Highland NHS Board 4 June 2013 Item 3.1 Argyll & Bute Community Health MINUTE OF MEETING OF THE Partnership ARGYLL & BUTE CHP COMMITTEE Aros Lochgilphead Argyll PA31 8LB www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk/ Guide Hall, Campbeltown 24 April 2013 Present Mr Robin Creelman, Chairman, Argyll & Bute CHP Mr Derek Leslie, Director of Operations, Argyll & Bute CHP Dr Michael Hall, Clinical Director, Argyll & Bute CHP Ms Pat Tyrrell, Lead Nurse, Argyll & Bute CHP Ms Elaine Garman, Public Health Representative, Argyll & Bute CHP Ms Mary Wilson, AHP Representative, Argyll & Bute CHP Ms Elizabeth Reilly, Area Dental Committee Representative Ms Glenn Heritage, CVO Representative Mr Duncan Martin, Chairman, Public Partnership Forum Mr Michael Roberts, Vice Chair, Public Partnership Forum Ms Liz McMillan, Staffside Representative Councillor John McAlpine, Argyll & Bute Council Representative Jim Robb, Head of Service, Adult Care, Argyll & Bute Council In Attendance Mr George Morrison, Head of Finance, Argyll & Bute CHP Mr David Logue, Head of HR, Argyll & Bute CHP Mr Stephen Whiston, Head of Planning Contracting & Performance, Argyll & Bute CHP Mr David Ritchie, Communications Manager, Argyll & Bute CHP Ms Christina West, Locality Manager, Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay Mrs Sheena Clark, PA to Director of Operations - Minute Secretary Apologies Ms Dawn Gillies, Staffside Representative Councillor Elaine Robertson, Argyll & Bute Council Representative Councillor George Freeman, Argyll & Bute Council Representative 1. CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the Guide Hall, Campbeltown. 2. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were noted as above. 3. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST No conflicts of interest were declared. 4. MINUTE FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1 Minute of Meeting held on 20 February 2013 Page 6 – Pressure Ulcer Prevention – Ms Tyrrell requested that paragraph 3 be amended to read, “Councillor Freeman asked if the CHP receives notification of patients with pressure ulcers prior to transfer from NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde back to Argyll & Bute. Ms Tyrrell confirmed that this does not happen in every case. Where there are gaps in communication and information sharing staff from Argyll and Bute hospitals make contact with the ward staff in NHS GGC from where the patient has been transferred to highlight the issues. In addition each of these cases is reported through DATIX and shared with the Tissue Viability staff in NHS GGC.” The Committee Approved the content of the Minute of the meeting on 20 February 2013, with the above amendment. 5. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 20 FEBRUARY 2013 Mull & Iona Primary Care Centre Mr Martin enquired if the previously reported public concerns and issues have been resolved. Mr Robb replied as this was a new facility, with a new model of care, initially there had been some concerns around the 2 levels of overnight care but that now the majority of residents of Bowman Court are satisfied with the service provision. It has also been recognised by the public that the facility is also for community use. Mr Leslie advised that from the health perspective, the transition to the new facility is settled and community groups are engaging in its use. A full update will be included in the Director of Operations report to the June meeting. Aortic Abdominal Aneurysm Screening Mr Roberts asked if the local uptake figures were now available. Ms Garman confirmed that a request for data has been made to the national group and a response is awaited. She advised that uptake reporting is based on invitations to patients to attend a screening clinic, although through locality publicity a number of older patients have been attending, but not necessarily in the screening cohort of up to and including 65 years. There continues to be only one member of staff carrying out the clinics. 6. NHS Highland Organisational Issues 6.1 Meeting of Highland NHS Board Meeting Media Briefing Mr Creelman highlighted the recently distributed media briefing, which will now be produced and issued as a summary of the Board papers. Mr Creelman referred specifically to: ‘Highland Quality Approach’ – participation by NHS Highland in a quality improvement programme, involving learning opportunities from the Institute of Healthcare Improvement; Virginia Mason Medical Centre in Seattle’ Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust. 2 ‘Audit Scotland Report – Management of Patients on Waiting Lists’ – a positive report which detailed the key messages and recommendations and the position of NHS Highland regarding the recommendations and the actions taken. ‘Board Set to Achieve Financial Break-Even’ – it was noted that the CHP has consistently achieved its projected position throughout the year as an element of the corporate NHS Highland position. The Committee Noted the previously circulated media briefing. 