NET PRESS RCN ‘AVERAOB DAHiT CIROVliATIOX tor the monlh df Febraary, 1028 'h- 5,108 Conn. State Library Menbcr of tke A.«dlt Barean ot Ctrculatibaa PRICE THREE CENTS . Clasaified Advertising on Page 10. MANCHESTER, CONN , SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1928. (TWELVE PAGES) VOL. XLU., NO. 131. ROBINSON CRUSOE MADE A TFRENCH AMERICAN sc h o o l 'T MISTAKE. - ! GETS A NEW YORK CHARTER Torch MOTHER OF 7 U. S. MARINES KILLED .\RMY AND NAVY New York, March 3.— For the London, Feb. 3.— Robinson first time in the century and a Crusoe and his man Friday half of its existence the New Was Spy During should have renqained on their ENDORSE PLAN York State Board of Regents Island. A recent survey of Juan’ Fernandez Island, on which BY THEIR OWN GUNS has granted a charter to a school of secondary education outside Alexander Selkifk, the original -(& the state. The charter was is­ New York, March 3.— “Dr. Louisftof witnesses who believe he was a Robinson Crusoe, spent four S T R m i l U N OF AIR SCHOOL sued to the Chateau Neuvlc ” !;suitor of Miss Brown’s. years, proves it to be a veritable Clement, inventor and scientist, School, Dordogne, France, ac­ Armgaard Karl Graves was ’the paradise. TIME UP, CHINESE Nicaraguan Rebels Stole cording to an announcement wanted for questioning in connec­ signatute affixed to a contact with The report says it is one of made yesterday by the school s tion with the “ torch murder” of Charle.s A. Levine, trans-Atlantic the most fruitful spots in South Seven Year Old Daughter Board of Trustees, of whicn America, with every imaginable Arms in Raid on Onr Snp- Training Units Already Es-| Margaret Brown, Park avenue gov­ flier, dealing with a proposed $4,- M AD IS SENT HOME Bishop Charles H. Brent of Buf­ 000,000 air line. Levine stated J sort of plant growing there. A falo is chairman. erness, is in reality Armgaard Karl Frenchman, shipwrecked on the Only t e e s s — TeDs Po­ Graves, former self-styled German after seeing photographs of Clem­ ply Trains— Still No Trace tablished in Few Colleges;_________________ ent that the two names belong to island some 40 years ago, has • spy, who.;e checkered ca:'eer has refused to leave because of the taken him through varied adven­ the same man. The man also was lice Her Story of the Mur­ known as Count Kamitz and as Dr. ease with which he has been Sook Chiang, Exotic Fipre Of Gen. Sandino's Mem Army Building Air Acad-; MUST VOTE tures in many lands, police believ­ able to live. ed today- Grunett. derous Attack. Police of New York and New Jer­ The last that Levine heard frhm Here For a Year, Soils to sey were confident of locating the man was on Sunday, Feb. 19, Managua, Nicaragua, Marc’u 3— emyinTeM^ 14 MILL TAX RATE Clement within a few hours. In fr.: . the day before the flaming, gaso­ Nicaraguan guerillas that attacked ther-i was a feeling at headquarters line-soaked body of Miss Brown STRIKE ON SUBWAY Irvington, N. J., March 3.— Sob­ Mother in Shanghai. a United States marine detachment j VVasliinslon. March 3.-:— ______ here that the “ doctor” might sur­ was found on the Somerville-Ber- bing, and shaking with fright, a 7- In the Daralll district killing five nardsville road in New Jersey. Charle.s A. Lindbergh’s suggestion, render and submit to the scrutiny year-old girl today told police how men, have gone into hiding. Mar­ that the fundamentals of aviation Meeting In High School Mon­ MAY BE AVERTED her mother^ Mrs. Fillpina Ferren- Immigration laws concerning the ine aviators who have been scouting be taught in American schools and zia, 33, was attacked and shot to admittance of Asiatics to the United over a wide area at the scene of the • olleges was heartily endorsed to­ death in her home here late last States have made It necessary for ambuscade reported today they had 10 KILLED, 8 HURT PLAN MASONIC RALL sighted no trace of the Nicaraguans. day Night— To Act on night. Chiang Sook Jar, pretty little Chin­ day by government air chiefs. It is reported that some of the Both the Army and Navy already I. R. T. Is Given Until Next Filiplna, the grief-stricken little ese maid employed by Mr. and girl, was found by neighbors who followers of the Rebel chief. Gen­ liave established air training units Birch St. Widening Project IN ODD EXPLOSION ON EASTER MONDAY Mrs. Charles J. Huber of 187 Center eral Sandlno, are equipped with in a few colleges, and plan to ex­ heard her crying. She said a strange Tuesday Evening to Settle man' forced his way into her street, to return to Chiqa, after be­ arms formerly belonging to