Version: 09.12.2019 Table 1: Research vessels scheduled for SEA-Programme Call 1 “OCEANS” Regions Research # of # of AREA DATES Suitable for: Year Country Vessels days scientists Built (& operator) RV Arni 9 17 North Atlantic 2020 – 2022, Fisheries research, 2000 Iceland Freidrickson all year pelagic and demersal (HAFRA) according to trawling to 2200m and annual plan fisheries acoustic surveys. New multibeam and sub- bottom profiler. Whale observations RV Celtic 12 21 North Atlantic - 2 weeks July Fisheries acoustic 2003 Ireland Explorer (MI) 2020 surveys, Hydrographic North - 2-3 weeks survey, Oceanographic Atlantic May, July, surveys, Mooring August 2021 deployments, Seismic Ocean surveys, ROV surveys, - 2-3 weeks Benthic surveys July – August 2022 RV DANA 7 22 Baltic, North - Months 6-12 Pelagic and demersal 1981 Denmark (DTU) Atlantic in 2020 trawling to 1200m, - Months 1, 4, Fisheries acoustic 6-12 in 2021 & surveys, Hydrographic 2022 survey, Oceanographic surveys, Bottom coring surveys 1 Version: 09.12.2019 Regions Research # of # of AREA DATES Suitable for: Year Country Vessels days scientists Built (& operator) RV Magnus 10 5 North Atlantic January, July, Pelagic and demersal 1978 Faroe Heinason October 2020 trawling, Hydrographic Islands (HAVST) (1-2 weeks) and plankton surveys, Mooring deployment and benthic surveys RV Mar 15 30 North Atlantic 3 weeks Pelagic and demersal 1986 Portugal Portugal July/August trawling to (IPMA) 2020, 1000m,Fisheries 2021,2022 acoustic surveys, (tbc) Hydrographic survey, Oceanographic surveys, Mooring deployments, Benthic surveys and ROV surveys RV Sanna 14 7 West 1-2 weeks May Pelagic and demersal 2009 Greenland (GRONLANDS) Greenland – September trawling to 1000 m, 2021, 2022 Fishery acoustic surveys, Hydrographic Arctic surveys, Mooring deployments, Benthic Ocean, surveys Atlantic RV G.O. SARS 10 29 North Sea, - Months 6, 7, All types including ROV 2002 Norway Ocean Norwegian 8, 11, 12 in and AUV operations Sea, Barents 2020 Sea - Months 4, 6, 9, 11, 12 in 2021 2 Version: 09.12.2019 Regions Research # of # of AREA DATES Suitable for: Year Country Vessels days scientists Built (& operator) - Months 6, 11, 12 in 2022 RV Alliance 7 25 North Atlantic, Fitting in the Oceanographic surveys, 1984 Italy (NATO-CMRE) Mediterranean vessel annual acoustics schedule RV Pelagia 17 12 Atlantic/Medit Tbd Hydrographic and 1991 Netherlan (NIOZ) erranean oceanographic surveys, ds Mooring and lander deployments, Sediment sampling, ROV & AUV Mediterr surveys RV Ramon 10 11 Western Tbd Oceanographic 2011 Spain anean Margalef (IEO) Mediterranean parameters, Pelagic and Sea, .Balearic & demersal trawling, box Atlantic Canary Islands corer Ocean RV Thalassa 11 25 North Atlantic, July, August, Pelagic and demersal 1996 France (IFREMER) Mediterranean first mid trawling to 2200m, Sea September Fisheries acoustic 2020, 2021, surveys, Hydrographic 2022 survey, Oceanographic surveys, Mooring deployments, Seismic surveys, ROV surveys, Benthic surveys 3 Version: 09.12.2019 Regions Research # of # of AREA DATES Suitable for: Year Country Vessels days scientists Built (& operator) RV Coriolis II 9 14 Eastern April – Hydrographic Survey, 1991 Canada (UQAR) Canada November Oceanographic Survey, 2020, 2021, Geophysical Survey, 2022 Geotechnical Survey, North- Environmental and west geological research RV Atlantic 15 20 Western Year round CTD