Automatic Traffic Recorder Station History 2009-2018 Vermont Agency of Transportation Traffic Research Unit April 2019 Automatic Traffic Recorder Station Location History Report; 2009 - 2018 Vermont Agency of Transportation Traffic Research Unit The data in this report represents the calculated Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) volume for each location that has been counted during the report period. Short term counts are adjusted to represent the annual average. All AADT's represent the combined two way volume of the road. Raw hourly count data may be found on the VTrans Traffic Data Management System; a link to which may be found on the VTrans Traffic Research webpagehttp://vtrans.vermont.gov/operations/technical-services/traffic An Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) station location is described in the following terms: Location The first letter in the Location indicates the county. Counties with the same first letter are indicated alphabetically, for example W = Washington, X = Windham, and Y = Windsor. Community The city or town in which the count is located. Route This is the state route designation. Alt Route This is the town highway number or other alternate route name. FC The FHWA functional classification of the route at the count location. R/U U indicates that the count location is within the Federal Aid Urban Area Boundary; R indicates that it is not. MM (Mile Marker) The distance in miles along the road from the town line. Distances are measured from south to north and from west to east. Interstate miles are measured from the state line. These mile markers are approximate and may represent the midpoint of the roadway section covered by the count. VTrans 2018 Station Location History Report Annual Average Daily Traffic Location Community Route Alt Route MM FC R/U 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 A002 ADDISON VT17 0.22 4 R 3200 A006 ADDISON minor0652 TH1 0.77 6 R 850 760 A008 MONKTON MC0197 TH1 0.26 5 R 2000 1500 A009 WEYBRIDGE MC0181 VT23 2.96 5 R 800 820 920 A010 MIDDLEBURY US7 1.6 3 R 6300 9900 9500 A011 MIDDLEBURY US7 4.17 3 U 13700 17700 14600 A012 MIDDLEBURY US7 6.3 3 U 9100 9100 8500 A013 NEW HAVEN US7 2.4 3 R 8200 8200 7900 A014 FERRISBURGH US7 6.32 3 R 11900 11700 10400 A015 BRISTOL VT17 0.85 5 R 1500 1500 1500 A016 SHOREHAM VT22A 2.52 4 R 3900 3500 A018 LEICESTER US7 2.48 3 R 6200 6500 6600 6400 6200 6200 6200 6200 6300 6400 A019 ORWELL VT22A 2.89 4 R 3800 3800 3800 3900 3600 3500 3500 3700 3700 3400 A020 VERGENNES VT22A 0.8 4 R 9800 7900 8900 A021 MIDDLEBURY FAU5912 TH70 0.06 5 U 1500 1800 A022 MIDDLEBURY FAU5910 TH74 0.17 5 U 1200 1200 A023 MIDDLEBURY VT125 1.18 4 U 2200 A025 MIDDLEBURY FAU5910 TH74 0.07 5 U 1200 1100 A028 MIDDLEBURY FAU5920 TH7 0.21 5 U 880 870 A029 MIDDLEBURY FAU5922 TH7 0.2 5 U 1500 A031 MIDDLEBURY FAU5928 TH84 0.07 5 U 550 500 730 A032 MIDDLEBURY FAU5934 TH6 0.21 5 U 3500 3200 A035 MIDDLEBURY FAU5930 TH6 0.09 5 U 2600 A038 SHOREHAM TH4 0.48 7 R 430 360 A041 NEW HAVEN US7 5.05 3 R 6900 6800 6900 6900 7000 6800 6800 6600 6500 6800 A044 WHITING MC0160 TH1 3.3 5 R 1000 A047 MIDDLEBURY TH19 0.47 7 U 120 140 A048 MIDDLEBURY TH73 1.1 7 U 3000 2200 A049 MIDDLEBURY TH21 0.12 7 U 840 880 