mar­ tend this work in the future. ines. They were taken by the “ Col. Lindbergh's idea is a wise mother’s unlighted b^room and ing in this country for the past According to the summary and told of the struggle that ensued. year. rebels Invralds upon marine supply one,” declared Brigadier General Dispute. trains. B. D. Fouiois, assistant chief of the estimate of town expenditures com­ Suspected Smuggler Goes to First of Annual Affairs to Be Clasping her eight-months-old Miss Chiang sailed on a Dollar daughter to her breast, Mrs. Fer- Line steamship from New York on Congress to Convene Army airy corps. “ The Army is pleted last night by Town Treasur­ The Nicaraguan Congress “will anxious and willing to co-operate renzia fled to the front porch where March 1, seven days before the er George H. Waddell a 14 mill tax CeHar With Lighted Candle Held in New Temple; Her­ New York, March 3.— New York’s time limit of a year ’ had expired. reconvene on Monday. President in any plan to promote the aero­ the man shot her three times, the Diaz has asked the United States nautical science. rate must be voted at the adjourn­ threatened subway strike may he 1 child said. She was brought to this country a ed annual town meeting to be held year ago by Mr. and Mrs. Huber, Legation to notify President Coo- "I think that aviation, particu­ man E. Monde, Chairman. averted today. Mayor James J. Bullet Through Heart lidge that he expects the enactment larly the engineering side, offers a in High school hall Monday eve­ and Blast Follows. One bullet penetrated the under bonds of $1,000. The time Walker in his role of peace emis­ limit was fixed then at six months of a clause in the election bill useful and prosperous career to the ning at 8 o’clock. A 13% mill rate mother’s heart, narrowly missing authorizing the United States to young men of our country. It is sary, was to transmit to Frank the infant, and she fell dead. A but Mr. and Mrs. Huber later had would produce revenue $22,434.13 Warsaw, Poland, March 3— Ten This year’s annual Masonic ball this extended to a year. supervise the general election in comparable to the opportunity that Hedley, president of the Interbor­ passer-by discovered the body- October. President Diaz is con­ was presented years ago to our civil short of the amount that must be committee met in the Masonic Tem­ Miss Chiang, or Sook Chiang, as raised by taxation. According to a persons were killed and eight ough Transit Company, arbitration Mrs. Ferrenzia and her husband she was familiarly called by Mr. fident also that a bill will be enact­ engineers when we were buildin?; ple last night and made tentative separated several months ago, and railroads. Within 10 or 15 years ruling by a Superior court judge others injured today when a meb- terms of the Amalgamated Associa­ and Mrs. Huber, had come to them ed providing for the creation of a no less than half mills can be chant named Klepper, suspected of plans for the big affair, selecting tion of Street and Electric Railway she moved here only two days ago. in Shanghai four and a half years non-partisan police force which will aviation will be developed to aj Although Mlice today were seek­ be trained by marine officers. point where we will need capable ‘ used in figuring tax rates. drug smuggling, inadvertently caus­ Easter Monday night, April 9 as a Employes. ago. Sho had been in their service Complete Standing. The proposal Is for the independ­ ing the h^band for questioning, that time while Mr. Huber was in engineers to guide us iu motor and | ed an explosion in his home in the tentative date for the dance. This little Filiplna said ,she was «ure the plane construction. Now Is the time The complete financial standing ent Investigation of charges on China on business of the Silk Im­ of the Town of Manchester will be village of Zulosin, near the Ger­ will be the first .Masonic ball to be which 21 members of the Amalga­ slayer was a stranger. provement Association of America. WORK MANY HOURS for the young men to get iu on the held in the new Temple, and thia Seven Children ground floor and advance with the found on Page Six of today’s man-Polish border, in attempting to mated were dismissed by the com­ When they came to the United Herald. This table was prepared for evade raiding officials. feature is expected to attract an un­ pany, to be directed by the mayor The tr.vgedy left the seven Fer­ Sts tea a year ago the girl camp science.” usually large number of dancers renzia children motherless.
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