
l\ Bharrt Sancharltigam Limited (A GovL oflndir Enterprises) O/o C€neral Manrgcr Telecom Hoshialur Authorizrtion Letter 2s-05-2015 NoTHSP/Tx-Plg/NOFN/ROW/20rs/d Dated: NOC cases The following ofticersare herebyauthorized for applying NHAI etc in respect oftheir to vadous DepartmentVAgencieslike Forest' Railway' -l concernedBlooks under Phase of NOFlri Project' Blocks S;no Nameof Ollicer Designation CM barhsnanKaf, I Sh.satpal Garhshankar Balachaur, Saroya 2. Singh tanda - stt nir"rfre"ftf i SDE(NWO-I) CM ua.tpJi-- j Dasuya - Sh.Sofian L'al- : SDE (Nlrg-1111H"th;D*-l CMcM HoshraPurHosnlapur I Holliiarpur-tnuvrrllrPur-rrI This is issuedwith the apprirval of competeniauthofl'0 N Y'gb+{- DE(NWP) CM O/o GMT (D) Hoshiarpur"{dtr- Copy 10,the followilg for informarion please:- L sh. sarpal,sDE (NWO) CM Garhshankar' 2. Sh.Sinrarjit Singh' SDE (NWO) CM Tanda' 3. Sh. RiteshBehl, SDE (NWOI) CM Dasuya 4. Sh.Sohan Lat. SDE (NWO-lll) CM Hoshiapur' (NWO) Dasuye 5. DE (o/A) Hoshiarptrr/DE (NwO) Tanda/DE (NWO) GSK'/DE I i ! a t a I 'I t I t t l' j,, I d r,'l .'r' .3""tt| . $ *1, ':i1:-'-- .-, --'i:!t.{. ';;'1'": ' - Goriernmerirtof Punjab Departm€ntof 6overnanceReforms lcovemanc€R€formt-l 8r.nch) .l. Nodflcatlon Thcf,oJuly,2014 xo.sla'tzolotcfll9,f' E- Olstrictis one of the Stat€ Mission Mode Projectunder the Nationale-Govemance Plan (NEGp).the projee focus€son complete backendwo*flow computerizationofyerigus citiaencentric services being delivered at District&suFdistrlct levei. For this purpose,horizontal connectivlty ls to be provldedto the points of delivery aod offfces procsssingthe citizen centrlc s'ervlces.In this direction M/s Bharat SancharNlgam Umited {8SNl} has been askedto provide leasedlines for connectingthese field offices with Punjab wide Arca Net$rork{PAWAN). The state covernment has ageed to provide free Rightof way j (Row)to 95N1"wlthoilt further needofpermisslon under the Stateagencies and electricutilities in the Strte. The free Rightof Way shallbo without any cost implicationor slbmission of bank guarunteesbv the bandwidthservice provider i.e. BsNL. Further,state governmenthas also agreedto pfovide similar Lee Right of Way to aoy other bandwidth service provider,selected by Departmeotolcovemancgr,eforms, under e- Dist.lctor any oth€r project for extendingPAWAN connec{vity. to last mila'tield offic€sof the StateGovernmsnt, in future, Dat€d:Ch3ndigarh the 25 July,2014 Departmentof GovernanaeReforms Endst.No.9/46/20r.4 -LC||,.I M DatedChand tgain:3olO\)r{6a A copyis for\,!"rd€d to thefollowing for iniormation& necessaryaction:. 1. FinanclalCommissionef, Rural Oevelopment & Pan€hayats. 2. prlncipalChlef Conservstgr ol Forest, 3. PrinclpalSe€retary, Local Government principal 4., Secretary,lrrigation : 5. PrincipalSecr€tary, Hossing & UrbanDevelopment I . 6. Secretary,Power 7, Secretary,PWD {B&n) 8, Secretary,Punjab Mandi Eoard . 9. Ail DeputyCommlssion€E of the Stata. EndstNo. 9/46/2014-|GRU b / tl A copy ls forwardedto the Confoll€r, Printlng& StatloneryrSahibzada AJtt Singh 3 punjab, Nagar, and Chandigarhwhh th! reqoestthat this notlflcation may pteas€be publiehed * in the brdinarySa:ette of PunjabGovernment and 50 coplesof th€ same may be seni to th15 'tI Department, t I N I t: i -" ef .t4 t't" d.'