TOMPKINS COUNTY Navigating A Sea Of Resources PUBLIC LIBRARY Title: Ithaca Directory 1876 Author: Call no. LH-CASE 974.7 Ithaca 1876 Owner: Ithaca - Tompkins County Public Library Assigned Branch: Ithaca - Tompkins County Public Library (TCPL) Collection: Local History (LH) Material type: Book Number of pages: 152 We wish to thank The History Center in Tompkins County for access to select Ithaca City Directory years in their collection for digitization Digitization of this material was made possible with a >009 grant from the Park Foundation c BilTTER and CHEESE from the best Dairies. Foreign and tam c FRl'ITS, Canned Fruits, an I Vegetable., Pork, Lard, Fish. Yankee Notions, and a full variety "oods usually kept in u FIRST CLASS STORE. I J5_T* | i.oods delivered, when desired, free of charge. TERMS, CASH. 1 G. H. WARDWELL. G. F. .IU-ST. ! E_g~COAL ORDERS, when acco., mied by the cash, will receive prompt attention. F- S. ^^^V HOWE, r<; /Ssj_^- -- ' Dental Rooms . tkmZ , '< -J ' I L Ij Ifc il@l| 13>!r:% 5* S* NITROUS' c OXIDE GAS for Painlet s Extraction of Teeth. o I*, If. CULVEB < CO., r_>B_^.I_,3__T?l-3 MM g||ife ^ Hiiif In $ofes, c r GROCERIES, tr CROCKERY. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. ITHAOA, N. Y. 16 Hud-ton. Residence, Tates bet. Aurora & Tioga, Ithaca. ' C _,. For Reference CASE * -_____= Not to be taken from this room ?_.=_ CA1 AND -=_! c_=: UNDERTAKIN( H J_Y _,_li_&JTS BRANCHES. HOARSE AND .04REI4OTS FFEIfliHlD, Upholstering Couches, Mattresses and Parlor Furniture at Lowest Figures. MB, 3 WISf if411 ST., 1TBA0A, la . MERCHANT TAILOR. A FINE LINE OF PROM WHICH TO SELECT. mik m. 8TTB .-_**-, COR. TIOOA. Shirts Made to order. Ithaca, JV: Y. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. ni WM. G. JOHNSON, AND E/Iarlsef Gardener, ITHACA GORGE CONSERVATORIES, IT-El-^O^, IN". Y. GROWER OF Hot House Plants, Roses, &c. CUT FLOWERS fi SPECIALTY. -Orders for promptly. __ filled FUNERALS, PARTIES, &c. , Also, all choice Vegetables this climate affords, grown and for sale. IV ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 99c. Will buy each of the following named articles, at the 99c. and Variety Store, 77 Kast State St., Itliacsa. 09c. 1 Good Black Walnut Clock, warranted, . 1 Black Walnut Foot Rest, 99c. 99c. 1 Beautiful Mat, .... .... 99c. 1 Lovely Ink, .... .... .... 99c. 1 Black Walnut Music Rack .... 1 Fine Ash or Black Walnut Stand 99c. 1 Fine Hat 99c. 1 Shirt, Linen Bosom, 99c. 1 Whalebone Whip, 1 feet 99c. 1 Florence Hand Mirror 99c. 09c. 1 Florence Brush, .... .... 99c. 1 8x10 French Plate Stand Mirror, .. 99c. 1 Large Hamper, ... .... 1 Fish Globe on Stand, 99c. 99c. 1 Five-step Step Ladder, .... .... 99c. 1 Fine Caster, .... 99c. 1 Table Spread, .... .... 99c. 1 Bed Spread, ... 1 Extra Nice Field Croquet, 6 balls and 6 mallets in box, 99c. 99c. ] Rustic Hanging, 10 inches, . .... 99c. 1 Very Fine Cane, .... 1 No. 1 Pluck Chromo, 99c. 1 No. 2 Pluck Chromo, ... 99c. Albums, Portemonnaies, half-price. Traveling Bags, rJ rames, all kinds. Silver-plated Ware, R. & B. Jewelry guaranteed. All Umbrellas, Glassware, almost given away, &c, &c fine goods. Call and examine. Perfect satisfaction given at 77 EAST STATE STREET. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. A. H. GREGG, Urinltml Wareboase -AND- SEED STORE, *_; ", '* U'*-m MOWERS, REAPERS, "fbreshing machines, FAEM WAGONS, &c, a Specialty. Liberal Discounts to Dealers. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. ART EMPORIUM K JL II HAS CONSTANTLY CHOICE SELECTIONS OF ALL STYLES OF PICTURES, ill iliilf Piilf Hill; MetCirieliiMlt, Promptly and at Unrivalled, Prices. Up Stairs, next Door to County Clerk's Office. TIOGA STREET, ITHACA, N. Y. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. VII WATKINS & MARTINDALE, (SUCCESSORS TO WM. S. HOYT) MANUFACTURERS OF PEDDLING IS PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS, ____Miin_l_kA__ Buggies,, Sleighs^ &c, lor* Artirn aiii Jay t ITHACA, IST. Y. W. H. MARTINDALE. J. L. WATKINS. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. G. C. McCLUNE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fliiii, Git ai hiii STONE. OFFICE, 57 West Seneca Street, ITHACA, M. Y. All Orders prom a distance promptly Attended to. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. WILLIAMS BROS., MANUFACTURERS OP ENGINES, BOILERS, MACHINERY, ?lJ O aT "Ota *"* * sj Mai U_._-_^V_*_r i (EKJ| 3_ % [XJ " ' 1 H : ^*"___. *-*ri > >T_! r r. r-. o a SM WO. > -'V* 4 -<rj oq i Iron and Brass Castings. Lumber at Wholesale and Retail. Planing, Sawing, Jobbing and Repairing at Short Notice. State, Corn & Seneca Sts., Ithaca, N, T. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. FINCH & APGAR, Booksellers, Stationers - Bookbinders. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WALL PAPER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 60 State St., Ithaca, S. >'. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. XI MEDIO. & DICKEKSON, Plain and Decorative PAINTERS ARE PREPARED TO DO HOUSE PAINTING In all its various branches. ^OOjWg "pREgCOED f\ICH AND JJtABORATE. KALSOMINING In all Fresco styles and colors. DISTEMPER WORK in all shades and tints. CEN TRE-PIECES painted in Fresco colors and enriched with Gold, at very Low Figures. Parlors, Reception Rooms, DiningRooms, Sitting Rooms, Sewing Rooms, Bed Rooms, Hall-ways, Src., Elegantly Kalsomined in all styles of Fresco Tints, from $4 and upwards. +z+~+ Parties wishing their side walls papered, and by introducing the paper tints on the ceilings in fresco colors, will And it makes a handsome finish, the cost Being very little. work of all styles in Oils and in Fresco. Encaustic , Public Halls. Hotels, Lodge Rooms, Club Rooms, Offices, &c, Decorated and Plain Finished, and Ecclesiastical Work executed in the most artistic style. introduced' Graining in all imitations of Wood. Our finish is superior to any ever being more durable and cheaper by far than any in use, giving'our graining the exact appearance of the oiled wood Outside work on private dwellings tastily painted in parti-coior or plain. GILDING of every description. Work out of town promptly executed. dfiijtys ofnllntohn, f^mt, ^ttick and jpzhwp. Mixed Paints of all Tints and Shades constanty on hand. Our Kalsomining in Fresco Tints a Specialty. The public are assured that we use no patent mixtures in oil or wafer colors Our leads, oils and manufactured colors are warranted strictly pure. Competition defied. H. R. MEDLIN". J. J. DICKERSON. All orders by mail promptly attended to. Call or address at JVo. 2 West Stctte Street, Northwest Corner of State and Cayuga Streets. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. WALTER, BTJELDfG, Boat Builder, Yard on -VYejst Port j3t., Near G. I. & A. Depot, ITHACA, N. Y. ALL KINDS OF AG! li >t Gigs, Barges, ROW AND PLEASURE BOATS, Built to Order on Short Notice. All kinds of OARS constantly on hand and Built to order. REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PLEASURE YACHTS A SPECIALTY. Builder of some of the fastest Yachts on the Lake : The " Madeline," " Resolute," of Aurora, N. Y. ; the of "Gondolier," Taughannock, N. Y. ; the of Aurora, N. Y. BEFBEENCBS. WILLIAM II. BOGART, Aurora, N. Y. WM. BROOKFIELD, H. R. KENYON, Ithaca, JOHN CARR, Union Springs. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. XIII 78 E.STATE ST., ITHACA, N. Y. o Established 1837. o CUERANS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, DEALERS IN Perfumery, Toilet Articles, BRUSHES, SOAPS, DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES. Cnrm's CMera Snic, fright ^tclss Wire ^trd. Cages SINGING CANARY BIRDS A SPECIALTY. Give us a call when in want of anything in the Drug line. XIV ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. DAWSON & EDWARDS, <*h%l CARRIAGE ul WAGON MANUFACTURERS. Particular Attention given to REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. No. 6 West Green Street, ITHACA, JY. Y. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. ANDRUS, MoCHAIH &> CO. ^MIMFMM&S MoO&BIJtBBMSm AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. MANUFACTURERS OP Pointing; ajmd Vy^APPif.q 41 PJast State Street, Geo. MoChaik, P. K. Andrus, Wm. Andrus, W. A. Church. ITHACA, N. Y. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. J. S. Reynolds. J. B. Lang. J. S. REYNOLDS & CO., 17 and 19 East Green Street, MANUFACTURERS OP STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Mill Gearing, Shafting, Hangers, &c, Cider Mills and Jack Screws. REPAIRING- All kind of promptly attended to. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE Improved Horse Hoes and Plows, Land Rollers, Road Scrapers, &c. Hot Water Apparatus for Hotels, Bath Rooms and Green Houses. fctair Railing, B,il.nie*, Fencing, Store Fronts, Wrought and fast Iron Pipe for Steam, Water and teas, &c. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. WILLIAM JARVIS, manufacturer of the BADEN-POWELL '' NAUTILI' " CANOE, 9 MODEL, The lightest, swiftest and most comfortable craft for cruising, hunting or camping. The ' equally a favorite rith many oarsman. OUTRIGGED GIGS AND RAGING SHELLS, POR SINGLES TO EIGHTS. FANCY ROW AND SAIL BOATS Of the best material and workmanship. All kinds .f Working Boats, Combining speed with lightness and stiffness. STEAM AID SAIIIIG YACHTS. dll MmH of 'Moats to ZLet, Comprising Sail, Row Boats and Yachts, including one large new Yacht, safe and 30 persons, which can he hired for $5.00 staunch, capable of carrying only per day, including an experienced sailing master. tt~ I am the builder of many craft for the NEW YORK CANOE CLUB ; of the ESTELLE;" " V1CT0RINE," " of the yacht for noted Seneca Lake steam yacht K. H. six-oared for the Cornell Packer, of the Lehigh railroad, and a gig oarsmen. Shop n ar Steamboat Landing; and Glass Works, ITHACA, 1ST. Y. and paddles made to order. _N".B. Spoon oars Canoe Prices satisfactory. ADVERTISING department. E_1B_aH|j; m ATJCT IO_LST AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 6 South Tioga St,, New J arnal Block, ITHACA, N. Y. Merchandise, Household Goods 4ni Personal Property Of every description sold at any point in Tompkins County. Always on hand, A LARGE STOCK OF New & Second Hand Furniture, 4SiP, 8TOTBS, & REGULAR SALES HELD EVERY SATURDAY OF HORSES, WAGONS, HARNESS, &C. Special Sales at any time to Suit. t^* We make a specialty of selling goods at houses. Particular attention will be given to the commission department at private sale. This Concern is Licensed by the State, and Under $10,000 Bonds- H.
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