APRIL 2019 Vol. 17, No. 7 IBT Founder (Late) Rev. Prof. S. Panneer Selvam WORD OF TRUTH - Annual Subscription : Rs. 100/- PUBLICATION OF INDIAN BIBLE TRANSLATORS Single Copy : Rs. 10/-. THE LAST SEVEN WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST ON THE CROSS When someone dies, we always enquire enabled her son to win the Parliament eagerly for their parting words. These last election by a record thumping majority. parting words uttered by our loved ones at D. L. Moody's last parting words: 'This is the time of their breathing their last, moves my coronation day. If this is death, I am our hearts and swells our eyes. Sometimes ready to die ten times. The earth is receding these words may be simple words, yet they and the Heaven is approaching.' What a assume special and eternal values because glorious running commentary by the dying these were the last words uttered by them on soldier of Cross! Really, these words will this side of eternity. I remember to have never die. read from News paper reports about the last parting words of a Japanese executive, who Our Lord Jesus Christ has asked us to scribbled in a bit of paper addressed to his remember His death as often as possible. young son to grow well and be a good boy, Referring to the Lord's Supper, He says, "For as the aircraft was tumbling in the air before as often as ye eat this bread and drink it crashed on the ground killing all the 150 this cup, do it in remembrance of my people on board. The last recorded speech death till I come" (I Cor. 11:25, 26). We of the late Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira must learn to remember and recall the death Gandhi, "I am ready to shed my blood for the of Jesus Christ as often as possible in our country" uttered on the previous day of her day-to-day life. This will act as a deterrent assassination, were so powerful that a preventing us from falling into sins; it sympathy wave swept the whole country and SATHTHIYA VAARTHAI 1 APRIL 2019 cleanses us even in our thought-life, instilling side to get your own quota of forgiveness within our inner man, the spirit of humility and from God. holiness. In a big company, a young employee had That is why Paul, probably after getting committed a serious mistake and was facing tired of hearing the personal infighting and almost certain dismissal. He was brought back-biting among Christians in the Church at before the manager. As the young man Corinth, says, "When I come to you next stood before the manager, the manager told time, I have determined not to know him, 'Young man, 20 years back I was anything among you except Christ and standing in your place having committed the Him crucified" (I Cor. 2:2). So, during these same mistake as you had done. At that time, Lenten days, let us turn our attention to the the manager sitting in my place forgave me. meditation of the cross and the 'Seven' last So also I forgive you. Hereafter never repeat parting words of Jesus Christ uttered during this mistake. Behave well. You can go'. those crucial hours hanging on the cross, Dear reader, how do you treat those who amidst His excruciating pains and agony. have done some crime against you? Have These seven words, most probably the most you forgiven? Some people say I can forgive meditated and preached text in the pulpits but I cannot forget. But this is not the way around the world, has definite and distinct God deals with our sins. He not only message for each one of us. forgives but also forgets. (1) Father, Forgive Them Very often we want to forgive someone "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive who has wronged against us but simply we them; for they do not know what they do" lack the power and strength to forgive. If we (Luke 23:34). analyse the words of Jesus closely, we will find the secret. He says "Father, forgive Very often for most of us, we want to be them, they know not what they are doing". forgiven but we find it very hard to forgive When Jesus looked at the soldiers who drove others. But the hard reality is that unless we the nail on his hands and feet, he sees them forgive, we can never be forgiven. The only as mere instruments - as soldiers who Biblical formula "Give and it shall be given carry out the commandment of their to you" is true not only in the matter of superiors. They were doing what they have giving our money and materials to God, but been asked to do. Jesus realized this fact. also in the matter of forgiveness. They were blissfully ignorant of the magnitude Forgiveness, in its true perspective, has got of the crime they were committing. two dimensions - vertical and horizontal - one, in getting from God vertically and the Similarly, some people commit some other, in giving to others horizontally. If you mistakes against us rather unwittingly and are not willing to forgive others' mistakes, unintentionally. They would have never then you are cutting the very bridge over dreamt that this thing will turn out to be a which you have got to walk over to the other crime against us. Forgiving others is a divine SATHTHIYA VAARTHAI 2 APRIL 2019 nature. When we see someone forgiving evil" (Luke 6:27, 37). "See that none others, we see God's very nature in them and render evil for evil unto any man; but ever in doing so, they reveal part of God's follow that which is good, both among character in them. yourselves and to all men" (I Thes. 5:15). During the Korean War, a South Korean (2) To-day Thou Shat Be With Me Christian, a civilian, was arrested by the In Paradise communists and was ordered to be shot. But "And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say when the young communist leader learned unto thee. Today shalt thou be with me in that the prisoner was in charge of an paradise" (Luke 23:43). orphanage caring for small children, he decided to spare him and kill his son instead. These words were spoken to the penitent So they shot the nineteen-year old boy in the thief who pleaded with Jesus, "Lord presence of his father. remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom". What a sensational salvation in Later the fortunes of war changed, and the last dying moments! The second the young commandment was captured, tried statement of Jesus on the Cross beckons us and commanded to death by the United to see the glory of God's Kingdom and His Nation's forces. But before the sentence paradise. Quite often, we tend to forget could be carried out, the Christian whose boy where we are heading towards. Though we had been killed, pleaded for the life of the are in this world, we are not of this world. killer. He stated that he was young, and that We must always remind ourselves that we he really did not know what he was doing. are citizens of Heaven and we are in this "Give him to me", said the father "and I will world as sojourners and probationers. train him". The United Nation's forces Oswald Smith in his book "The country I love granted the request and that father took the best" writes that though he had gone to man who murdered his son into his own several countries in this world, he always had home and cared for him. Today that young a longing to come back to his home country communist is a Christian pastor.. What a of Canada simply because his home and his powerful and glorious living testimony! family is in that country. Drawing a spiritual Doing evil for good is devil's nature. analogy, he says that we have a home in Doing good for good is human nature. Heaven - our promised land - and irrespective Repaying good for evil is divine. Let us of where we were born, one day we must go examine ourselves in what category we can to our home - the land of Heaven. be included. Dear reader, are you always thinking "Love your enemies, do good to them about this earth? Take a moment away from which hate you; lend, hoping for nothing your routine and have a look at heaven. again and your reward shall be great and Remember that only those who often think ye shall be the children of the Highest; for about heaven will feel at home when they He is kind unto the unthankful and to the reach there at last. An interesting and SATHTHIYA VAARTHAI 3 APRIL 2019 humorous story is told about the swine. The you have a glimpse of heaven as often as swine always looks to the ground to feed on possible so that your sagging spirit can be something. It never lifts up its head to look revived and energized. As I wrote earlier, up to the sky above. But when it was taken remember that you are born bound for to the butcher, during its journey hanging heaven; you are in a transit lounge waiting for upside down, it looked at the beautiful sky your flight bound for heaven. It is not and wondered, 'Oh, I never knew that there is advisable for you to spend too much time in such a beautiful sky up above'.
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