~ . - - - -~-~- -------------.......------- ~ ~......- -- .._---........-- ....... ----------------------- -- .... ------~·~~-~-----..-----------------~-~--- ~-------..........-_.. ..,......_ ...................... __ .......... _. ..or""' ........................ _ ............._._ ..... _. __________ ~--·-·- . Tue~it.av . ·· .. - . Wednesday Pa e 3A · . S or:ts Pa e I VUlage of Ruidoso I School . Convention and Visitors Bureau Pay increase for county Ski area r·ece1ves two feet of snow, Recreation Site Committee meeting Ad Hoc Committee meeting el~ted officials rescinded increasing its 1nid-mountain base Ruidoso School Admin. Office, 5 p.m. Civic Events Center, 3 p.m. to 46 inches oso ews MONDAY, January·9, 1995 . · NO. 69 IN OUR 49TH 'VEAR RUIDOSO, NM 88345 · CAL~ US AT 257-4001 •· C' • 50 QE;NTS ::Curfew King withdraws from Capitan .t!. ··_·::~ :~~ ponde·red school hoard race -.P ~ ~~· '~ Capitan school board mPmlu·r Tuesday .Jack King has df'cidPd not to SPPk · -r~zrt_._-~_-~... -~ rP-election aftrr all - ~ · . by KATHLEEN McDONALD Kmg, who currt·ntly holds pos1 ~-~It':,;. .. , ~,.. Ruidoso New', <'.L1t1 '.'JrrtPr twn 5 on the Cnp1tan school bonrd, ~--~ A propc~~al to r--.• rJ, ;·.1-. t·r:dt· cnmP offioally withdrl'w h1s cand1dacy Wlth a wt•l'kJay Lurft•\oo will ht· con­ Tursday for tht• C'ap1taP srh 'II c;ldf'rt'd by tlw [{uiC~!J:-() \';lla~t· board electwn ('nunrll at 6 :111 p m t()rli(Jrr(J'N l{uHiosu Pulirl· Clul'f Lanny ~1addox dPslgnPd tht· :aw tn n·dun· Ruidoso school an mrrt·asmg JU\'t·nilt· rnmc· plilh­ hoard candidate !t·m by t•nforclnJ.! :-dw()l <1ttt·11danrt· Smcr first pn".;(•ntmg th!' forum Monday proposal to th P \'1! IagP rou neil m 1\'o\'t•rnht·r, Chil'f Lanny !\laddox C'!liZPn~ ran posp qupstlflf!S to has n·dntftPd tht• mt•asun· to f{u,cJoso School Board randidatf·~ 11\ n·spond tD \·illagt· rr•<I!Jrilors' rfln- a puhbc forum at 7 p m Monday, ct·rns .Jan 16 1r1 thr Hllldo!->o I!J!.:h Srhool Tht· n·fir:t·d prcqws;tl -.;tJ!l t·m­ r a few n11 ptusr ZPS -.;c hool ii\tl•rHl:trH·t·, hut d1 s­ 'T1w fonJm will allow tht· public tmguishP~ t•xn•pt1ons to ttw ruiP tc· quesllon up to I 0 nuHlHlat··~ llomP~rhoolers and tounsts art· !'X· runrung for thn•p school hoard P'"l Pmptf'd Thost• dt·•·mt·d urwble to twnH 111 Ru1doso It 1~ spc,n-.rm·d 1,_.,. hPnr•fit from lnfltrucliOn lwrnusr of thr Ruidoso r:ducatlnn As.sOCliltHJil mt•n tal and phys1 ra I d1sahd 1tiPS v•ould also bP Pxrrpt.l'd Ruidoso l)o'\vns Onlr r~>sHlPnt du:dn·n on tlw "trf•f't or at plan·" of Pn\l•rtarnmt·nt board meets who are suppoSt·d to be at school , Schussing the slopes would bP Rtoppt-d nnd qut>!'itioned, The Rwdo..'lo Downs hoard of Psrorted h11rk to school or ISSUI'd c1tat10ns, Mmldox sa1d trustees Will hear about 1ts 911 Local sk1er John Andrews cuts some turns on The Ter· 24 1nches of snow on Wednasday and Thursd~y For rmergency callmg syst.em U'm1ght nble Run at Sk1 Ap~che Saturday. The sk1 area rece1ved more on the sk1 area, see sports page Pipase see Curfew, page JA from d.Jspat.ch coordinator .JonmP Romero. The regular trust.er meetmg con­ venes at 7 p.m. 1r1 town hall. Public hearing set for proposed county zoning The board will Rlso discuss strategy concf'm1ng salary negotiR­ g"rr1~ t ! by DIANNE STALLINGS 1mplrmrnt 1t unt1l Wf' find out CommiSSIOrH·rs al~c1 ,.dlf'du!F·d C'nmmhslon mPf'tlrli-: )),.r :.!'1. ('ar­ J,,. <"ppPd, · prPdlrtPd Jor tions with 1ts police, in an rxecubve 1 TL, n,l ,:- I Rutdoso News StaH \Vr•ter whPthrr thr votRrs sa;- yE's or no· Ff'h 7 puhl!c hranng on rr-\1~1r1n" rnll pushrd to drr•fl!"'d ! :1· nr­ 1 sesSIon cloSt>d to thP pub! ic. In thr last two WPt•b. ,Jf'rr\· Car­ Carroll offt•rrd to coli rft Sll,;flfl­ to thr suhdJvBIOn rrgulat1ons dinancl' complf·tf'lv I II ; I:~ · '<·nww Fnd;~y, Ha!ph Quotes for an electromc lock1ng rt~ll drovr 1nto Carn7o7n t'~'lCP from turrs on prt1llons to show support A qurstionnmrr t~ hPlp p1npolllt En•l)i.h1ng th1s do•·s r;tll J.p rr \ H'1m,.r·1 , :. : rrn;1n of thr zomng system 1n the police drpartmPnt nrr thP small sf'ttlrmrnt of O,;rura to for an rlf'rtwn Hr nskPd County appropna te zomng for dlfT rrrn t st·c· rrrd b:.