INDEX Ahbotskokd, visit to, 48 Alloa, visit to, 322 prisoner in Pan America Colonisation of, Abd-el-Kader, — 275 ; guide to writing, Castle, 354 127 ; immigra- tion, Aberdeen, visits to, 309, 321 279, 283 ; nasal twang, Aberdeenshire — Resemblance of origin of, 313 ; "personal liberty," fishermen to Norwegians, 371 174; republications of works, Aberlady, Bay of—^French invasion infringement of copyright, 220, threatened: military preparations, 223, 224, 294, 308, 325, 349, 378, of, 3 ; view 22 401 Abries, visit to, 328 Amico del Popolo, L— Review of Accidents — Fall down hatchway, Duty, 400 28; railwayaccidents,-?^^ that title Amisficld, view of, 22 Achmuty, Col. — Mahratta War, 100 Amsterdam, description of, com- Adams, Sarah F., contributor to parison with Venice, etc., 310, picture Monthly Repository, 52 317 ; by Wouverman, Adams, W. B.—Visit to E. Elliott, 311; Thf-ift, purchase of transla- 143-149 tion, 308 Addresses, see Lectures and Ad- Amusements — " Popular Amuse- dresses ment and Recreation," article, Adour River, crossing by Welling- 142 ; school days, 8, 15 ; working ton, 355 days, 52, 247 Adventures of Bilberry T/iurland Anatomy— Professor Signora Man- " —Author, 64 zolini, 344 ; Resurrectionists," Advice to Correspondent re Self- 28 Help, 392 Ancestors, sketch of, 13, 14 Agar, E. —Gold robbery, South- Ancient Druids Benefit Society, Eastern Railway, 202-206, 291 104 connection with Ancient Order of Foresters Benefit Agen, J. Jasmin's ; descriptions, 405-408 Society— Member, 104 Aime-Martin— Study of works, 52 Ancient Romans Benefit Society, Aldam, Mr— Parliamentary candi- 104 date, Leeds, 100 Anderson, Mr, surgeon, Hadding- "Alessandro Manzoni Literary ton, 49 Institution, Monteleone "— Hon- Angelico, Fra— Cell at San Marco, orary president, 294 340 — Alcsund, description of, 367 ; Rolf Angelo, M. ^Piazza Florence, 341 the Ganger, 371 Angles, ancestors of the English, Alexander, Sir W. J. —Charing 27C Cross line, advocate, 240 Angrogna, valley of, visit to, 328 —; — ; 420 INDEX Anti-Corn Law Circular— Editor, Ashburton, Lord—Purchase of " Suffrage Asso- Tytherly estate, 97 ; Household 107 on, Ashcroft Shakespeare Cliff Tun- ciation," Mr Cobden 97 ; — starting, 88 nel improvement, 208 Anti-Corn-LawLeague—Addresses Ashford, country seat of Lord by Cobden, 123 ; agitation move- Ardilaun, 362 the country, Assurance work — Appointment, ment through 123 ; bazaar in aid, Manchester, 115. 262 ; resignation, 300 ; work, 264 Chartists—conciliatory meeting, Astronomer—J. Jones, 365 Leeds, no- 112, opposition of, Astronomical instrument maker, 88, 98, 112, 118. Co-operation York, 365 and organisation, Bread-Tax Atheism and the Socialist move- agitation, 108- no ; deputation to ment, 105 leading ministers, 91 ; deputies, Athelstan the Unready—Conings- meeting of, in Manchester, n7 burgh Castle, 81 ; — formation of, 88 ; independent AtheTKBum History of Ireland, attitude, Cobden on, nS review, 128 ; Life George ; of leaders, Cobden on, n2 ; Leeds Stephensoti, review, 220 Association, comparison with NasmytKs Autobiography, re- view, Manchester, ni-n3; lecturer 349 ; Physical Educa- tion, Paulton, 146 ; meetings at Leeds review, 63 ; research and Manchester, 88 ; movement workers, advertisements, 251 throughout the country, 123 Athlone— Contest, 357 parliamentary election, Atlantic Monthly — International 107 ; parliamentary leader, Cobden, copyright, 224 parliamentary reform, Atoms and convertibility of matter 108 ; deputation, popularising by —Theories of S. Brown, 53-58 98 ; Cobden, 146 practical measures, Aughrim — Retreat of French and ; Press attitude, Irish after Athlone, necessity for, n8 ; 357 112; progress in Manchester, Aurillac, visit to, 408 with Leeds, n2, n3 Australasia, colonisation of, comparison ; 74, 275 Austria Invasion system of operation, start, 146 — by France, 3 ; Antiquities, Frisian, 317 Italian War of Independence, to, Aosta, valley of, visit to, 329 334 ; visit 349 "Appeal to the Middle Classes," Austro-Hungary—Army, 404 article, 92 Author, success as, 221 ; see also Aran—Ancient building, 361 Literary Work Archbishop Tait of Canterbury "Autumn Trip through Munster," Character of G. Moore, 324 article, 165 Archibald, Mr— Lecture, Hadding- Awe, Loch, visit to, 365 ton, 48 Ardilaun, Lord — Country seat, Baines, E. — Benefit Societies, 362 141 ; British and Foreign School Aries, visit to, 272 Society Meeting, 90 ; education, Armenia — Translation of Self- "voluntaryism," 168, 170, 174; Help, 401 Leeds Mercury, editor, 94 ; testi- Armley— Strikes ; "Sacred Month" monial, 138 rioters, 122 Baker, Councillor— National edu- Armies on the Continent—Con- cation, 168 scription, 352 ; mobilisation of, Baker, R. —Speech, 141 403 Balgonie, view of, 22 Army surgeons, 47 Ballantyne, Mr KdiiorjAnti- Corn- Art—Museums of Art and