Colonial Theatre CHARLES FROHMAN«WILLIAMHARRIS-Lf55eesMgn5 COLOIflAli THEATRE PROGRAM LEWANDOS Cleansers Dyers Launderers 1915 February 1915 Su Mo Tu We| Th Fri Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 00 WOMENS SWEATERS CLEANSED ‘ Short 75 Cents Long $1.00 MENS OVERCOATS Heavy $2.00 Medium $1.50 Light $1.25 GLOVES CLEANSED 10 Cents Per Pair For All Lengths THE BEST GLOVE CLEANSING ANYWHERE BOSTON SHOPS 17 TEMPLE PLACE 284 BOYLSTON STREET Oxford 555 Back Bay 3900 248 HUNTINGTON AVENUE Back Bay 3881 BROOKLINE ROXBURY MALDEN FITCHBURG CAMBRIDGE DORCHESTER LYNN LOWELL WATERTOWN WALTHAM SALEM FALL RIVER NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA WASHINGTON And all the large cities of the East You Can Rely On Lewandos' 4 COLONIAJL THMATRB PmOOKAM Collins and Fairbanks Co. Men’s and Women’s Cloth Coats at 20% Reduction from our Regular Prices 383 Washington St. Boston “In the days of the old Volunteer i Fire Department there was more | quenching of thirst than quenching \ of conflagrations,” said Fire Chief <;TANDARri \ Kenlon of New York. i “The volunteer firemen, I’m afraid, \ were a sad lot of roysterers. There’s PREWIRED PAINT [ MEANS a story they tell about a fire back in ' 1869 . (! “It was a fire at an outlying farm, T PROTECTION and when the firemen arrived with ^ AND ALSO engine and hose the buildings were li pretty well destroyed. ;-i The farmer met them at the gate. WEATHER INSURANCE I He said bitterly: HAS NO EQUAL FOR \\ “No use yer cornin’ in, boys. There I, ECONOMY, DURABILITY hain’t a drop of water within two |.i miles of us.” AND FINISH \ But the firemen, mindful of the I usual merry-making that accom- | CHANDLER & BARBER CO. panied every fire, pushed right on \ PAINTS with the apparatus. HARDWARE | OILS VARNISH all HOUSE OF “CHANBARITE” “Oh, that’s right,” they said \ Heartilv. “We don’t mind drinking 124 Summer Street, Boston. [ it straight.” I COLONIAL theatre: program b International Trust Company CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS $1,000,000 45 Milk Street :: 115 Summer Street Checking Accounts Savings Deposits Domestic Exchange Foreign Exchange Safe Deposit Vaults INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS The undersigned Directors and Officers hereby extend to you a cordial Invitation to do your Banking Business with the International Trust Company, having full confidence that you will be served in the best possible manner. DIRECTORS OLIVER M. FISHER CECIL Q. ADAMS President M. A. Packard Shoe Co. General Manager Bristol Patent JOHN M. GRAHAM Leather Co. Capitalist SAMUEL G. ADAMS WALTER B. HENDERSON Brown & Adams, Wool John C. Paige & Co., Insurance FREDERICK AYER HENRY L. JEWETT American Woolen Co. Vice President and Secretary JAMES A. BAILEY, Jr. JOHN M. LONGYEAR Attorney and Counsellor at Law Mineral and Timber Lands CHARLES G. BANCROFT GEORGE B. H. MACOMBER President G. B. H. Macomber Co. THOMAS BARBOUR ROBERT M. MORSE Curator of Harvard College Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law ELMER J. BLISS WILLIAM A. MULLER Regal Shoe Co. William A. Muller & Co., Insurance EDWIN P. BROWN JAMES J. PHELAN General Manager United Shoe Ma- Hornblower & Weeks chinery Co. EDMUND H. TALBOT ALONZO N. BURBANK Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law International Paper Co. LOREN D. TOWLE HENRY V. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law HERBERT F. WINSLOW WENDELL ENDICOTT Real Estate Endicott-Johnson Co. SIDNEY W. WINSLOW, Jr. Director U. S. Smelting Refining and Mining Co. OFFICERS CHARLES G. BANCROFT, President A. FRANCIS HAYDEN, Trust Officer FREDERICK AYER, Vice President EDWARD H. GRAHAM, Assistant HENRY L. JEWETT, Vice President Treasurer and Secretary CHESTER B. PIERCE, Assistant CLIFFORD B. WHITNEY, Treasurer Treasurer COLONIAli THBATRB PROGRAM Best Fur Bargains in Boston Everything Marked Down EDW. F. KAKAS & SONS 364 BOYLSTON STREET (Near Arlington Street) Our Only Store Established 1858 “Now, Daisy, can you tell me the Clare—Do you think you could name of the insignificant little worm bring yourself to marry a man your by whose industry I am able to wear intellectual inferior? this silk dress?” “I know—papa.” Lydia—I suppose I shall have to! The Edith Merley System of Practical Science teaching the care of head, face, neck, arms and hands. Will take pupils during the months of January, February, March, April and May at ROOM 611 :: 149 TREMONT STREET :: BOSTON ITliss tTotafie U. £,ittfe Society Dancing Graduate of Vernon Castle School Just returned from New York with all the Castle's and new Parisian Dances. Individual and private class Instruction. TEL. BACK BAY 1561 STUDIO 289 NEWBURY ST.. BOSTON COLONIAL THEATRB PROGRAM Sole Agents Rogers Peet Co. New York Clothes and Liveries of All Kinds Evening Clothes From the house of Rogers, Peet Company, designed for the exclusive New York trade. Equal to the finest custom-made. Also our own “Boston Made.’’ $25 to $50 Full Dress Suits GENTLEMEN’S SUITS For Street and Business wear. The product of our Boston shops; and New York’s finest cloth- iers—The Rogers, Peet Company. $15 to $40 Exclusive Liveries and ROGERS, PEET CO. Apparel Agents for Recosooed Aothontie. o. Auto TALBOT COMPANY 395-403 Washington Street — S COLONlAli THEATRB PROGRAM r • • 11 (jitts ot extensive variety—all ^ uncommonandofindividuality. Your time in our shop is enter- tainment and your purchase great value for your money. ARTISTIC LEATHER GOODS 396 Boylston St., - - - Boston ‘‘Sir, can you show me the Treas- “I do.” ury building?” “The Treasury building is behind “See that pile of lumber yonder?” it.” FLORENCE F. WAKEFIELD —ARTISTIC DANCING— —MODERN DANCING— DANSANT STUDIO WEDNESDAYS 1000 MASS. AVE., CAMBRIDGE 883 BOYLSTON ST. TeL Cambridge 4478-W Tel. 21435 B. B. HOME PORTRAITURE THE KODAK WAY Pictures taken in the home atmosphere and home surroundings have a quality and charm of their own. The kodak enables you to take just such pictures of your family and friends indoors or out. ' KODAKS AND SUPPLIES ' KODAK FINISHING AND ENLARGING ROBEY-FRENCH CO. Kodaks $6.00 to $74.00 Eastman Kodak Company Brownie Cameras $1.00 to $12.00 38 Bromfield Street - Boston W COLONIAL THBATRH PROGRAM I COLONIAL THEATRE SEASON OP 1914-1915 iM ©: CHA8. FROHM^N A WILLIAM HARRIS L«fa««B and Managers CHARLES J. RICH - Realdent Managror BXKCUTITE STAFF gc&hc. , Bualneaa Manager T. B. Lothian Sta^a Manager Geo. Dorinc Electrician Robt. M. Edwarda Mualcal Director Wm. McKinley • Treaaurer Grover C. Burkhardt 5ca Roorosd Ticket Affent Frank Cauley Orcheatra Doorkeeper Robert Barr luncheon. 11 »til 2.30 Chief of Ushers Maurice Noonan Matron Miaa M. G. Sullivan A better sort of food at prices Propertiea Arthur Montelth within reach of all. “Where the homey atmosphere prevails.” SCALE OF PRICES Afternoon Tea 3 *til S Orchestra Floor $2.00 1.50 Dinner from First Balcony $1.50 1.00 .75 5.30 on Second Balcony .50 429-A Admission 50 Bovlston St. near Berkelev St. Orchestra Boxes 16.00 ’Phone B. B. S52 Balcony Boxes 12.00 Boston, Mass. Second Balcony Boxes. .$5 .(X) Loges. 4.00 Ticket office open from 8 A. M. until after the cloae of every performance. Children under three yeara of age not admitted. Tlcketa for thla theatre can be ordered by Telephone — Oxford 411 — or Mall or Tele- graph, and will be held twenty-four houra except when ordered on the day of the per- formance for which they are to be uaed, when they will be held until 13.80 P. M. for Matlneea and until 7 P. M. for Eveninga. Tlcketa ordered and paid for by mail will be held until called for. Patrona will please report to the Mauckaut, in peraon or by letter, inatancea of inatten- THEATRE TICKETS tion or miademeanor on the part of any at- tache of thia Theatre. He engagea to speed lly correct any want of courtesy to them by liTTT>in7 ADAMS persona in hia service. DUXvJVH/ HOUSE Parties finding lost articles in any portion of the Theatre will please leave them at the PHONES - - OXFORD 935-942-2430 Ticket Office. The Manager will not be re- sponsible for articles placed under the seats. A Free Check Room, at the owner’s risk, la provided in the Ladles’ Drawing Room Oh the orchestra floor for Checking Cloaks. Coats, and Umbrellas; also in Balcony in Ladies’ Drawing Room at right of entrance. Thomas J. Clark Patrons are requested to report to the Man- ager any acceptance of fees or suggestion that fees are desired by anyone employed in the Theatre. Opera Glasses to let in the Ladies’ Cloak Room, orchestra floor, for which a small fee FLORIST of twenty-flve cents will be charged. Smoking and Men’s Retiring Room. En- trance under stairs right of Main Entrance. Smoking Positively Forbidden in the Lobby Cor. Berkeley and Boylston Sts. and Foyer. | Public Telephone located in First Balcony Drawing Room. Physicians who have patients to whom Telephones they may be called suddenly can leave their seat number in the Box Office and be called as quickly as in their office. Back Bay 3657 and 5221 I 10 COLONIAL THBATRB PROGRAM OVER 200 STYLES LOEWE FAMOUS PIPES COMOY PETERSON G. B.D. BEACON HILL TOBACCO INEXPENSIVE MILD and COOL 2 ounces, • Every smoker is enthu- 8 ounces, - siastic about its un- 16 ounces, - usual qualities :: :: 36 KILBY STREET CHARLES B. PERKINS CO. 44 BROMFIELD STREET Modern Dancing The Florence Studio Mme. Aleta will teach all the Modern Dances as danced by Society in New York in classes ( Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Evenings, and private lessons by appointment. Especial [ attention given to smoothness and grace. Isabel Florence wiU teach Fancy and BaUet Dancing.
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