 16 Good Friday, dayu 33 7 5 /7111 ^ AJiorm P eel. inv. 31 #nfelii 46 iijC IEaster Day. is 30 7l 8 19 morn. 12I2 C.C.P. 38 Ply.&Aug. 1\ 9 35 36 13I3 Y'd L. sets I oh. eve. 27 710 51 1 29 HA Fine againl^ a6 7 morn. 2 27 15'5 Mid. tides. nvith 5 24 7| o 3 3 28 166 Jkozuers^ > perigee. 5 23 1 5 4 31 177 Battle at Lexington 1775. 5 22 1 56 5 34 18C ift. Sun. paft Eafter. L. S.'5 20 2 36 6 33 192 G.C.P. York. Cooler nviih 5 3 6 7 ^7 2o|3 C. S. Boft. C. C. P. Barn. 3 32 8 18 21,4 high winds. 3 54 9 22 J More Jailing 4 18 9 52 23 St. George. nveather^ 4 36 10 38 24 6l> ^ ^ eclip. >fets 11 24 25 id. Sun. paft Eafter, St. M. 8 28 ev 26 C.C.P.Ded. & Wis. 6Sh 9 37 1 o Ipf. ^X S.J.C. & Springf. Much 10 42 1 5» 28 7*5 fet 8h. 50m. fner 11 43 2 44 99 with Jhowers*. morn. 3 37! WASH.iftPref.'89. }) apog o 35 4 28 MAY, 1819, begins on Saturday. First Quarter 2d, day, 6h. 29m. morning. New Moon 23d. day, Sh. 18m. evening. Firft Quarter 2d. day, 6h. 29 m. morning. Full Moon 9th. day, 7h. 22m. evening. Laft Quarter 16th. day, lib. SSm. morning Obfervable Days, 15*^. | r. s. r s.|F. Sea. M{W| | © St. Phil. & St. Jam. Good 4 I 18 5 18 3d. Sun. paft Eaft. 6 S9 2 1 54 6 4 Tides quite low. nueather 1 2 £2 6 49 S. J.C.Lenox. Dull and o 7 a 46 7 32 unfetiled. 59 3 11 8 15 Gen. Elec. Newport. 58 3 29 8 b7 No<w comes Z2z)% 56 3 46 9 42 7*s fet 8h. on a bs 10 30 4th. Sun. paft Eafter. 54 rife 11 22 C.C.P.Nant.&Baiig. Jlorm. bi 8 36 imorn. Tides increafing. Fine 4 52 9 53 19 again for 4 51 o 1 21 5 Gen. El. Hartford. /'/««/;«^.'4 "5° 11 57 2 25 morn.: 146 Cooler J) perig. (4 49 3 30 withfomefroji. |4 48 40 4 31 6|C 5th Sun. paft Eaft.Rog. S.4 47 5 27 71* C. C.P.Edg.Gr.Frofti794.4 4^ 1 40 2 4i S.J.C.York & Northampton '4 45 4 19'4 C. S. Edga.Dark day, 1780.4 44 2 24 7 52 2 5 Afcen. Day. 6 3 ? 14 43 44 837 6 Moderate tides.
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