PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SEVENTIETH CONGRESS - FIRST SESSION . SENATE Park Place, heretofore an independent municipality, but now a part of the city of Houston, Tex. ; MoNDAY, April 23, 1928 H. R. 10261. An act for the relief of Edward Tomlinson ; H. R. 10336. An act for the relief of Nannie Swearingen; (Lcgislatit-e daty 9f Frid-ay, April 20, 1928) H. R.10352. An act to correct the military record of Edward The Senate l'eassembled at 12 o'clock meridi~n, on the expira­ Delaney; tion of the rece.:s. H. R. 10536. An act granting six months' pay to Anita W . The VICE PRESIDENT. Tbe Senate will receive a message Dyer; from the House of Representatives. H. R. 10702. An act for the relief of ElbeYt L. Cox ; H . R.10957. An act to amend the act entitled "An act for the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSEl relief of contractors and subcontractors for the post offices and A mes age from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Halti­ other buildirigs and work under the supervision of the Treasury gan, one of its clerks, announced that the House had passed the Department, and for other purpo~cs," approved August 25, 1919, bill (S. 1648) for the relief of Oliver C. Macey and Marguerite as amended by act of March 6, 1920 ; Macey, with an amendment, in which it requested the concur­ H. R. 11429. An act granting six months' pay to Marjory Vir­ rence of the Senate. ginia Watson; The message also announced that the House had passed the H. R.ll716. An act authorizing and directing the Secretary following bills and joint resolutions, in which it requested the of the Interior to issue patents to Ethel L. Saunders, and for concurrence of the Senate: other purposes ; H. R. 967. An act for the relief of George J. Tilichevsky; H. R.11741. An act for the relief of Thomas Edwin Huffman; II. R. 1957. An act for the relief of Wendell M. Saunden;; H. R. 11764. An act conferring jm·isdiction upon the Court of H. R. 2474. An act for the relief of the San Francisco, Napa Claims of the United States or the district courts of the United & Calistoga Railway; States to hear, adjudicate, and enter judgment on the claim of H. R. 3222. An act for the relief of John M. King; A. Roy Knabenshue again t the United States for the use or H. R. 3224. An act for the relief of Icha bod J. Woodard ; manufacture of an invention of A. Roy Knabenshue covered by H. R. 3470. An act granting relief to Havert S. Sealy and Letters Patent No. 858875·, issued by the Patent Office of the Porteus H. Burke; Unite(J_State.s under date of July 2, 1907; H. R. 3893. An act for the relief of Francis L. Sexton ; 1 , , 1I.·R:U978. l,An act granting six months' pay to Alexander H. R. 3949. An act for the relief of Frank F. Moo}leiq --·· -~ Gingra~ father of Louis ·w. Gingras, deceased . private, United H. R. 3960. An act for the relief of ·William Downing States Marine Cor~, in active service; Prideaux; H . R.l.2049. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior H. R. 4012. An act for the relief of Cha:~;les R. Sies ; tg sell to W. H. Walker, Ruth T. Walker, and Queen E. Walker, H. R. 4101. An act for the relief of U. R. Webb; upon the payment of $1.25 per acre, the southeast quarter H. R. 4111. An act to correct the naval record of Peter section 31, Jownship 2 north, range 14 east, Choctaw meridian, Hansen; crarket :County, ~s. ; H. R. 4440. An act for the relief of Frederick 0. Goldsmith ; H. -R. 1206"3".' ·An act for the relief of the widow of Surg. H. R. 4664. An act for the Felief of Capt. Georg_e R. Armstrong, Mervin W. Glover, United States Public Health Service, de- United . States Army, retired; ceased; . H. R. 4827. An act providing for the promotion of Chief H. R. 12189. An act for the relief of Marie Rose Jean Bap­ Pharmacist Laurence Oliphant Schetky, United States Navy, tiste, Marius Francois, and Regina Lexifna, all natives of Haiti ; retired, to the rank of lieutenant, Medical Corps, on the retired H. J. Res. 47. Joint resolution for the relief of Mary M. l'ist of the Navy; Tilghman, former widow of Sergt. Frederick Coleman, de­ H. R. 4839. An act for the relief of the Press Publishing Co., ceased, United States Marine Corps; and Marianna, Ark. ; . · H. J. Res. 77. Joint resolution concerning lands and property H. R. 5398. An act for the relief of the heirs of the late Dr. devised to the Government of the "Qnited States of America by Thomas C. Longino; · Wesley Jordan, deceased, late of the township of Richland, H. R. 5910. An act for the relief of Ralph Ole Wright and county of Fairfield, and State of Ohio. Varina Belle Wright; H. R. 5931. An act for the relief of Thomas Heard ; . PETITIONS A.ND MEMORIALS II. R. 5968. An act for the relief of Byron Brown Ralston ; Mr. SHEPPARD presented I'esolutions adopted by the St. I H. R. 7061. An act for the relief