PARTS XIII-A & B TOWN & VILLAGE CENSt]S 1981 DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT SERIES-5 GUJARAT .DISTRICT AMRELI CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK R. S. CHHAYA of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations tSuJar.t CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICA nONS CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICA nONS Census of India, 1981 Series-5 Gujarat are being publisbed in the following ;'arts Pflrt Subject Covered N~mber ·I-A Administration Report-Enumeration I-B Administration Report-Tabulation .rr-A General Population Tables-A-Series ·U-B General Population Tables - Primary Census Abstract lII-A General Economic Tables - B-S.eries (Tables B-1 to B-I0) IU-B General Economic Tables - B-Series (Tables B-11 to B-22) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables - C-Series (Tables C-l to C-6) IV-B Social and Cultural Tables - C-Series (Tables C-7 to C-IO) V-A Migration Tables - D-Series (Tables D-l to D-4) V-B Migration Tables - D-Series (Tables D-5 to D-13) VI-A Fertility Tables - F-Series (Tables F-l to F-19) VI-B Fertility Tables - F-Series (Tables F-20 to F-28) • VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population VI II-A Household Tables (Tables HH-I to HH-16) VIII-B Household Tables (Table HH-17) VIII-C Report on Households IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes § X-A T own Directory X-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns X-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages XI Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on Scbeduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes XII Census Atlas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK XIII-A Village and Town Directory XIII-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract • Published § Undor Print Note: (1) All the maps included in this publicatIOn are based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. (2) T~c territorial waters of India :xtend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical mlles measured from the appropnate Base line. (3) (e) Government of India Copyright 1986. DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS ~ Til. LUKA I MAHAL HEADQUARTE-RS. - ~ _ Q .GUJARAT STATE BOUNDARY _____ "_"_ DISTRICT BOUNDARY ___ . _ _ _._._ DISTRICT AMRELI TALUKA I MAHAL BOUNDARY _____ ._.__ STATE HIGHWAY . ~ • OTHER IMPORTANT ROAD.-_ - . _____ 16 MILES l>- RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION, .. "I j ,., . METRE GAUGE __ . - _ -.~ I 1 <?- ! '0 ,4 Km, .-."'" '-. RIVER AND STREAM ____ ~ " " f ; T S " 4.1 0,0 ,,0. -" FrQ .... 1,','O,Q¢O,'_"'"",,_o. ; ( .I\-. .-" R~9nQthpur PTO_) » .J HAVING 5000 AND ABOvE Dcvli POPULATION WITH NAME .. URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION • SIZE CLASS 1I,Ill,IV & V POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE •••••PTO DEGREE COLLEGE AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTION. ~[I] L.MAHAL LILIA OAK BUNGALOW. REST HOUSE, 08 RH V. TALUI<A KUNKAVAV VADIA TRAVELLERS BUNGALOW, TB D. TALUKA DHARI FOREST BUNGALOW, CANAL BUNGALOW .. FB CB ;lj:. GOA DAMAN' 011) R. TALUKA RAJULA KALAPI (Sursinghji Takathsinghji Gohil-1897 to 1900) In Gujarati poetic literature, Kalapi's life and poetry always stand with high respect. Poet Kalapi was thakor of Lathi State in Saurashtra, but he became poet of common masses of Gujarat. He established a rare example of his love affair with 'Sobhana' an attendant to his queen and in his collection he wrote iIDRr iti'l' Gt~ (How the peace of mind lost), he described this by his heart touching poetry. This type of transparency in the contempary poetry is seen rarely i;lfT Glff "I':3'n: +rTU ~ mr.IT +fU c<rt ~<:ft m'RT whenever I see, it is put of you in my thougot. This type of GAZALS are the NAZRANA for the Gujarati literature. He toured Kashmir in his early seventeen and wrote CfiT~m~ "1'1' 5I"GfHf 'tour of Kashmir' still presents very good material of Tourism literature in Gujarati. In addittion to this Kalapi's main literary works are: 1. Kalapino Kakerava 2. Mala ane Mudrika 3. Kalapina Patra 4. Narihrdaya 5. Letters (a) Samvada (b) Swedanborg. He contributed so much to the Gujarati literature in the very short span of his life and he started his heavenly journey in 26th years. The following verse of his own literature express his view points towards