Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories GEORGE W. SHEPARD, Hardwood Lumber Buffalo, N. Y. Hotel Columbia, COR. NIAGARA & FIRST ST9. American Plan, $2.00 Per Day. W.G. White, Manager. Convenient to Railroad Stations, Trolley Lines, the Falls and Parks. Hotel Imperial C. N. Owen, Proprietor. ISTiagara Falls, 2ST. IT. ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST MODERN HOTELS AT THE FALLS. Rates $2.50 to $4.00. SCHOOLS IN PRINCIPAL CITYS American Mandolin ^School M. SHAVITZ. DIRECTOR. 19 S. CLINTON ST. 13'/2 E. SWAN ST. ROCHESTER, N. Y. BUFFALO, N. Y. INSTRUMENTS Q1VEN FREE TO ALL. Use The Remington Typewriter see pages 71-91 g BUFFALO. N. Y. BRANCH 62 NIAGARA ST. CB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories WILLIAM MAYO MANUFACTURER OF WOOD AND METAL SPECIALTIES. PATTERN AND MODEL MAKING. GENERAL JOBBING SO and 52 NORTH WATER STREET ROCHESTER, N. Y. Rochester Public Library Reference Book Not For Circulation Th Central Library of Rochester and RI Monroe County ami t( Local History & Genealogy Division 115 South Avenue Rochester, New York 14604 such hard mate- rial that they are TYPE AJ. PRICE, $20. practically indestructible. Seven inch disc records, 50 cents each; $5 per dozen. Ten inch disc records, $1 each; $10 per dozen. Both si/.es can be used on either style of Disc Graphophone. A /# FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, ADDRESS COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY. 645 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, NEW YORK. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories MATTILL & LAMB 8! ftbe printers A h 265-275 Woodland Avenue, - - Cleveland, Ohio Bell North 266 Cuyahoga A 880 220Street7 Mai. n LalWIalPati/fatl'l *$ NiagarN.a YFalls. , THE "BARGAIN HOUSE" OF NIAGARA The place to get your Men's, BoyB' and Children's Clothing, Hats and Caps, Ladies Skirts, Waists, Tailor Made Suits, Etc. QUALITY - STYLE - FIT - WORKMANSHIP THE PRICE IS WAY DOWN. WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. FREE CAR FARE ON PURCHASE OVER $1.00 ROBERT JOHNSON, ...COMMISSION MERCHANT... BALED HAY, ETC. LEHIGH. N. Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories J. C. LEVEL, PROPRIETOR OF THE Park Livery Stables, 1O7 Main St.-(Flnesl Light Livery Stables in the World) N T H£ RESERVATION CARRIAGE STABLES 354-358 Prospect St. The latter operated under the authority of the State Commissioners. In connection, MRS. S. J. RIESTER is the Ex- cursion Agent, giving special attention to the com- fort of the ladies. Her Telephone No. is 35 Bell. Liyery Tel. 145 Bell, 358 Home. Reservation Carriages Tel. 35 Bell. Cataract Restaurant—- 319 MAIN ST,, NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. Three minutes walk from the Falls. Rates moderate. The Restaurant is .spacious and cool. Furnished Rooms in Connection and Provision Made for Overflow of Guests in Private Families. Everything Strictly First Class. E. H. CANNON, Proprietor. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Dairy Restaurant and Lunch Room American and European Plan. Meals and Lunches at all hours. Fruits, Fish and Game in Season. First Class Service; Open All Night. BELL TELEPHONE 394 L: Van Dusen & Bonesteel, Props. 