World Television Premiere of Bareilly Ki Barfi on 19Th November

World Television Premiere of Bareilly Ki Barfi on 19Th November

FREE PRESS GUJARAT AHMEDABAD Thursday, November 16, 2017 3 Monsanto’s “School Nutrition Project” President of India inaugurates 37th benefits over 14,000 students India International Trade Fair-2017 Ahmedabad, In 2015, The “School Nutrition Monsanto tied up with Project” aims to address the The President of India, tional trading order. This is stronger manufacturing sec- Akshaya Patra, a not-for- predominant problem of Shri Ram Nath Kovind, inau- part of our DNA. And this is tor. As a result of these ef- profit organization, for its CSR malnutrition in children in gurated the 37th India Inter- the legacy that modern India forts, there has been a sharp initiative – “School Nutrition their formative years, which national Trade Fair (IITF) - and IITF are building on. rise in FDI in the past three Project”. Today, after comple- is due to lack of access to 2017, today (November 14, The President said that years – from US$ 36 billion in tion of two years, this project nutritious food and aware- 2017) in New Delhi. this year’s IITF takes place at 2013-14 to US$ 60 billion in has benefitted over 14,000 ness on importance of nu- Speaking on the occasion, a point when India is recog- 2016-17. The President said students across the city. trition in the daily diets. This the President said that IITF nised as one of the bright that 3,000 exhibitors, includ- As a part of its CSR project ensures that school is more than just a trade fair spots of the global economy. ing 222 companies from policy, Monsanto identifies going students benefit from or exhibition. Commencing The world has acknowledged abroad, are participating at under-privileged and eco- nutritious meals in their every year on November 14, the changed business envi- IITF 2017. Thirty-two of In- nomically weaker sections of formative years. In addition, it is a showcase of India on ronment in India and the dia’s states and Union terri- the society and contributes Monsanto has also distrib- the global stage. It is also a strides made in ease of do- tories are represented. Insti- to their growth and devel- uted hygiene kits to stu- symbol of India’s ancient and ing business. The introduc- tutions that are present range opment. The “School Nutri- dents and facilitated consti- enduring commitment to in- tion of the Goods and Serv- from self-help groups to big tion Project” is presently tution of WASH (Water Ad- ternational trade. ices Tax has been a mile- business houses, and from being run in 136 schools equate for Sanitation & Hy- The President said that in- stone. It has broken down small and medium manufac- across Ahmedabad in areas giene) Councils. These stinctively we have been an barriers between states. It turing enterprises to digital like Aajol, Badpura, Dhanot, councils promote hygiene open society – free to trade has provided a boost to the start-ups. IITF is a mini-In- Ellisbridge, Gandhinagar, practices and create aware- winds and cultural ex- creation of a common mar- dia. It is a snapshot of the Indrapura, Lodra, Rupal, ness for reducing health is- changes. We have valued a ket and a more formal diversity and the sheer en- Sugad and Vihar. sues. (20-4) liberal, rules-based interna- economy as well as a ergy of this subcontinent. World Television Premiere of Bareilly Ki Barfi on 19th November Comedy. Drama. Love. ‘Aashiq’ Chirag (Ayushmann While for some, these are Khurrana) and a ‘Romeo’ mere emotions, for Bareilly’s Pritam Vidrohi (Rajkummar Bitti Mishra (Kriti Sanon), Rao). Which of these two suc- these are the ultimate res- ceed in winning Bareilly Ki pite. Directed by Ashwiny Iyer Barfi aka Bitti forms the crux Tiwari, Bareilly KiBarfi was an of the story. instant crowd winner and a Bareilly Ki Barfi’s