Date: 18 February 2019 Member Services Your reference: Corporate Services Directorate Our reference: LAS/JG Town Hall Ask for: Julie Grundy Lancaster Road Preston PR1 2RL www.preston.gov.uk tel. 01772 906112 [email protected] To: Members and Officers of The Council Dear Sir/Madam Budget Council - 28 February 2019 You are requested to attend a meeting of the Council to be held on Thursday, 28th February, 2019 at 10.00 am in the Council Chamber, First Floor, Town Hall, Preston. The business to be transacted at the meeting is set out in the Agenda overleaf. Disclosure of Interests In addition could I please draw your attention to Item No. 2 on the Agenda which relates to the need to declare any personal/prejudicial interest or disclosable pecuniary interest (which is not included in the register of interests). May I remind Members that they must not vote on any business relating to the calculation required for the setting of Council Tax and related matters, and any decision which affects the Council Tax calculations if they are in arrears of Council Tax (at least two months since it became payable). Please see my earlier letter, sent by email, dated Monday 11 February 2019. As you know the process of making declarations at the meeting of Council is a statutory requirement, however, it can sometimes be time consuming during the meeting. Therefore it would be helpful in speeding up the progress of the meeting if Members would notify Julie Grundy in writing or by email of an interest(s) they need to declare in the light of the contents of the agenda prior to the day of the meeting. Could Members also indicate the nature of the interest, whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest, Personal (and/or Prejudicial), and to which item on the agenda it relates. Ally Brown Director of Corporate Services A list of interests to be declared will be on deposit at the meeting. It is then proposed that the Mayor, in introducing Item No. 2, will indicate that these notifications are taken as declarations for the purposes of the requirements of the Code of Conduct for Members. If Members fail to notify any declarations in advance they will have to make verbal declarations at the meeting but it is hoped this can be avoided. If a Member requires general advice on declarations of interest, he/she is advised to contact Julie Grundy, Caron Parmenter or Adrian Phillips. Tea and coffee will be available in the Council Annexe from 9.00 am onwards. Yours faithfully Ally Brown Director of Corporate Services Council Thursday, 28 February 2019 Agenda Part A (Open to Press and Public) 1. Mayor's Announcements Fire Procedures Mobile Phones Rest Rooms 2. Declarations of Interests To receive any declarations of interest from Members. 3. Minutes (Pages 1 - 8) To confirm the minutes of a meeting of Council held on 31 January 2019. 4. Questions of Members of the Public In accordance with rule 9 of the Council Procedure Rules, a period of 30 minutes will be allocated to allow members of the public to ask questions of Members of the Cabinet and Chairs of Committees. 5. Questions of Cabinet Members, Chairs of Committees and Representatives on Outside Bodies In accordance with rule 10 of the Council’s Procedure Rules a period of one hour will be allocated to allow Members of the Council to ask questions of Members of the Cabinet and Chairs of Committees on matters falling within their responsibilities or terms of reference. Questions may also be addressed to Members appointed to serve on outside bodies provided that the questioner has given written notice on details of the question to the relevant Member and Head of Member Services at least 72 hours before the day of the relevant Council meeting. Matters for Decision 6. Achieving Preston's Priorities - Budget and Policy Proposals 2019/20 (Pages 9 - 98) Report enclosed. 7. Notification of Changes to Membership of Committees To approve changes to the membership of committees and other Council bodies (if any). Matters for Information 8. Special Urgency Decisions In accordance with Rule 19.3 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules, the Leader to report on any executive decisions taken in the circumstances set out in Rule 18 (Special Urgency) since the previous Council meeting (if any have been made). 9. