COLOR PAGE FREE but priceless CSPS Presorted Standard US Postage Paid HONORpages ROLLS 13-15 Permit No. 81 Cedar Springs, MI The SHOWCASING CEDAR SPRINGS & Reaching around the world ~ www.cedarspringspost.com Vol. XXXI No. 8P Thursday, February 22, 2018 STServing Northern Kent County and parts of Newaygo and Montcalm Counties Winter fun Charity soccer game Bird feeding Six head to state Can you fix a flat? page 2 A & E - page 7 OUTDOORS - page 8 SPORTS - pages 10-11 Auto Life - page 19 Flooding across West Michigan Woman sentenced to prison for embezzling over Stephanie$300,000 DeBoer spent the money on credit cards, lingerie, concert tickets A Cedar Springs woman will spend four years behind bars for embezzling over $300,000 from a union she did Cedar Creek rises; roads closed due to standing water Post photo by J. Reed. bookkeeping work for. Cedar Creek flooded behind the Cedar Springs Library. Stephanie Marie DeBoer, By Judy Reed this week, as well as cause day, and the creek was full Streets. Water did flow over 41, of Cedar Springs, was sen- pooling of water in low ly- at Veteran’s Park (at Oak the road for a time at the in- tenced on February 20, 2018, Rain and ice melt caused ing areas. and Main). There was stand- tersection of Main and Pine to four years in federal prison, swollen creeks and rivers Cedar Creek in Cedar ing water north of the park Street. Many roads in the according to U.S. Attorney across West Michigan to be- Springs flooded behind the and in North Park. It was outlying areas were closed Andrew Birge. U.S. District gin to overflow their banks fire station and library Tues- also high at Fifth and Cherry FLOODING - continues on page 2 Judge Paul L. Maloney im- posed the sentence. Judge Ma- Stephanie DeBoer was sen- loney also ordered her to pay tenced to four years in prison. full restitution, and to serve Facebook photo. a period of supervision after completing her prison term. DeBoer was the former office manager and bookkeeper of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Lo- cal 876, in Edmore, Michigan. Between 2012 and Septem- ber 2015, DeBoer embezzled more than $307,000 from the union by writing unauthorized checks to herself and others, making unauthorized payroll deposits, sending money to pay her credit cards, and making unauthorized purchases. Among other things, DeBoer used more than $89,000 of the embezzled money to make payments on 16 different person- Post photo by J. Reed. al credit cards, and made more than $54,000 in unauthorized Post photo by J. Reed. Water just at the bottom of the bridge over Cedar Creek at Main and charges on two different union officers’ union-issued credit Cedar Creek at Veterans Park, at Oak and Main Street. Oak Street. cards. The unauthorized charges included $907 for Katy Per- ry concert tickets and more than $5,000 in purchases from Victoria’s Secret. “Stephanie DeBoer abused her fiduciary responsibility as the office manager and bookkeeper by embezzling more than CoupleLocal gifts 10charter acres to school schoolto make dream plans a reality to expand $300,000 from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - Local Union 876. We will continue to work with our federal and state law enforcement partners and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Labor-Management Stan- dards to safeguard the assets of union members,” said James Vanderberg, Special Agent-in-Charge, Chicago Region, U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector General. “Safeguarding union finances and combatting embezzle- ment of union funds in labor unions is a very high priority for the Department of Labor’s Office of Labor-Management By Judy Reed him that God would make faith that George never for- as a teenager. “In all the Standards,” said Ian Burg, Detroit-Milwaukee District Di- it possible. So they prayed got. years I have been here at rector. “The embezzlement by Ms. DeBoer was significant, When Dan George was about it, and George went “If you think about it, that CTA, I’ve always wanted to and the $307,563 she embezzled for her personal use was 14 years old, he made the off to school, not thinking means someone sent that be able to expand,” he said. the equivalent of more than 15 percent of the union’s annual JV basketball team as a much more about it. He was gift certificate before I even “I’ve had my eye on two dues receipts and nearly 25 percent of its reported cash on freshman in high school. surprised when his mom made the team,” he said. pieces of property. To the