sampling, Net 1982 Bermuda Atlantic Explorer Atlantic tows, Bottom surveys, Ocean (BIOS) Deep water mooring deployment and recoveries, Underway water sampling, Gravity and multi-coring RV Tangaroa 12 25 New Fitting in the Pelagic and demersal 1991 New (NIWA) Zealand/Pacific vessel annual trawling to 2200m, Zealand /Southern schedule Fisheries acoustic Pacific Ocean surveys, Hydrographic survey, Oceanographic Ocean surveys, Mooring deployments, Seismic surveys, ROV Surveys, Benthic surveys Tbd=to be determined. Please contact operator or [email protected] to request precise information. 4 Version: 09.12.2019 Table 2: Marine Equipment: Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUVs) scheduled for SEA-Programme Call 1 “OCEANS” Marine # of # of DATES Country Equipment days technicians required ROV Ægir Tbd. Part of annual 10 Tbd Norway 6000 (UiB) cruise planning Months 06-12 ROV LUSO 2020, 8 Tbd Portugal (IPMA) Months 01-12 2021, 2022 ROV Holland1 Jan – Dec 2020, 10 Tbd Ireland (MI) 2021, 2022 AUV Hugin Tbd. Part of annual 10 Tbd Norway (FFI) cruise planning VSAT Satellite Any month, System minimum 6 14 Tbd USA (Telepresence months’ notice Unit) (GFOE) ROV Genesis TBD 10 Tbd Belgium (VLIZ) ROV Ocean Jan – Dec 2020 - Modules V8 2022 20 Tbd Sweden offshore (UGOT) 5 Version: 09.12.2019 Marine # of # of DATES Country Equipment days technicians required Not specified ROV Marum 10 4 Germany Squid (UB) Year-round, AUV Hugin 20 Tbd according to Sweden (UGOT) annual cruise plan Tbd=to be determined. Please contact operator or [email protected] to request precise information. 6 Version: 09.12.2019 Table 3: Research vessels scheduled for SEA-Programme Call 2 “REGIONAL” Regions Research # of # of EF+ AREA DATES Suitable for: Year Country Vessels days scientists built RV Belgica 11 16 North Atlantic 2020: tbd Oceanographic surveys, 1984 Belgium 2021 – 2022: Fishery surveys, ROV, see RV AUV, USV & UAV surveys, Belgica II Biological surveys, Hydrographic surveys, Chemistry surveys RV Belgica 11 28 North Atlantic, See RV Oceanographic surveys, 2020 Belgium II North Sea, Belgica. 2021 Fishery surveys, ROV, Mediterranea -2022: Tbd AUV, USV & UAV surveys, n, Baltic Sea Biological surveys, Hydrographic surveys, North Chemistry surveys Atlantic RV Magnus 10 5 North Atlantic January, July, Pelagic and demersal 1978 Faroe Ocean Heinason October 2020 trawling, Hydrographic Islands (HAVST) (1-2 weeks) and plankton surveys, Mooring deployment and benthic surveys RV 10 18 North Atlantic 2 weeks Pelagic and demersal 2007 Spain Sarmiento March 2020, trawling to 2200m, de Gamboa July – Fisheries acoustic surveys, October Hydrographic survey, 2021, Oceanographic surveys, Mooring deployments, 2022: Tbd Seismic surveys, ROV Surveys, Benthic surveys 7 Version: 09.12.2019 Regions Research # of # of EF+ AREA DATES Suitable for: Year Country Vessels days scientists built RV Atlantic 5 20 Western Year round CTD sampling, Net tows, 1982 Bermuda Explorer Atlantic Bottom surveys, Deep (BIOS) water mooring deployment and North- recoveries, Underway west water sampling, Gravity and multi-coring Atlantic RV Coriolis 9 14 Eastern April – Hydrographic Survey, 1991 Canada Ocean II (UQAR) Canada November Oceanographic Survey, 2020, 2021, Geophysical Survey, 2022 Geotechnical Survey, Environmental and geological research RV Alkor 7 12 Baltic and On Trawling, Fisheries 1990 Germany Baltic North Sea request/Fitti acoustic surveys, Sea, ng in the Hydrographic survey, Oceanographic surveys, North vessel annual schedule Mooring deployments, Sea Seismic surveys, ROV and AUV deployments. 