A051 ADDISON TH13 1.79 7 R 300 220 A052 MIDDLEBURY TH45 7 U 400 A060 BRIDPORT TH3 0 7 R 190 A066 WHITING MC0160 TH1 0.36 5 R 870 A073 ORWELL MC0156 TH2 4.74 5 R 740 760 A098 FERRISBURGH MC0198 TH1 0.05 5 R 2000 A101 FERRISBURGH US7 3.83 3 R 12800 12600 12600 A102 FERRISBURGH US7 2.6 3 R 12700 12700 11800 A103 NEW HAVEN US7 7.69 3 R 7900 7700 7800 Sorted by Location; Page 1 of 142 VTrans 2018 Station Location History Report Annual Average Daily Traffic Location Community Route Alt Route MM FC R/U 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 A104 NEW HAVEN US7 3.18 3 R 7200 8300 8600 A105 MIDDLEBURY US7 7.4 3 U 9600 10500 10000 9900 A106 MIDDLEBURY US7 3.57 3 U 13000 13000 12200 11500 A107 SALISBURY US7 4.08 3 R 8000 7700 7900 A108 SALISBURY US7 2.51 3 R 7000 6400 6500 6200 A110 PANTON VT22A 2 4 R 5200 5100 A111 ADDISON VT22A 5.37 4 R 5100 5200 5300 4800 4900 4800 4900 4700 4600 4400 A112 ADDISON VT22A 2.3 4 R 3300 3300 A114 BRIDPORT VT22A 0.4 4 R 3500 3500 A115 SHOREHAM VT22A 2.7 4 R 4100 4100 4100 A117 CORNWALL VT30 6.3 5 R 6200 4000 A119 CORNWALL VT30 2.46 5 R 2300 A121 WHITING VT30 3 5 R 1900 1800 A124 STARKSBORO VT116 0.7 4 R 2600 2600 A125 BRISTOL VT116 9.04 4 R 3700 4000 A126 BRISTOL VT116 7.8 4 R 5200 5100 6000 A127 BRISTOL VT116 5.6 4 R 4900 5800 A128 BRISTOL VT116 3.9 4 R 4100 4100 4100 A130 MIDDLEBURY VT116 6.22 4 R 2500 2200 2100 A131 MIDDLEBURY VT116 2.17 4 U 2500 2500 2300 A133 GRANVILLE VT100 4 4 R 1100 940 1100 A134 GRANVILLE VT100 0.76 4 R 1200 1100 1600 1400 A135 GRANVILLE VT12A 1 5 R 390 470 A136 ADDISON VT17 1 4 R 2700 A138 ADDISON VT17 6.5 4 R 3100 2500 1900 A139 ADDISON VT17 9.4 4 R 1800 1500 A141 NEW HAVEN VT17 2.74 4 R 1600 1500 1300 1400 A142 NEW HAVEN VT17 4.144 4 R 2700 A143 NEW HAVEN VT17 6.28 4 R 3500 4000 A144 BRIDPORT VT125 1.1 5 R 1600 1400 A146 BRIDPORT VT125 7.48 5 R 2000 1900 1900 A148 CORNWALL VT125 3.59 5 R 2700 2700 A149 MIDDLEBURY VT125 1.45 5 R 3300 3300 A150 MIDDLEBURY VT125 3.77 5 R 2400 1900 A152 HANCOCK VT125 7.02 5 R 1400 1200 A153 CORNWALL VT74 2.69 5 R 1700 A154 SHOREHAM VT74 8.31 5 R 1200 1100 A155 ORWELL VT73 0.18 5 R 1400 1400 Sorted by Location; Page 2 of 142 VTrans 2018 Station Location History Report Annual Average Daily Traffic Location Community Route Alt Route MM FC R/U 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 A156 ORWELL VT73 2.97 5 R 1100 850 A157 WHITING VT30 0.01 5 R 1800 A160 MIDDLEBURY TH12 0.91 7 U 1100 1100 1100 A162 BRISTOL VT116 6.56 4 R 4600 5900 A165 BRISTOL MC0199 TH2 0.08 5 R 2700 A168 MIDDLEBURY US7 5.15 3 U 10400 10800 10800 A169 MIDDLEBURY FAU5922 TH7 0.04 5 U 1300 1500 1600 A172 MIDDLEBURY FAU5926 TH5 0.15 5 U 4400 3700 A173 MIDDLEBURY FAU5914 TH8 0.04 5 U 1900 5200 A174 MIDDLEBURY VT30 1.59 4 U 8000 8300 12700 A176 MIDDLEBURY FAU5940 TH4 0.13 4 U 3000 2200 A177 MIDDLEBURY VT30 1.17 4 U 5300 4900 A178 MIDDLEBURY US7 4.56 3 U 15300 16500 15400 A179 MIDDLEBURY US7 4.9 3 U 13200 11900 11900 15600 A180 MIDDLEBURY FAU5924 TH7 0.13 5 U 2400 2500 A181 MIDDLEBURY FAU5936 TH6 0.11 5 U 2200 2200 A183 MIDDLEBURY FAU5932 TH47 0.09 5 U 1700 2800 A184 MIDDLEBURY FAU5930 TH6 0.59 5 U 2900 2500 A186 MIDDLEBURY VT125 0.7 4 U 4600 3700 4200 A187 MIDDLEBURY FAU5940 TH4 0.67 4 U 2100 1800 A188 MIDDLEBURY FAU5926 