5 ^0 2 4 / 1 a / -^ 5 - ■ B c i T E ftftr j MICRO t:=^AP"iICS A PT = ^ 7 ^ 2 S 3 3 0 'J '*> i e 1 SALT IPL A < E C IT Y UT :c 1 J e w m m m 5T712 a^ii9Po;:?:)^3 239H 03/PB/9S : WESTERN E= MICROQRAPl-iPWICS IM C J f;5 COMMERCE DR' Sf T E P O O Good minorning 'SALT_T LAKE CITY UT 8f 4 1 0 7 - 3 7 7 5 , Today’s forecast:Lst: I r a q iis se int( )riss o n : l l n l n iI.> n i...1111..,!,..lu ll,1.1.II.MiM ll.I.lMl.lMi.I.I.llll ! ' Sunny with highs 45 to 50. Lows near x ' 20. West w inds 10 to0 2021 m ph. I. PagirA2 U.S. reacts stistrongly, but sayss lifting economice sa;anctions not; upi for discusussion : Los Angeles Times } af\cr U.S. interestscsts in Iraq sincc tlie United ers, including an Americcrican, were givcrr States andc IraqI ssevered c diplomatic relations har^h sentences for crossiijssing into Iraq but WASHINGTON An IraqiIra< court, ap- following Iraq’si 199019 invasion o f Kuwait, eventually were releasedcd iafter less than a* parcntlypi .seizing the opportuni:unity to slap at As is often theiic case,< Iraq’s motives were year in prison. On their own theth U nit^ States, sentenced1 twotw Americans far from dear.. OfficialsO speculated that "We are going to tryry tto convince thtf to e i ^ t years in prison Saturdajrday for illegally 3 some clues mightht lieI in Iraq’s ongoing cfTort A family of orphansms gets past its grief Iraqis that this is a humaninanitarian ease," tht.* I and looks lownrd th(the future in Twin entering the country when:n theyt strayed to persuade thec U._J^.U Security C ouncil to official said. F alls.. across the Iraq-Kuwait bordcirder two weeks ease economic sanctionssar imposed after the "This is not a politicalal iJithing. These guys P a g e d ago.“E 1991 Persian G ulf'jlfW ar, wandered across Ihc bordciirdcr quile innoccnt- | The sentences, following anon unannounced,i Hussein may' believebe that by jailing the ly. There is no Justificatioation for eight-year ' Smile when youlu sayI that orone-day trial, produced a sharpshi reaction Americans he canan exert pressure on Wash- sentences. It is ludicrous.”i .” Columnist .Steve CruCrump says real Ida- from the White House andd StateS Depan- ington. But U.S.1. officialso; said that tactic — The Americans, Davidid IDalibcrti, 41, of hoan have their own1 codccoi o f conduct. ' ment, where ofTicials vowed'cd “aggressive Barlirloon Dallbortlirti if indeed Husscir;cin were employing it — Jacksonville, Fla., and WilliVilliam Barloon. 39j | diplomatic efforts" to obtainn llthe release o f ------ --------- would fail, of New Hamploh, Iowa, were'wt employed by the men. military action.ac "Thcrc is no justificification "If he (Hussein):in) thinks this is the way to two U.S. dcfen.se coinpanicanics doing military The officials were quick to;o add,ai however, whatsocvciict for these sentences,” Statitate Dc- get the sanctionsIS easedc he is sadly mistak- maintenance work for the government of that Washington would makeake no conccs- partmentt spokeswoman5 Christine: ShellyS en,” a senior Stateate Department official said, KuNyait. Weslcni officialsIs saids: they inadvcr- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I sions to the regime of Iraqii PresidentPi Sad- said in a writtenv statement issuud af^<3fter the "There is no way'ay we will link the two is­ tcntly crossed the borderler IMarch 13 whil'J damd^i Hussein in exchange forfor thei rcnim o f Polish Emlmbassy in Baghdad, Iraq, reportedrep sues." trying lo visit friends inI the U.N. force that Help is on its wa;vay ththe Americans and was unlikcl;kcly to take any the outcom»me o f the trial.-Poland liass lookedIc The official saidaid in the past other foreign- monitors the frontier. The distances acrossOSS sparsely.!^pulat- _ cd Cassia Counly reqi■equire volunteers to serve as emergency mcimcdical tcdinicions. P«g«C3 B rae W elfarre :ing f(or hi^gh waaters moves;to Volume businessSS As Wood[ RiverI precipgitatipn falls,:, flood potenntial rises Two new bookstoresires are at>out to add ByBariwraNeiwcrt 100,000 volumes (o the Twin Falls mar- . Timcs-Ncws correspondent state aiirena , ket. W ho’s going to bu>buy all those books? Page Fl HAILEY - Spring melt still weeks Los Aogeles Times away, but some Wood RiveLiver Valley resir dents arc already preparin,iring to sandbag WASHINGTON — TheTh bitter debate their property against flood that preceded pasjawe oof f thel House weI-« " r m going to buy flood)d iiinsurance, and fare bill, the nfost^mbiiT^bitious effort tcC Haifofthefourr my neighbor and I plan onor doing some transform so^jal potj^^ since• the New* Deal, has m^tW one ihiKgifg startlinglys dear: America’s all-timee winningw basketball sandbagging,” said Duffyy Witmer, owner of the Pioneer Saloon whosewh