• e l The Atlantic Provinces Library Association Volume 63, Number 4 ISSN 0001-2203 January / February 2000 National Librarian Visits the Atlantic Region The day's library issues forum took place, between Left to right: Jocelyne Thompson, New Brunswick Provincial Librarian; Roch Carrier, National Librarian; John Teshcy, 12:00 and 2:00 at the Lord Dalhousie Room, on University Librarian, UNB; Sara Lochhead, University Librarian, Dalhousie University campus, hosted hy the Dalhousie Mount Allison University School of Information Studies, and moderated by the schools director Bertrum MacDonald. The forum was NOVA SCOTIA: Tuesday November 30,1999 well attended by over 60 people. Fourteen speakers gave For Roch Carrier's visit, arrangements in Halifax brief presentations. They represented Nova Scotia were ably coordinated by the staff of the Nova Scotia library associations and agencies and a wide range of Provincial Library, with assistance and support from a library sectors, including school, university, government number of individuals and organizations. Roch Carrier and law libraries, as well as library students, public and began the day with a breakfast with staff of the Nova other special libraries. A wide range of library initiatives Scotia Provincial Library. He then toured the Terrence and pressing issues were discussed. Themes which came Bay Elementary School Library. Next was a visit to the up repeatedly, were the need for resource sharing ven­ library of the John A. MacDonald High school, and a tures, and centralized leadership to find innovative ways meeting with students there. Then came a visit to the to address the growing resource shortages our institu­ Halifax Regional Public Library, Spryfield Branch. (continued on page 2) Inside This Issue APLA Executive Listing 1999-2000 3 Greetings from the National Librarian 6 From the President's Desk 7 News from the Provinces t) Talking About People ­ APLA 2000 13 Canadian National Site License Project Update 18 Foundation Gives Libraries $50,000 for Children's Books 14 Hackmatack Award Update 16 From St. Jerome's Den 16 Page 4 APLA Bulletin January / February 2000 NATIONAL LIBRARIAN teacher-librarians in providing this UBLICATION INFORMATIO CONTINUED FROM PG. 2 program. In some provinces, school The APLA Bulletin is the official orga n of libraries have been badly hurt by th e Atlantic Provinces Library Associati on, of the fair use clause and the details Frequency: The APLA Bulletin is publi shed cuts to education and the National bi-monthly. Subscriptions: Institutions may of the law regarding non-print mate­ Library should make a pomt of subscri be to the Bulleti n for ::i55 per a nnum rial , especially digitized material. including school libraries in its ($55 US for foreign s ubscriptions). The National Library could help by: vision for Canadian libraries. This Subscripti ons and claims for missin g issu es shoul d be sent to th e Treasurer of t he a) lobbying for better and clearer would include collecting statistics Association c/o The School of Library a nd fair use provisions for school libraries as part of the Information Studies, Dalh ousie Univ ersity, b) clarifying and explaining the core library statistics program. Ha lifax,:-IS B3H 4HtL Back volumes ar e avai l­ existing legislation from a library a ble from Univ ersity Microfilms. Ann Arbor, MI 48106 , Submissions: Submiss ions should perspective. 9. Relationship with CISTI be sent to the Editor or Assist ant Editor, Currently, some services are Deadli nes for submissions are Febru ary 7, 5. AMICUS duplicated and perhaps more co­ April 7, June 7, August 7, October 7, December The new Web version is terrific operation between th e National 7, Advertising: All corr espondence regarding and making it available for free to adve rtising should be sent to t he Adver tising Library and CISTI would better Editor, A ra te card is ava ilable upon requ est, libraries is a valuable way of sup­ serve the needs of their clients. Indexing: The APLA Bulletin is ind exed in porting library services. We hope CISTI is more free-market and prof­ Canadian Periodi cal Index , Copyright: that the service can remain free for it-seeking whereas th e National Individual authors hold the copyright to arti­ cles pubJished in the APLA Bulletin, Under libraries, since this provides a tangi­ Library operates more for the public the copyright laws, th ose who wish to repri nt ble means for the National Library good. articles for an y use must contact the ind ivid­ to support Canadian libraries, both ual author for permission . Th e opin ions for cataloguing and inter-library 10. Digital collections expresse d in ar ticles a re not necessarily th ose of th e editors or the Association, loan programs. The National Library should .f" determine and disseminate its poli­ ( ,,. 