Chinese Journal of Polar Science, Vol. 18, No. 1, 27235, June 2007 Exposure ages and radiogen ic ages of ure ilite( GRV 024516) and ordinary chondrite( GRV 024517) from Antarctica W ang Daode (王道德 ) 1 , M iao B ingkui(缪秉魁 ) 2, 3 and L in Yangting(林杨挺 ) 2 1. Key L aboratory of Isotope Geochronology and Geochem istry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochem istry , Chinese Acad2 em y of Science, Guangzhou 510640, China 2. Key L aboratory of L ithosphere Tectonic Evolution, Institute of Geology and Geophsics , Chinese Academ y of Sci2 ence, B eijing 100029, China 3. D epartm ent of Resoures and Envirom ental Engineering, Guiling Institute of Technology, Guiling, Guangxi 541004, China Received January 5, 2007 Abstract The GRV 024516 and GRV 024517 meteorite samp les collected from Grove Montains, Antactica are ureilite and H5 ordinary chondrite, respectively. Based on the study of m ineralogy2petrology , the cosm ic2ray exposure ages and gas retention ages of these two meteorites were determ inated and calculated. Their cosm ic2ray expo2 sure ages are 33. 3 Ma , 51. 7 Ma, and gas retention ages are 1936. 8 Ma and 3720 Ma, respectively. The ureilite contains diamond, graphite and amorphous C, which are mainly carrier of noble gases indicating obviously shock metamorphism effects, which induced 40 A r partial loss. The H5 chondrite indicates thermalmetamorphism of parent body, its gas retention age fall the range between 3220 Ma and 4510 Ma of the least shocked H5 chondrites. Key words meteorite, achondrite, noble gases, cosmogenic nuclide. 1 In troduction Cosm ic2ray p roduced nuclides p rovide important constraints on meteorite origin, orbital evolution , and parent body histories. Especially, understanding origin of diamond in ureili2 tes have important significance. U reilites show signs of both igneous crystallization and p rim itive nebular condensation. On the one hand. , in the aspects of m ineralogy, texture, lithophile element chem istry, and Sm2Nd systematics, they appear as highly fractionated rocks: either magmatic cumulates[ 1, 2 ] or partial melt residues[ 3 ] , and thus the p roduct of p lanetary differentiation p rocesses. On the other hand, they contain high abundance of car2 bon which contains large amount of fractionated p rimordial noble gases, and metal with high abundance of trace siderophile elements, both of which are typ ical of undifferentiated chon2 dritic material[ 4 ] . In addition , ureilites contain the oxygen isotope signature of p rim itive chondrites[ 5 ] . Recently, Rai et al. [ 6 ] investigated abundances and isotop ic compositions of Ne, A r, Kr 28 W ang Daode et al. and Xe in 6 monom ict, 3 polym ict, and the diamond2free ureilite ALH78019 and their acid2 resistant, C2rich residues. 21 Ne2based cosm ic2ray exposure ages for these 10 ureilites stud2 ied range from 0. 1 Ma to 47 Ma indicating that no single consp icuous event ejected all the ureilites from their parent bodies. D iamond and amorphous carbon are main noble gas car2 ried. In addition, p roduction rates of He, Ne and A r for H chondrites are also all attention. Laya et al. [ 7, 8 ] investigated p roduction rates of cosmogenic nuclides in H chondrites and other stony meteorites and suggested a purely physical model for the calculation of dep th2 and size dependent p roduction rates of cosmogenic nuclides by galactic cosm ic2ray parti2 cles. Based on the concentrations and isotop ic compositions of He, Ne, and A r for nonmag2 netic fraction and bulk samp les of 17 H chondrites and their 36 Cl236 A r exposure ages, 21 Ne p roduction rates as a function of 22 Ne /21 Ne and mean 38 A r p roduction rates are determ ined. They gave p roduction rate ratios P (38 A r from Ca) /P (38 A r from Fe). The radio varies be2 tween 10 and 77, and is not correlated with the absolute 38 A r p roduction or with 22 Ne /21 Ne. Because of 3 He deficits in the metal phase ismuch more p ronounced than that in the silicate m inerals. Eugster and Lorenzetti[ 9 ] systematically studied p roduction rates of cosmogenic nu2 clides of achondrites, especially of howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED meteorite———4 Vesta) , and the break2up events of asteroids. They also concludes experience formula for calculating p roduction rates. Recently, Eugster and Lorenzetti[ 10 ] determ ined the He, Ne and A r isotop ic abundances and cosm ic ray exposure ages in two differentiated acapulcoites and lodranites. They suggested evidence for a two2layer structure of the acapulcoite / lodranite parent asteroid. The acapulcoites correspond to the H3 and H4 chondrites and originated from exterior, whereas the lodranites sim ilar to H5 and H6 chondrites, rep resent the inner regions of their parent body. W ang et al. [ 11, 12 ] studied netron cap ture effects and p re2atmos2 pheric sizes of meteoroids and determ inated the cosm ic ray exposure history of two Antarctic meteorites. GRV 024516 is ureilitte with weighing 24. 