hand. He was excited about the picked him up at school at God had prepared the way. south is 5 or 6 acres, and 10 Today’s sentencing sends a clear message that OLMS will chance to play, and told his noon, and drove straight to Now, as Superintendent to the west (which belongs fully investigate and seek justice when anyone attempts to mom he needed a new pair the shoe store. She told him and School Leader at Cre- to Fred and Carolee Gun- use their union position for personal financial gain.” of shoes—like the classic that she had received a gift ative Technologies Acade- nell). But I didn’t know how The case was investigated by the U.S. Department of La- Chuck Taylors by Con- certificate from someone in my, a local charter school we could afford it. Then I bor Office of Inspector General, and the Office of Labor verse. His mom told him the mail that morning that on Pine Street, George still got convicted remembering Management Standards. It was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. they couldn’t afford them, made it possible to buy the dreams big, and holds on to my lesson in faith.” Attorney Clay Stiffler. but she would pray with shoes. It was a lesson in the faith lessons he learned EXPAND - continues on page 7 COLOR PAGE Page 2 The Cedar Springs Post Thursday, February 22, 2018 Winter fun MenOn Valentines Day, of honor a young man walked into a school in Flori- da and brought death and destruction, which has dominated the news. The next day a group of young men from the Men of Honor, walked into Metron of Ce- dar Springs to bring a Valentine message of love, hope and bless- ing. These young men sang songs of love, handed out val- entines, candy and cookies, and shared the true message of love to the elderly at Metron. The Men and La- The Men of Honor group from Cedar Springs brought love to the elderly at Metron as part of a Valentine’s celebra- tion. Courtesy photo. dies of Honor is for 6th, 7th and 8th grade young school year. believe that God has placed ing networks, churches and men and ladies, and meet in Men and Ladies of Honor gold inside each young per- community programs. If you separate rooms at Red Hawk originated in Dallas, Texas son. It’s just a matter of help- or anyone you know might Elementary every Thursday and is celebrating its 15-year ing them dig it out and let- be interested in leading, after school until 4 p.m. anniversary. Since their in- ting them discover that God starting-up or funding a Men Aurora Dandridge, age 5, loves her snow bed! The photo They are part of the En Gedi ception, Men and Ladies of has placed greatness inside and Ladies of Honor Pro- was taken at her Nana’s home (Sally Johnson) in the City after school program that Honor has spread across the of them. We believe each gram, please contact Ran- of Cedar Springs. runs everyday after school United States and into 11 young man and lady is just dy Badge at 616-799-5776 until 5 p.m. Young men and countries, including Hondu- one caring adult away from or email him at rrbadge@ THANK YOU young ladies build godly ras and South Africa. being a success story. hotmail.com. To fund one to our Advertisers for character and leadership During the Olympics, Our goal is to start Men student with curriculum, during their meetings. They young men and ladies are and Ladies of Honor pro- t-shirts, camp, and awards KEEPING THE also attend an incredible competing for gold. The grams across West Michigan for a year costs $108 or $9 POST COMING! weekend camp during the Men and Ladies of Honor in schools, home-school- per month. Remember to SHOP LOCAL and support #shopthepost the businesses that advertise in The POST! Snowmobile event canceled—again Craft Beer, Wines, Sodas & Great Food The third time was not the charm for the Yan- he said that even if he had planned it in January, kee Zephyr Promotions snowmobile racing there was a thaw then, too. event planned for last Saturday, February McHugh said that while he will plan to do Brauhaus 17. Instead, it was the third year in the race again next year, he would not a row that they had to cancel due to plan an exact date. Instead, he will & lack of snow. just look at the weather and probably Restaurant “I was so excited about it,” said decide the week before. “People will race promoter Jimmy McHugh. “We just need to watch the website and • German Tradition had all that snow, and it was gone in 48 find out the Saturday before the event,” he • Crafted in Michigan hours.” said.
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