January 24, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE 2105 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, January 24, 1973 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The message also announced that the ica in Congress assembled, That the President The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, Senate had passed without amendment of the United States is authorized and re­ D. D., offered the following prayer: a joint and concurrent resolution of the quested to issue a proclamation: (1) declar­ ing the week of February 11 to 17, 1973, to Yea, though I walk through the valley House of the following titles: be "National Voctl:tional Education Week"; of the shadow oj death, I will fear no H.J. Res. 163. Joint resolution designating (2) inviting the Governors of the States and the week commencing January 28, 1973, as the heads of local governments to issue sim­ evil, for Thou art with me.-Psalm 23: 4. "International Clergy Week in the United 0 ilar proclamations; and (3) calllng on the God and Father of us all, in deep States", and for other purposes; and people of the United States to become bet­ sadness of heart we lift our spirits unto H. Con. Res. 90. Concurrent resolution au­ ter acquainted with the services available Thee as we journey through the valley thorizing the remains of former President through vocational education. of the shadow of death with the family Lyndon B. Johnson to lie in state in the of our beloved Lyndon Baines Johnson. rotunda of the Capitol. The joint resolution was ordered to be We thank Thee for his long and distin­ The message also announced that the engrossed and read a third time, was guished service to his State and our coun­ Senate had passed a bill of the following read the third time, and passed, and a try, for his contribution as a Member of motion to reconsider was laid on the title, in which the concurrence of the table. this body, as Senator, as Vice President, House is requested: and for his leadership as President of our S. 421. An act to provide that appoint­ Republic. ments to the Office of Director of the Cost ADJOURNMENT TO FRIDAY, We are grateful for his integrity of of Living Council shall be subject to con­ J~ARY 26, 1973 mind, his sincerity of heart, his seeking firmation by the Senate. the best ways to do the best things, for Mr. McFALL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ his dedication to freedom among men imous consent that when the House ad­ and to justice for men and for his efforts journs today it adjourn to meet on Fri­ on behalf of peace in our world. NATIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCA­ day, January 26. Grant unto his family and friends the TION WEEK The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Cali­ comfort of Thy presence and the assur­ Mr. LANDRUM. Mr. Speaker, I ask ance of Thy love. Strengthen them with fornia? unanimous consent that the Commit­ There was no objection. courage and faith for the days that lie tee on the Judiciary be discharged from ahead. further consideration of the joint reso­ 0 Lord, we are most grateful for the lution <H.J. Res. 136) to provide for the FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR coming peace to our world. May it con­ designation of the week of February 11 FORMER PRESIDENT LYNDON tinue forever and ever and ever. Amen. to 17, 1973, as "National Vocational Edu­ BAINES JOHNSON cation Week," and ask for its immediate (Mr. McFALL asked and was given consideration. permission to address the House for 1 THE JOURNAL The Clerk read the title of the joint minute.) resolution. Mr. McFALL. Mr. Speaker, I take this The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to time to make a brief announcement with amined the Journal of the last day's pro­ the request of the gentleman from respect to the funeral arrangements for ceedings and announces to the House Georgia? former President Johnson. his approval thereof. There being no objection, the Clerk Members who plan to attend the serv­ Without objection, the Journal stands read the joint resolution, as follows: ices in Washington, at 10 a.m. Thursday, approved. H.J. RES. 136 at the National City Christian Church There was no objection. Whereas the well-being of the citizens of should contact the Sergeant at Arms with the United States depends to a great extent respect to tickets and transportation. on education and training that prepares people for entry and advancement in the ·only a limited number of tickets are MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE work force; and available for the House delegation. Bus Whereas the educational system of the Na­ transportation to these services will de­ A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar­ tion is the only such institution in our so­ part from New Jersey Avenue, between rington, one of its clerks, announced that ciety available to all people; and the Longworth and Cannon Office Build­ the Senate had passed a resolution of the Whereas since 1917 the Federal Govern­ ings, at 9:10 tomorrow morning and will following title as follows: ment has recognized the importance of vo­ return to the Capitol after the services. S. RES. 24 cational education and has enacted author­ Members appointed to attend the serv­ Resolved, That the Senate has heard with izing legislation, appropriated Federal funds, ices in Texas should also contact the Ser­ profound sorrow and deep regret the an­ and provided technical assistance to the geant at Arms with respect to transpor- nouncement of the death of Honorable Lyn­ States to assist in the development of voca­ tional education programs; and . tation. I understand that the scheduling don B. Johnson, a former President of the of transportation to Texas is such that United States, and a former Representative Whereas profound sociological, economic, and former Senator from the State of Texas. and technological changes in our society are it will not be possible for Members going Resolved, That in recognition of his illus­ bringing about rapid changes in the struc­ on that flight to attend the services at trious statesmanship, his leadership in na­ ture and nature of the work force and are the National City Christian Church. tional and world affairs, his distinguished placing new and additional responsibilities Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, public service to his State and his Nation, on the educational system; and would the gentleman from California and as a mark of respect to one who has held Whereas graduates of vocational educa­ tion programs enter the work force much yield? such eminent public station in life, the Pre­ Mr. McFALL. I will be glad to yield to siding Officer of the Senate appoint a commit­ easier and progress much faster than those tee to consist of all of the Members of the who enter employment without the benefit the gentleman from Michigan. Senate to attend the funeral of the former of vocational education; and Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, President. Whereas the outstanding efforts of profes­ it was my understanding that some ar­ sional educators, legislators, citizen advisory Resolved, That the Senate hereby tender rangements were made with the Speaker groups, taxpayers, and many other individ­ and with the majority leader and myself its deep sympathy to the members of the uals are contributing substantially to the de­ family of the former President in their sad velopment of a competent and efficient labor for a briefing by Dr. Kissinger on Friday. bereavement. supply for the future through the process Does the gentleman from California wish Resolved, That the Secretary communicate and product of vocational education: Now to make an announcement to that effect? these resolutions to the House of Representa­ therefore, be it Mr. McFALL. I would state to the gen­ tives and transmit a copy thereof to the Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep­ tleman from Michigan that there will family of the former President. resentatives of the United States of Amer- be an announcement to that effect, but 2106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUS~ January 24, 1973 I would like to discuss that matter with were discussed last night with the 159), and ask for its immediate consid­ the gentleman from Michigan, especially Speaker and with the majority leader and eration. concerning the place of that meeting. myself, with the White House, Dr. Kis­ The Clerk read the resolution as Following that, I will make an announce­ singer and General Haig will be available follows: ment in just a few moments on that beginning at 3 o'clock or shortly there­ H. RES. 159 subject. after to brief the Members of the House Resolved, That the following-named Mem­ Mr. GERALD R. FORD. I thank the on both sides of the aisle on the negotia­ bers, Delegates, and Resident Commissioner tions and the agreement that has now be, and they are hereby, elected to the fol­ gentleman. lowing standing committees of the House of been initialed and will be signed on Sat­ Representatives: urday of this week. Committee on Agriculture: W. R. Poage APPOINTMENT OF DELEGATION TO Mr. McFALL. Mr. Speaker, I would say (chairman), Texas; Frank A. Stubblefield. ATI'END FUNERAL SERVICES FOR to the minority leader the only problem Kentucky; Thomas S. Foley, Washington; FORMER PRESIDENT LYNDON is the matter of the m2ating place, and E (Kika) de la Garza, Texas; Joseph P. Vi­ that will be in the Ways and Means gorito, Pennsylvania; Walter B. Jones, North BAINES JOHNSON IN WASHING­ Carolina; B. F. Sisk, California; Bill Alex­ TON, D.C.
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