![U. N. Air Attacks Shatter Red Supply Lines Miaa Kibba and Miaa Ethel Robb, Nurses](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
'^D N E SD AT, SEPTEMBER 18, 1950 •. \ i. Average Didly Net Preea Ran The Weather rofeeaat e< 0. a. Waethae Bwcaa Chapman Court, Ordar at A v a r* Included in tha list o f Connac- For the Meath of Angust, ItSO anth, will m«at Friday aaaning at ticut students who will matriculate Today, eleudy, aoeaeleael Hgkt About Town eight o'clock in tha Maaonle Tam- at Middlebury OoUaga, i Middle- pie. It will ba viaitlng matrons and bury, ’Vermont, this fall are: Nor­ 9,653 lela end ooel; high near 10; te- « r juiM it f .m n.w su jl . ; A-. ' . '.dlWiAA.vC-. OOBBla Kojr patrons' night. Tba viaitlng ottl- man O. Kittel, son of Mr. and Mrs. nlght, pertly eloady end eoel; low Adolph R. Kittel, 18 Bissell street, Mcmher of the Audit ibM t Md HIM asriMT* Ifdbcrt cars- will confer tha dagraa. A and Richard T. Owens, son of Mr. Bureeo of Clrooletloas near 5*; Friday, pertly eleody. 3r T ta a «r a tN «t mtcrad trmininx social hour will follow with ra- M ancheuter^A City of Village Charm and Mrs. Ray M. Owens. 80 Tan­ M oM ar at tha HM dl«M z School freahmenta served by Mrs. Olive Fashion Touchdown! Muratac in Mid<lletovni. Tta* in- ner street. • 2 Recave and Mrs. Catherine Urqu- ^ b Ii« fnriiaw n ware welcomed W tba dlreetoc faculty and upper- hart, co-chairmen and their oom- A^ a meeting of tha committee VOL. LXIX, NO. 298 (Cleselflad AdvartWag oa Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1950 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS ilaMiiiTn at a taa. Ragular claases mittM. Members are reminded of Rack y of the Manchester Cub %acaa ttiaadair. that tha grand officers will make Scouts held Monday avening at P laid s their visitation to Charity Court the Highland Park school, the fol­ of Windsor, Saturday evening. ' A t tba ftn t fail maeUnir of the lowing officers were elected:. and ^ acu tive Council of the Manches- chairman, Kenneth Hudson: cub- r BduCatioaal Aasociation held Miss Evelyn Qullitch . who was master, Robert Doyle: secreUry onday avaning at the home of graduated with honors from Man­ and publicity, J. B. Lamenro; Sthe praoldant, Miaa Doria Klbhe. chester High school with the June, treasurer, Joseph Sylvester: as­ fa t the forthcoming year IMO, class, has! entered the Hart­ sistant cubmaster, W alter Doll, P leats trwa dhi^uMed. It waa voted that ford Hospital raining School for Jr.: awards, William J. Whitehill: U. N. Air Attacks Shatter Red Supply Lines Miaa Kibba and Miaa Ethel Robb, Nurses. Her slater. Miss Evelyn den mothers, Roberta Clark, Vera jhaim an of the Poraonnel Policies Quilitch. a graduate of the 1940 Dormer. Elln Mason, Hazel Ander­ son, Charlotte Anderson and Lil­ tommlttee, ahould attend a Lead- class of the local High school, will lian Tedford; den dads, John Dor­ jra’ Workifliofi of the Connecticut return Tuesday for her sophomore mer and Howard Johnson. Vacuum Strangles Woman’ ■Mucatlonal Aaaociation to be held year at tha University of Connect­ GOP Lead ers Sad Farewells Exchanxed as Local Soldiers Entrain for Camp at lAkevtlle on September 29 and In Million-to-One Mishap icut. They are daughterr of Mr. Infant Jesus of Prague Mothers and Mrs. Richard Qullitch of SS2 Circle will hold its first meeting Scarborough, England. Sept. Yanks Storm 3 Key Woodbridge street. Are Opp osed ? A daughter. Adcle Gertrude. of the season this evening at eight 14,_(/pl_Mrs. Elsie Morgan V’aa bom Saturday at the Lowell. o'clock at the home of Mrs. David was strangled by her own St. Mary’s Woman's Auxiliary Kittle. 24 Tyler Circle. vacuum cleaner. ICaaf.. hospital to Dr. and Mrs. wnll meet Friday evening at eight On Home Aid Ilobert 8. Kennon of 31 E Garden While she was carr.ving the o’clock In the. Guild room. The bus­ The Asbury Group of the South machine, her smock was drawn drive. iness session adll' follow an old- Methodist church W. 8. C. 8. will Hills Above Taegu as ^nto the vacuum. She was suf­ fashioned pot luck supper at 6;S0. meet tomorrow afternoon at two Rank and File Ex­ focated by the neck band. • The Silk City Corporation has Each member attending Is re­ o’clock at the home of Mrs. Harrj- " It waa a million to one Ac­ iold Lot 52 in the Lakewood Cir­ quested to bring either a hot dish W. Rys’n. 138 Charter Oak street. presses Disapproval cident, ’ a policeman said. cle tract to Elmer J. Johnson. The or a salad. Dessert and coffee will Work is going to be done on the iranafar a’as made by Arthur O f 30 Million Dollar be provided by the committee. quilt. fCnofla, local realtor._____________ Navy Pounds Inchon Expansion of Plan See Agreement state Capitol, Hartford. Sept. Eneiny's Garbled R e ^ rt 14— iJPi—Republican leaders at the Special Session of the General As­ British Government Of Repulsing Allied More sembly ran into rank and file re­ On Reich Pact sistance today to a proposed 130.