307 MAIN ST. NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y ..WHICH SHALL IT BE?.. A Political Puzzle outclassing Pigs in the Clover and funnier than a year's subscription to Puck or Judge. Just the thing for idle moments. Hitting the political outlook for 1903, and fur-, nishing more solid fun than Ringling Bros.' clowns. Postpaid, lOc. Kiley Mfg. Co., - Cleveland, 0, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories LEARN TO RIDE THE PROPER WAY AT Twittys Riding Academy, MAIN AND SMITH STBEETS. Best Saddle Horses for Hire. High Class Saddle and Driving Horses for Sale. • HELLO," BRYANT 680. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Rochester 'Phone—2093 5 CRESCENT LIVERY and Boarding; Stables, 202-210 ANDREWS ST., G W, Kleinhans, Prop Rochester, N Y. POWER CITY DISTRIBUTARY 446 POWERS' BUILDING. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Distribute* Advertising Circulars, Samples, Books, Pamphlets, Alma- nacs, Catalogues, Etc., Eta. # # # An WORK SUPCRVISCD ITS TMI W.Y TO RKCH TMC Ptopic CM Ut • Trial Ihilrt. #-<MH4» I I 117// II I>V It. Mi,nae,-r HACKET'S HOTEL & LIQUOR STORE 310 Main St. E Cor Franklin Rochester, 3ST. IT. BRANDIES. WINKS Sc <MNS KENTUCKY WHISKEY A SPECIALTY B. LIPPERT Horses for Sale J& J&IVA Exchange. 246-248 William St., R L HOVEL S K HOVKI Hovel Bros. >^ DEALERS IN + Fine Footwear. Agents for the Ralston Health Shoe Union Made Ou" A*NOTTU.W Pmce?u*L'T' 2I" MAIN STREET, NIAGARA FALLS, N. V. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories VISITOKS AT NIAGARA I Mis M\\ ENGLAND BE9TAUBAKT and II N< II PA III nils, •-! anil I U. Fall* St., cor. Main Si. Opp, I i,r. , i,.,ii..>. ,! II' Ihrei N, :ill\ I in IllshPli I! n«. KIMN.I- MIMI I mi. i.. - s, , v, ,i. I- ipean P si,,, 11, i • • ~ i < laxa IUMI >i...i.ri«i.' ...Tr ii i«... r,.|,|,!,,,,,.: Mil II, .1,1.. X. > \» 111 I I II 1(. I .i N'lnenin Fan-., N. T. The Empire Hotel JAMES A. HAYES. Prop. 127 Falls St., <>I>I>. Union Depot. Tliia Hute) is new I\ refitted ami furnished, i* nmst conveniently located, all CAR J ig 1 he enl ranee, \ mple Telephone < Jouneotion. I'IM- I \ I:I i H'i I.IM is famous for excellency. ff? Niagara VaXls, .\'. ) ('. K. CUSHING, Specialist in Refractive Errors of the Eye, \inl Manufacturing Optician. i Uawee I urnished to corr»d all [»ef«t« can hfi, ind all i roubles ai iiing from Eye Str.-iin. i VRCADE HI.DC. M AC \KA FALLS, N V Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories frobnson's BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIKECTORY OF BUFLALO, Rochester, Erie, Pa., Niagara Falls, Lockport, North Tonowanda, Tonowanda, Batavia, Hamburg, Dunkirk, Williamsville Geneva, Lyons, Canandaigua and Lancaster, N. Y., Etc. Etc. 19O2-O3 THE JOHNSON PUBLISHING CO. WASHINGTON, D. 0. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories • Buffalo Business Directory. Aahrens, Fred., Liquors, 156 Main. Abbott, F. A., Attorney, 907 D. S. Morgan Bldg. Abbott, John L., Vegetables, 31 Washington Market. Abbott, John P., Attorney, 906 D. S. Morgan Bldg. Abel, C. Lee, Insurance, 10 Board of Trade. ABRAM COX STOVE CO., H. S. Welsh, Mgr., 432 Prudential Bldg. Abrams & Exstein Co., Hats, 77 Seneca. rf ABRAMS & OSWALD, Upholstering and Antique Furniture, 803 Main. ACADEMY, THE (THEATRE), J. R. Stirling, Mgr., P. C. Cornell, Business Mgr., Main St., near E. Swan. Acetylene Apparatus Mfg. Co., So. DivisiCMft? jjMd Elliott. ACKERMAN & SON, Groceries, 1608 Main. ACKERMAN & KING, Photographic Materials and Artists' Supplies, 588 