District Population Statistics, 5-Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh

District Population Statistics, 5-Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh

• II ..... ~ Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT. POPULATION. STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 5-BULANDSHAHR DISTRICT !. - / I ,::-I 315.42 31:2... S42- 1951 l?:>UL-')) BUL DPS 1951 price, Re.l-S. .... FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, (0 supply 'them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation' fa! scheduled castes (i) mahalIa/ward-wise for urban areas. and (ii) village-wise fat rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsiI or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallasJwards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in whlch each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural area~. Tl-H required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures ot population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been acceo mated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad DlStrtct, Raldas and Bhagat as 'Cha11lars'. (il) Count Bhangl, Khakrob, Sweepers, HanJan, Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had remmed {hell caste by names whlch did not find place in the schedule as noufied under section 34] of the Constitution ofIndia, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sortmg but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and unifolm orders. I have med to rectify it by passmg this order for the purpose of counting from the N atlOnal Citizens' Register. The differences m the figures of the two COllnts have been clearly set Oll( tn the rahles that follow. 3. The figures of rotal populatlOn of mohallas/wards have been arnved at by actual countmg from the National CItizens' Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded to the Prtmal'Y Census Abstract, 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code .number of the dIstrict, the &econd the code number of the tehsl1 (or towns of over of lakh population) and (he third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population), The key to the code numbers of tchsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. RAJESHW ARJ PRASAD, LA.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent. Census Operations, July 23, 1952 . Uttar Pradesh LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS OF BUL'ANDSHAHR DISTRICT A-Errata to population figures (Urban) ---------------------------- For Read page -~-- ----- no. particuIB~" 6 7 6 7 Sikandrabad M. B. [,794 [3,461 2,802 12,453 Total 26.139 126,437 27.147 125.429 7 Sikandrabad (M. H.) 7 22-KhottriwalR 248 2.456 1,256 1,448 7 Total \,794 13.461 2.802 12.453 B-Errata to column if Code no. and name of village (Rural) (a) Addition of new villages Page nO. Particulars Additions 10 Under pRrgana. AhaI' 34-Aurangabud Ta}wrpur Khllrler. 16 KhUl"ja 221-Ma nehipul'. \b) Deletion of existing villages 11 D3lete ' 34 -Aurangab~d Tahar pur Kh.'der nnd the entry against it.' 17 AgAinst 282 delete' Qualendra Gall1i.' 27 Delete' 2 21-1Ha.nchipur and the eut,rieR nguinst it.' (c) Oorreotions in existing names of villages Page nO. p'or Read 9 pa,rgana Jovar 12 331-Pragaspur 331-Pra ka .. }lplU' • 13 144-Gu laothi Khu I'd 144-Guthaoli Khurd. 13 14S-Gulaothi'rikri 145--Guthaoli Tilni. 13 388-Sult.. npur Khlldri 388-Sultanpur Khadar. 14 45-Bttugla potri 45-Bagla pothri. 14 64-Blot, 64-Billot. 14 236-KoJuli 236-Kol'aJi. 14 336-1Mmp II' Kaboli urf MiI'zapll[' 336-RampuI' Kaloni ,/"., Mi""" put·. 15 291-Maichuuli 292-Nahchauli. 15 400-Larpur 400-'1'8 qal'raJ..,pur I,adpul'. 17 242-Mukimpul'Siugra 242-MukimpUl Sl!iwarA. 18 76-Basana 76-Bisara. 19 436-Chh>tbra Khador 436-Chhalel'" Kl]a(]or. 20 319-Pakhnna 319-Phakaua. 20 370-l:;d,unli 370-Sanwali. 2 List of Errata to District Population Statistics of Bulandshahr District-( concld.) C-Errata to population figures (Rural) Page nQ, 2 3 4 5 7 9 PArgann Khurja " , , ;;,098 116,652 " " For " 61,554 28,861 Bead ,. , . 61,747 5;,260 117,007 29,216 ,Jewar , , , 9 " " For . 