University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-13-1906 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 10-13-1906 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 10-13-1906." (1906). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/ 3413 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. lltotBCfiite VOLUME 20 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY EVENING, OCT OH EH 13, 1900 NUMBER 247 SEES STRANGE in WAYS WHICH SANTA FE COLLISION CROP ll0 HLL THE REPORT IN VISITANT THE I Hub I THE OF IIAKVtbltK . in nnnnnrn OCCURS ON "!20Ni SEEM TO US IS PURELY SOUTHERN SKY lb A BUfflltK OFFICE UBA No One Able to Say Whence THEJUDSON Tennessee Farmer Kills Wife OVER TEXAS Issues Proclamation Placing POLITICAL It Came or Whither and Six Children and His Authority on the It Went. Then Suicides. Cuba Methods Which Differ Fatality But Slight-L- os An Other Industries Stop .During Piatt Amendment. And Was No Doubt Drawn From Our Way of geles Street Car Kills Five Picking Season For the by District Attorney WATCHED THKEE HOURS STOLE THE SAME HORSE INCOMPATIBLE RIGHTS Doing Things. and Injures Twelve. of Clancy. WHEN HID BY CLOWDS EVERY TIME RELEASED Lack Hands. ARE HELD IN ABEYANCE CLIMATE EXCELLENT AND ' Special to The Evtnlng Citizen. CONVERTER EXPLODES AT Tcpeka. Kas., Oct. 13. nl the dis WHITE HARVEST WEALTH Cuba, Oct. 13. Without formality, F. A. HUBBELL IS NOT Santa Fe. N. M., Oct. 13. Consider- trict court today proceedings were be- excepting the issuing of an extraordin- able excitement was caused here late gun against the International Har- ary copy of the Gaiette, the govern nlgnt by yesterday afternoon and last PLANT vester company of America on fifty MAKER SOUTH ment of Cuba was transferred at noon CANDIDATE: FOR OFFICE FERTILIIHSIONISHIG the appearance of a strange star in ILUNOiniEEL counts, by the filing of papers by OTSUNNY today by Secretary of War Taft to the heavens'to the south of the city, Fred S. Jackson, assistant attorney Chas. E. Magoon. i lie ouject was first seen by Indians general of Kansas. The charge is Magoon Issued a proclamation in at the United school, two miles defend assuming government Cuba, Not Yet Caught Con- States Stub of Cigar Fires Opera House made In each count that the Hold Paying the of People Can Now See That All People Have south of town. They reported it to ant hag entered Into unlawful combi- Producers Crop For which differed from Taft's in referring tagion of American Unrest Frank Crandall, chief clerk at the and Destroys Business Section nation with the International Harves Prices and Diversified Farming definitely to the Piatt amendment as This Work by Clancy Is Perse- school, who Immediately focused a ter company of New Jersey for the the authority for the intervention of and Ceaseless Activity. large glass on the object. When first of Brlstow. Iowa. purpose of preventing competition and Pays Expenses of Year. the United States and for all the ex- cution Instead of Prosecution. seen, the object had the appearance of establishing a monopoly in the trade ercises of power in the island. a large star, but so rapidly did it ap- harvesting agricultural Messrs. Taft and Bacon and General Albany, Oct. 13. Jn what was of and other Havana, Oct. 13. One native was proach the earth that by night it look- implements in Kansas. El Paso, Texas, Oct. 13. All Texas Funston and their respectlves parties The grand Jury under the dictation practically a head-o- n collision on the attorney explaining to another the Importance ed like a large white electric globe, v is busy gathering the great cotton will proceed northward on a battleship of the district has returned without Amer- was surrounded by a wide circle Hudson river, at 1:20 this morning. 4 a lot of indictments against Fraak of settling the trouble and FARMER BECOMES CRAZY crop, the biggest in the history of the at o'clock this afternoon. ican intervention. He is in deadly of light. between the steamers Adirondack, of AND KILLS HIS FAMILY In his proclamation Governor Mi-goo- n A. Hubbell. One of these indictments People's line, and Saratoga, biggest of states, and people needing an fifty-tw- o earnest and talked with voice and The strange object was visible in the the 13. Chal-bur- u said: is omnibus Indictment for man, oil Knoxvllle, Tenn.,. Oct. hands. this city from the capitol and federal of the Citizens' line, one an aged 50, one of labor in other branches