property H H ||r Political support for thee current,ct federally collcgc, North Caroirolina, and No. 1 micromanaged social wclfA'dfarc system has ranked UCLA earnedcd their trips to the five miles north of Kctchuchum lies along the Big Wood River’sI banks.bo “Aside H B H | utterly collapsed. NCAA final four. The question in the CapiDapitol is no longer Pag«B3 from getting a stream alterilteration permit, there’s not much more youou con do.” whether a radical overhaulhaul of the welfare CSI rodeoers shiiihine Anytime snow depths andan water con- system is likely, but justust how far it will- ' College o f Southem^m Idaho rodeo club tent in the Big Wood Riverver drainage rise go- "The status quo is dead,”dei said Rep. ‘ wound up a solid threhrce-session perfor- above 100 pcrccnt of averajerage, the potcn- Sander'Levin, D-Mich.. "T“The only issue is . - mance in its only hoir tial for flooding exists sa id G a le lome appearance of what is going to replacecc tlthe present wyl- the spring inteicollegiat<^ate season, Roberts, district conservati('alienist with the fare system." PageBI county’s Natural Rcsourc<Lirces Conserva- tion' Scrvicc. Attention now turns5 to the morc cau-' . ■ This week the Big WoeVood watershed tious Senatc.'which is:s expectede; to shy ff ,V w as a t 134-percent of t hhe e 30 : away from some of thehe more: dramatic /' age - up from 110 percentTit onc M arch I. features of the House bill.)ill. But even in the / ^ Precipitation in Marchrch has totaled Senate, lawmakers seemcm sympathetic to ' \ Report card bluelues ' ’ nearly 10 inchcs of watercr inii the form of changcs that amountt to an enormous ; Is Johnny flunkinking algebra and rain and snow. Typicallyally, the month transfer o f pow er overr ththe nation’s vast social welfare establishmer foundering in English?:h? Som etim es, a bet- brings 3 to 4 inchcs, Robert3crts said. ment. ter report card is justst ai matter of Ixttcr The extra moisture haslas county offi- No m atter w hat formn ththe final legisla- •communication bctwiitween parents and cials and homeowners keepingkc< an eye lion takes, one thing is iall but certain: ' Slates will come out of tt . teachers. on M other N ature os she co to re- )f this debate witl\ Page El plcnish the drought-stricker far more power over andid reresponsibility for the lives of poor people. I Talking trash Many riverside residents:nts are taking a ‘‘Clearly the states are going to havo wait-and-see attitude, but others,oi such as > Times-News column]mnist Denise Turner morc flexibility,’’ saidd SSenate Finance^ • Witmer, have seen someIC ofc the river’s ■ P P H Committee Chairman BobBob Packwood, R-* reports that you find1 thatthi damdest things . potential for damage andnd don't take it in the family refuse. Ore. "H ow m uch m ore 1 dodon’t know ." * Pag* El lightly. Proponents are hopefulfui tJthat this will in-i* Farmer’s Insurance agent;ent Tim Jenesen spire a burst o f creativityty amai ong state poK said he’s had numerousus requests: for icy-makers looking for ne^new ways to carc{ i flood insurance, w hich averagesavi about for the poor. But it also3 couldco m ean huge; S200 to cover a 5100,0000 building.bi disparities in the trcatmctmcnt of the pooij “Everyone in this valleyey seems; to like from state to slate. Andnd :som e fear thatl Hate inaii to play Russian roulette: andai wait until Congress' support for welfarewe program^ ' A Panhandle tom it is upset over racist the last minute to buy floo<lood jnsurance,” IMIK eventually will erode iff it has less to saj' materials dumped in some residents’ Jenesen said. □uoerrcHAR] front yards. He w arned that new federalfee rcgula- IWWINEmw Please seeje VWELFARE/A4' PageCe tions require a 30-day waiti:aiting period for Antlclpa'latlng high water, Duffy/ Witmer,V who lives northrth of Ketchum next flood coverage to be in effect,cffc so home- to the 81Big Wood River, has bouought flood insurance. owners should act fast. Heic estimc ates that Fox lawivsuits: half tJf all homes in thele Wood’ River percent oof f average, which is 19.6 incinchcs. 123 pcrccnt o f ann averagea’ 34.5 inchcs. V alley are w ithin th e 100-year10( flood On DcDollarhidc Summit west5st of Recent heavy■y rainsi already have Justices hear dmrug case plain. \ K etchumn waler content is 33.7 inc m ches caused sheet fioodioding to homeowners in put off Iuntil i The Supreme Courturt will hear a high Meaiiwhilc the snowpacpack on Galena for 136 percentp of an average of„ 2 7’ the Knob Hill arearea of Ketchum, but wa- school athlete’s case ofo f refusing to take a Summit\shows 28.1 inche::hes of water if and the Vienna\ Mine in Stanley B.Basin school drug test.
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