FLORIDA STORM BOY THREA1RNS ABATES; FEAR SHIRLEY TEMPLE; CIVIL STRIFE IN SPAIN SATURDAY— Last Day Of SEVERAL DEAD ASKS LARGE SUM MAY LAST FOR MONTHS HALE’S SoTip of Paper Leads to Advance Warnings Pre­ Identifi(»tion and Seizure Nearly All Americans^ ReBels Anticipate RiralrY vented Hig)i Toll of Lives of Wonld-Be Extortioner; Among Themselves, H INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE/ Movie Inspired Plot. Now Out of War Zone Victorions; France Adopto Irregulars In RegnJju- S9e and 60e ______ _ s . Clearance of Summer Washington, Aug. 1.-; (A P ) — Wendelln said 74 of the Ameri­ Neutral Attitude, Bat Per­ Valparaiao, Fla., Aug. 1— (A P ) — Cannon Stdid Ctdor ReversiBle Grant. Neb., Aug. l . _ ( A P ) —The ’’Practically all” the Americans who cans who found refuge In the Em­ ' A tropical atorm charged with at waited anxious days for a chance to ! " M ILLIN ER Y « 1 accunte tracing of a sheet of sta­ bassy a week ago had remained be­ mits Volunteers to Enter 49 leaat flve deaths blew itself out In flee from rebel-threatened Madrid . Pastel straws, felts and linens. Regular * r tionery landed Sterling W, Powell, hind while others took the trsln to TOWELS Special ea.29c •outbem Alabama' today. \ had found asylum today on the ^1.98 values. 16-year-old farm boy. In jail today, Spanish seacoast as the threat of Valencia to meet the Quincy. An­ Spain; German and ItaEan These are exceptional values in towels. Slight irrsg\ilai%M The coast guard reported last such as mis-weaves or odd sixes. Host aU oolors le ft charged arlth threatening the life new fighting hung over the capital. other 100 Americana, be estimated, night the tug Minnie Lee sank In of tiny screen star Shirley Temple The American cruiser (^ Icy are In Madrid outside the Embassy. CSioctowhatcbee Bay and that the In a $35,000 extortion plot. planned to sail from Valencia today Four more special railway coach­ Interest in Uprising Hinted 29c and 39c Summer crew of flve waa missing. The detective operations of Fed­ with more than 100 American refu­ es carrying Americans and other (Reg. $5.98 SILK DRESSES eral agents led late yesterday to Lack of reports from two other gees for the neutral port of Mar­ foreigners away from tbe Spanish the arrest of the youth at his form seilles, France, messages to Wash­ capital were to entrain fOr Valencia Madrid, Aug. l.— (A P )—Spanish WASH FABRICS 4 yds. 99c veuels gave rise to fears, that the home here by Sheriff H. Bechtel. ^ Sheer prints, printed crepes, washable crepes ' death toll might be even huger. ington said. today, but Wendelln said yeaterday liberals, fearful of renewed rebel ^ white, flesh, and powder blue. ( p p J • a / A good selection left in dress laces, crashes and lawns. The sheriff said young Powell told But some 170 other Americans “very few Americans are expected Coast guardsmen searched still him he conceiv^ the fantastic advances on Madrid, ordered do^ tumbling gulf waters for the flah- remained In the capital by choice to go on this train.” 25e New Fall scheme after seeing a movie based oa rebel troops announced they were Gther Americana may have been meatic defenses strengthened today Ing schooner Sea OuU, unreported on a kidnaping theme but "never marching against Madrid. among a group of foreigners who to meet "present urgent’needs." $1.00 Gotham since abe left Tampa July Z5 for the meant to go through with IL" D ^ Tortugas. Reporting that nearly all Ameri­ escap^ In the nick of time from On land, on sea, and In the otr Prices are scheduled to rise as the thermometer drops. Bo Federal agents took the lad to jail cans wishing to leave Madrid "have PERCALE PRINTS yd.l9c The Sea Gull also had flve aboard. at North Platte preparatory to hla Palma, which was the scene of a the leftist government massed Ito done so," Eric C. Wendelln, charges iPURE SILK HOSIERY Both small and large patterns in floral and geometric designs. Boy this economical way and come to Hale’s Big advance sale. Her course would have taken her arraignment (at 9 a. m.) before sudden bombing attack. Minutes forces against possible spread o f the into the path of the atorm aa It d'affaires of tbe American embassy, All colors. Regular 35c yard. You’ll find coats that will Be the fashion leaders for Winter, U S. (tommlaaloner A. F. Streits. after the American Export liner fascist rebellion. Vi's moved up the coast. told the State Department that Including- casual swaggers for sportswear, fitted models and Bechtel reported the prisoner read­ Bxochorda evacuated 92 foreigners Spaniards who served In the a m iyj ; Chiffon and Service, Summer _„J— The auxiliary schooner Ketchum "Americana still in the Embassy or from the Ballearlc lalanda port, wiors. 