Property of ki /I It JulMARINE CORPS HISTORICAL LIBRARY AUG 1 0 1559 Pleas eturn to Roo 3127 Recon Gro s Isle' Hike 70 K-BAY MARINES' FINISH 65-MILE MOUNTAINOUS TREK IN 3-DAY PERIOD Constant training and peak phy- fields to the top of the famous vol- sical condition paid off for 70 mem- cittlo, down the other slope and into aers of Bravo Co., 3rd Reconnals- the Kilauea Military Camp. ance Bn. as they successfully com- Seventy members of the company began the hike, and 70 completed it. pleted a 65-mile hike over the sec- The trek took 54hours. It looked as if ond highest peak on the "Big Island" the hike would take its toll on the .luring the past weekend. The hike started at the Pohakuloa Follow the hike of Recoil Com- Base Camp and ended at Kilauea pany over Hawaii's second highest mountain. Turn to Page 4 for pic- Military Camp with nothing between torial and additional feature cov- the Marines and their destination erage of the event. except 13,683-foot Mauna Loa. Capt. H. C. Davis commanding "recon" men during the grueling officer of the company, planned the climb up tie mountain as the air unusual trek when the company ar- thinned out, but with sheer deter- rived at Pohakuloa last week for a mination, the last hiker pulled him- training exercise. The route of self to the summit. march was laid out with the help Foot sore and weary, the members of L. W. Bryan, head of the forestry of Recon Company have returned division in 11110. to Kaneohe Bay happy and high in Last Saturday morning as the sun spirit; the conquered Mauna Loa. rose over Mauna Loa, the Marines Urc,ILL ULIM8 - Recon Company personnel pause at the summit to gaze into Mauna Loa crater during began their march, a march that three -day trek on the Big Island. Photo by ActSgt. Bruce R. Hamper. would take them across the lava eteard rim VOL. VIII, NO. 30 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. July 24, 1959 FACILITIES FOR MISSILE RANGE Defense Drills Col. Thrash Takes On Oahu Today BRIG. GEN. WIESEMAN TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT K-BAY You may see men dressed in white protective clothing, wear- Group Command, K-Bay is slated to become an im- I According W. to Cdr. Albert Hay- ing gas masks and carrying Col. William G. Thrash arrived Board Selects portant cog in the Pacific Missile ward, missile range representative strange looking equipment today with his wife and children Wednes- Range with over $500,000 worth of in Hawaii, engineering and building but there is no need for alarm. day morning' aboard the Matson- Wieseman facilities scheduled to be erected and Gen. plans have been completed for a Radiological survey teams from ia to begin his new duties at K-Bay. installed. structure and $123,000 for $386.000 Navy and Marine emergency re- He will relieve Col. Frank E. Hol- For Two Stars a communications center to be erect- covery units on Oahu will be con- ier as commanding officer of Marine Registration Set ed here. ducting a survey throughout the Aircraft Group-13 during formal Brig. Gen. Frederick L. Wieseman, When construcgion has been Island as part of a passive de- change of command ceremonies commanding general of the 1st Ma- completed, 1L-Bay will become the fense exercise. Monday. The ceremonies will be rine Brigade here, has been selected For Tot Classes missile range's western Pacific The equipment they carry will held at Dewey Square beginning at for promotion to major general. headquarters for Registration for the first genies- responsible be radiological detection instru- 2 p.m. Also named for promotion were of maintenance and operation of a ter pre-kindergarten classes to ments. A veteran of more than 20 year.s Brigadier Generals August Larson. ' "sound be held at the Child Cale Center is frequency and ranging These teams all be traveling service. Col. Thrash was graduated Marine Corps Director of Personnel; ". scheduled from Aug. 3 through Aug. missile impact location system by government vehicles such as from the National War College in Richard C. Mangrun, assistant 14. will is or This semester of school run The construction here part jeeps and trucks and some will Washington. D. C.. before coming commander of the 1st Marine Air- from 1 to 8. a $30 million expenditure for the Sept. Jan. be flying in helicopters. Still to Hawaii. craft Wing: and Victor H. Krulak, Tuition for the semester will be Pacific Missile Range. About $28 other may be walking. Among his decorations are the Director of the Marine Corps Edu- be spent on 560, which can be made in four mon- million of this total will Units from the Air Station are Silver Star, Legion of