· I rx•~lmc: 1 lnw~. hi' ~.t:d If '11d ffill;.;l pt•op]p hP also on the agrndR \I'll county officials to krrp thr1r Attonwy AlAn Mon·l to rf'srarch t1ons of thP county has hrPn as­ you don't want trn-h ;md .1 -mt·ll ; · 't nrtrnly (Jpposp hand~ ofT h1s proprrty n~:"hts whethrr all of the currently Sf'mhled hy Palc.;y SRnrhrz. cnunty nPxt door, you h:tn• thP ~ohd w;t<;\p ](11\Jilh '!·•·\ cl~t wnndt·r h(lw 1! Lod):,crs tax group Thr rrsidf'nt of thr small set tiro unmcorporatrd port1on'l of thP planner zoning coord1nator If Rp· ordmance If you d"n't WRnt ;1 nf~t' w1~l ;~ff,.L ~ r~t 1"J mv pr<•JWrty · mPnt at Lincoln County's wrstf'rn county could votP to :ncorporHtP to proved by the comm•ssJon, thP rangP, thPre'c.; a law a)Cam«t rPcK.­ J{p S.1·J ,·1't n' \'~ fr.l'c;'-':tge hr meets Tuesday edge contends zomng 1sn't needrd rscnpe any zomng laws thr comm•~­ qupstionnrure .,,n]l be mail£>d lo thP IP~s Pndang-Prmpr;~ \' :1nt,; t1• , .. , o·\ t''""~tally to Hr asked county commJsslOnrrs SIOn may enact 11.26 7 propf'rty ownrrs 1n the C'<Jrroll wasn't <~lnr.P :n hi~ oppo­ r:t~c 1 ~•·r- .:.! 'trT:'t·•·, ·"that The Lncoln County LodgPrs Tax Fnday to let voters drCidf' whrther C'ommlsSJoners h s tPne d. hut umncorporatPd arf'as of thr coun:v sitiOn at that Drcr·r;twr mt·rtlng 7 r.lnf.::t...l .....~~t· l'f•dtDr:~·~-~:lnex· :...:~1ng v..·~1~· c~ :- tc.ur.-.:; ·b.r en- Committee Wlll meet at 10 R m tbrv want zorung 1n thr rnur.ty didn't respond to Carroll's rrquPst. The proposPd changrs to hath ;\1ost of thP 14 rr,:dr·!·'.: ;l~trndJrl:' ~::-):tchrrr··~~ ( · ~ ...... :•:~ 't-- .J't·S. l'uesday at thr SWlss C'hnlrt Inn on I would like the IS!'UP phcPd on except to set Feb 7 as thP dRtr for ordmances still are b('mg dr::lftPd srud they w<Jntrd thP ;;,\rr.P thmg 1 Zonmg W11u~:J ll";) a~:nw proper­ St.Rt.e H1ghway 37 IMrchem Dnve thr nrxt regulAr Plect•on nr put toR the first of several puhhc hPanngs hy the Plann1ng and Zomng Cn~.­ RcpPal thP .,_.,.};,],. ~hmg. sa:d •v v.1th cnrr.:::t·rc;q_; \·aJ'JP to be The comm1ttPr dec1des how to speCJRl electJOn,' Carroll SRid ~o on proposed changPs m a zonmg or­ mJSSIOn Paul \\'ptzrl nf \\l:1~r ( l:1b spend money collPcted from motrl more action (should' hf' taken to dmance. Dunng a Planmng and Zom ng TI11s will !JP our u~hn war. It',. Please see Zoning, page 2A rooms and RV spaces 1r1 unincorporated portions of the county. The money is used to pro· mote local tourism. The meeting is I Deputy overtime still debated open to the puhlic. by DIANNE STALLINGS Morel said. accept responsibility that there is a County foster Ruidoso News Staff Writer "If we owe the deputies, whether violation, but they did make us an If the sheriff loses a threatened it's $25, $2,500 or $250,000, we11 offer, which in my way of thinking parents sought lawsuit by his deputies, the court take it out of the sheriffs budget," is the same thing," he said. award will come out of hiR annual Commissioner Wilton Howell said. "I honestly don't think they took The Lincoln County Social Ser­ budget, Lincoln County Com­ Montes reminded McSwane that us seriously until the letter of in­ vices Office is looking for skilled missioners warned Friday. he was asked by the commission at tent," Johnson continued. "The in­ parents to become foster parents. Sheriff James McSwane con­ its December meeting to contact the surance company is involved now tends his procedures regarding federal labor department or any and it's the same one that has For more infonnation call the lunch breaks on-call hours and other necessary sources to ensure settled the same thing at several Lincoln County Social Services Of­ comply with the federal Fa.ir Labor places, including Clovis. fice at he was within guidelines. (505) 257-9217. Standards Act. "If we all just settle down and no Morel was his source, McSwane However, the deputies recently one gets excited or crazy, we can said. Everything seemed resolved sent a letter of intent to sue the work out the problem." · Weather in 1993, McSwane added, but since county. They contend they have Fred Mahrer, the Albuquerque The National Weather Ser­ the birth of the Lincoln County been working nine hour days, be­ attorney for the Fraternal Order of vice forecast for the south­ Sherifrs Department Association cause they are on call during the Police (FOP), is helping the employ­ ,Jl.mtral mountain region of New the issue came up again.
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