life's philosophy. g' iqiVcf ~if;:ft CR:i,n 1:f"'mT, ,;r<fi'f '1;l1 it ;:rftit 'ifGfTrfT' ERRATA DISTRICT: AMRELI Pale Particulars Col. For Read Page Particulars Col. For Red No. No. No. No. :z 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 AnalJtical N9tes Primary Census Abstract (vii) 1st Half, 4th Para. + Bahra X Babra SI. No.2 Town Town 2 Headnig Abstarct Abstract (vii) 2nd Half. lst Para reporting arc reporting 5 Amreli Taluka U 10 not clear J,239 1st line area 6 Amreli T ... luka R 17 7,671 7.741 (ill:) 2nd Half, I st Line 4 1961 1971 II Lrcation Code No. 1 15 5 (xxii) Tab1e-8 SI.No.l 6 144.43 44.43 Amreli Taluka R 26 Not clear 840 Villa&e Pircctory 20 Amrcli Taluka R 9 6,452 5,452 L.C.No.12 14 Not clear 260 Village Directory 22 L.C.No.41 U 345 545 L.C.No.46 13 541 341 6 L.C.No.3 II PI-! ,K PR,KR Ii L.C.No.t7 13 EP,FAg ED,EAI 25 Amreli M Ward No.VI 15 1,304 1,504 13 L.C.No.50 20 not clear N2 28 L.C.No.28 14 Not clear 329 L.C.No 30 234 134 13 L.C.No.63 19 2.55 55.00 4 L.C.No.33 U Not clear 254 19 SI.No.8 2. Chadkha Cbarkha SI.No.27 2 Goqalgram Gopalgram 32 5/11 Dhari (V.P.) 3 In 1.53 20 L.C.No.14 II PR KR 37 L.C,No.3 IS Not clear 350 L.C.No.15 11 KR PI{ 40 Rajula-Rural 3 Hectares Hectares 21 L.C.No.U 17 379.00 973.00 (82,6039.8) (82,603.98) 23 L.C.No.26 18 Dot clear 16.00 L.C.No.16 14 72 27 26 L.C.No.74 Jl PR,KR KR 42 L.C.No.38 9 Blank 27 L.C.No.61 14 Jowra Jo"., L.C.No.83 10 Blank L.C.No.61 15 not clear 69.00 48 L.C.No.8 14 52 32 2 Bhaxh Bhaxi 42 SI.No.n S4 L.C.No.23 4 457 57 7 W.Hp,R W,T,Hp.& 44 L.C.No 17 5S L.C.No.8 20 Blank 51 L.C.No.6S 17 245.87 425.87 L,C,No.&9 3 187.94 10 1.94 69 Taluka L.C.No. 1 6 7 52 L.C No.20 3 Not clear 936,58 L.C.No.3S 2 not clear Chitrasar 60 61 L.C.No.IS 16 683 386 20 NI; T 61 L.C.No.32 N7: T 66 L.C.No.6 10 26 3, L.C.No,42 18 93.00 97.00 63 68 L.C.No.39 4 291 201 86 L.C.No.4S 2 Pitadia Plthadia Ward No.1II 5 303 306 96 L.C.No.2 3 not clear 1,034.43 7 Not clear 1,080 91 L.C.No.33 4 1450 1540 75 L.C.No.40 22 10 101 SI.~o.7 2 not clear Bhatvadar L,C.No.5/XII 25 465 45 SI.No.8 2 Not clear Bingrad 26 35 365 108 L.C.No.8 7 T,W,Hp,R W,Hp,R i9 L.C.No.36 18 Blank 113 L.C.No.47 16 Not clear W(24.00) 1 48 8.5 Chalala VP Total 5 Blank L.C.No.48 IS" Ward; III 121 Col. Heading 15-19 typo dalefan types of land Rajula NP IV Biock No.1' 5 , 130 APpendix-II L.C,No.ll 6 1536.19 1536.16 137 Taluka-Babra Range 6-10 2 Gamapipa· Garnapipa- 89 Lathi N P Total Ward' II 2 Total Total L.C.No.37 lirya Iiyar Ward Ward, II (i) CONtBNTS Pages 1 FOREWORD (vHvi) 2 PREFACE (vii)-{ix) 3 Map of District Frontispiece 4 Important Statistics (xiiiHxiv) 5 Analytical Notes and Tables i-xli ( i) Census concept of rural and urban areas and other terms ( ii) Brief history of district and District Census Handbook iv (iii) Scope of Village Directory, Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract v (iv) Physical aspects highlights of the changes in the jurisdiction of the district during the decade vii ( v) Major characteristics of the district particularly in relation to thee economic resources vii (vi) Brief discription of places of religion, historical or archaeological importance and places of tourist interest in villages and towns xiii (vii) Brief analysis of Village and Town Directory and Primary Censu&} Abstract xv PART Xm-A VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORV 1-158 SECTION I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY 1-140 List of Abbreviations used in the Village Directory 2 Amreli Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Fa¢ing page ~ (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 5 (iii) Village Directory 6-15 2 Dbari Talna ",_ .. , (i) Taluka Map Facing pale 17 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 19 (iii) Village Directory 20-29 3 KbaJDbba Mabal '. __ . ' .."., - I I ( i) Taluka Map Faeing 'pale 31 ( ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 33 (iii) Village Directory 34--5' 4 Rajala Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing page 41 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 42-43 (iii) VilJage Directory 44-53 S lafrabad Mahal ( i) Taluka Map Facing page 5S (ii) Alphabetic List of ViIlIses S7 (iii) Village Directory 58-63 , Kodioar Taloka ( i) Taluka Map Facing page 65 ( ii) Alphabetic List of Villa,es 67 (iii) Village Directory 68-77 7 I:unkavav Vadia Taluk.
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