WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | Jan. 26-Feb. 8, 2018 | Volume 79, Number 6 ORLANDO DIOCESE PALM BEACH DIOCESE VENICE DIOCESE St. John the Pro-lifers are Large group Evangelist voice for God’s attends march dedication children in D.C. GRASS-ROOTS EFFORT Catholics spiritually ‘adopt’ a local priest DAN MELOY it to Father John Kopson (associate Catholic News Service pastor of Divine Child), and asked if he wanted to talk about it.” DEARBORN, Mich. | Pa- Those discussions spurred De- rishioners need their priests. Witt to action. In addition to praying for the But priests need their parish- “priest of the day,” those interested ioners. can spiritually adopt a priest for whom they’ll be responsible for That’s the spirit behind Parishio- praying. DeWitt uses an app on ners for Priests, a grass-roots move- her iPad that randomly selects the ment that encourages Catholics to name of a priest in the Detroit Arch- give local priests the one thing they diocese who hasn’t been adopted need most: prayers. yet. The movement began on Palm The parishioner then receives a Sunday 2017 and since has grown confirmation email and a card with to 559 followers on Facebook. the name of the archdiocesan priest Each day, one of the active priests on it, instructing the person to pray of the Archdiocese of Detroit is se- daily for the priest’s sanctification. lected as the “priest of the day,” and To date, 105 priests have been the followers of the page take time adopted, but more than 200 active to say a prayer for that priest. priests in the archdiocese await The simple but effective way to adoption. pray from priests was started by Parishioners can’t select which Mindy DeWitt, a parishioner at the priest they are going to adopt, and Church of the Divine Child in Dear- the adoptions are done anony- Mindy DeWitt, a parishioner of Divine Child Parish in Dearborn, Mich., poses with some items she created born. mously — a system DeWitt thinks for “Parishioners for Priests,” a grass-roots movement that seeks to assign every priest in the Archdiocese “I felt priests really need to be works well. of Detroit a dedicated anonymous prayer warrior. (DAN MELOY, THE MICHIGAN CATHOLIC | CNS) prayed for,” DeWitt told The Michi- “I think it’s better anonymous; gan Catholic, the archdiocesan the priest doesn’t feel an obligation they have the option to send him a one to pray what they can.” have a church; it’s that simple,” newspaper. “I saw a Vatican docu- to do anything in return,” DeWitt “spiritual bouquet,” a postcard the Each of the cards, and the spiri- DeWitt said. “We hear all the time, ment ‘Eucharistic Adoration for the said. “I have a P.O. Box address. One parishioner can fill out detailing tual bouquet, include a quote from ‘Pray for priests.’ But sometimes Sanctification of Priests and Spiri- time a priest adopted sent a thank- what they are doing for the priest. St. John Vianney, patron saint of that’s too general or impersonal. tual Maternity,’ on the (U.S. Confer- you card to the P.O. Box, so I sent “There are different levels of par- parish priests: “When people wish When people have a specific priest, ence of Catholic Bishops) website. the card to the person who had ad- ticipation,” DeWitt said. “We have to destroy religion, they begin by or a priest for a day, that makes it It was about having Holy Hours for opted them. Then I sent a letter to a prayer card for people who don’t attacking the priest because where more personal, something people praying for priests and spiritually the priest saying the message was have a lot of time, but can say a there is no priest, there is no sacri- can better comprehend who they adopting a priest. passed along.” prayer for all the priests or the priest fice.” are praying for.” n “I read the document, emailed When a person adopts a priest, of the day. We just encourage every- “Without our priests, we don’t Catholic Youths If the pope students gives reflect on marries you on back with participating in a plane, does he handmade annual March have to wear a bears for Life seatbelt? WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | Jan. 26-Feb. 8, 2018 FLORIDACatholic ORLANDO DIOCESE St. John the Evangelist celebrates dedication LAURA DODSON Florida Catholic correspondent Pictured is an aerial VIERA | The dedication of St. view John the Evangelist Church and of St. altar in Viera Jan. 20 was perfectly John the planned and precisely orchestrat- Evangelist ed; all progressed with the dignity Parish and joy of such a momentous oc- in Viera casion. Bishop John Noonan pro- Jan. 20. nounced the final blessing, Holy (PHOTOS Cross Father John Britto Antony, BY PAM parochial vicar invited everyone STIMP- to the reception and then an