of business "The policy declared and the assur warrants drawn upon the school fund Saratoga, Mlnttoth, and in years 1903 1904, aggregat- "And if we fail to settle It." ht said, buildings, the two largest structures er on the is believed to the moot prominent farmers of this are compelled to wait until tne great ances given by Secretary Taft will be the and coarse, brutal, boer-swtllin- g, i nthe place. Many people watched have lost his life. About 500 passen- over. strictly adhered to and carried out. ing the sum of $1,519. Mr. Hubbell la "the gers county, today murdered his wife and white harvest is charged embezzling whisky-drinkin- g American the ball of fire from 6 o'clock until had a thrilling experience and oth- During season, as "hands" be- As provisional governor, I shall exer- with this moner were damaged four children, fatally Injured two this converting his own soldiers will come here again. You alter o'clock, when it was hidden both steamers to the sui- come In greater demand, the price for cise the powers and perform the and it to nse. morning it was the er children and then committed There never was any pretense on know what that means. An Ameri- behind clouds. This extent of thousands of dollars, cide by cutting his own throat. It is pickers gradually rises from about 40 duties provided for by the third ar ths can despot will sit in the palace and not visible. Saratoga being now practically out of cents to as high as a dollar a hun- ticle in the appendix to the constitu part oi District Attorney Clancy that was a missing believed that he became suddenly in Hubbell had ever converted any he'll say, you, speak Eng- It is not believed that it commission. Another man is sane. An deadly dred pounds, and this brings plcaers tion of Cuba, for the preservation of of comet, apparently it no George L. ax was used in the protec- this money to his own use or that lish.' " since had tall Horton, freight clerk on the work. from the railroads, the cities and the Cuban independence and the it and threw off no Are, appearing more Adirondack. docks until practically every other tion oi life and property. As soon as was not paid out for school purposes. light, The question was Freshness of Fish. line an incandescent electric The collision occurred near Tlvoll, EVIDENTLY HE WANTED business Is forsaken. Whole families consistent with the attainment of whether it was sea to the table is a mat- with a soft glow. The local weather about 99 miles from New York, In THAT SAME HORSE go to the fields and everybody works. these ends, I shall seek to bring about strictly paid out in accordance with From the officials unable to give any law or not. He has civil suits pend ter of a very few hours for the fish bureau are one or the narrowest parts of the riv- Columbus. O., Oct. 13. dEward A good picker can gather nearly 400 the restoration of the ordinary agen sup- information about the object except er, while both boats were feeling Raker, aged 60 years, In peni- pounds day, so quite a com cies and methods of government under ing against Hu obeli for the recovery that enter Into Havana's food died the of cotton a npon caught they to advance the theory that it might their way through a dense fog which tentiary last night, having occupied a fortable sum can be laid aside for the general provisions of the constitu- of this money Ms bond. Every ply. When the fish are prob-abalit- y scows be a falling meteor, which in all had settled on the river Just before cell in the Insane ward for some time. the winter. tion and laws, which for the time be- body knows Hubbell Is perfectly good are placed, while still alive, in ' money. question The it was. 1 o'clock. The Saratoga, bound south Raker seemed to have a mania to steal Texas Is the banner cotton state of ing would be inconsistent with the for the The is that serve as floating reservoirs. powers by whether the amounts were properly In way that from Troy with about 200 passengers a certain horse In Vanwert county. the union and for her size produces exercise of provided for the latter are built such a RAILROAD COMPANIES third article1 of appendix. chargeable against the school funds. is free circulation of water. and a heavy consignment of freight, He was sent up for the short time for more of the staple than any domain In the These there a FORM FRUIT DESPATCH world, crop must be deccied to be in abeyance.
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