![Carroll, 37, of 1Ssa-](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
" Home ot thtJ News All The N~w•. Of All the Pointes , '. Every Thursday '\ " . I. Complete' News (;oveT(lge_, 'o.f. A-ll the Pointes VOLUME IS-NO. 14 . Entered u Second Claaa Matter ,. at the Post OHice at Detroit, Mich. 24 PAGES. Fully Paid Circulation- HEADLINES M~ire 'Sch,ool. 5ttlQents,Y1sifNafion's C~pitaf • •• , , 1 "-, ~ , • Buell Tops Ticket Incumbents oj Ih. Re-eleeted WEEK As CompiletJ b.1'he As FourAre Picked To Council Grl#.~S6 Pomte News Voters Rei e c: t Municipal. ". Building. Bond Issue for Thursday, Marc~ 28 ' For Farms Council Second Time IRANIAN BANDITS killed two American aid officials and , n F C II J d R. h d L The almost monumental~ kidnaped the wife of one of the Incumbents Wi iam • onno y. r., an iC ar . task of the Woods Citizens dead men. The Americans were Maxon and Henry E. Bodman, II. Elected to Advisory Committee to pre-. knifed to death when caught i~ Fill Other Vacancies sent .to the voters and need, an ambush. The ambush took - of three bond issues, espe- place in the village 'of Khash,. Despite inclement weather" 3,620 Farms v~ters went cially that for a new munic .. in a desolated region near the to the nolls M.on.da..y .'.it<>., ,cast their ballo.tS.. in the' general ' b d ~ ipal building, was in vain as PakIstan or er. Cl.ty electl'on whIch selected four'.councrlmen reelected. a A . k'll d . I ~~ all the issues were turne d~ The merlcans 1 e 'were' J'usticelllof the peace. and saw an amen.d.ment to the CIty Kevin M. Carroll, 37, of 1ssa- , _ . down on election day, Md~~ quah, Wash., and Brewster A charter apPI:9ved. day~ April L ' Wl'lson, 35, of Portland, Ore. I The turnout at' the Farms' 'B' l' . Kidnaped was Mrs. C,arro, 11 35• seven' precincts represented 46.5 ' e anger, effortThe tocommitteeenlighten madethe citizeIlJevery The Unl'ted States State De.,; percent of the registered" voters h ;... 00 of the community ..on, w at a partment expressed deep ~on- in the city. Almost,.4 more Zimmerman_. considered the dire need for .. ,cern over t~e ;,n~ders. -~,:::~"'The~'fourih.a~Q~~li~p:~p."Wa:~hingio~, :D~C::by'6th' , to the .Capitol, gtouD:as wh~re the ~bove picture 'Was :~~~~~'sw~~~n,to ~~~~~~;~d ~: ' new municipal building; the Friday, MarCh'29grade~-studentS of M~rie El~mentary: Schopl :was 'a.gre~t.,I.,iak~~ ...Th~z::.!~)lo~~:'y~isit~. t~~~~glI',th~,:Capftol ro:~ ~he _ the election two years ..ago. Win 'in Park ~~u~~~i~~v~o~;:~ ~f~c~~~!. THE UNITED STATES' re- ....su:ccess~'~,Fifty-six childr.en,15 parents. anti. :two ~arle ,White ..House •. TIle ,week~nd l,tmerarY'lnclq,dedVlsltmg Two Incumbents Reelected' tiona1 '.1acilities of a park fae..... ceived a detailed memorandum' teachers tookthe weekend'trip' which st'arted 'on March,' important g~ver~ental and public''Ouildingsandiamous' In the .race. for Farms City " -p-' . d I ing Mack 'avenue. from Egypt in ,which that coun- 28.'~d:"enqe~:.on March,'3L~Oh' arr~val'.iil Wash~gto.'