TH5 0.9 5 U 1600 1600 A190 VERGENNES NSH9270 NSH-FSH 0.52 4 R 3100 3200 A191 VERGENNES TH6 0.13 7 R 1100 1200 A194 VERGENNES MC0182 TH7 0.12 5 R 3800 4600 A195 VERGENNES VT22A TH1 1.98 4 R 6700 6600 6300 A196 VERGENNES VT22A TH1 1.37 4 R 9800 11400 10400 A198 VERGENNES TH4 0.05 7 R 1100 640 A200 VERGENNES VT22A 0.65 4 R 5700 6000 A201 VERGENNES MC0186 TH3 0.5 5 R 4100 4300 A214 MIDDLEBURY FAU5908 TH7 0.405 5 U 990 A215 MONKTON MC0199 TH1 6.98 5 R 4000 3800 A218 GOSHEN VT73 1.6 5 R 740 A220 FERRISBURGH US7 0.44 3 R 7300 7700 A221 MIDDLEBURY FAU5902 TH46 0.19 5 U 350 740 A300 FERRISBURGH TH1 0.26 7 R 270 370 A302 FERRISBURGH MC0198 TH1 0.5 5 R 2100 1200 A303 FERRISBURGH TH6 0 7 R 810 A304 FERRISBURGH TH5 0.82 7 R 1100 830 Sorted by Location; Page 3 of 142 VTrans 2018 Station Location History Report Annual Average Daily Traffic Location Community Route Alt Route MM FC R/U 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 A305 FERRISBURGH MC0186 TH3 0.72 5 R 1300 1100 A306 FERRISBURGH minor0652 TH4 2.13 6 R 390 240 A307 FERRISBURGH MC0186 TH3 3.61 5 R 1800 1600 A308 PANTON MC0186 TH1 0.71 5 R 2700 3200 A309 PANTON MC0184 TH1 1.01 5 R 1400 A310 PANTON minor0652 TH1 3.54 6 R 1200 A314 WEYBRIDGE TH2 0.67 7 R 360 350 A315 WEYBRIDGE TH2 2.83 7 R 540 A316 WEYBRIDGE TH3 1.85 7 R 600 430 A319 FERRISBURGH MC0197 TH2 1 5 R 2100 1900 A322 NEW HAVEN MC0183 TH2 2.54 5 R 1600 1700 1600 A324 MONKTON MC0198 TH2 1.06 5 R 690 600 A326 MONKTON MC0199 TH3 3.59 5 R 2800 2800 A327 MONKTON MC0198 TH1 3.74 5 R 1900 A328 MONKTON minor0678 TH4 2.78 6 R 230 A329 MONKTON MC0199 TH3 4.9 5 R 3000 A330 STARKSBORO MC0211 TH4 0.7 5 R 420 490 A331 MONKTON MC0199 TH3 0.18 5 R 2800 A332 BRISTOL MC0199 TH4 1.19 5 R 1500 1800 A333 BRISTOL TH5 1.36 7 R 240 A334 LINCOLN MC0188 TH1 0.04 5 R 1900 1900 2000 A335 LINCOLN MC0188 TH1 3 5 R 1200 1200 A337 LINCOLN MC0188 TH1 0.83 5 R 1800 A338 LINCOLN MC0188 TH2 5.31 5 R 400 A339 LINCOLN minor0654 TH3 0.15 6 R 550 A340 LINCOLN TH4 1.2 7 R 150 A341 LINCOLN minor0654 TH3 2.72 6 R 210 A342 RIPTON minor0640 TH1 2.6 6 R 180 170 A343 GOSHEN TH1 1.43 7 R 90 A344 MIDDLEBURY TH6 0.83 7 R 910 980 A345 MIDDLEBURY TH7 0.14 7 R 1800 1600 A346 MIDDLEBURY TH9 0.4 7 R 740 580 A347 MIDDLEBURY TH10 0.26 7 R 600 590 A348 CORNWALL TH18 0 7 R A349 LINCOLN TH4 0.62 7 R 210 A353 SALISBURY TH4 2.315 6 R A354 LEICESTER TH5 0.62 7 R 460 A355 LEICESTER minor0627 TH2 0.35 6 R 1400 1300 Sorted by Location; Page 4 of 142 VTrans 2018 Station Location History Report Annual Average Daily Traffic Location Community Route Alt Route MM FC R/U 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 A356 LEICESTER MC0160 TH1 1.81 5 R 750 660 700 A357 LEICESTER MC0160 TH1 1.46 5 R 1200 1200 A359 WHITING MC0160 TH1 1.7 5 R 910 850 900 A361 CORNWALL TH1 0 7 R 430 A362 CORNWALL TH1 0.8 7 R 380 A365 VERGENNES TH131 0.23 7 R 530 470 A366 SALISBURY TH18 7 R 5 A367 SHOREHAM MC0160 TH1 4.35 5 R 910 A368 SHOREHAM MC0160 TH1 1.8 5 R 790 740 A371 WEYBRIDGE MC0181 VT23 1.048 5 R 1400 1400 A373 LEICESTER MC0175 VT53 2.78 5 R 1100 690 A374 SALISBURY MC0175 TH3 3.44 5 R 1000 1400 A377 SHOREHAM VT74 0.31 5 R 250 A378 ORWELL MC0156 VT73 2.2 5 R 280 320 A380 ORWELL minor0618 TH2
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