Curriculum Vitae G. J. Oliver GRAHAM JOHN OLIVER Department of Classics 48, College Street Box 1856 Brown University Providence, RI 02912 [email protected] Employment 2013- Brown University, Professor of Classics (with tenure); Professor of History at Brown University (from Sept. 2014) 2011-2013 The University of Liverpool, Reader in Ancient Greek Culture 2007-2011 The University of Liverpool, Senior Lecturer in Ancient Greek Culture 1999-2007 The University of Liverpool, Lecturer in Ancient Greek Culture 1999-2004 The University of Liverpool, Senior Research Fellow 1995-1999 The University of Liverpool, Temporary Lecturer in Ancient History 1994-1995 The University of Liverpool, Research Associate Education 1996 D.Phil. The University of Oxford, Faculty of Classics (Ancient History): The Athenian State under Threat: Politics and Food Supply, 307 to 229 B.C. (supervisor: D.M. Lewis; examiners: M.M. Austin and S. Hornblower) 1989 BA (Oxon). The University of Oxford, School of Literae Humaniores (2.I degree, Literae Humaniores, 1985-1989) 1 Curriculum Vitae G. J. Oliver Honors/Fellowships/Grants 2018 Chair of the Classics Department (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2021) 2017 OVPR Research Seed Funding ($49,000; unsuccessful application; 'Culture Capitals: post-Imperial Legacies in Early States); Humanities Research Fund 2018 (Fall 2017; $800; for SCS 2018 conference); Faculty Travel Fund (Fall 2017; $1300; for AIEGL 2017 conference); C V Starr Award ($5000; for AAH 2017 Conference) 2016 Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Faculty Fellow, 2016-2018, Brown University. Loeb Classical Library Foundation Award, 2016-2017, $31.375 Co-award holder (with Professor Scafuro) of Arete Foundation research grant, ‘Brown Greek Epigraphy and Law Project’, $198,000 (January 2016-December 2018). Humanities Research Fund, Brown University (Fall '16), $1000 for epigraphical publication; Brown University Faculty Travel Fund (Fall '16), $1220 for presenting a paper at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association, Denver Jan. 2017. 2015 Mellon Teaching Fellow, Haffenreffer Museum, Brown University/Rhode Island School of Design Assemblages Project, July 2015 to June 2016 Humanities Research Fund, Brown University (Jan. 2015), $1000. 2014 Faculty Travel Fund, Brown University (Oct. 2014), $700 award. Faculty Travel Fund Brown University (May, 2014), $1750. 2013 Humanities Research Fund, Brown University, $1000 award. 2012 The British School at Athens, Visiting Fellow 2011-2012 The University of Liverpool (Faculty Incubation Grant 2011/12): ‘Writing and beyond’, interdisciplinary research project, £1620. 2011 UK Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for History, Classics and Archaeology, Epigraphy training workshop, £5000. 2010 St John’s College, The University of Oxford, Visiting Scholarship 2006 École Normale Supérieure, Paris, Visiting Professor 2004 British Academy: Joint application with Professor P. J. Rhodes (University of Durham) and Dr P. Low (University of Manchester) for 2 Curriculum Vitae G. J. Oliver sponsorship of a conference, ‘Cultures of Commemoration: war memorials, ancient and modern’, 16-17 July 2004 (£5,000) 1999-2004 Arts and Humanities Research Board-funded Senior Research Fellowship at The University of Liverpool/The University of Oxford (part of a grant worth £440,000 held by J. K. Davies (Liverpool)/A. K. Bowman (Oxford)) 1998 The University of Liverpool, Research Development Fund, preparation for the major research grant application on Athenian epigraphy (£1420) 1997 The University of Liverpool, Research Development Fund, preparation for the major research grant application on Athenian epigraphy (£300) 1992-1993 The University of Oxford, Craven Fellow (12 months of doctoral studies spent in Athens) 1990-1993 British Academy, three-year doctoral funding award 1989 The University of Oxford, President of the Oxford University Archaeological Society 1988-1989 Lady Margaret Hall, The University of Oxford, Scholarship 1988 The University of Oxford, Charles Oldham Scholarship award 1987 The University of Oxford, Oxford University Undergraduate Essay prize in the 'New Initiative in Archaeology' 1985-1988 Lady Margaret Hall, The University of Oxford, Exhibition award Publications Monographs: (1) Oliver 2007: War, food and politics in early Hellenistic Athens, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-19-928350-7. xxiii + 360 pages Edited Books: (1) Oliver 2012: P. Low, G. J. Oliver, and P. J. Rhodes (eds), Cultures of Commemoration: war memorials, ancient and modern, The British Academy/OUP, 2012. ISBN 9780197264669. xiv + 199 pages + 25 figures. 