.n..,.",'., 'm~~orials.i:n ..~rli:J:1g~on,.,~lexandri8 ..'anQ.Mt.'Verno.n, Va .. Council, incUmbents. Richard JU,dge Beats otVtn.an n-'Rejected Second Time . _ try proposed that the Suez Ca- Fr idaY'rnor!1ing, special.sig h tseemg. b'uses t00..k th 'egroup,." '.'" " '. -~'.,' , " .,., . nolly,L. MaxonJr.,. and'W1lliainwere re:-elected.'F. Con-J. cum b en t W a Iker IS Un- The turning down of a bo'nd nal be "operated and m~a~ ' . , . Lawrence Buell,' Jr. and Henry seated; Mayor Fritsch issue for a ~ew city hall ma~klr by the autonomous Suez a Mrs.H .. G..'Brilmyerof. UI1i-I'wnired\~cLaUghli~ of Bisllop Sage ..and 'Suzanne:"Briimyer. D1'~;~. A.. ~wis of Beverly E. Bodman II will fill the colin- Unopposed th~second tlm.e the vo.ters have- Authority established by the versit¥ .place.w~s chairman of rQad, ,Bjlt" McLaughlin,:Bob ,Mrs~, I,kone ,B,e~n:ett:()f.'Mar.ie road"Alberl ONeal and ~ruce eil seats vacated by George ~. reJected the Idea, eIther be-, Egyptian, Government on. July the, trip. Original planner of Thompson, "lI4ike ,Leahy : and School, Connie Parke, ..Rabm Stra~han; Mrs. L. ~. ~ewls of Lang and Neil S. McEachin. 1n- One incumbent and a, new cause they are not aware of.' 25, 19~6." The Egyptian .propo~- the trip to Washington for Marie DavId ,Wilson. Mrs. A. J..Smith pavidand' Jeanne ideTamole. B~'Y~r~yroad, Pa;n LeWls, Sarah cumbents Lang' and .. McEachin the. crowded conditions in the' al runs counter to Washmgto~s 6th graders was.' Mrs, "William of, ,St. Paul avenue, ... Pam 'Mrk .H.G ....Brilinye!; SUS~ MyliOle cu:4 Be~h Davey.~rs. 'were not re-elected. " councilm~ will be sworn1in present building, or did not . insistance that the ca.nal be ~- Adams:" Smith, Lynne Chappas and Jane' Mueller Welt; Darlene Barnard G.eorge' NIcholson: of CadIeux A b' kd f'. th t' g with the mayor at a r~gu ar care. ' I t d f th natIonal po su a e rom e ll-,. '.. ' ~llis.~ aI:\d Mary'BI ashill. Mrs. Donald' road" . Bet.h N"lCh'01son" . Jul'Ie h dBrea 11own1 dino. the VO'ghtm mee t'm g 0f th e Park councl'l On February 21, 1955, during tics of anyone country. Follov:mg i. the list of the A. J .. Smith of St. Paul ave.. Lescohier of Bishop road, Linda. 'CordtZ, Diana Gross '~nd Rutp. s 0w.e. uE? ea, ~ e el - on Monday, April '8. a special election, electors were • • • travel~t'S:- . nue, Jackie Teetaert, BobJohn~ Lescohier, LaUrie ..Gr.oW and Gallant. Mrs. Kenneth'Kurtz of candIdate fIeld" wIth 1821 votes. Mayor Homer Fritsch, a lone asked to pass a bond issue for S t d M h 30 d ,. .. ". ." , ., 'd' ff'K 't. .J" Maxon' polled 1790; Connolly, a UJ' ay, arc Mrs. R. W. Allen of Cranior son" Jack .Crane . a,nd Steve Linda Donaldson:'Mrs. Carl Blshoproa, Je .. ':ll' z, lmmy 1702' Bodman, 1593; W.'J. Mac- candidate for his offi~e, .polled $320,000. This was defeated by CLARK GREGORY, director lane, Alice Allen, Mary. Ellen Landers. Joseph Hadley of. Beltz of YorkShire road,. Carl Stu.