4 y V VOI. VII., NO. 4.5 HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY. MAY 29, 1914. SEMI-WEEKL- WHOLE NUMI'.ER'.VXYi J . 1,3 . SUNI?.: 800 ARE v ' ' - ' ' o o o iCRo o o o o o o o O o o o ; o- o O ' o o ' o o 1 reland Collides V V 7 Go))ier; 350 Passangers Saved QUEBEC, May 29. (Associated Press Cable). Eight hundred persons are missing and,it is believed, have perished as the result of the sinking last night of the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Ireland in the St. Lawrence River, off Father Point in the county of Rimouski, " : province of Quebec, following a collision with the Norwegian Collier Storstad. V V ill-fat- Three hundred and fifty of the passengers and crew of the ed ship have been landed at the little town of Rimouski, and the remainder of the approximately twelve hundred who were on the ship are not accounted for. ' ;:, The impression that they have been lost'is furthered from the reports that the Empress of Ireland sank within ten minutes after the collision. , ' The ships were running in a heavy fog when the crash came. : v , While reports from the scene of the disaster are meager it is not believed that the survivors, though landed on the sparsely settled Rimouski ' coast, are suffering greatly from exposure as the weather has been extremely mild for this season of the year. ; Among- - the 1200 persons on board the Empress of Ireland were a large party of Salvation ArmyWorkers. Early, reports stated that the Empress of Ireland had collided'with the German steamer Hanover and that both ships had gone down, the Empress of Ireland with its 1200 persons and the Hanover with 1318 passengers aboard and a large crew. Later reports, however, definitely established the other ship in the collision as the collier Storstad, Captain Anderson. ' :i :': The Empress of Ireland, which was the crack liner of the Canadian Pacific fleet, being the lares(t placed in commission, was carrying seventy-se- ven first class passengers, 206 second class, 504 third class and crew of about 400 men" when it struck the Storstad. She was in command of Lieutenant Kendall, Royal Naval Reserve. ' The Empress of Ireland was'Iaunched at Glasgow on January 28, 1906. It was 569 feet in length; 65 feet 6 inches in width, its tonnage was : ' ' .'..-';- .' . v v . 14,500 and displacement 20,000 tons. - - r. Not quite two years ago, the Empress of Britain, tistep ship of the Empress of Ireland, and in practically th; same locality as last night's disaster, rammed and sank the collier Helvetia. The Empress of Britain, however, ' escaped serious damage, rescued all the passengers aboard the Helvetia and took them into Montreal. , ' , Langtcy Aeroplane PEACE OH Disasters- - Decade ROSE PROMOTED G OVER DR-- G S First Built, Made : Marine of Past ; y JOB DEALS ? to. Fly-b- Gurtiss Y)0 June 15. General Sltkitm, excursion st :am1oat with 140Cf persons alxjard; took (Trc TOSIIERIFF'S IB LO ll 1 ' " . oing through Hell Gatc,East River;. more than 1000 lives lost. 1905, Scj'teniher 12. rjapancse warship Mika.sa nink after explosion in 5ascbo harbor;'.) ' UPTOlISi - - - - 'C-- lives' loit.' : '. ". , Machine Was Same Which Fell f- In Turn the New Official Give's Three Lenses Are Given for 991 l2.-- , . ., ' 1,'ebruary S. SS in cf;lliskv,..!,h Harry iii, Hong' Island-- . JMwiont . Hani'nv, ' - Into Potomac Ridicule ' - Recognition vto Employes Years Each- Total Acrcr ,K ... '." "'Sound ; 183. lives lost. V j v 1 .. Killed Inventor. iyo7, February 21. English mail steamship Berlin wrecked off the Hook of (olland ; 142 i :. Under Him. age Involved 292.34. ' ' v El III! ; lives lost. ': '.''.. ' , 1 l(.QJ, February 24. Austrian Lloyd S. S Iru;)cratrix, fjom Trieste to Bombay, wrecked V'.i'J oa Three homestead lcises of yenrs KKM VU A, New" York, May 2'J. ' ( Uoao wan Gape of Crete and sunk 137 lives lost. ' . , buries II. appoiutcd sheriff each, nine special homestcid agreements l'Tir by Federal Wireless) Honolulu were I nd l'X)7, warship Jena, blown up at Toulon ; 120 livea lost. of the city and' county of and four transfers apriv?d Mediators Practically Complete March.Frcnch , siguod yestnnUy by Goverimr i'inivli i:ii. CileNtt H. Cnrtiss, th famous aviator 1907, 21. S. S. off Cove, jn yesterday Ly the board of supervisors July Columbia sunk Shelto i California, collision with tvS. San The riiecial homesteud . ar(!eiiienti Plans for Pacification of Mex and nirhhlp toustrurtor, yesterday was at their noon-da- meeting to fill the . Pedro; 50 lives lost. v'. - 'V culled tor the taking up of 171.lv! HiKcinwfiil iu Nmkin fly the Samuel vacancy caused by Vt illiam P, Jarrett of government land, appraised at ico and Lay Proposals Before 1908, April 25. British cruiser Gladiator rammed by