ISSN 1725-2423 Official Journal C295 of the European Union Volume 49 English edition Information and Notices 5 December 2006 Notice No Contents Page I Information Commission 2006/C 295/01 Euro exchange rates .......................................................................................................... 1 2006/C 295/02 Notice to importers — Imports into the Community of textile and clothing products following the enlargement of the European Union of Bulgaria and Romania on 1 January 2007 ........................... 2 2006/C 295/03 List of the national competent authorities as provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 of 12 October 1993 on common rules for imports of certain textile products from third countries ........ 3 2006/C 295/04 Guidelines on National Regional aid for 2007-2013 — National regional State aid map: Germany ...... 6 2006/C 295/05 Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty — Cases where the Commission raises no objections (1) ...................................................................................... 24 2006/C 295/06 Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case COMP/M.4348 — PKN/Mazeikiu) (1) .................... 27 2006/C 295/07 Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case COMP/M.4370 — EBN/COGAS Energy) (1) ............ 27 II Preparatory Acts ...... EN (1) Text with EEA relevance (Continued overleaf) 1 Notice No Contents (continued) Page III Notices Commission 2006/C 295/08 Youth in Action Programme 2007-2013 — Conditional publication of the Programme Guide ........... 28 EN 5.12.2006 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 295/1 I (Information) COMMISSION Euro exchange rates (1) 4 December 2006 (2006/C 295/01) 1 euro = Currency Exchange rate Currency Exchange rate USD US dollar 1,3309 SIT Slovenian tolar 239,67 JPY Japanese yen 153,89 SKK Slovak koruna 35,550 DKK Danish krone 7,4577 TRY Turkish lira 1,9417 GBP Pound sterling 0,67340 AUD Australian dollar 1,6904 SEK Swedish krona 9,0330 CAD Canadian dollar 1,5208 CHF Swiss franc 1,5932 HKD Hong Kong dollar 10,3447 ISK Iceland króna 90,42 NZD New Zealand dollar 1,9359 NOK Norwegian krone 8,1565 SGD Singapore dollar 2,0536 BGN Bulgarian lev 1,9558 KRW South Korean won 1 234,41 CYP Cyprus pound 0,5780 ZAR South African rand 9,5348 CZK Czech koruna 28,003 CNY Chinese yuan renminbi 10,4176 EEK Estonian kroon 15,6466 HRK Croatian kuna 7,3730 HUF Hungarian forint 256,43 LTL Lithuanian litas 3,4528 IDR Indonesian rupiah 12 177,74 LVL Latvian lats 0,6978 MYR Malaysian ringgit 4,7753 MTL Maltese lira 0,4293 PHP Philippine peso 66,246 PLN Polish zloty 3,8159 RUB Russian rouble 34,8700 RON Romanian leu 3,4383 THB Thai baht 47,739 (1) Source: reference exchange rate published by the ECB. C 295/2EN Official Journal of the European Union 5.12.2006 NOTICE TO IMPORTERS Imports into the Community of textile and clothing products following the enlargement of the European Union of Bulgaria and Romania on 1 January 2007 (2006/C 295/02) By the present notice, Community operators are informed that from 1 January 2007, the new Member States, namely Bulgaria and Romania, will apply the Common Commercial Policy, including the quota and surveillance regime on imports of textile and clothing products from certain third countries. To this end, the Community will publish in the Official Journal of the European Union a new regulation as an amendment to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 (1) with the quota levels applicable as from 1 January 2007. Shipments of textile and clothing products into the enlarged European Union released for free circu- lation as from 1 January 2007 shall comply with the quota and surveillance management system under the provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93. The release for free circulation in one of the new Member States acceding to the European Union on 1 January 2007, of textile and clothing products, which are subject to quantitative limits or to surveillance in the Community and which have been shipped from the supplier countries to the new Member States before 1 January 2007 and enter the new Member States on or after 1 January 2007 shall be subject to presentation of an import authorisation containing the elements prescribed in Annex III of Council Regu- lation (EEC) No 3030/93 (surveillance document). Such import authorisation will be granted automatically and without EU quantitative limitation by the competent authorities of the new Member State concerned, upon adequate proof, such as the bill of lading, that the products have been shipped before 1 January 2007. Such import authorisation shall be communicated to the Commission by the competent authorities of the new Member State concerned. The release for free circulation in one of the new Member States acceding to the European Union on 1 January 2007, of textile products, which