7 g; GRV 024517 is H5 ordinary chondrite with weighing 40. 5 g. They were collected in the Grove Mountains region, Antarctica by the 19 th Chinese Antarctic Expedition Team, on Jan. 2003. U reilites are the rare type in achon2 drites and consist of olivine and p igeonite (123 mm) with interstitial and vein material that contains a nuber of carbon polymorphs[ 13 ] . GRV 024516 ( ureilite) composed mainly of p i2 geonite ( En77. 1 ± 0. 4Wo9. 3 ± 0. 1 Fs13. 6 ± 0. 4 ) and olive ( Fo84. 0 ± 0. 4 ). The chem ical compositions of olivine and p igeonite are homogeneous. In the reduced rim of olivine grains there are inclu2 sions of N i2poor N i metal and sulfide. L imonite veins are common and shock stage is S2 / S3[ 13 ] . GRV 024517 (H5 chondrite) consist mainly of olivine [ (16. 0 ± 0. 4) mol% Fa ] and pyroxene [ (16. 0 ± 0. 4) mol% Fs]. In this paper, on the bases of the studing m ineralogic2petrographic features of GRV 024516 ( ureilite) and GRV 024517 (H5 chondrite) we report cosm ic2ray exposure ages and retention ages of these two meteorites, and discuss their cosm ic ray exposure history. 2 Exper im en ta l procedure Crushed meteorite samp leswere heated in vacuum at 90 ℃ for about 10 days to remove atmospheric gases. Noble gases extraction and mass spectrometric measurements were per2 formed using our standard p rocedure[ 14 ] . Two different system of extraction and mass spec2 Exposure ages and radiogenic ages of ureilite ( GRV 024516) and ordinary ⋯ 29 trometer were used. System A contains two 60 ℃ sector2extraction mass spectrometers with glass tubes. The spectrometer for analyses of He, Ne and A r has a Faraday collector, whereas the Kr/Xe spectrometer is equipped with an additional secondary electron multip lier. System B has a different gas extraction line and two metal2tube mass spectrometers equipped with secondary electron multip liers. One of the mass spectrometers was used for analyses of He and Ne, and the other for A r. The detailed analytical p rocedure, including background and blank correction , is referred to refs[ 15, 16 ] . Analysis errors correspond to a 95% confidence level. Isotope analyses of noble gases were conducted in the Institute of Physics of the Uni2 versity of Bern. 3 Ca lcula tion of cosm ic2ray exposure age and reten tion age One of the main goals of analysis and determ ination of cosm ic ray irradiation p roduced nuclides is calculation of cosm ic2ray exposure age. W ith concentrations of cosmogenic nu2 clides of meteorites, the cosm ic2ray exposure ages can be calculated based on below equa2 s s s - 8 3 tion: Ts = C /P , Ts for the age (Ma) , C for concentrations (10 cm STP /g) of stable cosmogenic nuclides (3 He, 21 Ne, 38 A r) , and Ps for p roduction rates of the nuclides (10 - 8 cm3 STP /g· Ma). The concentrations of cosmogenic ( c) , trapped ( tr) , and radiogenic ( r) nuclides can be determ ined from the analyses of the noble gases, using some experien2 tial isotop ic ratios. Calculated method of ordinary chondrites referred to refs. [ 11 ] . The calculation of concentrations of cosmogenic ( c ) , trapped ( tr) , and radiogenic ( r) nuclides determ ined from the analyses of the noble gases for ure2 ilites is somewhat different, their calculated methods are given in table 1. Table 1. Methods for calculating concentrations of cosmogenic ( c) , , trapped ( tr) and radiogenic ( r) nuclids and p roduction rates. Calculated formula of concentrations of of cosmogenic ( c) , trapped ( tr) and radiogenic ( r) isotopes nuclides 22 22 22 20 22 20 22 20 22 20 22 Nec , (1) Nec = Nem × [ 1 - ( Ne / Ne) m / ( Ne / Ne) tr ] / [ 1 - ( Ne / Ne) c / ( Ne / 21 20 Nec , Netr Ne) tr ] 38 36 21 21 21 22 22 22 A rc , A rtr (2) Nec = Nem - ( Ne / Ne) tr [ Nem - Nec ] 20 20 22 20 22 T40 (3) Netr = Nem - Nec ( Ne / Ne) c 20 36 m is measured concentratios of He, Ne, A r and their ratios. If ① ( Ne / A r) tr < 1, as2 20 22 21 22 22 sump tion: ( Ne / Ne) tr = 8. 46, ( Ne / Ne) tr = 0. 035, ( 20Ne / Ne) c = 0. 8; If ②Ne, 20 22 21 22 20 22 assump tion: ( Ne / Ne) tr = 9. 80, ( Ne / Ne) tr = 0. 0290, ( Ne / Ne) c = 0. 8; If ③ 20 36 20 22 21 22 20 22 ( Ne / A r) tr > 1, assump tion: ( Ne / Ne) tr = 12. 4, ( Ne / Ne) tr = 0. 0310, ( Ne / Ne) c = 0. 8。 22 21 20 Nec , Nec and Netr are obtained from (1) , (2) and (3). 38 36 (4) calculation of A rc and A rtr : 36 38 38 38 36 38 36 38 ( A r/ A r) c = 0.
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