Arthropoda Selecta 29(1): 141–150 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2020 Spiders (Aranei) of the Arctic Island Sibiryakova, Kara Sea, Russia Ïàóêè àðêòè÷åñêîãî îñòðîâà Ñèáèðÿêîâà, Êàðñêîå ìîðå, Ðîññèÿ Andrei V. Tanasevitch1, Leonid B. Rybalov1, Iraida G. Vorobeva2 À.Â. Òàíàñåâè÷1, Ë.Á. Ðûáàëîâ1, È.Ã. Âîðîáüåâà2 1 A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospekt 33, Moscow 119071, Russia. E- mails: [email protected]; [email protected] Институт проблем экологии и эволюции имени А.Н. Северцова РАН, Ленинский проспект 33, Москва 119071, Россия. 2 Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola, Lenina Sq. 1. [email protected] Марийский государственный университет, Йошкар-Ола, пл. Ленина 1. KEY WORDS: Russian Arctic, tundra, chorology, check-list, pitfall trapping, soil sampling. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Российская Арктика, тундра, хорология, список видов, ловушки Барбера, по- чвенные пробы. ABSTRACT. The Sibiryakova Island was found to lection of land invertebrates comprised 60–91% in ear- be inhabited by 13 spider species of a single family ly July and 10–49% in the second part of July. Spiders Linyphiidae. In the composition of zoogeographic ele- comprise 27–63% of the macrofauna in the soil sam- ments, the island fauna can be characterized as Siberi- ples. Each of the 13 spider species of the Sibiryakova an and consisting mostly of species with Siberian and Island is characterized by distribution between the veg- Siberian-Nearctic ranges. In the composition of zonal etation types, the range and belonging to the zonal fractions, the fauna is arctic and represented mainly by fraction are indicated. pure arctic components (11 species), with a small pro- In addition, the species Agyneta decora (O. Pick- portion of polyzonal species (2). Hypoarctic and bore- ard-Cambridge, 1871) is recorded in the Yamal Penin- al elements are absent. The study concerned the fauna sula (Sabetta, northern Yamal) for the first time. and inhabitants of seven different types of vegetative How to cite this article: Tanasevitch A.V., Rybalov communities: zonal (3) and intrazonal (4). The zonal L.B., Vorobeva I.G. 2020. Spiders (Aranei) of the Arc- (most pessimal) community — the moss-lichen polyg- tic Island Sibiryakova, Kara Sea, Russia // Arthropoda onal tundra — is characterized, as compared to other Selecta. Vol.29. No.1. P.141–150. doi: 10.15298/arth- areas, by the least number of species found (4) and by sel. 29.1.13 the least abundance of their populations (the exception is Halorates spetsbergensis (Thorell, 1872)). The vast РЕЗЮМЕ. На острове Сибирякова найдено 13 majority of the fauna (10 species) and population is видов пауков одного семейства Linyphiidae. По со- concentrated in the most wet intrazonal biotopes –– the ставу зоогеографических элементов фауну острова moss-cotton grass polygonal tundra. Three species, Eri- можно охарактеризовать как сибирскую, составлен- gone psychrophila Thorell, 1872, H. spetsbergensis ную в большинстве своём видами с сибирскими и and Mecynargus tundricola Eskov, 1988, explore the сибирско-неарктическими ареалами. По составу whole range of biotopes, both zonal and intrazonal, зональных фракций фауна арктическая, представ- though the highest dynamic density/activity is seen only лена в основном чисто арктическими элементами in the latter ones. It was confirmed that the spider fauna (11 видов), с малым участием полизональных форм in wet intrazonal biotopes is considerably richer and (2 вида). Гипоарктические и бореальные элементы their inhabitants are more abundant and represented by отсутствуют. Изучена фауна и население семи раз- a wider range of latitudinal fractions than in other личных типов растительных сообществ: зональных kinds of vegetative communities of the arctic tundras. (3) и интразональных (4). Зональное (наиболее пес- The dynamic density/activity of spiders is more than симальное) сообщество — мохово-лишайниковая twice in intrazonal communities as compared to zonal полигональная тундра, — по сравнению с осталь- biotopes. The pitfall traps are responsible for all the 13 ными участками, характеризуется наименьшим чис- island spider species found, the soil samples (40) found лом найденных здесь видов (4) и наименьшей чис- only 7 species. The density of spider population com- ленностью их популяций (исключение Halorates prised from 10 specimens/sq. m. in swampy moss- spetsbergensis (Thorell, 1872)). Бóльшая часть фау- lichen tundra to 46 specimens/sq. m. in moss-lichen ны (10 видов) и населения сосредоточена в наибо- polygonal one. Spiders are the dominating group of the лее влажном интразональном биотопе — мохово- soil macrofauna of arctic tundras. Based on the results пушицевой полигональной тундре. Три вида, Eri- of the pitfall trap catching, their proportion in the col- gone