^r.:, lt chandfsarh EndstNo. e/46l2014 -xa||V *8 Dated i9o t'Ilo/lg-lt-l A copy is fo,war;ed to the Princlpalseffetary to De4,ty ChlefMinlster, Punj;b for kind informatiotlof DeputyChlef Mlnfster. #,', 9/46,/2014-tclrl Datedchandrsarh : f" p-,9 EndstNo. Bft ]o7 A copy is forwardedto the Privatesecretary'/Prlncipal se{retary to Government of PunJab,Department of GovemanceReforms tor kind informationof Prlnclpalsecfetary' sndsiNo. 9/46/2014- rcwtJ o A copy ls forwarded to dre Dtrector, Govetnance Reforms, Puniab, for inforB;tion and necessaryactiotl. $ ! I I I t- i I l l i.' .df ;i$ .." d,';t, O/oSDE (NWO-CM) ^a? e{rkTTiqRt;IrIq rf,Tqiig Tel.Exch.Building reFW { 'nGs16R 6r irrsc; NIGAMI.IMITED Garshankar-144527 -ffi EHARATSANCHAR lAGovt ol IndiaEntoFris€l Tel:01884-284986 , To The DlvisionalForest Officer Garhshankar Punja b Subject: Diversionof 3.2894ha of forestland for NationalOptical Fibre Network in GARHSHANKARSLOCK underforest division Garhshankar Distt. Hoshiarpur, Punjab. 5tr. You are requestedthat on the above mentioned subject, we are submitting forms for diversionof 3,2894 ha of forest land for layingof Optica! Fibre Cablefor NationalOptical Fibre Networkin GarhshankarBlock, District Hoshiarpur, Punjab. Kindlyprocess the casefor grant of NOCand oblige. nutnorEAfiE rffi E JfuwrudnJ)d. w ql. gtT.\'T.'\r'I.,rt;?i;59 $.ri ii tl{t\i\]. )LM B5;o:,Gerhsltankar : la , ? I I 1 O/oSDE (NWo-cM) e{R-d{qRt+rrqfrft}s Tel.Exch.Building ( E]Tdqt6l{ 6t f,Irfiq J Garshankar-144527 BHARATSANCHAR NIGAM LIMITEI) Tel:01884-284986 lAGo!l. ol Inda Enterose) FOR STAGE-I APPROVALS FORM.'A' Form for seeking prior approval under section 2 of the proposals by the State Government and other authorities to be frlled bv user 1, Proiect Details 1 Short Narrative of the proposals For 1ayOFC under NOFN Project of and project/ scheme for which M/s BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM the forest land is required LIMITED IN GARHSHANKARBLOCK as per Annex. I (attached). Total length of routes is 182450 meters. Map showing the required forest Map enclosed Annex. A-I, A-II, A-lIl, A- land, boundary of adjoining IV foreston a 1,50,000/- scale maD Cost of the Proiect ' q'6 ue^, 4 Justification for locating the NA project in forest area 5 Cost-Benefit analysis (to be NA enclosed) 6 Employment likely to be NiL generated 2. Purposes wlse break up ofthe total land required Sr. No Name of Purpose Area in Ha Present use of land 1 For laying OFC 3.2894 NA under NOFN Project M/s BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED in BLOCK GARHSHANKAR 3. Detalls of displacement ofthe people due to the project Ifany I Number of Families NIL 11 Number of NIL Scheduled cast/ scheduled tribe familes l1t Rehabiliation plan NIL (Tobe enclosedIf anv) 1ii.,j,i 4. Others Details Whether clearance under NO environment (protection) Act, 1996? (YES/NO)If yes kindly , sent environment clearance copy Undertaking to bea-rthe cost NA of raising and maintenance of compensatory afforestation and / or penal compensar5r afforestation as well as cast of protection and regeneration of safety zone, as per the schedule prepared by the State Govt. Details of Sr. No Name of Document Page No. 1 certifi cates/ documents I Site Map enclosed as required under Survev Map the instructions Checklist No. 4,8, 1O, " 11' 1e*43 -@ Date:29/05/2015 Place:Garhshankar 'Wffimfg3'rt'r*.