Main. Ackley, R. G., Dentist, 737 Seneca. ACME COAL MINING CO., J. F. Morlock, Sales Agt., 801 Ellicott Sq. Acme Hat Co., 32 Chapin Block. ACME MANUFACTURING CO., Silver Plated Ware and Novelties, 325 and 327 Washington. Acme Savings & Loan Association, 218 Pearl. Acme Steel & Iron Works, Military Road. Adair Co., The, Haberdashers, 548 Main. Adam, J. N. & Co., Dry Goods, 383 Main. ADAM, MELDRUM & ANDERSON CO., Dry Goods and Carpets, 396-408 Main. \ Adams, A. H., Insurance, 65 Board of Trade Bldg. $2.35 $4.75 and up Cash with Order AIsoAutomobneBodles&Trlmmlngs THE HILL JUFG. CO. 1394 West Ave. Buffalo, N. T. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories BUFFALO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Angell, E. D., Insurance, 407 D. S. Morgan Bldg. Angermann, H., Watchmaker, 47 Genesee St. Angert, Aaron, Wholesale and Retail Grain & Feed, 663 Fillmore Ave. Annis, William L., Lawyer, 445 Ellicott Sq. Anna Bernhart, Tailor, 225 Lexington. Ansteth, Charles, Liquors, 273 Maryland. Ansteth, John, Watches, 85 Seneca. ANTHONY, C. E., Druggist, 384 East Seneca. ANTHONY PLATING WORKS, Geo. I. Onions, Prop., 371 Seventh. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE, 502 D. S. Morgan Bldg. ANTON, A., Furniture, 1208 Seneca. Antoniozzi, Chas., Liquors, 161 Seneca. Antonius Magnetic Institute, 685 Main. APOLLO PLATING WORKS, Gold, Silver, Brass and Nickel Oxi- dizing of all designs; Jas. W. Jameson, Prop.; 114 Genesee St. Appenheimer, Henry, Provisions, 655 Jefferson. Arch R. Seymour, Confectioner, 317 Broadway. Arend, L. F. W., Real Estate, 600 Ellicott Sq. Arend, Theo., Attorney, 73 West Eagle. Argus, Joseph, Shoe Mfr., 29-37 Chippewa. ARGUT, ARTHUR R., Groceries, Paints and Oil, 1920 Niagara. ARGUT, FRANK X., Hardware, Stoves, Lamps, Etc., 1918 Niagara. Arlington, The, 138 Exchange. Armbeuster, M., Boots, 473 Broadway. ARMOUR & COMPANY, Chicago Dressed Beef, 202-204 Perry. Armstrong, C. B. & Co., Insurance, 5 and 6 Board of Trade. Armstrong, Wm., Atty., 607 Moony Bldg. ARMSTRONG, W. E., Advertising Signs, 910 Mutual Life Bldg. ARNDT, E. J., Grocer and Butcher, 1832-1834 Seneca, South ion... ARNHOLT, J. H., Prop. "The Brunswick" Restaurant, 269-299 Wash- ington. Arnholt's Bakery, 328 Broodwav. Arnold Bros., Stoves, 789 Genesee. ARNOLD, ROBERT G., Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, 32 Elk Street Market. Arnson, Herman J., Attorney, 1015 Mutual Life Bldg. Ash, James, cor. Niagara and Forest Ave. ASHLEY, E. M. & N. H., Coke and Coal, 202 Main. ASHBERY, H. C, Rubber Stamps and Stencils, 16 Seneca East. ATKINS, DRAMOND & O'GORMAN, Undertakers, Tel Con., 164 E. Ferry. Atkins & Diamond, Undertakers, 292 West Ferry. ATKINS, GEO., Cigars, Tobacco and Whol. News Dealer, TeL Bryant 1992 R., 1273 Jefferson. Atkins Quick Lunch, 481 Main. Attea & Co., Dry Goods, 408 E. Seneca. Attenelli, R., Grocery, 44 Mechanic. Attica Creamery Co., The, 227 Allen. Atwater, G. S., Dairy, 287 Bryant. Atwater, William T., Real Estate, 55 White Bldg. Atwood, C. H., Rubber, 48 Exchange. Augrus, Le Roy, Attorney, Law Exchange. II REAM Pbotograpber, Ul ULnUllj EStabllshedl857 466 Main This gallery has always enjoyed the reputation of doing the very finest class of work. Phone Seneca 1553 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories BUFFALO BUSINESS DIRECTORY.
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