8 Version: 09.12.2019 Regions Research # of # of EF+ AREA DATES Suitable for: Year Country Vessels days scientists built RV Aranda 8 25 Baltic Sea, 1-2 week Biological, Chemical and 1989 Finland Atlantic slots physical oceanography, available Pelagic trawling to 300m, around the Fisheries acoustic surveys, whole year Hydrographic survey, Oceanographic surveys, 2020, 2021, Mooring deployments, 2022 Benthic surveys, Operation of ROV/AUV systems, Diving facilities, Ice research facilities RV Simon 5 10 North Sea, Fitting in the Demersal and pelagic 2012 Belgium Stevin English vessel annual coastal fishing Channel schedule RV 7 15 Baltic Sea, 2021, 2022 Biology, Oceanography, 2016 Sweden Skagerak Kattegatt, Geology, Chemistry, Skagerrack Fisheries Mediterr RV Angeles 10 13 E Atlantic, W Tbd Fisheries research, Marine 2012 Spain Geology/hydrographic anean Alvarino Mediterranea n surveys, Oceanographic Sea, surveys 9 Version: 09.12.2019 Regions Research # of # of EF+ AREA DATES Suitable for: Year Country Vessels days scientists built Atlantic RV 7 8 Mediterranea March, April, Pelagic and demersal 1993 France Ocean L‘Europe n mid- trawling to 2000m, September – Fisheries acoustic surveys, mid-October Hydrographic survey, 2020, 2021, Oceanographic surveys, Mooring deployments, 2022 Seismic surveys, AUV/HROV Surveys, Benthic surveys RV SOCIB 7 8h: 13 Western Any 2012 Spain 12h: 10 Mediterranea 16h: 9 n 24h: 7 RV Mare 7 20 Black Sea 2-3 weeks, Acoustic and 1971 Romania Nigrum July-August oceanographic surveys, 2020, 2021, Buoy handling operations, 2022 Environmental sampling, Geological and hydrographic surveying Mediterr RV Aegeo 12 18-20 Mediterranea 2-3 weeks, Hydrographic survey, 1985 Greece anean, n Sea, April – Oceanographic surveys, Black Black Sea October Mooring deployments, Sea 2020, 2021, Seismic surveys, ROV 2022 Surveys, Benthic surveys RV Tubitak 6 10 Mediterranea June & Oceanographic ins., hull- 2013 Turkey Marmara n, Black Sea September mounted ADCPs, single 2020, 2021, and multibeam 2022 echosounders 10 Version: 09.12.2019 Regions Research # of # of EF+ AREA DATES Suitable for: Year Country Vessels days scientists built Southern RV Laura 5 12 Ross Sea, Fitting in the Seismic, Bathymetric, 1995 Italy Bassi Southern vessel annual Oceanographic and , Arctic & Multipurpose Pacific Hemisphere, schedule Pacific, Ocean, Mediterranea Mediterr n, anean Arctic Tbd: to be determined. Please contact operator or [email protected] to request precise information. 11 Version: 09.12.2019 Table 4: Marine Equipment: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUVs) scheduled for SEA-Programme Call 2 “REGIONAL” Marine Max. # DATES Country Equipment of EF+ days AUV ASTERx Depending on fleet 8 France or IDEFx programming AUV CNR Any 10 Italy Glider ‚Teresa‘ AUV Hugin according to Tbd Sweden (UGOT) annual cruise plan AUV VLIZ 10 Tbd Belgium ROV Ocean Jan – Dec 2020 - Modules V8 2022 Tbd Sweden offshore (UGOT) VSAT Satellite Any month, System minimum 6 14 USA (Telepresence months’ notice Unit) (GFOE) Tbd=to be determined. Please contact infrastructure operator or [email protected] to request precise information. 12 .
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