of William V. Tynes; Ann's Women's Catholic Soeiety, of Castroville, Tex., protesting H. R. 7898. An act to ratify the action of a local board of against the treatment of Catholics in Mexico and requesting sales .control in respect of contracts between the United States this Government to use its good offices at once to bring about a and the Lagrange Grocery Co., of Lagrange, Ga.; peaceful solution of this question, which were referred to the H. R. 7976. An act for the relief of Mrs. Moore L. Henry; Committee on Foreign Relations. H. R. 8001. An act conferring jurisdiction upon certain courts Mr. WARREN presented resolutions adopted by the Lions of the United States to hear and determine the claim by the Club, of Sheridan, and Engstrom-Duncan Post, No. 22, the owner of the steamship City of Beamnont against the United American Legion, of Rawlins, both in the State of Wyoming, States, and for other purposes ; favoring the passage of Iegislation providing for aided and II. R. 8440. An act for the relief of F. C. Wallace; directed settlement on Federal reclamation projects, which H. R. 8484. An act for the relief of Henry Manske, jr.; were referFed to the Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation. n. R. 9148. An act for the relief of Ensign Jacob E. DeGarmo, Mr. CAPPER presented memorials numerously signed by United States Navy; members of the Kansas Yearly Meeting ChristilUl Endeavor II. R. 9568. An act to authorize the purchase at private sale Union, Friends C!mrch, of Wichita, Kans., remonstrating of a tract of land in Louisiana, and for other purposes ; agajnst repeal of the eighteenth amendment to the Constitution H. R. 9620. An act for the relief of E. H. Jennings, F. L. or any modification of the so-called Volstead Act, which were Johanns, and Henry Blank, officers and employees of the post referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. office at Charleston, S. C.; Mr. WALSH of Massachusetts presented letters in the nature H. R. 10218. An act authorizing the Court of Claims of the of memorials from the New England States Holstein Friesian United States to hear and determine the claim of the city of Association; the librarian, the City Library Association; and LXIX-439 6963 6964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL 23 C. S. W oodworth Co., all of Springfield, Mass., remonstrating held by Dr. J ohn Mack, of Omaha, Nebr:.~ reported it adversely against the passage of Senate bill 1752, t o regulate the manu­ and submitted a report (No. 870) thereon. facture a nd sale of stamped envelopes, which were referred to Mr. BLACK, from the Committee on Claims, to which was the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. referred the bill ( S. 2274) for the relief of William H. Cham­ Mr. McLEAN presented a letter in the nature of a petition bliss, reported it with amendments and submitted a report (No. from the International Institute, Young Women's Christian As­ 872) thereon. socia tion, of Bridgeport, Conn., praying for the passage of the Mr. COPELAND, from the Committee on the District of so-called Walsh-MacGregor bill, providing for the uniting of Columbia, to which were refeiTed the following bills, reported separated families under the immigration law, which was re­ them each without amendment and submitted reports ther eon: ferred to the Committee on Immigration. A bill (S. 4170) to authorize plans for a hospital at the H ome He also presented ·letters in t he nature of petitions from the for Aged and Infirm in the District of Columbia, and for other Connecticut State Association of Letter '" Carriers of Hartford, purposes (Rept. No. 873) ; and and Silver City Branch, No. 227, National Association of Letter A bill ( S. 4174) to establish a woman's buJ,"eau in the Metro­ Carriers of Meriden, both in the State of Connecticut, praying politan Police Department of the District of Columbia, and for for the passage of the so-called Dale bill, being Senate bill other purpo es (Rept. No. 874). 1727, relative to the retirement of civil-service employees, which Mr. SACKETT, from the Committee on Banking and Cur­ were referred to the Committee on Cbril Service. rency, to which was referred the bill (S. 4039) to exempt joint­ H e also presented telegrams and letters in the nature of peti­ stock land banks from the provisions of seetion 8 of the act tions from the National Council of Jewish Women, of Hartford; entitled "An act to supplement existing laws against unlawful the Bunker Hill Literary Club, of Waterbury; the Men's Club restraints and monopolies, and for other purposes," approved of the Congregational Church, of Simsbury; the Sprague October 15, 1914, as amended, reported it with amendments and League of Women Voters, of Hanover; the League of Women submitted a report (No.
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