Thursday, May 21, 1942 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHONE CHERRY 8800) PAGE 29 Mike Proceeds WASHINGTON WONDER BOY Regional Trials With Plans for To Test Prep Jouis-Pastor Go Stars Saturday Ogoebel - May 21 (UP).—Re- beer By 808 COXSIDINE LANSING. blffutiwul Newt Sorvleo Nporta Writer ¦pin gional high school tennis and golf W ¦.. on the farm...in war production or running NEW YORK, May 21.—1 f the tournaments Saturday will draw Down nearly 1.000 prep racquet swing- army plans to get tough about let- UJjr \ a street car.. .a cooling glass of Goebel Beer is some- ting ers and 500 golfers, Charles E. Joe Louis defend his title ' to forward to. Have you met Goebel * \ against Bob Pastor, or anybody Forsythe, state director of in- /|P thing look else, terscholastic athletes, predicted Brewing Mike Jacobs says he hasn’t \ yet? Goebel Company, Detroit, Michigan / t K heard about it. today. A*V *1 JlYl attend- Mike is busy these days TENNIS TOURNEYS ing to the multitude of tasks pre- Michigan’s beer ceding the Louis-Pastor title fight Regional tennis tourneys will be iHIBBHwt. hie thinks that BillyConn’s injury held as follows: lad of a silver lining, In- oq * ’ From n Cyp'«w V j elements WMOWMP Dowagiac Class B, Wiliam ismuch as now the army will be Carey, manager; Sturgis—Class B, \ of Oo«b*i M J \ isked to give up only one of the JR4 SIR' G. B. Schilz. manager; Western -/ ''W A > . proposed parties to the title match, Michigan College, Kalamazoo— instead of two. Classes A and B. Frank House- Private Louis is In a, peculiar holder, manager; Ann Arbor High spot. He made a lot of money School—Class A, D. D. Drake, during 1941. Two of his fights, manager; Ann Arbor University against Conn and Nova, grossed High—Classes C and D. John M. a total of a million dollars. His Trytten, manager; Plymouth— federal income tax on his 1941 D, understand, Classes A. B. C and Carvel earnings, we is $117,- Bentley, manager; Flint Northern DOO. His life’s earnings are tied —Class A, Louis B. Nickles. man- yp In a 488-acre farm at Utica, ager; lonia Class B, Harold Mich., and its upkeep constitutes Mikle, manager; Grand Rapids a problem. South—Classes A, C and D, Les- NO OTHER WAY **:?;.;y\'y*Y?;'-Wk. \ ter DeKoster, manager; Grand • He has no quickly negotiable Haven—Classes A and B, Jack feealth and no way of getting it—- Thoma. manager; Central Michi- and of paying his heavy taxes—- gan College. Mt. Pleasant—Classes without fighting. He has fought C and D. Charles V. Park, mana- twice this year, but gave away his ger; West Branch—Classes C and L 1} \ /? \ purses to army and navy relief. D, G. A. Hyry, manager; Cadillac This amounted to about $75,000. —Classes B. C and D, David Sjo- m W \ #B Wm \ \ Hf Joe is quite satisfied with his berg, manager. 7 m % jf-r S2l a month. In fact he's proud of GOLF MEETS ¦ ¦ But has found that it It. he * doesn't go very far. It is doubtful Regional golf meets will be held mBBm \ X \ / mMB IT^sktr^; HI |f the proposed pay raise to SSO a as follows: month—though it will make him | Grand Rapids—Class A. Martin L f V yvflL much higher paid than any other Decker, manager. Grand Rapids I in any other army in the ¦ r^m Central; East Grand Rapids— rid—will help in Joe’s peculiar Classes B, C. and D, Benton Yates, manager; Battle Creek—Classes Kvate A, and D, W. Baker, man- The question has been raised B. C H. Louis' participation in a BBHHHHBBHIHSBHHIbtfFv^. ager; Ann Arbor—Class A, Kent! That Bowsher, manager; Detroit —] Heavyweight title match, wherein Currently major league STAN- the sensation of the Is Classes B. C and D, (Catholic he would be fighting for himself 27-year-old for the Senators. pnd not for charity, doesn’t come LEY SPENCE, outfielder League); Ray Pfau, manager; La- under the heading of morale-lift- He’s leading the league in batting much to the joy of peer—Class A, Paul Smarks, man- ing. We’re inclined to question Clark Griffith, with average in the .400 class. It’s ager; Fenton—Classes B. C and D, an iC- R. Heemstra. manager; Mt. that. We think the guy’s a symbol considerably higher than the .232 he compiled with Boston of American might. Pleasant—Class B, Kenneth Kelly, Detroit Times Want Ads last year. manager. For Best Results Read The SHORT-SIGHTED POLICY Of all the celebrities at the *T Am an American Day" last Sun- day in New York, the biggest! Football cheer by the crowd of a million and a quarter humans went up for JLouis. It would seem to us a Follows ahort-slghted policy to freeze Joe’s title for the duration, as any one in the bureau of internal revenue The War Will attest. The author of "We’re on God’s Side," should be kept ac-| NEW May 20 (UP).