6.2 Director of Operations Report Mr Leslie provided a summary of key points in the circulated report. Major Incident – Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay – the content of the recently distributed staff briefing notes from NHS Highland and Argyll & Bute Council which acknowledged the positive response from staff in helping the communities affected by the recent adverse weather incident, particularly in Kintyre and Islay. Mr Leslie highlighted the considerable commitment and input by all involved which resulted in good partnership and integrated working. Mr Martin stated that the event should be seen as a significant learning experience for the partnership and he acknowledged the outcome as a good example of joint working. Mr Martin emphasised the requirement for a ‘common’ list of vulnerable people. Mr Robb acknowledged that there had been differing perceptions within partnership organisations of the criteria for a vulnerable person but that this would be addressed and actioned during the forthcoming final debrief session and a CHP wide list of vulnerable people will be created. Councillor McAlpine commented on the decision at the recent Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay Area Committee to undertake a survey of vulnerable people affected by the major incident. Ms West requested that Health is involved in finalising the detail of the survey to ensure a joint and consistent approach within the CHP. Councillor McAlpine agreed on the requirement for liaison between the Council and Health in carrying out the survey. Ms Garman advised that community resilience will be discussed as part of the debriefing and the need for any learning to be expanded to other areas. Mr Creelman emphasised that a holistic view of events and responses should be captured to identify what went well and what did not. Changes to Immunisation Programme - Major developments to immunisation programmes arising from recommendations from the joint committee on vaccinations and immunisations have been accepted by the department of health and are to be implemented in 2013. There is an awareness of a number of demand and capacity concerns in the delivery of the programme and a plan is being developed in NHS Highland to ensure the timely implementation of these recommendations. Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust – the report has been presented throughout the CHP governance structure, resulting in various discussions and engagement around the review. Locality Clinical Leadership – the criteria for eligibility of these roles has been broadened to all eligible clinicians in an effort to attract/stimulate wider interest in longstanding vacancies. 3 The Committee Noted the content of Director of Operations Report. 6.3 CHP Draft Annual Report The report was previously circulated for information and any comments prior to being sent to NHS Highland for submission to the Audit Committee. Councillor McAlpine enquired about the status of the integration programme. Mr Leslie reported that currently the integration process is to be implemented by 1 April 2014. Mr Leslie and Mr Robb confirmed that the integration agenda is being taken forward operationally as a strategic partnership but governance issues remain to be agreed and clarified by NHS Highland and Argyll & Bute Council executives. The Committee Noted and Agreed the content of the CHP Draft Annual Report. 7. Clinical Governance 7.1 Clinical Governance & Risk Management Report Ms Tyrrell spoke to the circulated report and highlighted and summarised a number of items. Risk Management Incidents A total of 447 incidents were reported during quarter 4, which is a slight increase in the 438 incidents reported in quarter 3. The top 3 categories were: o Slips, trips and falls o Disruptive, violent and aggressive behaviour o Pressure ulcers Four incidents were graded as high, one in Cowal & Bute, two in Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay and 1 in Oban, Lorn & Isles. There was also an increase in incidents relating to self harming behaviour which can be attributed to one patient. There were six incidents recorded with a major or extreme consequence. Four in Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay and two in Cowal & Bute. Pressure Ulcer Prevention Ms Tyrrell advised that the range of measures being taken to improve the identification and management of those patients at risk of developing pressure ulcers in all settings is leading to reduced numbers of hospital acquired pressure ulcers, with no grade 3 or 4 incidences reported in quarter 4 in Argyll & Bute. Ms Tyrrell stated that reporting on the Datix system allows staff an over view of incidents. Mr Creelman enquired if, when grade 3 and 4 incidents are discovered on admission to hospital, do staff have an understanding to carry out a root cause analysis. Ms Tyrrell replied that new tool from National Patient Safety Agency is being trialled at present and that support 4 is given to staff to carry out the root cause analysis. Ms Tyrrell also advised that there is now an increased focus on reporting of incidents from community areas, including care homes. Mr Creelman stated that there is national guidance for independent contractors on the reporting and investigating any occurrence of untoward incidents. Ms Tyrrell reaffirmed that effective systems are being pursued, with support from the Clinical Governance Team, to ensure the breakdown and timeous completion of audit data.
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