Housing Authority of the City of Columbia, Missouri 201 Switzler Street, Columbia, MO 65203 Office: 573.443.2556 ♦ TTY Relay 800.735.2966 ♦ Fax: 573.449-3165 ♦ www.ColumbiaHA.com To: CHA Board of Commissioners From: Phil Steinhaus, CEO Date: January 12, 2018 RE: January 16, 2018 CHA & CHALIS Board Meeting Agenda & Materials Enclosed is the agenda packet for the CHA Board meeting next Tuesday. I have also included a packet for the meeting of the CHA Low-Income Services, Inc. Included in the packets are staff memos and information related to each resolution. Please note the following: CHA BOARD AGENDA ITEMS Resolutions There are no resolutions this month BOARD REPORTS Affordable Housing Initiative: Enclosed is an update on the CHA Affordable Housing Initiative. CHA Management Reports: Enclosed are the monthly management reports for Public & Affordable Housing, Housing Choice Voucher Programs, Resident Services and the Safety Department. All Capital Projects are included in the Affordable Housing Initiative report. Monthly Financial Reports: We will not have a financial report this month due to the end of the year. Current Events: A report on current events is enclosed. CEO Evaluation: The annual performance evaluation of the CEO will be conducted in closed session at the end of both the CHA and CHALIS meetings. CHALIS AGENDA ITEMS Resolution 99: To approve a grant application to the Heart of Missouri United Way to fund a part- time Independent Living Coordinator at Oak Towers. Resolution 100: To approve a grant application to the Heart of Missouri United Way to fund the Moving Ahead after-school and summer program. Resolution 101: To approve a Community-Based Coalition Enhancement grant application to the Substance Abused and Mental Health Services Administration to prevent the abuse of opioid, methamphetamines and prescription medications among youth aged 12 – 20 in Columbia. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information about any of the items on the meeting agenda. Please note: Box dinners will be available for Commissioners at 5:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS Genie Rogers, Chair Housing Authority John French Bob Hutton of the City of Columbia, Missouri Max Lewis Robin Wenneker 201 Switzler Street, Columbia, MO 65203 Phil Steinhaus, CEO Office: 573.443.2556 ♦ TTY Relay: 800.735.2966 ♦ Fax: 573.443.0051 ♦ www.ColumbiaHA.com Open Meeting Notice Board of Commissioners Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 Time: 5:30 p.m. Place: Columbia Housing Authority, 201 Switzler Street I. Call to Order/Introductions II. Roll Call III. Adoption of Agenda IV. Approval of November 21, 2017 Open Meeting Minutes V. Approval of November 27, 2017 Open Meeting Minutes VI. Approval of the December 8, 2017 Open Meeting Minutes VII. Recognition of Achievement VIII. Public Comment (Limited to 5 minutes per speaker) RESOLUTIONS REPORTS IX. Board Retreat Topics – Tuesday, February 20, 2018 (3:00 – 7:00 p.m.) X. Affordable Housing Initiative Report XI. Monthly Management Reports for Public Housing & Affordable Housing Properties, Housing Choice Voucher Programs, Resident Services, and Safety. XII. Current Events PUBLIC AND COMMISSIONER COMMENT XIII. Public Comment (Limited to 5 minutes per speaker) XIV. Commissioner Comment XV. Adjournment Following adjournment of the open meeting of the CHA Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors of CHA Low-Income Services (CHALIS) Board will hold a short meeting. A separate agenda is available for this meeting. Page 1 of 2 Following the CHALIS meeting, the CHA Board of Commissioners will meet in closed session as follows: CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 610.021 (3) RSMo. - Pertaining to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Annual Performance Evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer IV. Adjournment If you wish to participate in the meeting and require specific accommodations or services related to disability, please contact Ms. LaShonda Wallace, Executive Assistant at (573) 443-2556, extension 1122, at least one working day prior to the meeting. (Email: www.columbiaha.com/contact Administration) Media Contact: Phil Steinhaus, CEO Phone: (573) 443-2556 E-mail: www.ColumbiaHA.com Contact Us Administration A complete agenda packet is available for review at all CHA offices during regular business hours and posted on the CHA web site at: www.ColumbiaHA.com. Page 2 of 2 Housing Authority of the City of Columbia, Missouri Columbia 201 Switzler Street, Columbia, MO 65203 Housing Authority Office: 573.443.2556 ♦ TTY Relay 800.735.2966 ♦ Fax: 573.443.0051 ♦ www.ColumbiaHA.com HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA, MISSOURI BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 2017 MEETING MINUTES I. Call to Order: The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Columbia, Missouri (CHA) met in open session on November 21, 2017, in the Training Room of the Columbia