THE GLENGARRY NEWS The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday, July 6, 1934. VOL. XLII—No. 28. $2.00 A YEAR ^itlexandria Trim Celtics Glengarry liberal Cornwall Caalennial Week 50th Wedding dnuiversarji Alexaailria Loses Estimable Laily Passes kreii Heart Baail Executive Meets Atiractiag Ihousands of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Valaeii Cilizen At Markslay, Oat. Wias Favor ia Cornwall In Overtime 10-/ > ■ Opening Cornwall’s week of Centen- The Town of Alexandra and the Closing a life replete with religious (Standard-Freeholder) ^ That the Celtiea have developed into A most enthusiastic and representa- ial celebration His Excellence the Earl MacCrininiun surrounding district was shoekeJ to fervor and a spirit of neighborliness Formed only two years ago Ale.can ■a team which will fhave to b0 reckoned tive gathering of the Liberal Execu- ri* of Bessborough, 'Gjovernor’-Gleneral of learn on Wednesday morning of this cliaracteristic of tho.se identified with diia Bojs’ Band was in Cornwall for with from now on in the local loop was tive ft>r Glengarry was held in the On Monday, July the second ,the Canada and Lady Bessborough visited week that Captain John A. MacDonald, the V early years o-f, Glengarry county, the Tuesday program of Oentenial ■clearly proven to those wlio attended the Town Hall on Wednesday afternoon of home of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm F. Mac that town on Saturday, for blie official Main Street, had departed this life at the death of Mary Ann McLean, be- Week. Under the direction of the foiin- Alenandria-Celtic g'anie last S«aturday this week. The new member Mr. James opening of the Cornwall-Northern New Crimmon, Cotton Beaver, was the scene an early hour that morning. While loved wife of John A. MeGiUiiS, Haga» dt-r of the org.mization, Rev". J. A. alight at Ohisholm Park. The once low- A. Sangster, upon his arrival was York International Vehicnlar Bridge of a very happy event, the occasion be- Capt. MacDonald had been ill for sev- Township (Markstay), and daughter Brunolle, the band rendered tWo pro- ly redflîhirts put up opposition as strong greeted with sustained cheers an^ de and also to declare open the Legion ing the fiftieth anniversar.v of tHi-eir eral monrtihs, ihfis many friends had of the late Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc- gralms at the Post Office corner and :as any in the league, the locals being livered a short address which was well Track and Field MeOt, which attracted not realized that his condition was so Lean, of Greenfield, Glengarry county, took part in the parade to the Athletic forced to run in three goals in an received. mari'iage. outside athletes from all the larger serious and expressions of regret were occurred at the homestead, Wednesday, Grounds in the afternoon. overtime session 'to ^njatch victory It wias decided to hold tlie annual At noon, the festivités look th-2 meeting of the association on Wednes- cities of Ontario and Quebec as well licard on all sides when the news was 27th June, in her 75th'^-^ar. The average age of the bandsmen is from them after the regular playing foim of a family dinner, covers being day evening, August Irst at 8 p.m. for as from the United States. announced. Mrs. McGillis’ death grieved and 14. All attend school in Alexandria and period had ended with the score art •îhocked a large circle of relatives and are members of the Sacred Heart Par- 7—7. This was tine first opportunity the purpose of electing officers, amend- Attended by an ^official retinue Their laid for fifty. It is interesting to note Capt. MacDonald had been one of Alex- arjdria’s . irtost estera|€Ki citizen ^ince friends ,as she succumbed after an ill- ish. Twenty-five boys are in the band ■given Glengarry fans to size up the ing the situation and attending to var- Excellencies arrived in the Counties ' that all the children, eight in number he took u^ h.is residence here shortly ness of only six weeks, and at a period and they fulfil engagements through- new-comers to the Celtic line-up and ious other matters of business. Town from Ottawa, about 19.30 that v.erc able to be vvith their parents for A committee comiposed of Donald A. morning, tlie official opening of the aft-er the war and ha<d taken an active when hope for regaining health was out Eastern Ontario and the Western that these men made a good impression this great oC'casion. Mr. Archibald Mac- part in tho social and business life of held out. She contracted pneumonia section of Quebec. Last week the band was eiasily to be seen. The three