- "Landing" Near Seoul 000.000 expansion of the State Housing Program. With Big Three To Take Over Steel HebI Face*Saving In­ Patterns Republican members of the House and Senate Finance Com­ vention to "G iver Up” I Festival First Quality Slieep mittees approved the addition of Foreign Minislers Ex­ Shellacking Admin* that amount for loans to prospec­ Industry January 1 tive home buyers yesterday. With pected to Approve istered by Naval Gum; Fruit of the Loom Nylon the return of the legislators to their jobs today after a one-day Larger Police Force London. Sept 1 4 The La-, But this afternoon George Hit Red Pockets recess, however, many GOP mem­ bor government announced today Strauss, the Minister of Supply, ncah For West Germany it Will take over the British steel announced that officers of the cor- Fast Color bers of the Assembiy made It their By The Associated Preaa business quickly to tell leaders Industry about Jan. I. piiratlon will be named Oct. 2. It that they did not like the pro­ New York. Sept. 14—{A’) —The Winaton Churchill, the Conserv­ will he headed by S, J. L. Hardie, Allied planes have com­ HOSIERY ative leader, promptly declared he posal. Big Three Foreign Ministers drove chairman of the Rrltlsh Oxygen pletely disrupted North Ko­ would ask the House of Commons Company. AT SALE PRICE State Chairman clarence F. toward basic decisions on Western rean Communist supply lineg Baldwin admitted to reporters to adopt a virtual motion of cen­ Strniias, under whoee depart­ German political and security sure. The motion will he debated ment the industry will operate to their front in South Korea« lot Reinforced heel and toea for extra wear. Neu­ that he himself had received pro­ tral tan ahade. Sizes S'.j to lO 'j. testa. He expressed confidence, problems today, with apparently next Tuesday. If passed, it might when natlonalllod, said it will be the U. S. P’ar East Air Forces however, that the majority of the lead Prime Minister Attlee to re­ taken over on Jan. 1 "or aa soon command announced today. good prospects of agreement on sign and ask for a nrw national as practicable thereafter." -s? Republican L-egislator.s would go these points: With the enemy desperatfi along with the Finance Commit­ Phnio by Robert N. Nauman election. 'To Make Molinn of Cenaure 1. The United States, Britain In view of tta hairline majority Churchill jumped up and said he for supplies, U. S. warships Rah-Rah plaids-and-pleata make a fashion touch­ tee. pair Before the House and Senate and France jhould take practical In Commons —now only five votes Will offer a motion "regretting and planes made a two-day You can easily find any ttiie down with atyle-minded young teen-agers every­ $1.00 got down to business. Republican measures as rapidly as possible to — the Labor government had been that at this moat critical period In auaUlned attack on kla military of pattern for any purpo.se where! Wash-right cottons... stay-bright colora! members of both Chambers were end the state of war which still expected until recently to let the our national safety an<l affairs Installations far up the west from our large selection of de­ called into a caucus to discuss the exists between them and the West Lunmen Shoot explosive steel Issue he dormant abroad we should be by this act of coast: In an obvious move to pava See them here now. Sub-teen sizes 10 to 14. Throngs at North End sign* and colors in fine quality housing issue and to receive a re­ German Government. for at least a few months the Government plunged Into the the way for the promiaed United port on the progress made In writ­ 2. Germany ahould be given s Bill Effeellvr Oct. I Natlone offensive. Fruit of the Loom. Ninety pat­ fiercest psrty enntrovery at home. Cheer Leader — Spirited Merry Maieot — nccadiUy ing a bl-partlsan Civil Defense larger, more mobile and better The bill placing the iron and ffiement Davies, leader of the The fighting fronts quieted cony terns and colorings. New FALL CO ATS young drest with plaid-and- rollar takea white piqne Bill. ♦ equipped police force to meet the As Locals Rockville ^ ^♦‘^sengers steel industry under stale owner­ Liberal Parly, chimed in with a eiilerably, but north o f Taegu, plain bolero, bow-tie and vestee; knife-pleated skirt Children's Mercerized Cotton Civilian Defense and Housing Communist challenge of internal ship la effective Oct.
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