3 Curriculum Vitae G. J. Oliver (2) Oliver2001: Z. Archibald, J. Davies, V. Gabrielsen and G. J. Oliver (eds), Hellenistic Economies, Routledge, London, 2001. ISBN 0-415-23466-2. xvi + 400 pages + 42 figures + 11 tables. (3) Oliver2000_01: G. J. Oliver, R. Brock, T. J. Cornell, and S. Hodkinson (eds), The Sea in Antiquity, International Series, British Archaeological Reports S899, Oxford, BAR, 2000. ISBN 1 84171 160 8. ix + 180 pages. (4) Oliver2000_02: G. J. Oliver (ed.), The Epigraphy of Death: Studies in the History and Society of Greece and Rome, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-85323-915-0. vi + 225 pages + 36 figures and illustrations. Monograph/Books in Progress: (1) Inscriptiones Graecae, Volume II/III, (3rd edition) Part I fascicle III, Athenian laws and decrees 321/0-301/0 BC. Berlin: Berlin Academy and De Gruyter. (2) A Companion to the Athenian Laws and Decrees, 321/0-301/0 BC (provisional title), to be submitted to the Brill Epigraphy Series. (3) Cambridge Manual of Greek Epigraphy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, under contract. (4) Hellenistic Athens: Economy and Society in the Greek polis (in preparation) Chapters in Edited Monographs/Articles/Encyclopedia Entries (1) 2018a: 'People and cities: economic horizons beyond the Hellenistic polis', in H. Börn and N. Luraghi (eds), The Polis in the Hellenistic World, Stuttgart: Steiner, 159-179. (2) 2018b: 'The Alexander Romance and Hellenistic political economies', in R. Stoneman, K. Nawotka, and A. Wojciechowska (eds), The Alexander Romance in History and Literature (Ancient Narrative Supplement), Groningen, 111- 128. (3) 2016: ‘Reading Inscribed Letters from Roman Macedonia’, Manual/a resource about art and its making, Rhode Island School of Design Museum, 2016 (http://risdmuseum.org/manual/458_reading_inscribed_letters_from_roma n_macedonia) (4) 2012e: Entries s.v. “Rhamnous”, “Symmoria”, for R. Bagnall et al. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Malden, Ma.: Blackwell, 2012. (5) 2012d: ‘The Agoranomoi at Athens’, in L. Capdetrey and C. Hasenohr (eds), Agoranomes et édiles. Institutions des marchés antiques (Scripta Antiqua 44), Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2012, 81-100. (6) 2012b: ‘Démographie des migrations et mobilité dans la Méditerranée grecque à l’époque classique et à la haute époque hellénistique’, in L. Capdetrey and J. Zurbach (eds), Mobilités grecques. Migrations, réseauX, contacts en Méditerranée, de l’époque archaïque à l’époque hellénistique (Scripta Antiqua 46), Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2012, 137-56. (7) 2012a: ‘Naming the dead, writing the individual: classical traditions and commemorative practices in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries’, in P. Low, G. J. Oliver, and P. J. Rhodes (eds), Cultures of Commemoration: war 4 Curriculum Vitae G. J. Oliver memorials, ancient and modern’, Oxford, The British Academy/Oxford University Press, 2012, 113-34. (8) 2012f: P. Low and G. J. Oliver, ‘Comparing cultures of commemoration in ancient and modern societies’, in P. Low, G. J. Oliver, and P. J. Rhodes (eds), Cultures of Commemoration: war memorials, ancient and modern’, Oxford, The British Academy/Oxford University Press, 2012, 1-11 (9) 2011a: Mobility, society, and economy in the Hellenistic period’ in Z. Archibald, J. K. Davies, and V. Gabrielsen (eds). The economies of Hellenistic societies, 3rd – 1st centuries BCE. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, 345-67. (10) 2011b: ‘Before “Lycurgan Athens”: the origins of change’, in V. Azoulay and P. Ismard (eds), Clisthène et Lycurgue d’Athènes. Autour du politique dans la cité classique, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 119-31 (11) 2010: ‘Foreign Names, Inter-Marriage and Citizenship in Hellenistic Athens’, in R. Catling, F. Marchand, and N. Kanavou (eds), Onomatologos. Studies in Greek Personal Names presented to Elaine Matthews, Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2010, 155-69. (12) 2009: ‘Honours for a public slave at Athens, (IG ii2 502 + Ag. I 1947; 302/1 B.C.)’ in A. A. Themos and A. Matthaiou (eds), ΑΤΤΙΚΑ ΕΠΙΓΡΑΦΙΚΑ. ΜΕΛΕΤΕΣ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΙΜΗΝ ΤΟΥ Christian Habicht, Athens, Greek Epigraphy Society, 2009, 111-24 (13) 2007b: ‘Citizenship: inscribed honours for individuals in Classical and Hellenistic Athens’ in J-Chr. Couvenhes & S. Milanezi (eds), Individus, groupes et politique à Athènes: recherches et perspectives. Actes du colloque international de Tours des 7-8 mars 2005, Tours, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais de Tours, 2007, 273-92. (14) 2007c: ‘L’économie d’Athènes au IIIe s. av. J.-C.’, in Économies et sociétés en Grèce classique et hellénistique, Pallas 74 (2007), Presses Universitaires du Mirail, Toulouse, 277-91. (15) 2007d: ‘Space and the visualization of power in the Greek polis: the award of portrait statues in decrees from Athens’, in R. von den Hoff and P. Schultz (eds), Early Hellenistic Portraiture: Image, Style, Context, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 181-204. (16) 2007a:
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