VOL. 113 - NO. 35 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 28, 2009 $.30 A COPY United States Senator Ted Kennedy 1932-2009 US Senator Edward M. For many people they were The young Kennedy Family at the Kennedy Compound in Hyannisport, Massachusetts Kennedy was first elected to born with him in office. Over during happy times when they vacationed on Cape Cod. the US Senate in 1962 at the age of 29 years old. (Continued on Page 5) Mayor’s Column News Briefs by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston Job creation and retention, infrastruc- made since February, I unveiled a report by Sal Giarratani ture improvement, economic stabiliza- that documents Boston’s ARRA invest- tion, and clean energy investment. ments after six months. Happy Anniversary These were the fundamental goals of To accompany the release of this Happy 40th anniversary to the Somerville the American Recovery and Reinvest- progress report, I had the pleasure of News. This little paper started back in 1969 ment Act (ARRA) that President Obama announcing $720,000 in Brownfield by Bob Publicover during the crazy 1969 may- signed into law on February 17, 2009. funds awarded to Boston by the U.S. oral preliminary when James Marino decided Six months later, I’m proud that Boston Environmental Protection Agency to re- to take-on incumbent Mayor Jim Brennan. can mark this anniversary by noting the develop three vacant parcels that will When the votes were counted on that long ago tremendous impact that this federal eventually create 64 units of workforce September preliminary, an unknown third funding has had on our city. To date, housing, several neighborhood retail candidate Reverend S. Lester Ralph surprised we’ve secured $172.6 million in federal stores, and 137 jobs citywide. This latest everyone and went on to win the first of three funding that has allowed us to maintain allocation serves as a great example of terms that November election day. The hundreds of positions within the Boston ARRA’s ability to transform communi- Somerville News office is located in Davis Public Schools, save 100 police officers ties through job creation and neighbor- Square. from potential budget cuts, put 850 youth hood development. For the people of Allowing Non-citizens to Vote to work in summer jobs, modernize pub- Boston, these projects are just a few lic housing, and invest in stalled devel- among many that have been made pos- There is a bill (H672) up on Beacon Hill now opment. By leveraging an additional sible through the stimulus package. in the Elections Laws Committee that would $162.2 million, ARRA funds have pro- In total, with the help of the recovery permit non-citizens the right to vote in mu- vided a total economic investment of act we’ve been able to launch 41 projects, nicipal elections. Communities could adopt over $334 million for the City of Boston. representing 1,666 jobs that have either this law if it were approved by elected govern- From day one, the Obama adminis- been created or saved. On top of these ment officials and approved by voters on a lo- tration made it clear that account- opportunities and the funding I high- cal ballot question. BAD IDEA! ability was necessary for the recovery lighted earlier for youth summer jobs, Illegal Immigrants act to be fully effective. In Boston, we we’ve invested in job training for 232 and Public Housing echoed this sentiment, and soon disadvantaged and dislocated adults. A bill before the Housing Committee would after receiving the first allocation of Together, we’re creating stronger prohibit illegals from being placed ahead of ARRA funding, we launched a website neighborhoods, and the following are US citizens and legal immigrants on public — www.cityofboston.gov/recovery — to some of the major highlights from the housing waiting lists. GOOD IDEA! allow everyone to follow the recovery six month report. dollars at work in our neighborhoods. (Continued on Page 15) This week, to mark the progress we’ve (Continued on Page 14) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, AUGUST 28, 2009 Res Publica by David Trumbull Back to School As parents and their school for just four of the recall ac- VIRGINES VESTALES kids pick out back-to-school tions, the total number of fashions it’s a good time to American-made garments (The Best Little Virgins in Old Rome) remind them to consider was quite high due to one Nothing in Rome is said own. Nothing could be more It is here that the resem- safety as well as styling and very large recall of 300,000 to be more ancient than natural than for the chief’s blance ended for instead affordability. According to hooded sweatshirts with the institution of a maiden unmarried daughters to be of poverty and obedience, the the U.S. Consumer Product drawstrings. priesthood. As was men- placed in charge of this Vestals enjoyed great inde- Safety Commission (CPSC) Parents should read the tioned in a previous issue, precious hearth, under the pendence and luxury. They children’s apparel can be labels on their children’s the worship of Vesta goes protection of Vesta, the god- were exempt from the com- harmful or even deadly. clothes and watch for poten- back to the time when it was dess of fire. mon law, and not even So far in 2009 the CPSC tially dangerous products. difficult but necessary to ob- The number of Vestals cor- subject to the censor’s au- has issued 21 product recalls The CPSC warns: “There tain fire. The sacred fire, responds to the idea that thority. They enjoyed a most involving 559,120 articles of should be no drawstrings on the source of all Roman life they were originally the conspicuous freedom, hav- clothing unsafe for children. hoods or around the neck. and power, was kept alive in daughters of one family, and ing the right to hold property Over half (12) of the recalls Drawstrings at the waist an edifice known as the that they were the king’s and to make a will. These involved garments made in or bottom of jackets should Temple of Vesta, and it was daughters is traceable to rights along exceeded those China. Several of the rest of extend no more than three constantly tended by a group their position of honor in the of the average females of the the recalls involved gar- inches to prevent catching of virgin priestesses that Roman State. They have times. The Vestals also en- ments made in other Asian in car and school bus doors were known as the Vestals. been compared with the joyed great political impor- nations. Although made-in- or getting caught on play- At Rome their number nuns of the Roman Catholic tance, often interposing to U.S.A. products accounted ground equipment.” started at four, but was Church, and the Atrium save a life, to restore har- increased to six about the Vestae has been called their mony at critical moments, Edward Moore Kennedy, 1932-2009 time of the early Republic. convent. There was a close or even to carry out the pro- In my fifteen years repre- lost a true statesman and During primitive times the resemblance in their vow of visions of important wills. senting in Washington the devoted public servant. For possession of fire was the chastity and the cutting of Death was the penalty for textile industry of Massachu- five decades, Senator Kennedy greatest gain that man their hair. injuring them, and anyone setts and the rest of the U.S. defended the causes of justice had yet made, and to lose it They were dressed en- whom they escorted was also a few, very few, U.S. Senators and peace on the floor of the was the greatest misfortune tirely in white, with a coro- protected from assault. have towered above the rest U.S. Senate. Today is a day to for the community. The net shaped headband Meeting them by chance in for their ability to get things put politics aside and our great chief, or the so-called king, (infula), ornamented with the street also saved a crimi- done, Ted Kennedy was one state and country first, and rec- fulfilled a most important ribbons (vittae) suspended nal who was being led away of those few. I knew, from ognize Senator Kennedy’s re- duty towards his people by from it, and also a white veil to punishment. experience, that if Senator markable leadership and keeping a fire always burn- or hood (suffibulum) made Kennedy was on my side I service to his constituents of ing, from which they could from a piece of white woolen NEXT WEEK: Virgines could count on a large num- Massachusetts. As someone at any moment kindle their cloth with a purple border. Vestales (Continued) ber of Democratic and even who has lost a father and a a few Republican law-makers brother I love, I know Senator to get onboard also. Likewise, Kennedy’s passing represents FLEA MARKET & BAKE SALE if Kennedy was against a great loss to his family and something, he influenced friends. I send my condolences Benefit for the North End Against Drugs several others in congress. to the entire Kennedy family On Thursday, September 10, 2009 ing to get rid of your stuff come on down And while some have that and, on behalf of Republicans sort of influence when their of the Commonwealth, we give from 3-7PM a benefit for the North End and become a vendor.
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