— five: should not lose his identity YORK. unless by losing it he aids the The best dressed and possibly the A GRAND DID-CANADIAN WHISKEY NAME war effort. best versed of the college coaches He’ll make a lot of money hy peered through his pince-nez into fighting Pastor. It ran probably the today and de- be argued that if Louis can get future there 'time duty tected a subtle but definite link off from army to en- strategy of battle- gage in his business, then other between the the men field and that of the gridiron. in uniform should be per- The war, predicted Lou Little, mitted to do the same. BECDMES GREAT IN THE ERA substantially it to will alter the tactics But isn’t difficult see that and psychology of football. Pri- Louis is different. His appear- marily, ance in the ring defense the balance of power will in of his shift to the offense. title will shake large sums of treasury. An old warrior himself—he money into the national captain Most share, if not served as a in World of his all. will sage Momingsidc go into taxes—as will the shares War I—the of Heights explains his contention of others involved. He probably months, give good simply. In the past six will some percentage of emphasizes, his purse to Itself. he people have be- service come offense minded. Individual HAS IT COMING exploits and daring have been everywhere. •He'd be the last guy In the army stressed Boys—par- ticularly—are thinking in terms of d special privilege . ,to a*k for commandos, few* pursuit pilots and but will doubt that he has a parachutists. ir himself, coming to m for him a. m I The best tip-off to the favorite PACE STEPPED I P 1 tomorrow night’s * Sight,n Garden battle •*’ * These thoughts will he trans- , U .o.cn between Pastor and Tami Mau- f 4 lated into action on the football (coxiiy£) riello is that Jacobs is making W imp g'Our plans for a Louis-Pastor fight, not fields of the nation this fall. Pro- 1 a Louis vs. winner of Pastor-Mau- fessor Little believes that the pace of the game will be stepped up iTClllo. safe, Maurlello's only chance, we and that many of the con- think, is vested in Pastor himself.j servative measures favored in the That is. Maunello has a chance past will be temporarily scrapped. of planting enough punches on Instead of playing them close to the vest, the boys will be more venerable background of the name Corby’s is written deep Pastor’s kisser to keep him down gamble. only if Pastor has a complete inclined to get out and generations "It Is a mere matter of hu- in the annals of Canadian history. For it has form reversal. psychology,” The form reversal. Boh could outbox man the professor labeled fine whiskies whiskies of wholesome reputation. explained in his office at Co- Tami even if tied in a straight And now that name honors a light-bodied blended dis- jacket. If he doesn’t press, or lumbia University, where for whiskey get too cautious for fear of years he himself has used psy- tilled in the United States. chology and a handful of players losing the Louis bout. Bob should If its early acceptance in this country is a indication, Corby’s waltz in. to battle on equal terms with safe the name teams of the East. also is destined to become one of our highly respected whiskey SAVOLD A POSSIBILITY "Naturally the hoys have be- names. In Washington tonight, for the come highly conscious of air- of navy relief, Lou Nova planes. How will It affect them? Do you think this blended whiskey deserves to carry the label benefit I'd meets Lee Savold. A Louis bout gucMi that they will throw a respected old Canadian maybe 25 per cent more passes. of such name? We are most anxious also is at stake there. Savold is verdict. one of those rare heavyweights They wouldn’t he quite human to hear your by if they didn’t, for the sky has who hasn't been belted out JAI, SARCIAY S CO., IIMITKD, PEORIA, ILLINOIS Louis. Nova dropped completely taken on a new meaning to Out of contention when his yoga them, as it has to us.” stuff failed to protect him from ATTACK KEY WORD being knocked out by Joe in a very dreary night last fall.
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