R.I. JEWIS H HISTORICAL ASSOC. 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDE NCE, RI 02906 : J97 6 Mideast. Standstill Seen WASHINGTON: With a Presi­ "coalition" with Saudi Arabia and dential election in America and Iran to counter the Syrian moves growing rivalry in the Arab world, in the Middle East. Israel's Defense Minister Shimon The ·Russians, be said, probably Peres is not looking forward with would prefer a "no-war, no-peace" · much hope for any \iiplomatic 'situation in the Mideast in progress toward peace next year. 1976-bccausc they would not be Finishing a two-day visit ip the interested in causing problems capital, Mr. Peres said be 'also -with the United States in a year in thinks it unlikely that· war will VOLUME LVIII, NUMBER 44 FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, i976 which they will have to import a · break out in the Mideast in 1976, great deal of American grain. unless Syria manages to put to­ Mr. Peres, who met with De­ gether a coalition with Iraq, Jor­ . fcnsc Secretary Donald H. Rum­ Lecture _Series on dan and the Palestine Liberation sfcld and Under Secretary of ' ' . Organization. State Joseph J. Sisco while in Washington, also made the ex­ In' an interview in his Washing­ pected appeal for continued Amer­ Bicentennial Theme ton hotel room, Mr. Peres made it ican support of Israel, particularly The cultural rrogram of the Contribution to Medical Science." clear that he had little use for the in foreign aid. Israel's aid requests Temple Emanu-E Men's Club this On January 18, Rabbi Gerald Ford Administration's efforts to · in coming years will probably be year will concentrate on the Jewish Zcllcmyer of Temple Beth Torah in maintain the scm blancc of diplo­ aspect of the Bicentennial celebra­ Cranston will speak on "The Rab­ at the same high S2.J billion level tion of the United States. The matic progress by seeking a for­ of this year. binate and Its Contribution to the mat for new negotiations. program will focus on Jewish per­ He said that Israel had to seek American Scene." "We're certainly aware that sonalities, the Jewish community of such large sums because the costs 1976 can't really be a year of Rhode Island, American Jews and On January 25, Dr. David Hinh, of military equipment had risen so their contributions, and an over­ great decisions in American · professor of English at Brown dramatically. A World War II P- view of the history of the Jews in the terms," Mr. Peres said of the dip­ University, will speak on 51 fighter plane had cost abou I U nitcd States. lomatic outlook. "We feel there is "American Jews and their Con­ SI00,000, he said, and the F-15, o,i January 4, the new series will a bipartisan feeling that a tranquil tributions to American Literature." the latest Israeli purchase, costs be introduced featuring outstanding Middle East that doesn't inter- On February I, Dr. Maurice S22 million. scholars who will discuss famous . fcrc with the elections in the Glicksman, Dean of the Graduate The U nitcd Stales has been Jewish personalities in the sciences United States can be the best con­ School of Brown University will seeking to bring about either a and the humanities. The first lecture tribution as far as American de­ speak on "American Jews and new round of Syrian-Israeli nego­ will be by Dr. Stanley M. Aronson, mocracy is concerned." Their Contributions to World tiations or some kind of inter­ Dean of Medical Affairs at Brown Dr. Stanley M. "- He said that the statements by University. The lecture will begin at Science." national forum. It is also going to President Ford and Secretary of take part in next month's Security I 0: 15 a.m. He will discuss "I 776- All lectures will take place at and the public is invited to par­ State Henry A. Kissinger against 1976, American Jews and Their Temple Emanu-EI at 10:15 a.m., ticipate. Council debate along with the Pa­ the development of "diplomatic lestinians, while Israel has decided stagnation," may result "in tr:,iing to boycott. The Israeli Govern­ News to arrange meetings and contacts ment has shown no enthusiasm for Satire TV Show Sparlcs Israeli Debate but not real agreements." any of these steps. and Mr. Peres JERSALEM: An outrageous, The program's audience ratings ever. The other night, for example, "There may be a substitute or made no secret of his own lack of irreverent 45-minute potpourri of have broken all records. According a mock Rabin press conference in an appearance of movement in ne­ enthusiasm. political slapstick and satire has to official samples taken by the which the actor playing the prime gotiations, but I can't sec in 1976 As to the Syrian front, he said become the preoccupation of two Israel Broadcast Authority, over minister ducked all questions on the any real agreement taking place