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next ordinary meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 18 April 2019 at 2.00 pm in the Town Hall, Preston. Page 1 Agenda Item 3 Council City Of Preston At a Meeting of the Council held at the Town Hall, Preston, on Thursday, 31st January, 2019 Present: The Right Worshipful Councillor Trevor Michael Hart, Mayor, in the Chair The Deputy Mayor (Councillor David Borrow) Councillors Mrs Atkins, Ashton; Hull, St Georges; Bailey, College; Iqbal, St Matthew's; Bax, Deepdale; Jeffrey, Ingol; Boswell, Tulketh; Jolliffe, Greyfriars; Brown, Tulketh; Khan, Moor Park; Mrs Brown, Ingol; McKeever, Lea; Browne, Brookfield; Morgan, St Matthew's; Cartwright, Preston Rural East; Moss, Riversway; Corker, Brookfield; Patel, Town Centre; Craven, Cadley; Pomfret, Ribbleton; Crompton, University; Potter, Cadley; Mrs Crompton, Riversway; Rawlinson, Fishwick; Crowe, Larches; Rollo, Ribbleton; Darby, Ingol; Routledge, Ashton; Desai, Town Centre; Saksena, Ribbleton; Dewhurst, Lea; Seddon, College; Donnell, Greyfriars; Sedgewick, Sharoe Green; Mrs Edmondson, Greyfriars; Mrs Smith, Preston Rural North; Faruki, St Georges; Swindells, University; Gale, Town Centre; Mrs Thomas, Garrison; Mrs Gildert, Sharoe Green; Walker, Sharoe Green; Greenhalgh, Garrison; Woollam, Preston Rural East; Grisdale, St Matthew's; M Yates, Larches; Hawkins, Fishwick; R Yates, Larches; Henshaw, Tulketh; Apologies: Councillors Ms Eaves, Hindle, Kelly, Thompson, Wallace and Mrs Whittam Page 2 Council CO74 Mayor's Announcements (i) The Mayor advised Council that there had been a change in Leadership of the Conservative Group as Councillor Cartwright had stepped down from the role. As such the Mayor reported that Councillor Mrs Whittam would replace him, however, due to a family emergency Councillor Greenhalgh would act as her representative for this meeting of Council only. (ii) The Mayor then reported the news that Jim Carr, Chief Executive from 1996 to 2009 had died on 16 December aged 69 years. The Mayor along with the Leader of the Council, the Interim Chief Executive and many Councillors and officers had attended his funeral on 4 January. The Mayor said that Jim Carr’s whole 41 year career was dedicated to local government and public service with 27 years being at Preston and 13 of those as Chief Executive. The Mayor said that Jim’s work, in so many areas of city and public life, was remembered with respect and real affection. Jim was a great champion of the city and its people. Securing City status in 2002 was the beginning of the regeneration we have seen over a number of years and still continues today. The Mayor then invited the four Group Leaders to say a few words before Members stood in a minutes silence as a mark of respect. (iii) News had also reached the Mayor that Honorary Alderman John Collins had recently suffered a fall which had resulted in a hospital stay. On behalf of Members the Mayor sent his best wishes for a speedy recover to Honorary Alderman Collins. (iv) The Mayor then reminded Members of his cheese and wine evening on 8 February 2019 at Cottam Community Centre. It would start at 7.30 pm and tickets were £15 each and could be purchased directly from the Mayor. Monies raised would go to the Headway Preston and Chorley Charity. (v) The Mayor then announced the date of his Mayor’s Charity Ball to Celebrate the end of his Mayoral Year which would be held on Saturday, 13 April 2019, 7.00pm for 7.30pm at the Foster Building, UCLAN. The evening would be a black tie event and include a drinks reception plus a three-course dinner with wine as well as music and entertainment provided by Thomas Lopez. Tickets were £40.00 each or £360 for a table of 10 and could be purchased via the Mayoral Office by no later than 28 March. There would be fund-raising events during the evening including a Grand Raffle and Auction and all monies raised would be donated to his Charity, 31 January 2019 Page 3 Council Headway Preston and Chorley. Any donations for the raffle or auction would be gratefully accepted. The Mayor said that he hoped that he could count on the support of Members to join him and make the occasion very special. (vi) Finally, the Mayor reminded Members that the Preston Minster was closing for refurbishment with the last service being held on Sunday 3 March 2018, to which he invited all to attend. In the meantime, the Mayor reported that all civic services would be held at St George’s Church, off Lune Street. CO75 Declarations of Interests Members Item Interest Councillor Rollo Minute CO84 – Notice A Personal and of Motion submitted by Prejudicial Interest Councillors Mrs insofar as his wife sits Whittam and Morgan – on an external body A Statue to Honour our which is currently Local Suffragette Edith investigating the Rigby potential erection of a statue to honour local Suffragette Edith Rigby CO76 Minutes Resolved - That the minutes of Council held on 13 December 2018 be noted and signed as a correct record. CO77 Questions of Members of the Public There were none. CO78 Questions of Cabinet Members, Chairs of Committees and Representatives on Outside Bodies In accordance with Rule 10 of the Council Procedure Rules, Members of the Council had the opportunity to ask questions of Members of the Cabinet, Chairs of Committees and representatives on outside bodies on matters falling within their terms of reference.
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