39,129 35,118 74,247 16,187 " Read, , ., 38,936 34,956 73,892 ",832 10 34-AnrAngAbad Tahl1rpllr " For " Read " Unpopulated 16 Pargana Khurja " " Fff " 116,652 28,861 , . " Read, , 117,007 29,216 .. " 221-~ranchipur 16 , , " For " Read " 355 355 ., , . .. 17 282 .... ., '. For ,. Unpopulated Read, , Blank 17 pargana Jewar , ., . .. '. For ., 74,247 16,187 " •• 73,892 15,832 ... , . Read " -_" DISTRICf BULANDSHAHR Summary of Urban Population Population Scheduled Code no, and name of Town Males Females Total 'Muslims Castes Others 2 3 4 5 6 7 5--1-127 DmAI MUNICIPAL BOARD 6,699 5,924 12,613 3,9/2 1,583 7,128 5-1-24 ANUPSHAHR NOTIFIED AREA 5,156 <1,245 9,401 2,246 1,426 5,729 5-1-184 JAHANGlRABAD TOWN AREA 7,796 6,894 11,690 3,526 1,354 9,810 5-1-222 KHALAVR TOWN 2,587 2,329 -1,916 430 727 J,759 5-1-228 KHANPVR GANTU TOWN 2,970 2,657 5,627 2,931 627 2,069 5--2-93 BCLANDSHAHR MUNICIPAL BOARD 19,887 16,605 36,191 13,()31 2,152 21,309 5--2-87 AURANGABAD TOWN AREA 3,096 2,737 5,833 3,051 474 2,308 5--2-143 GULAOTHI TOWN AREA 5,180 4,715 9,895 M77 650 4,768 5--2-378 SfflKARPVR TOWN AREA 6,000 5,439 11,139 4,722 1,682 5,035 5-2-386 SlANA TOWN AREA 5,403 4,711 10,lU 3,529 2,088 4,497 5-2-46 BUGRASI TOWN 2,622 2,315 4,937 2,621 983 1,333 5-2-352 SAIDPUR TOWN 2,450 2,244 4,694 620 847 3,227 5-3-194 KHURJA MUNICIPAL BOARD 21,039 17,715 38,754 12,661 3,042 23,051 5-3-90 CHATTARI TOWN AREA 2,473 2,218 4,691 1,871 547 2,273 5-3-168 JEWAR TOWN AREA 4,111 3,756 7,867 2,341 1,768 3,758 5-3--270 PAHASU TOWN AREA 2,752 2,314 5,066 2,586 823 1,657 5-3--282 RABUPVRA TOWN AREA 2,971 2,553 5,52<1 1,911 875 2,738 5-4-368 SIKANDRABAD MUNICIPAL BOARD 12,796 11,448 21,2# 8,989 1,794 13,461 5-4--69 BlLASPUR TOWN AREA 1,353 1,119 J,nz 1,116 698 658 5-4--116 DADRI TOWN AREA 3,622 3,039 6,661 1,942 1,150 3,569 5-4--123 DANKAVR TOWN AREA 2,377 2,059 4,436 785 567 3,084 5--4--208 KAKORE TOWN AREA 1,290 1,183 2,473 975 282 1,216 Total 124,630 108,219 232,849 80,273 26,139 126,437 Population according to Primary Ceusus Abstract 125,263 108,173 233,436 Population of Muslims according to Table D-ll 81,505 Popubtion of Scheduled Castes according to Table D-ffi 14,046 2 DISTRICf BULANDSHAHR Population of Towns by MobaUas IWards Population Scheduled Code no. and name of Mohalla Male5 Females Total Muslims Castes Others 2 3 -4 5 - - -6- - ---7- --------_- - DEBAI (MUJI'ICJPAL BOARD) Ward-l 7 Chowdhri Khel 532 4i8 1,010 519 89 402 8 Qazi Khel 642 561 1,203 696 36 471 Ward-l 9 Uncha .. 264 243 501 17 326 164 10 Sarai Beruni 509 473 982 320 387 275 Ward-l 1 Qassaban 296 259 555 519 22 14 2 Hasiaganj 255 214 469 231 168 70 5 Sheikhan 383 347 730 520 210 6 Shei kh Chisti 704 680 1,384 904 101 379 Ward-4 3 Chotta Bazar 79 69 1411 5 5 138 4 QUa Kohna 138 140 278 44 23-4 11 Chowk Bohran 127 116 243 243 12 Chowk Durga Prasad 359 315 674 3 671 13 Brahmanpuri 217 180 397 5 392 14 Mata 176 187 363 105 6 252 16 Narnak Mandi 263 261 524 524 Ward--5 )5 Jogi Para 528 448 976 22 9$4 17 Bazar Kalan 53 43 96 3 93 18 Sarai Kishan Chand 315 284 599 17 245 337 19 Sarai Kundan 134 109 243 243 20 Mandi Hardeo 281 250 531 162 369 21 Mahadeo 444 267 711 4 14 693 Total 6,699 5,934 12,623 3,912 1,583 7,128 PopuiatioD accordml to PrImary CellSD!! Abstratl 6,689 5,921 12,610 ---- ANVPSHAHR (MUNICIPAL BOARD) Ward-l 1 Madar Darwaza 443 374 1U7 108 213 496 ~ Patpari 454 389 843 65 778 6 Ganga Darwaza 136 114 250 250 WlITd-2 336 2 Babesterganj 301 95 396 12 48 189 3 Masjid 198 188 386 125 72 110 24 Delhi Darwaza 494 432 926 57 759 Ward-J 23 Purani Tehsil 127 110 237 174 63 25 Bazar Delhi Dwar 27 26 53 5 2 46 26 Jatiana 94 79 173 105 68 27 Meeran 558 506 1.064 543 295 226 WlITd--4 Parkota 103 74 In 23 154 16I" Garhi 160 127 287 47 240 17 Ahar Darwaza 180 128 308 8' 223 18 Gadiana 258 213 471 398 19 54 19 Pushta Mandi 68 60 128 32 96 20 Mandi 9 2 U II 22 Mori Darwaza 124 115 239 132 107 Ward-.5 4 Bazar Kalan 122 90 212 93 [19 7 Xhirki 61 53 114 114 8 Chhatta 109 87 196 45 }51 9 Chapetti 131 116 247 162 85 }O Rawtan 48 52 too 14 86 11 Pok.har 249 222 471 7 17 447 12 Manak Chowk 221 168 389 10 379 13 Kedar Shah 260 242 502 4 1 497 14 Nagar Seli 140 117 257 257 21 Bazar lmli 81 66 147 147 Tolal 5,156 4,245 9,401 2,246 1.426 5,729 POpuiatioD accordiDg to Primary CeDSUS Abstract 5,011 4,347 9.358 3 DISTRICT BULANBSlMHR.

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