6. Core library statistics ,y ' cy for the digitization and preserva­ This is a valuable program which Thi s paper confoms to ANSI St and ar d tion of important historical and/or should be expanded. PEl partici­ Z39.48-1984 cultural Canadian documents. This pants mentioned th e need to include is an area that requires some lead ­ The editors can be reach ed at the following and expand the sections dealing addresses: ership in co-ordinating and increas­ with commun-ity/technical colleges ing public awareness about all the Bulletin Editor: and school libraries. Also, the need projects th at are going on. Ruthmary Macpherson for some kind of qualitative mea­ Head of Technical Services Report prepared by Moira Ralph Pickard Bell Library sures was mentioned. Davidson, Vice -President (Prince Mount Allison University 7. Library Information Service 49 York Street, Sackville, NB E4L I C6 Edward Island) E-mail: rm acpherson@mta.ca (including BIBCANLIB-L) Telephone: 506-364-2214 This performs a useful function Fax: 506-364-26 17 not replicated anywhere else. These NEW BRUNSWICK: Friday services were not mentioned in the December 3, 1999 Bulletin Assistant Editor: Emma Cross English report on NNNL and When Roch Carrier became the Cataloguing and Public Services Librarian deserve some recognition as con­ National Librarian in October, one Ralph Pickard Bell Library tributing to the library profession. of his first decisions was to visit Mount Allison University 49 York Street, Sackvill e, NB E4L lC 6 This service could be better promot­ libraries across the country. E-mail: ecross@mta .ca ed by Canadian library schools and Carrier's goal was to "listen and Telephone: 506·3 64-2566 that might increase the National learn" in order to find out how the Fax: 506-364-2617 Library's profile with younger National Library can better serve Bulletin Advertising Editor: librarians. Canada's libraries. Brian McNally 8. School libraries The last stop on Roch Carrier's System Librarian Although education is a provin­ 14 da y tour was Moncton , New Ralph Pickard Bell Library Brunswick where he met with a Mount Allison University cial matter, the National Library 49 York Street, Sa ckville, NB E4L lC 6 could take a more active role in pro­ group of twenty six librarians repre­ E-mail: macpherson@mta.ca moting and advocating a strong senting public, academic and special Teleph one: 506-364-2214 libraries. Several librarians made Fax: 506-364-26 17 school library program within the education system and the role of formal presentations. Charl otte January / February 2000 APLA Bulletin Page 5 NATIONAL LI BRARIAN ... Both John Teskey, Director of the challenges facing the public CONTINUED Libraries at University of New library system. One of the most Brunswick, and Sara Lochhead, pressing challenges is the need to Dionne, President of the Association University Librarian at Mount find new sources of money for sus­ of Professional Librarians of New Allison University spoke of the tainability and growth. Public Brunswick I Association des bib­ need to improve AMICUS. Teskey libraries are expected to provide liothecaires professioneltleIs du said that "it is disturbing to find expensive electronic resources, Nouveau-Brunswick that the best sources for but are still unable to meet the (APLNB/ABPNB) spoke about the Canadian locations is OCLC." demand for print materials, such importance of the Sara Lochhead strongly empha­ as best sellers and popular non­ APLNB/ABPNB to librarians in sized that all libraries need easy, fiction. With so many demands on the province. The APLNBIABPNB free access to AMICUS. If we are an already insufficient budget, is a bilingual association that to avoid foreign ownership of our the digitization of existing collec­ reaches out to librarians in isolat­ intellectual resources the tions is not a top priority, and so ed areas and offers affordable National Library must honour its public librarians believe that the workshops close to home. Dionne mandate to provide a Canadian National Library must play a stated that the National Library database of Canadian materials. leadership role in the preserva­ could help librarians in New The university librarians were tion of electronic documents. Brunswick by offering profession­ also concerned about the lack of Thompson expressed concern that al development activities. Dionne standards in the electronic pub­ government emphasis on technol­ also expressed the association's lishing, as well as bibliographic ogy and the funding that it concern with the lack of resources standards, and suggested that the requires will cause basic library in the province's school libraries National Library has the respon­ . collections to suffer. She feels that and stressed the need for national sibility to set these standards and the National Library can help in standards in this area. make them accessible. this area by educating the deci­ The poor state of New Lack of standards is also a sion makers in both federal and Brunswick's school libraries was problem for the province's law provincial governments about the the theme of Catherine Cox's pre­ libraries, especially the preserva­ vital importance of print materi­ sentation.
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