Merit. Dis- cational Center, Quantico. $15 each. Trans - in thly payments of facilities California. also participating. tinguished Flying Cross, 10 Air Med- Promotions will be made as va- poratlon by taxi from Kailua and In the Pacific. in addition to K- als and the Purple Heart. cancies occur. from Station quarters is included in Bay, Hawaii's South Point, Eniwe- this fee. tok. Wake, and Midway will share NEW SHIRTS A $5 registration fee to cover the in the remaining $2 million. semester's supplies will also be In a previous announcement. charged. Cdr. Haywood stated that the AUTHORIZED The Center will conduct two clas- Kaneohe Bay installations would Marines in the Hawaiian area may ses with two competent teachers. house telemetering and tracking now wear short sleeve shirts as part Enrollment will be limited to 25 in instruments. The installation will of their duty uniform according to the three year-old class and to 30 be built in the Ulupau Head area. an announcement made by Head- in the four-year-old class. Another facility at Wake Island quarters. Fleet Marine Force. Paci- Parents are urged to register chil- will include a submarine cable sys- fic. dren early as the class limits can- tem to detect where missiles fall in- The announcement followed an dot be exceeded. to the ocean. I. order from Marine Corps Command- in i ant, Gen. Randolph McC. Pate, ; Washington, D. C., that authorized Registration and Transportation ' his field commanders in the U. S, and overseas to prescribe the short Information Requested For Schools sleeve shirts for summer wear. The order points out that the new REGISTRATION TRANSPORTATION shirt may only be wornrn by Marines All parents residing on the Air Miss Elize.etn Baldwin. new prin- at work or when traveling to and station are requested to submit to cipal of K-Bay's Mokapu Elemen- from work. It can not be worn on tars School, has reminded parents the Station Transportation Officer leave or liberty or when participat- that registration deadline for stud- ing in ceremonial formations. 726071 the names and ages of chil- ents is Friday, 31. July At press time both the Air Sta- dren who will be attending off-sta- Registrations are now being ac- tion and Brigade commands were tion schools and the names of the cepted at the school office Mondays processing directives to authorize school they will attend. through Fridays from 8:30 a.m, to the wearing of the new shirt. This Imformation must sub- 3:30 p.m. Miss Baldwin noted that thus far, mitted by Aug. 7. TRADITIONAL ALOHA -- Col. William G. i hrash and his ..amily registrations have been slow in corn- ' Moore Arrives received the traditional aloha greeting upon their arrival in Hawaii It is anticipated that transporta- ing in, indicating that parents are Capt, Charles Leigton Moore, Jr., on Wednesday aboard the MATSONIA. Col. Thrash tion will be assumes com- available to and from unaware of the deadline. ; arrived at Barber's Point Wednes- mand of Marine Aircraft Group 13 during a colorful change of Kathie High School, Kailua Inter- Details on registration may be ob- lday to relieve Capt. Sidney J. Law- command ceremony here at 2 P.M Monday, when he relieves Col. mediate School, St. Ann School, St tattled from Station Bulletin 1755 rence as commanding officer of the F. E. Holler. Left to right, Ralph, Col. Thrash, his wife Virginia, and Louis School and Punaliou. or from the school office (726891 N a val Ai r St ati on. William Gay Jr. July 24, 1959 Page 2 U. S. ts4P:?',i4E CORPS MR STA7'nN, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. 3 K-Bay Chaplains t4i The 90teeta4inf P/Laictizarite4 *W1bdir To Be Transferred By ActGySgt. JACK SHEEHAN Three 1st Marine Brigade Chap- COL. M. M. MAGRUDER CommlndinC °Meer Now that the swimming course is coming to a dose what benefits lains will complete their tours of LT. COL. EDWARD J. DOYLE Executive Officer think you derived from the instructions? (Asked of dependent duty at K-Bay next month and re- do you CAPT. ROBERT W. ARSENAVLT ..Informational Services Officer in the swimming course.) turn to the mainland for new duty enrolled MSGT. GEORGE E, BUR, AG,: ...... Editor assignments. "Come on, let's JO LYNN GROSS "Well, l'h ACTGYSGT. JOHN P. McCONNELL Assistant Editor SANDI RUBIE - - leave sarg, this put it this way, ACTCPL. JAMES A. WOOTEN Sports Editor Cdr. David A. Sharp Jr. will face it I may never be WINDWARD MARINE is published every Friday by and for here about Aug. 10 for his new as- is only a begin- The R u t h the personnel of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Navy No.
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