support- rip-roaring success at the box ing cast comprising of actors office. The film is a laughter Pankaj Tripathi, Seema riot which has garnered Bhargava, Naila Grewal and oodles of love and apprecia- Rohit Choudhary has also re- tion from audiences across ceived many accolades for the world. Bringing this en- their splendid performance. tertainer of the year closer to While the honesty in the sto- the comfort of the viewer’ liv- ry’s narration by Javed Akhtar ing rooms, Zee Cinema, has won hearts, Bareilly Ki Home of Blockbuster Movies, Barfi’s music has also im- will air the World Television pressed music aficionados Premiere ofBareilly Ki Barfi on across the world. Be it Twist Sunday, 19th November 2017 Kamariya composed by at 8pm. Starring Kriti Sanon, Tanishk Bagchi and Vayu or Ayushmann Khurrana and Nazm Nazm by Arko Pravo Rajkummar Rao as central Mukherjee and other compo- characters, Bareilly Ki Barfi sitions like Sweety Tera depicts the oscillating dynam- Drama and Badass Babua, all ics of love between the sweet the songs have been barfi Bitti (Kriti Sanon), an chartbusters.(19-8) H P, EDII and RDF announced ‘World on wheels’ Today Hewlett Packard dia. At minimum of 3500 ben- (HP), Entrepreneurship De- eficiaries would be benefitted velopment Institute of India from one Mobile Lab in a year (EDII) and Rural Develop- and the project is being ment Foundation (RDF) an- planned for four years. nounced ‘World on wheels’ It is a major and impor- inaugurated by and Mr. Nitin tant step towards Digital lit- (social Worker) Patel which is eracy and it will cover the supposed to benefit 3500 topics which is necessary for more people of Rural and rural population. It will have semi urban areas of India Direct Convergence with Dig- with one bus in a year. This ital India Campaign & Skill project will not only increase India Initiative. Digital Lit- literacy but also will make eracy course is an offline con- people familiar with digital tent of 20 hrs introduced by platform going through En- Government of India. All rolled in Digital Literacy Train- study material approved by ing Module. NCERT will be available in ‘World on Wheel Project’ digital lab. It will also provide would be an attempt to bring the education related to ag- a change in the situation by riculture like Analysis of Soil providing mobile computer / Water / Crop related prob- labs from school to school lems. Awareness on Sustain- and colleges to colleges in able Agriculture and the selected states. There would knowledge related to soil and be seven “labs on Wheel” water and how to turn rural covering seven states of In- waste into Compost. Edi:Mayur C. Bhatt, Printer & Publisher-Owner : Mayur C. Bhatt, Place of Pub: 37/ A, Rajlaxmi Tanament, Opp. Rami Vidhyalaya, Laxmipura, Gorva,Vadodara-Place of Printing : Mahadev Offset, B-4, Ravi Estate Rustam Mill Compound Dudheswar, Ahmedabad-19 Owner: Mayur C. Bhatt. ÷kufr{ºk, LOKMITRA y{ËkðkË 16 LkðuBçkh 2017, økwhwðkh 3 Mkwhûkk Ãkrh»kË{kt Ë÷ðeh ¼tzkheLkwt Ãkrhýk{ hkufkÞwt MktÞwõík hk»xÙ, yktíkhhk»xÙeÞ ¼tzkheLkwt [qtxýe Ãkrhýk{ ykÔÞwt Au. yuf Mkex WÃkh yu{ LkÚke. çkeS íkhV yk {kxu 97 {ík {¤ðk sYhe Au. yËk÷ík{kt ss íkhefu çkeòu rçkúxLkLkk Ãkux{kt ¼khíkLkwt ÞkuòÞu÷e [qtxýe{kt ¼kshLkk ÃkrhðíkoLkLku Mðefkhðk yk yk¾kuÞ {k{÷ku MktÞwõík fkÞofk¤ Mk{Þ {u¤ððk sR ykrÄÃkíÞ ðÄe sþu íku çkkçkík Ë÷ðeh ¼tzkhe y™u rçkúxLkLkk {níðÃkqýo MktøkXLk íkiÞkh LkÚke. hk»xÙ Mkwhûkk Ãkrh»kË{kt yxfe hnu÷k ¼khíkeÞ ss Ë÷ðeh æÞkLku ykðíkk yxfkðe Ëuðk{kt r¢MxkuVh økúeLkðwz ðå[u yksu MktÞwõík hk»xÙLkk 70 ð»koLkk økÞku Au. ¼khíkeÞ W{uËðkhLku [qtxýe «r¢Þk nkÚk Ähðk{kt RríknkMk{kt yur÷x-5 økúwÃk{kt A {ík {éÞk Au ßÞkhu ÞwfuLkk ykðe níke. íku fkuRÃký òíkLkk fkuRÃký MkÇÞ yktíkhhk»xÙeÞ W{uËðkhLku Lkð {ík {éÞk Au. ‘ðÕzo yku™ ÔneÕ‚' rLkýoÞ ðøkh {kufqV hk¾ðk{kt yËk÷ík{kt økuhòh hÌkku LkÚke. 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