American liner St Paul off Isle of being high . heavior-tlmn-ai- r appointed to the position of 0!H Imlcy aeroplane,' the first ' 3W4.2l; the year leases cover Wight; 30 lives lost. v;-'-i shcrni' or. the Territory by Governor Two Rulers For Their Ap- machine ever constructed and K.oo acres, no cunsideratiou beiu 1908, ; v .' Piiikbam. The two appointees ..will to make a soceeFsful flight. The crude July. Chinese warship Ying King fouit Jered 300 lives lost. ; U'lvenj and the transfers cover 112.ini ' take ollice on June 1. noted. The. proval Nature of Findings machine fell into the 'otoiiiac river 1908, August 24. S. S. Folgenenden wrecked ; 70 persons lost. acres, uo consideration At last night's meeting of the super- total ares' figuring in the sixteen pub-tie- , ' wlmn the inventor attempted to make 1908, November 6. S. S. Aaish sunk in storm off Etoro 150 lives lost. Not Made public. Island; visors, iu a roiniuunicstion to thut H' tly years was res- lauds transactions amounts to it many bro, but it '' .'. Koee twenty-tw- - 191 U February 2. S. S. Abenton wrecked; 70 Jives lost. , . body, Sheriff not tied the board acres, compprised in separ- . cued front its watery grave and later ' ' ' ' that be intended . appointing Chiet lots. The . 1911. April 23. S. S. Asia ran aground; 40 lives lost, V ! ately surveyed truusactions became an exhibit in the Hinithsonian . ' . Clerk Julius W, Asca to the position 01 were aa follows: 20. 5. 81 '. ; NIAGARA FALLS, Cuuada, May institute. Uocause the machine waa ao 1911, September S. S. Tuscapel wrecked i lives lost.: j. sheriff. ' lloinestead leases, 99t years ' ; deputy Kaluua ridiculed by newspapers as well ns his : , (Assouiatcd Press by.Feder'al Wire 1911, October 2. S. S. Hatfield in collision and .sunk: 207 lives, lost.'.:".;:. , Uhcriff Kose entered the police de- Kaleopaa (w), lot 5A, at'l'ohukou, l'a-uilo- heav-ic- r assertions that he could make a '. j. lau- - less) Plans for tho pacification of 1911, 2 S. S. ; 150 lives . .' .. partment as chief clerk to Buerilf llaniukua, Island of Hawaii, two tban-ai- r April Koombuna wrecked lost. machine remain in the air, three-quarte- r Ka-wel- Mexico have boon virtually completed 1912, 14. S. S, off Newfoundland 1635 kea. Kuuning on the Democratic ticket and acres; William Lanlcy became discouraged, gave np April Titanic, struck iceberg Banks and sunk: lives one-quart- ' with ftheriti Jarrett he was elected lor lot 3A, same place, three anil by the South American mediators. The bis uinbitiou tost, - r to perfect an airehivand v'- r, two' terms to the position be has just acres; Piko Kukeansnu, lots ; broken ' major issues are bow before President died of a. hoait. vacated. ... JO ud SUA, HnuuU, Island of Oului, . Wilson and lresidcnt Iluerta for their i Sheriff Hose stated yesterday that he two and sixty five hundredths acre-i- ' Special homestead Emily approval, tbia approval is , ob had no policy to make public at thia agroeinents Whoa carry Kia, lot 22, at KiliHlnni, North Hilo, tained aocondary questions will bo tak WOULD SELL OLD SHIPS JAPANESE ftDFJIITTtO AHTIST time other than he intended to OLD GILBERG out the duties of his oflice as his con' Island 'of Hh wail, It. 03 acres, ap- en np by the mediutors and the repre- - science and his oath of oUice dictated. praised value $.'!30.i)0; Hattie I look a no, same pluce, tot 21, 11. acres, :t'll .'JH; . seutativea of the United States and Julius W. Asvh has been conuected lit SCORES ON COAST John Awa, lot WX, nt Luultmlei, Oalui, Mexico. 1 Among ioint bo with the police department for six years the atill to llUii 5.44 acres 27fi; Chang. Wai Hung, diiipoaed of, It ie believed, ia the ncli-c-tio- DIES OF INJURIES a chief clerk and haa been an honest ami eflicrent officer. lot 1 Oil,, at Kaliiheo, Island of Kauai,- of the person io will comprise 25.73 lacres, $232; Antonio Furtado, the' new Mexican government, aud the Sheriff Rose stated yesterday that be WAfeHIXOTOX, May a8.-r-- Dr. Henry 28. lota 11, P'1 and 102, Munowaiopue, which will succeed SEATTLE, May The central bad promoted J. K. Kanepuu to the po- manner. in tluy the FHANT1SCO, 29.- - North llilo, Hawaii, respective area Lane, senator from Oregon, haa submit- labor ' eotlneil, after ; considerable dis- BAN May sition made vacant by Deputy Sheriff Iluerta regime., The plans which have (Sjiecial by Succumbs to Wounds Received 15.H4 acres, 10.5(1 acres and (57,5110 to The Ailvertiser Asch's promotion; , . .. boon submitted to Wilson and Jluvra ted to the senato committee on naval cussion, has agreed to allow Japanese ( Wireless) Madame Ma ' ' fijinre feet, total value $li7i.40; John ' all-bate- Federal K, Kanepuu been in members J.
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