Science Law Circular, 97 in Municipal Boroughs, 156 Ballina, journey to, 364 Arthur's Seat, view of, 22 Ballot, vote by, 94, 124 INDEX 421 Banff— Herring fishery, 306 ; race, Benge, Foreman — Railway acci- Scandinavian origin, 306, 307, dent, 245 371 ; visit to T. Edward, 305, Bentham, J. — Friend S. Smith, 78 309, 321 Benton Grange Road— Recollec- . Bangor, visit to, 365 tions of G. Stephenson, 188 Barbera,Signor— Florentine Album Bergen, description, 372 ; liquor l^resentation, 343 licensing restrictions, 376 Barker, Councillor — Education Bergerie of Pra, visit to, 328 Bill, 168 Berkeley, Bishop — Wealth and Barlow, Capt. — General Manager, industry, 361 South-Eastern Railway, 193 Berne, view from, 354 Barnsby^— Coach drive, 85 Berwick, North— Medical visits to, Barrogill Castle— Description, 321 60, 61 ; Reform Bill agitation, 38 Barrow, growth of, 397 Bewick, T., wood-engraver, 180 Barrow, Mr— Publication of works, Beza, T., confined in Pau Castle, 402 .354 Bartolomeo, Fra— Cell at San Biarritz, description of, 355 Marco, 340 Bidassoa River, visit to, 355 life of, Bartram, J. —Advice to B. Franklin, Bidder, Mr, 255 ; Stephen- 2 son, R., life of, 254 Basque Race, study of—Tour Bingley, Mr — Letter re Leeds among, 353-356 Times editorship, 84 Bass Rock, view of, 22 Binns, Mr — Information re G. Bayonne, visit to, 355 Stephenson, 216 Bearn,Civil\Vars—Assault of Castle Biographia Literaria — Literature Pau, 354 as a livelihood, 130 Beckett, \V. —Address at opening Biography— Details, importance of, of Parliament, 119; Manchester 219; successful men, choice of, Unity of Oddfellows— speech, for biographies alleged, 325. For 141 ; member for Leeds, return, special biographies see Names 100, 102 ; recommendation, 192 Birmingham — Chartist agitation, Begbie, Ur, visit to, medical examiner, 45 75, 91 ; 252 " Begbie's Library," 29 Birthday, seventy-fourth, 383 Belfast, visits to, 364, 366, 397 Bjorne Fjord, description of Belford v. Smiles—Canadian in- scenery, 373 fringement of copyright of Thrifty Black, Dr, army surgeon, 49 308 Black, Mr, Queen of Italy's admira- Belgium — Railway management, tion for, 337 236 " Black Watch," reception after Belhaven — French invasion Waterloo, 4 threatened, military prepara- Blackheath, leaving, 302 tions, 3 Blackmore, Queen of Italy's admira- Bell, Dr— Life and character of G. tion for, 337 Moore, 324 Blackwood—Education of French Bellaggio, visit to, 344 boys and girls, 299 Benefit Societies—Articles in the Blake Hill, view from, 363 Leeds F'actor of estate, Mercury, 141, 142 ; con- Blantyre, Lord— 33 dition of, article, 142 ; Education Blind Girl of Castel-Ctiille, by and Benefit Societies, article, Jasmin, translation, 405 142 ; formation of, 104 ; "Work- Board School— Dissenters as sup- men's Benefit Societies," article, porters, 175 302 ; Young Men's Mutual Im- Bohemia—Translations of books, provement Societies, article, 161 295, 386, 387 Benevolent Societies, the True Bol, F. — Portrait of Admiral de Principles of, article, 142 Ruyter, 312 — ; 422 INDEX Bologna— University Female Pro- Bridgeford, J., acquaintance with, fessors, visit to, 344 ; 343 82, 84 ; Leeds Times, editorship, Bolton Abbey, visits to — Article, advice re, 85 165 Bridges— Constructor Rennie, 249 Bonghi, Commendatore — Recep- Brighton Railway Company—Ex- tion, 410 tension of lines, 242 ; Hasting's Bonnington's paintings, copying, traffic, percentage, 243 ; South- 300 Eastern, rivalry with, 232, . 239 . Book-writing as a means -of liveli- Brindley— Canal construction, 249, hood, 138 363 ; life of, information, 250 Booth, H. — Acquaintance with, moderate means, 326 ; Stockton 192 ; Liverpool and Manchester to Darlington Railway, 184 Railway, 216 ; railway world, British Museum, public admitted, services to, 159, 160 102 ; research work, 250 Bosnia—Translation of Thrift, 387 British and Foreign School Society Boulton, Life of— Information, 251 Meeting—Chartists, 90 Bourne, Friendship with, Bri\e, from, J. — 193 ; journey 402 introductions friends, to 178 ; Brook, W.—Speech at Education Stephenson, G., recollections of, Meeting, 168 162, 189, 215 — Broom, Loch, visit to, 322 Bower, Councillor J. "Household Brown, Dr J. — Cousin S. Brown, Suffrage Association," character abilities, 93 and 57, 58 ; Bowness on the Solway—Roman life of a country doctor in "Our 181 Wall, Gideon Grays," 49 ; Rab and his Bowring, Dr, acquaintance with Friends, 35 Sketch, 74, 75 Brown, Provost of Haddington, 48 Boy's Voyage Round the World, Brown S. (junior)—Articles by, in of, A, publication 293 North British Review, 57 ; char- Boys, articles on, acter and ability, 165 35, 53, 57, 58 ; Boyd, Mr—Printing of Physical homoeopathic medicine, essay Education, on, illness death, 63 57 ; and 58 ; Bradford—Chartist
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