that Israelis were worried lest they out or three Israelis every other two million Israelis, or two-thirds Palestinian issue was followed by a because of the different attempts lose " bargaining power for peace week. and the show has· become the or the Hebrew speaking population, skit in which four singing ostriches that each country is occupied with ahead of time by giving up territo­ most popular and controversial watch regularly. plunged their heads into the sand preparing for 1977-78," said Mr. ry without changing basically the program in the history of Israeli The show is composed of skits, cvcrytimc the word "Palestinian" Peres, who is regarded as the prospect for peace." td : ·.,:~ion. songs and brief dramas ranging was mcntion~d. ranking political ligure in Israel He said the American approach In recent weeks the program's from JO seoonds to 14 minutes. "We arc completely free to punc­ after Prime Minister Yitzhak Ra• was " to move for the sake of mov­ biting commentary on Israeli life Despite these similarities, Nikui ture any balloons we like," Mr. bin. ing " without any real changes in and leaders has produced a warning Rosh is distincly, unabashedly Kirschenbaum said. "At times it He said he believed Egypt the Syrian attitude. Right now, he from Prime Minister Yitzhak Israeli. Its skits arc really a series or amazes me, but we have no cen­ would be concentrating in 1976 on said, the Syrians are planning on Rabin, three days of angry debate "in" jokes about the week's news, sorship and no controls placed on taking advantage of the land and 1976 to be " a Russian year." and in Parliament in which some of the oficn delivered in a Hebrew slang us. It proves that despite the wars, oil fields returned by Israel as part not " an American year," because lampooned politicians suggested and occasionally in Yiddish, all or this is a nation that can still laugh at of last summers Sinai agreement, of the promises for stepped up aid that the whole state television which is instantly understood by its itself." and in trying to create another given by Moscow to Damascus. network be scrapped and, as a audience. result of all the controversy, soaring The creators of Nikui Rosh focus Dultcin feels, his turn has come. audience ratings. the satire on Israeli leaders and Likud Labor Candidates But Dultcin is a member of Coaplete O•erllul topics, with only an occasional dart Likud, the right-wing opposition to The Hebrew name of the reserved for a bland, smiling Vie for Top Zionist Post Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's program is Nikui Rosh, which American named President · government. Although he has translates literally as "Cleaning the Chevrolet, and a jolly, round-faced JERUSALEM: Zionism may be cretc mailers: absorbing the im­ . publicly proclaimed that he will Head." It is a mechanic's phrase for character with a heavv German under fire at the United Nations, migrants, settling them on the land keep his political beliefs out or the a complete engine overhaul. accent known as Dr. Hmry. but the role or president of the and furnishing housing and social Zionist scene, Rabin and other Explaining the title, Mordcchai On a recent program they had World Zionist Organization is still services until they become active Labor leaders fear that Dultcin's Kirschenbaum, the 36-ycar-old fun with President Ford's propensi­ considered a position worth citizens. election might result in an eventual producer of the program, said, "It ty for slips of the tongue. In a White fighting for. In fact, the movement Thus the Zionist Movement is in split between the Israeli government is our way of keeping the national House reception scene, President is now involved in one of the most the forefront or the ideological 'and the Zionist bodies on key engine in tune." Chevrolet began a toast to members bitter election campaigns since its struggle, while the Jewish Agency issues. labor leaders claim that In two short seasons on the air, of a visiting Israeli delegation by inception 78 years ago. controls - the largest part of the likud's hawkish policies and es­ Nikui Rosh has become a national saying he wanted to "welcome this The job became vacant in August budget, which is more than $700 pecially its aim or retaining the oc­ institution. distinguished group or Egyptians to with the death of Pinhas Sapir, the million this year. cupied West Bank or the Jordan, do Many Israelis turn down social the Kremlin." former Israeli Minister of Finance. Theoretically, the two bodies not reflect the thinking or the invitations and refuse to answer the Drawiac Local Bloo4 Tire president or the World Zionist could be headed by different men, majority or the Jews in Israel and phone while the program is on.
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