Housing Authority Administration Building, 201 Switzler St., Columbia, Missouri 65203. Ms. Genie Rogers, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. II. Roll Call: Present: Genie Rogers, Chair Bob Hutton, Vice Chair John French, Commissioner Robin Wenneker, Commissioner Max Lewis, Commissioner CHA Staff: Phil Steinhaus, LaShonda Wallace, ElTonya Rhoades, & Mary Harvey. III. Adoption of Agenda: Ms. Rogers called for a motion to approve the agenda as revised moving Resolution 2768 to approve the CHA employee benefits package to the next item under public comment. A motion was made by Ms. Wenneker. Second by Mr. Hutton. All Commissioners voted “aye” and Ms. Rogers declared the agenda adopted as revised. IV. Approval of October 17, 2017 Open Meeting Minutes: Ms. Rogers called for a motion to approve the minutes from the open meeting of October 17, 2017. Ms. Wenneker noted that Mr. Lewis was not present at the meeting can could not have seconded the motion to approve the September 26, 2017 meeting minutes. A motion was made by Mr. Hutton to accept the minutes as corrected. Second by Mr. Lewis. All Commissioners voted “aye” and Ms. Rogers declared the motion approved. V. Recognition of Achievement: Mr. Steinhaus announced that Ms. Sarah Stone, Family Self-Sufficiency Coordinator would introduce our recipient. Ms. Shayla Jones was recognized for completing the Family Self- Sufficiency Program and during her time in the program, she escrowed $10,181.20. She has enrolled in school and improved her credit score. She plans to purchase a home with her escrow money. Ms. Jones thanked the Commission for their support. Page 1 of 6 VI. Public Comment. There were no public comments. RESOLUTIONS VII. Resolution 2768: A Resolution to Approve the CHA Employee Benefits Package for FYE January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. Mr. Steinhaus introduced Mr. Tom Kayser from Sundvold Financial who acts as the CHA’s health benefits broker. Mr. Kayser shared a spreadsheet of the various proposals that he had received. He noted that our current health insurance company, Aetna came in with an increase of 18.52% over last year’s rates. Mr. Kayser recommended the proposal submitted by Anthem. He stated that Anthem’s proposal is based on the health history of CHA’s current employees, but the rates are contingent on the completion of employee medical histories for all new hires, the results of which may ultimately increase the final rates. Anthem’s proposal is an 8.8% increase over CHA’s current rates matches CHA current Employee Only Deductible, but increases the Family Deductible from $3,000 to $4,500. The out of pocket maximum increased $1,000 for Employee Only and $2,000 for Family. The prescription plan offers a lower rate than CHA’s current plan. Anthem’s proposal includes a second year rate cap of 9.9%, if CHA adds vision coverage. Ms. Wenneker stated she planned to ask about multi-year coverage and noted that Mr. Kayser had answered her question. Mr. Kayser noted that Principal currently covers our Dental, Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability and Life Insurance. After a two year guarantee Dental increased 4.9%; Long Term Disability increased 4.4%; and Life insurance increased 5.1%. No increases for short term disability or voluntary life. CHA recommends renewing the current plan with Principle. Mr. Kayser added that CHA employees pay 100% of the premium for their vision plan with Assurant. Assurant’s renewal had no increase. Anthem proposed two plan options which were both under Assurant’s rates. He added that Anthem offered the two year rate cap on the condition that we move one of our ancillary coverages over to Anthem. He recommended accepting Anthem’s Proposal II for a 4.7% decrease from Assurant’s renewal. Ms. Rogers called for further discussion and there was none. Ms. Rogers called for a motion to approve Resolution 2768 as presented. A motion was made by Mr. Hutton. Second by Mr. French. Upon a roll call vote of the motion, the following vote was recorded: Yes: Lewis, Wenneker, French, Hutton, Rogers No: None Page 2 of 6 VIII. Resolution 2766: Resolution of the Housing Authority of the City of Columbia, Missouri authorizing it to enter into transactions to develop the Providence Walkway Apartments. Mr. Steinhaus handed out a chart that showed the relationships between the Columbia Housing Authority; CHA Affordable Housing Development, the Columbia Community Housing Trust; LLC; the Bryant Walkway Housing GP, LLC; the Bryant Walkway Housing Development Group, LP; the Bryant Walkway II Housing GP, LLC; and the Bryant Walkway II Housing Development Group, LP. Mr. Steinhaus explained the relationships between the members of the Limited Partnerships which include the federal LIHTC investors, state LIHTC investors, and the General Partner. He noted that the Columbia Community Housing Trust is the sole member of the General Partner.
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