an- SON | FC) nouncement eclipsed the celebra- tion. “I think Father John is begin- ning to sound like a pastor,” Bish- op Noonan commented and there was a hushed pause as Bishop Noonan and Father Bradley Beau- pré, St. John’s pastor who is soon to retire, conferred in a whispered huddle. Father Beaupré stepped to the ambo and proclaimed, “We have a new pastor — Father John Britto Antony.” Almost in one motion the pa- rishioners rose to their feet with resounding applause and shouts of joy. The musicians broke into a cacophony of alleluia; the over- whelming love and joy could not be contained. “It was a true celebration, the Church alive,” Bishop Noonan said in an interview with the Florida Catholic. “Father John is a real gift to the community. You could see that by their response. He is young and energetic and I hope he stays here a very long time.” It was a most fitting conclusion and appropriate new beginning in the history of the parish. Thirty years have elapsed since the 1988 purchase of 20 acres of land that ultimately was too much wetland for building. The current property was procured in 2001, the same year the Congregation of Holy Cross offered to staff a growing Catholic community. Led by Holy Cross priests Father Laurence Bishop John Noonan anoints the altar with holy oil, above left, and censes the baptimal font as part of the dedication ceremony at St. M. Olszewski, Father Robert A. John the Evangelist Parish. Wiseman, Father Beaupré and Father Antony, the parishioners “It could not be more fulfill- the church were live-streamed to More than 40 altar servers, mas- Noonan and I feel so honored to worshipped in temporary space ing,” said Father Beaupré, who has video screens. ters of ceremonies, deacons, priests be a part of this celebration of this until the parish life center was waited to complete the church be- “The first time we walked into and two bishops — concelebrating community that I’m a part of.” opened in 2007 for 300 families. fore his retirement. “I’m in my 50th our new church, it was breathtak- with Bishop Noonan was Bishop The traditions of the Rite of The funds were raised to build this year of priesthood and it’s a great ing,” said Gerry Judge, president Emeritus Bernard J. Harrington of Dedication of a church and altar new formal basilica-style church way to end my active ministry. It’s of the Council of Catholic Women Winona, Minnesota — served at are resplendent with symbolism for a community that has grown so exciting for the people.” with a membership of more than the altar attended by a Knights of and sacrament, and in the hom- to more than 2,300 families. Hur- The new worship space holds 200. “The women are here with our Columbus honor guard. ily Bishop Noonan provided both a ricanes and storms caused what 1,100 people, but the community prayers, raising funds, at the beck “I volunteered to serve,” said brief history of the Congregation of seemed like unrelenting problems came out in such numbers that the and call of our priests. Today, this Ada who is 14 years old and has Holy Cross founded by Blessed Basil and construction delays, but the parish life center provided over- dedication, all I can pray is, ‘This is been an altar server for five years. dedication was flawless. flow seating while the events in the day Our Lord has made.’” “I will hold the book for Bishop PLEASE SEE DEDICATION, A2 Jan. 26-Feb. 8, 2018 Florida Catholic YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY A2 St. John the Evangelist welcomes new pastor LAURA DODSON Brothers of Holy Cross after his formation, explained that the staff Florida Catholic correspondent eighth-grade graduation at age 13. had just been told the night before He professed his first vows May 30, and said, “That announcement per- VIERA | Holy Cross Father John 1985, completed his philosophi- fectly capped the day. It was a very Britto Antony arrived at St. John the cal and theological studies, and welcome surprise. Have you ever Evangelist Parish in Viera in 2012. master’s degrees in English and heard a response like that? That On Feb. 1, he will officially begin education. Ultimately, he was the was an affirmation.” responsibilities as pastor. principal of a Holy Cross School Nancy Hastings has been teach- “This was not at all planned,” Fa- for 4,000 boys in grades kindergar- ing religious education for 11 years. ther Antony said of Bishop Noonan’s ten through 12. He discerned the “I’m excited for the new church and announcement at the conclusion priesthood, completed his master’s my first Communion kids receiving of the dedication ceremony of the degree in theology at the University Jesus in the new church,” she said.
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