* 3'i;l;1il{i?;],j,# l $ l I l l| I I 1., I it rn,.ir I o/o SDE(NWO-CM) ,rrr;, rlf{frItqR ttrrq tdfrT}g Tel.Exch.Building -AJ {qM qr+R6i rEFq) Garshankar-144527 tL'/f# sHARArsnNiiAnuicnmumrro Tel:01 884-284986 - {Acovl o'lnd'aEnterpnse) FullTitle of the Project:National Optical Fiber Network, Garhshankar Block FileNo. : NOFN/Garhshankar/RoWForestl2Ot5-L6 I t Dateof Proposal:29-05-2015 CHECKLIST SERIAT NUMBER-04 DETAILEDNOTE ON THE PROJECT BHARATSANCHAR NIGAM tlMlTED to developa NOFNproiect for all Gram Panchavatin GarhshankarBlock Distt. Hoshiarpur,Puniab (State). Falling in the revenue estate of GARHSHANKARBLOCK, DISTRICT HOSHIARPUR. The total projectcostjn this projectis 1.96Crore approximately. Place:Garhshankar sisnatureand Date:29-05-2015 Y$$'#*"iff-d1.T6,Tf Hft'lillil*.* ,rl:t,, q,; f r6i Bf^;i;g:,fi3;l,,iy.. O/oSDE (NWO-CM) slrtfrqi[RFTqqmFfeg. A' A A\ Tel.Exch.Building (.{c srsi{fl ncsq) Garshankar-144527 BHARATSANCHAR NIGAM I.IMIIED (Acovtof|ndia E eeriss) Tel:01884-284986 , FullTitle of the Project:National Optical Fiber Network, Garhshankar Block Fife No. : NoFN/Garhshankar/Ro@Foresll2ot5-t6 I t Dateof Proposal:29-05-2015 CHECKLIST SERIAL NUMBER.OT STATEMENTSHOWING DETAILS OF FOREST AREA PROPOSEDFOR DIVERSION Asper ANNEXURE attached! ANNEXURE - | sisnaturead sftq,spfr$*,tft gtr{ dlcs$fv\q di. qG.qi,rl: t., rt j{{ Place:Garhshankar 61 S.D"LtrJ,,ryO- ) Crd rJbi{L,Garhsl.lankar Date:29-05-2b15 l ; t: I i t i I t l. ..,f' ,;4 ..- i 6. _.. O/oSDE (NWO-CM) .*^? sfitil{iqRrtrrqffig" "' 'i**.*,".*tt Tel.Exch.Building r:fis.-*1 Garshankar-144527 1."} BHARATSANCHAR NIGAM TIMITED Tel:01884-284986 - tAGolt ol lndiaEnterorise) FullTitle of the Project:National Optical Fiber Network, Garhshankar Block FileNo. : NoFN/Garhshankar/noflrorestl 2OL5-IG I t Dateof Proposal:29-05-2015 CHECKLIST SERIAL NUMBER-08 STATEMENTSHOWING DETAILS OF NON FOREST AREA INVOLVEDIN THE PROPOSAL 5,No District Division Range/Tehsil Khasra/Survey or NonForest Present Remarks /Village Compartment Area landUse Numberof Km. involvedin Stone the .proposal (Ha.) L 3 4 o 8 1. Hoshiarpur GarhshankarGarhshankarForlaying OFC under Block NOFNProject of M/s BHARATSANCHAR NIGAMLIMITED IN GARHSHANKAR 4.069 NIL NIL BLOCKas per Annx-l (attached).Total lengthof routesare 182450m. Place: GARHSHANKAR $'ffi.Ty:?ffi',sw Date: 29-05-2015 .:.i.' r. ;;;yv0_) CM uli,JL,Garhshankar O/oSDE (NWO-CM) -- 7 rTrtdTiq-{ tflrq imtrrs Tel.Exch.Building Garshankar-144527 ff ,roonffiffittffi*u**o Tel:01 884-284986 FullTitle of the Project:National Optical Fiber Network, Garhshankar Block FileNo. : NoFN/Garhshankar/RoWForestl20L5-tG I t Dateof Proposal:29-05-2015 CHECKLIST SERIAL NUMBER-10 JUSTIFICATIONFOR LOCATING THE PROJECT IN FORESTAREA Thetelecom cables are always laid along the roadside due to easysupervision, quick maintenance and low costof capitaland maintenance.The applicantdoes not h.aveto acquireland for this 'cable purposeas the roadside land belongs to PWD,Punjab State. Laying of shallbe doneon 0.4m width of surfaceof land and up to 1.65mdepth and near to extremeroad boundarywhere alignmentof trenchwill bedone in sucha waythat no treerequired to be cut.The laying of telecom transmissioncable along road side is an agreed policy of applicantand Ministry of surfacetransport.
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