college Macdonald, K. C., Archie J. Macdon- bridge taking place at 11 o’cloe-k. Here Crimmon of Fisfic’s Corners, who acted ald, ex-M.P., and Steven O’Connor, Se- the community. Un,til pressure* of the latter part of May and members of was out of town on four occasions and boys from Baltimore, Cal and Phil they were met by the American dele- as groomsman at the wedding fifty ereitiary of the Asrsociation was named w-ork prevented him from being a the family were cheered by an evi- this week, three. Thie band is booked Lotz and J. Donahue were easily dis- gation which included Secretary of years ago, was also present. to prepare amendments to situa- member he had been one of the most dence of recovery. A relapse, however, for three more days next week. tinguished from their mates both by War George H. Dern, representing Pre- At the conclusion of the dinner, Mr. tion of the associaition and bring it up popular members of the Alexlandria set in a few days before the end, sap- The youngest member of the band their size and equipment. Their heady sident Franklin p. Roosevelt, Hon. W. J. F. MacCrimmon in a brief address, to date, and to submit its recommenda Curling Club and until his last illness ping an amazing vitality. Death came is 11. He is the 'cymbal player. play bas certainly worked wonders D. Robbins, United States Minister to reminded the company of the reason tions to the annual meeting. had been much sought after by local as peacefully and content as was her with the Celtic team as has the new Canada an^. others. After the Gover- for this gathering. He then called on bridge Clubs anj other socal organiza- life, and to close a career that knew goalie, Rymer who s'liowed Jiis abii «Ly The following resolutions of general nor General had cut the ribbon to t'hxow Mr. Mack MacCrimmon who read an tions. only the finer things. Congratulations in great style hold the local s'harp- interest were passed Iby the executive: the bridge open to raffic, Right Rev. address to thio parents, voicing the love J. C. R-oper, Archbishop of the Church For a number of years past he had The funeral, one of the largest in shooters to 7 g>-ils in 'J.e regular ti'*i>. Moved by Dir. W. B. McDiarmid, and gratitude of the family for their Congratulations are being received the .'history of Markstay, was a deserv- Jock Dalbec was back at his centre Seconded by J. A. C. Huot, of England, Diocese of Ottawa, and loving care all through their lives, filler rmost capably and efficiently by Paul Pilon who on Saturday put ed tribute to one much esteemed as a post and although his ankle is still a Resolved that the Glengarry Liberal His Excellenc.v Felix Couturier, Bisihop ‘ while Miss Christena MacCrimunu and the position of road superintendant on the 12 lyibfs. shot a distance of 37 ft. friend, neighbor and church worker. little weak he worked effectively be- Executive feels/ that the incoming De- of Alexandria, blessed and dedicated* Master .Dénald MacDonald , the eldest PîOvineial Highfway No. 34 having 3 3-4 in. in the Counties’ events of The cortege consisted of more than ing eredite'd with one goil and iwn as- partment of Agriculture should take -the bridge. granddhildnen, presented Mr. and Mrs. under his charge the entire seetiob the Cornwall Legion Meet to take twnty-five automobiles and St. Mark’s sists. The forwards wete all in their a deeper and wider interest in the im Prior to the ceremony ,at the Cana- j MacCrimmon with several gold pieces. of that highway from Alexandria to first place. He received a splendid sil- Churcih, Markstay, where -Requieni best playing mood and the result ‘vas provdmjit of agricultural conditions dian Customs House H*is Excellency in-j Needless to say Mr. and Mrs. Mac- Lancaster. Those using this highway ver cup for his victory. High) Mass was offered by Rev. A. G. nice combination play and deadly shots in Eastern Ontario, than bas beon spected tlie Guard of Honour, 100 men | Cximmon were deeply touched by this had frequentl.v ihiad occasion to compli- Baker at 9.30 o’clock, was taxed to that were worth watching. The defence shown by the former administration. on parade, drawn from the ranks of I unexpected token of the love of the^r ment him on the manner in which the capacity by sorrowing relatives and was steadiy and cheeked hard and when Moved by H. Miaxjerrison, the 154th S.D. & G. Highlanders, and family. Mr. A. D. O. MacCrimmon and maintenance of this road had been at- friends from all parts of the district. Obituary enemy forward did happen to work Seconded by Arch.
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