39c to 79c Summer the new fiared princess silhouette. They are Beautifully o f St. Petersburg, with an unde­ ily admitted be had sent a letter during 1984 and 1985 were order ' p air to George F. Temple, father of the In Madrid are not disposed to evac­ planea bombarded tbe city. The to re-enltat under a plan to / ’ 7 5 ' made and warmly interlined. ■ . - 1 termined number on board, waa off A ^ an ce to be searched," waa the frequent order throughout Spain as mUltary authorities, rebel or federal, uate because of family or business nationality of those q^|jpuated was the nortbweat Florida coast when little actress, setting forth In part: ganlse the military forces." “Unless $25,0<X) is dropped from ruiea communities. Arms held high, a pedestrian (In photo at right), submits to search by a patrol. ties.” not reported. Planes and ships at the loyal $1.00 WashaBle W ASH FABRICS 3 yds. 99c the hurricane hit yesterday and waa unreported today. ,Ck>ach guards­ an airplane near Grant, Neb., on force and navy ware dlqmtcbi A few 70c seersuckers and regular 89c dimities left in blue,. May 16, the life of Shirley Temple against rebels at Huelva, Za: red, and brown. men hoped she had ridden out the atorm In some isolated cove. will be endangered.” Hueaca, (^atayud, Oirdobe, . WHITE HANDBAGS The missive was mailed May 9 but Another boat for which anxiety SAYS REICH, JAPAN Oviedo and Palma (Mallorca 59c WashaBle waa felt, the Bob, was found safe it was not opened tmtU May 18— TO MAKE NEW CHARGE GIRL AND BOY FRIEND land). in a cove, near Panama City. three days after the specified dead­ Heavy forces of mlUtia con _ Envelope and Zipper Styles. 6 & C l l A number of Florida communities line— In the fan mall department of trated near Zaragosa In the north 6 9 ' DRESS LINENS 2 yds. 99c found the damage relatively light In the Twentieth Century-Fox studios PARTNERS FOR WAR and Cordoba and Granada In Make a coot Summer dress in one of the popular Summer view of the bumcaue’s force. The In HoU}rwood. AGAINST LEWIS GROUP SLAY FORMER’S MOTHER South. colors. 36" wide. atate road department estimated G-Men Act Operations on tbe northern t f o A road damage at $10,000 to $15,000. Ckjvemment operatives were noti­ at the rebels Indicated they expeotM Some frame dwellings were fied at once. A t Washington, J. Soviet Press Declares Italy a long tussle for posseisloB 4f BATHING SUITS leveled, but their occupants had Edgar Hoover, chief of the Justice Federados CMefs Add An-|pRESIDENT GIVES New Jersey Girl KiQs Mother Madrid. ' sought safe places. Power and com­ Department's bureau of Investiga­ 700 PRISON INMATES Tbe Faeciste expressed belief that §1 Baby ohop Specials munications lines were carried tion, related how tbe square of paper and Poland Also Are Ene­ even If they win, there la REDUCED away, and emergency crews work­ waa subjected to scientific testa and other C e w l to Claim of f| £ l q q |j With Hatchet While Her poaslblUty of Bubaequent ed through the night to restore traced through the manufacturer to STAGE YAW RIOT between their leaders, mntu^r«i— Get a new bathing suit now for the balance of the 69c and 79c them. stores at Grant and Madrid, Neb. Insnirection On Part of ___ mies of W orld Peace. and right republicans of aU ahadsh f ^ Hundreds of trees were uprooted Further undisclosed deductions led Sweetheart Holds Victim’s \ whose only common tie la hatred (it (Dyod Coney); to the seizure of PoweU. •ZEALAND SEALS In Florida and Alabama, and crops the Madrid leftist governmsnt. were damaged. Two barges loaded The Bheriff said the youth attend­ Usbon, Portugal, heard a rebdi; SUNSUITS ed the movies regululy, was re­ Green’s Foes. Makes Brief Tear of the Moscow, Aug. 1.— CAP)— ’The Arms; Both Confess. One KiOed, T w o Wounded $5.98 Suits, Now ............... • $ 4 . 7 4 with logs were dashed g a in s t a broadcast which described tbe d v < Slaea 2 to 6 years. Prints or plain colors. Boys’ or girls’ •BEAVERETTES (Dyed Coney), garded as a good student in high existence of a Oerman-Japaneae parture for Valencia froiit Savina ^ atylea bridge near West Bay, Fla., and sank. The bridge was reported un­ acbool and waa a member of a fam­ Flood Control Area of 3 mUltary alliance or progress in that When Guards QneU Up^ of thaurgeht "volunteera (4 death" ily that was highly respected and In Washington, Aug. 1.— (A P ) — a Bayonne, N. J., Aug. 1— (A P ) aviators p le d g e to aaertCea ‘ (Dyed Rabbit) Various Shades serviceable.
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