are subject to quantitative limits in the Community, and shipped outside one of the new Member States before 1 January 2007 for the purpose of outward proces- sing traffic and destined to be re-imported in the same new Member State on or after 1 January 2007, shall not be subject to Community quantitative limits or import authorisation requirements, upon adequate proof, such as the export declaration, that the products have been shipped out of the new Member States before 1 January 2007 for the purpose of processing and subsequent re-importation into the same Member State. The competent authorities of the Member State concerned shall provide information on those imports to the Commission. An updated list of competent national authorities, including those in the new Member States, is published separately on the same day as this Notice in the C Series of the Official Journal of the European Union. (1) OJ L 275, 8.11.1993, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 35/2006 (OJ L 7, 12.1.2006, p. 8). 5.12.2006 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 295/3 List of the national competent authorities as provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 of 12 October 1993 (1) on common rules for imports of certain textile products from third coun- tries (2006/C 295/03) Section A: List of the competent national authorities in the current Member States 1. Austria 2. Belgium Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit FOD Economie, KMO, SPF Economie, PME, Classes Aussenwirtschaftsadministration Middenstand en Energie moyennes et Energie Abteilung C2/2 Economisch Potentieel Potentiel économique Stubenring 1 KBO-Beheerscel — Vergun- Cellule de gestion BCE — A-1011 Wien ningen Licences Tel.: (43-1) 71100-0 Leuvenseweg 44 Rue de Louvain 44 Fax: (43-1) 71100-8386 B-1000 Brussel B-1000 Bruxelles Tel: (32-2) 548 64 69 Tél: (32-2) 548 64 69 Fax: (32-2) 548 65 70 Fax: (32-2) 548 65 70 3. Cyprus 4. Czech Republic Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Ministerstvo prumyslu a obchodu Trade Department Licencní správa 6 Andrea Araouzou Str. Na Frantisku 32 CY-1421 Nicosia CZ-110 15 Praha 1 Tel: (35-7) 286 71 00 Tel: (420) 22490 7111 Fax: (35-7) 237 51 20 Fax: (420) 22421 2133 5. Denmark 6. Estonia Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium Økonomi- og Erhvervsministeriet Harju 11 Vejlsøvej 29 15072 Tallinn DK-8600 Silkeborg Estonia Tel.: (45) 35 46 64 30 Tel.: (372) 625 64 00 Fax: (45) 35 46 64 01 Fax: (372) 63136 60 7. Finland 8. France Tullihallitus Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de l'Industrie Erottajankatu 2 Direction Générale de l'Industrie, des Technologies de l'In- FIN-00101 Helsinki formation et des Postes Tel.: (358 9) 61 41 Service des Industries Manufacturières (SIM) Fax: (358 20) 492 2852 Mission Textile-Importations Le Bervil, 12 rue Villiot F-75572 Paris CEDEX 12 Tél.: (33 1) 44 87 17 17 Fax: (33 1) 53 44 91 81 9. Germany 10. Greece Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) Υπουργείο Οικονοµίας & Οικονοµικών Frankfurter Str. 29-35 Γενική ∆ιεύθυνση ∆ιεθνούς Οικονοµικής Πολιτικής D-65760 Eschborn ∆ιεύθυνση Καθεστώτων Εισαγωγών-Εξαγωγών, Εµπορικής Tel.: (49 61 96) 9 08-0 Άµυνας Fax: (49 61 96) 9 42 26 Κορνάρου 1 GR-105 63 Αθήνα Τηλ. (30210) 328 6021-22 Fax: (30210) 328 6094 11. Hungary 12. Ireland Magyar Kereskedelmi Engedélyezési Hivatal Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Margit krt. 85. Internal Market H-1024 Budapest. Kildare Street Postafiók: 1537 Budapest Pf. 345. Dublin 2 Ireland Tel: 0036(1) 336 7300 Tel.: (353 1) 631 21 21 Fax: 0036(1) 336 7302 Fax: (353 1) 631 28 26 (1) OJ L 275, 8.11.1993, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 35/2006 (OJ L 7, 12.1.2006, p. 8). C 295/4EN Official Journal of the European Union 5.12.2006 13. Italy 14. Latvia Ministero del Commercio con l'Estero Ekonomikas ministrija Direzione Generale per la Politica Commerciale e per la Brivibas iela 55 Gestione del Regime degli Scambi LV-1519 Riga DIV. III Tel: (371) 701 3006 Viale America 341 Fax: (371) 728 0882 I-00144 Roma Tel.: (39 6) 59 64 75 17, 59 93 22 02/22 15 Fax: (39 6) 59 93 22 35/22 63 Telex: (39 6) 59 64 75 31 15. Lithuania 16. Luxembourg Lietuvos Respublikos Ūkio Ministerija Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Gedimino pr. 38/2 Office des licences LT-01104 Vilnius Boîte postale 113 Tel: (370 5) 262 87 50/00370 5 261 94 88 L-2011 Luxembourg Fax: (370-5) 262 39 74 Tel.: (352) 478 23 71 Fax: (352) 46 61 38 17. Malta 18. Netherlands Ministry for Competitiveness and Communication Belastingdienst/Douane Commerce Division, Trade Services Directorate centrale dienst voor in- en uitvoer Lascaris Engelse Kamp 2 Valletta CMR02 Malta Postbus 30003 Tel: (356-21) 237 112 NL-9700 RD Groningen Fax: (356-21) 237 900 Tel.: (31-50) 523 91 11 Fax: (31-50) 523 22 10 19.
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