~r.t, non Mc~p:eeney and Leod, Jr., 1389; Henry L. Petri, 2,212 votes, and councIl mcum- a vote of 1,015to 688. of the International Co-opera- McLean, S~erry, Lippold and Yor~shh:e road, Dave, Sachs, Beltz~d Dennis LaRue. Doug': Bru~e WalIarr. Mr. ~.Sabella?f 1388' L 1325' ahd McEach~ bent, Charle~ F. Ives was re:- When the ballots were ta~ tion Administration Mission to Susan JeffrIes. Mrs. Paul Long IB~p . Hadley, Tom Thompson las ;rones of Grayton road, Alan MarIe'. School, Dav~d. Car.bone,.. 1291ang, , . 't\lrnEid 'to office \.with 1,715 ulated following the crosing. of Iran, said there is a 50-50chance of Harvard road, Linda' ~ng, Iand Ted Rapbael. ..Mrs. Thomas ~ones, /~ Mourad, ..Vahe Vart Jim, Klock, Victor DHooge and m" A' t U' - posed votes. the polls Monday, the issue, that Mrs. Anita'Carroll ?f Issa- Kay Barnes and Sally o.weh,. S~.e. of st. CI~ir aye~ue, Gwen 'and Mike:~~ed~e~ . ~.' JcU?-n:~ckert.,. ".. Cand~:~:o~~ of. the Challenger Ken A. Zimmer- this-time for $475,000 because ash J:8ce quah, -W: :, ~~~ ~f~e c~:~:~~ '. .... .,t'. ' , .~~. '. .., ' .. ', ~ , . .,; ..':' . <,.:.. \ Pelice, Grant E. 'Ar.mstrpng, was maJ!.~efE;at~clI~c;.umb.~ntSteph- cost of mat~rials and 13bor ha$ ~~a~a~:~ts~~sei~her. killed or.,qy'. :m;nL:o, nJ:I;::~~~:,~'~''':'i;~.:.J;';11I,..na' *~"'h",,I)~~~it~inor;t,jf)..~,6th', ~M!ietIJf)fliYl(r;. .~t~~o'sed:,".' ~e .received" -1624 'enT~~O,~~~;r C~~l~~~~~r~~"~~~~ ~~~~, a~P~g;\ri~t ~~2;~~e:y,::.r~ abandoned to die m a vast (}l 'E'PI'p'J; " ~U.iU:I,..:.IIU ...'e UQ !~T. e\ -These 'are'the results of the I::~~3°:e w;:iJl~:: ~~;~::.nfCaRCer!-, Set-"~Anrli\rersRry'~"-~\Vitli:]3ig"-\Earty'" ~C:hlirch-~N OW a!~~~e~~oi~r~/~rtr;~~ar~~ ~~~eacr~i~:3;nda~;ml~~5~' ;~:: ,~~~e~~w:c~~~~t~~ue~ $;.l~~~: • • • . ..' ~... ., - ' ... , . .;""'" ..1.., \_ '",". j ~ . ~hjngmg, th.e d.eadhne..~or, fll~ respectlvel::~ . site in Marter road-no, 2,7191 u. S~;'~;~F:~CIALSFor Sunday AtnYIilatotium .TOQ.ight. 'Free of Debt .~~~dri.t~~~:~~~~~~~~:sn;ol~ep~i>r:::~al ,:~~~f:~dC.2~~;;'~:~el~;~~nt~~:q~::.$13~ in Iran said the Shah':; police. ...' --- " . .. , '. - .' , . : p.m . ,Eafsttern St~f,n~~rd 'rlmt~' votes,overwhelnung his oppon- -no, 2,371; yes, 1,457. t h are closing in on two segmentsn Fourti 'E''"vent of Season to Pro<:eeds From ~'Club .F-e+e" to be. "Jsed' to Establish • . .,. d: ~n e a: ernoon.o .. e,seve~ ent Fred J. Potvin, who got 75? In the bid for councn sea. of the bandit gang that kid- . I h" '.. .. ~III Burn Both First an . M~nday prec.edl,~g; the ~lty Judge Belanger will take hIS in the Woods, electors return- napped pretty Mrs. Anita Car- B. Held in ,Parcells School Seho ars ip:.Fiind for. Member 'of ,Future. Teachers Club Second. Mortgages at prl~ary e~ection,,:~ order to oath of office ~or anot~er fou: ed three incumbents. roll six days ago. A doctor and .t 3:30 on' 'April -4 The hundredth anniversary of the National'EduCation Serv:ices Scheduled co?f~rm ,WIth I?rov~sl~ns of ~h.e y~ars, on.
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