Memorial to Horacio J. Harrington 1910-1973 JOHN J. DE BENEDETTI 1331 E. Louisa Avenue, West Covina, California 91790 Horacio J. Harrington died on the 20th of December, 1973, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is survived by his wife Susana and his son Patricio and a granddaughter. Jim, as Harrington was known to most of his friends, was born September 17, 1910, in the city of Bahia Blanca in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. After graduating from high school, he attended the University of Buenos Aires, where, in 1933, he received a doctorate in natural sciences. Jim’s first exposure to professional geology was in the geological survey of Staten Islan just off the southeastern tip of South America. As a result of his work in this part of the world, he received the Prince of Wales Scholarship to Oxford University, England. There in 1936 Harrington received his Ph.D. in geology. After a short course in alpine geology at Bern University in Switzerland, Jim returned to Argentina to join the Dirección Nacional de Minas y Geología as a geologist. He also became Assistant Professor in Geology at the University of Buenos Aires, and in 1942he became a full-fledged professor in that institution of learning. He taught paleontology and regional geology at the University of La Plata between 1938 and 1942. During this period Harrington also held an important position in the Argentine Bureau of Promotional Interchange. In 1955 Jim came to the United States to teach geology at Hamilton College, New York. In 1956 he was appointed Research Professor at the University of Kansas at Lawrence, Kansas. In 1957 and 1958, he was appointed Rose Morgan Professor and Honorary Professor of Sedimentology in the same university. Harrington left the teaching profession in late 1958 to join the overseas geology department of Tennessee Gas Transmission Company in Houston, Texas. In 1961 Jim was appointed Chief Geologist for the foreign department of the same company. This position took him practically all over the world and gave him invaluable geological background. In 1965 Harrington resigned as Chief Geologist with the company to become a consulting geologist in Houston, Texas. Early in 1971, Harrington returned to his native country, Argentina. There he continued consulting and also became a professor at the University of Buenos Aires. Jim was the author and co-author of more than 50 professional papers in geology and paleontology. Many of these papers were published in the Dirección Nacional de Minas y Geología of Argentina and in the Asociación Geológica Argentina bulletins. One outstanding publication, co-authored with A. F. Leanza, is “Ordovician Trilobites of Argentina.” Jim was senior author of “Trilobitomorpha,” which appeared in the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology published by the University of Kansas, and was co-author of the volume on cnidaria in the same treatise. In the Handbook of South American Geology, edited by W. E. Jenks, Harrington published “Morphostructural Regions of South America,” as well as articles on the geology of Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. 2 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OK AMERICA Harrington also wrote “Devónico de Sud América,” “Cadena Aulacogénica de las Sierras Australes de la Provincia de Buenos Aires,” and “Paleogeographic Development of South America." Jim also wrote the excellent paper for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin titled, “Space, Things, Time and Events—An Essay on Stratigraphy.” This paper clearly shows the keen and perceptive mind Horacio J. Harrington had. Harrington was a founding member of the Asociación Geológica Argentina and was the first president of that institution. He was also a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the Geological Association of Canada, and Sociedad Geológica del Peru, and he was a Fellow of the Geological Society of America. Furthermore, he was an active member on the Committee of Structural Geology in the International Union of Geological Sciences. Jim was a dedicated geologist, and his work was a dominant part of his life. His interest in paleontology brought him close to stratigraphy which, in turn, developed his interest in structural geology. Harrington read a great deal and was up-to-date on most recent theories. Before Jim accepted any new geological idea, he would study it very carefully and discuss it with anyone willing to listen. He had great respect for those geologists who “thought in depth,” as he said it many times. With the passing of Horacio J. Harrington, the geological community has lost one of the most complete and dedicated geologists of our times. Jim’s interests, orderly mind, and care for detail were reflected by the fact that he was a really outstanding geologist. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF H. J. HARRINGTON 1937 On some Ordovician fossils from northern Argentina: Geoi. Mag., v. 74 p. 97-124. 1939 La organización y estructura de los trilobites y sus relaciones con las demas Arthropoda: Rev. Centro Est. Cienc. Nat., v. 2, p. 81-107. 1942 A brief summary of Paleozoic formations and faunas of Argentina: Am. Sci. Cong., 8th, Washington, D. C., Proc., p. 69-78. 1943 Observaciones geológicas en la isla de los Estados: Buenos Aires, Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nat., an. 41, p. 29-52. 1944 El sismo de San Juan del 15 de enero de 1944: Buenos Aires, Corp. Promoción Intercambio, 30 p. (in Spanish). 1945 Algunas observaciones sobre el sistema de Gondwana en el Uruguay: Buenos Aires, Primera Reunión Comunicaciones IPIMIGEO, Secc. artentina, p. 3-5. 1950 Geología del Paraguay oriental: Univ. Buenos Aires, Fac. Cienc. Exactas Fis. y Nat., Contr. Cient. ser. E, Geologica, I, 82 p. 1951 (and Kay, Marshall) Cambrian and Ordovician fossils of eastern Colombia: Jour. Paleon­ tology, v. 25, p. 655-668. 1955 Geología entre bambalinas: Buenos Aires, Ed. Pleamar, 204 p. (2nd ed. 1957). 1956 Morphostructural provinces; Argentina; Paraguay; Uruguay, in Jenks, W., ed., Handbook of South American geology: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 65. — (and Moore, R. C.) Dipleurozoa; Scyphozoa;Trachylynida; Siphonophorida; Medusae incertae sedis and unrecognizable forms, in Moore, R. C., ed., Treatise on invertebrate paleontology, Pt. F. Coelenterata: Lawrence, Univ. Kansas. 1957 (and Leanza, A. F.) Ordovician trilobites of Argentina: Kansas Univ. Dept. Geol. Spec. Pub. 1,276 p. 1959 General description of trilobites; Classification; Suborder Redlichiina; Families Hyper- mecaspididae, Hapalopleuridae and Pliomeridae,m Moore, R. C., ed., Treatise on inverte­ brate paleontology, Pt. O, Arthropoda 1 : Lawrence, Univ. Kansas. MEMORIAL TO HORACIO J. HARRINGTON 3 1961 Geology of parts of Antofagasta and Atacama Provinces, northern Chile: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 42, p. 169-197. — The Cambrian formations of South America, in El sistema Cámbrico, su paleogeografía y el problema de su base: Internat. Geol. Cong., 20th, Mexico [D. F .], Simposio, pt. 3, p. 504-516. 1962 Paleogeographic development of South America: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 4 6 , p. 1 6 0 1 -1646. 1963 Deep focus earthquakes in South America and their possible relation to continental drift, in Munyan, A. C., ed., Polar wandering and continental drift: Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Spec. Pub. 10, p. 55-73. 1965 Space, things, time and events-An essay on stratigraphy: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 49, p. 1601-1646. 1967 Devonian of South America: Alberta Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Internat. Symposium on the Devonian System, Proc., p. 651-671. 1972 Silurian of Paraguay, in Berry, W.B.N., and Boucot, A. J., ed., Correlation of the South American Silurian rocks: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 133, p. 41-50. 1973 Actualismo y unifomitarianismo: Asoc. Geol. Argentina Rev., v. 28, p. 304-308. 1974 South America, in Fairbridge, R. W., ed., Encyclopedia of regional geology: New York, Reinhold Book Corp. (in press). — (and Turner, J.C.M.) Comentarios al codigo Norteamericano de nomenclatura estratigráfica: Primer Congreso Argentino de Paleontología y Bioestratigrafía (to be presented). Printed in U.S.A. S/77.
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