psychrophila Thorell, 1872, H. spetsbergensis и 142 A.V. Tanasevitch et al. Map. Collecting plots on the Sibiryakova Island. Карта. Месторасположение площадок на о-ве Сибирякова. Mecynargus tundricola Eskov, 1988 осваивают весь Introduction спектр биотопов, как зональных, так и интразо- нальных, но наибольшую динамическую плотность Among islands of Russian Arctic beyond the archi- показывают лишь в последних. Подтверждено, что pelagos, there are perhaps only four relatively well во влажных интразональных биотопах фауна пау- studied in respect to araneofauna: Bolshoy Aynov and ков существенно богаче, их население обильнее и Dolgiy islands in the Barents Sea; Vaygach and Shokal- представлено более широким спектром широтных sky islands in Kara Sea, and Wrangel Island in the фракций, чем в других типах растительных сооб- Chukchi Sea. The fauna of spiders of Bolshoy Aynov ществ арктических тундр. Динамическая плотность comprises 17 species [Nekhaeva, Nekhaev, 2011], that пауков в интразональных сообществах более чем of Dolgiy — 52 [Marusik et al., 2016], Vaygach — 21 вдвое превышает этот показатель в зональных био- [Tanasevitch, 2017b], Shokalsky — 14 [Nekhaeva, топах. Ловушками Барбера собраны все 13 видов 2018] and Wrangel — 37 species [Khruleva, 1987]. пауков острова, почвенными пробами (40 проб) уч- Besides the species lists, the authors revealed some тено лишь 7. Плотность населения пауков состави- zoogeographic peculiarities of the fauna, specified the ла от 10 экз./кв.м. в заболоченной мохово-лишай- ranges of its representatives, detected some chorologi- никовой тундре до 46 экз./кв.м. в мохово-лишайни- cal groups and their distribution in zonal-landscape ковой полигональной. Пауки — доминирующая types of vegetation. Other similar islands of Russian группа почвенной мезофауны местных арктичес- Arctic (beyond the archipelagos) are very unsatisfacto- ких тундр. По данным сбора ловушками на их долю rily studied: Kolguev Island is known as inhabited by в начале июля приходится 60–91% всех пойманных only one species [Tanasevitch, 2017a], Oleniy — by 3 наземных беспозвоночных, во второй половине [Tanasevitch, 2017a], and Belyi –– by five species июля — 10–49%. В почвенных пробах пауки со- [Holm, 1970; Tanasevitch, 2017a]. ставляют 27–63% всей мезофауны. Для каждого из Among islands of Russian Arctic within archipela- 13 видов пауков о-ва Сибирякова приведено рас- gos, Novaya Zemlya can be regarded the most studied: пределение по типам растительности, указан тип 23 species [Tanasevitch, 2017b, 2018]. Inventories of ареала и принадлежность к зональной фракции. other archipelagos are considerably shorter: Franz Jo- В дополнение, вид Agyneta decora (O. Pickard- sef Land — two species [Bulavintsev, Babenko, 1983], Cambridge, 1871) впервые указан для п-ова Ямал Severnaya Zemlya — three [Eskov, 1985], and No- (Сабетта, северный Ямал). vosibirskiye Ostrova — five [Eskov, 1985; Marusik et Spiders (Aranei) of the Arctic Island Sibiryakova 143 al., 1993]. At the same time it cannot be expected that Typification of plant communities the spider fauna of these archipelagos will consider- ably increase because they are situated in the polar The scheme proposed by Yuri I. Chernov [1978] deserts zone or in the arctic tundra subzone [Matveye- for classifying plant communities of the Arctic has va, 1998], which are characterized by extremal exist- been used for the analysis of zonal-landscape distribu- ence conditions and, respectively, a very poor biota. tion of tundra spiders. Based on this classification, there are three main zonal-landscape types of plant communities in the tundra: zonal, intrazonal and azon- Material, methods and sampling al (for more details, see Tanasevitch & Koponen [2007]; Tanasevitch & Rybalov [2015]; Tanasevitch & Khru- The present paper is based on the extensive materi- leva [2017]). Brief description of the types of vegeta- al collected by I. Vorobeva on the Sibiryakova Island tion on the Sibiryakova Island is given below. (see the Map) in the period from June 29 to August 1, Zonal plant communities (Zonal in text below) — 1989. Spiders were collected by soil sampling, pitfall the plant communities that are restricted to the water- trapping and by hand collecting. Pitfall traps (200 ml shed of one zone (subzone), defining the vegetation plastic cups, filled at 2/3 by 2% formaldehyde solu- zonal face of the landscape. In zonal communities, tion) were positioned in seven studied biotopes in lines abiotic factors are more extreme as compared to those of 5–10 traps. In total, 2536 adult spider specimens in intrazonal communities and therefore living condi- were gained and examined. The data on lines with 5 tions are more adverse. In the investigated area, the and 10 traps were reconsidered for 100 trap/days.
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