5th ALL INDIA EDUCATIONAL SURVEY DISTRICT REPORT DISTRICT DISTRICT EDUCATION OFFICE, rL P.-\s,t£l?i ^i.^-l^.i't FOP^/JOxB *r The District Report of Amritsar District consists of |''./o parts. The first part contains five chapters and the second oart includes selected thirty two table. The information given therein has been collfcted and compiled from the 5th All India Bducational Survey with reference to 30th September 1986. The Survey of this dj strict was conducted by the Senior Headmasters, masters and teachers under th'^ guidance of Sh, H.S.Dhillon Dy D.E.O, Amritsar. Th9 D.E.O. (Pry) Amritsar, I- . P.E .0 ’ s and the .ninisterial staff ga\^e full co-operation, Shri Piara Lai Varma Headmaster Govt,H^School Sur Singh(Amritsar) and Sh* ri.K, < iura H^^admaster Govt, High School r.asel(AmritS':tr) compiled the Distt. information from S .I.F.,V IF and U.I.F. Th^' detailed register was haided over to the S.C.l.xi.T. au-horitirs at Chandigarh in December 19^'7, The WRITE UP of the District lipport has been prenared by Sllrll 'PJAAk U^L Headmaster Govt. Hi^h School Sur Singh(i:\?[irits3ir' under my guidance. This brief and handy report will b e b -neficial for planning and implementation of Education policy. Moreover it will be useful for the guidance of Fesearch scholars. My gratitude goes to the S,CoE,RoT. authoriti s at Chandigarh for thvir candid guidance, from time to time, in the preoaration of th-> District Report. Sd/~ (Ajit Singh) P.EoS. Distt.Education Off icer(S ), 15,?.1989 Amritsar District. NIEPA DC D07522 s Li r r / ft - F L a i\ U y I DOCUMENTATICn CL^t 'National fostitute of Educatioa 4 PlanmnjJ aad Adaiiaistraticr;, Sfi Aurobjiido ‘V ! '*• 110]^ 5th^ A^ll ,J.ndia__^d ucat iqnal District Report of_Am^its_a_r_pis^t^ INDEX miff I CHAPTER NO. CONTE NTS SHEHT, NO I GiH^SHAL INFOi^'lAT ION 1 6 II PRIIvirUf/ EDIX^aTION 7-10 III UPPUii PHIMAi?/ EDUCATION 11-13 IV SECONDARY & HR SEC. EDUCATION 14 - 18 V OTHER EDU3.ATI0N.-\L FACILITIES 19 PART II TnBLES 1 TO 32 20 68 District M4RITSAR Fifth A\1I India Educational Survey. Part I (Chiapt?r—i 1* 1 General Inf ormation The land of saints, sages, rishis, Gurus and Martyrs- Amrtt at District, covering an area of 5087 Square Kilometres forms a par1 o)f Indo—Pakistan National Border in the western sector of India, lifc is surrounded by Gurdaspur district in the North, Feroze^ur District in the South, Jalandhar & Kapurthala districts iin the East and Lahore, Sialkot districts of Pakistan in the west. ■Amritssr, Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, Bir Baba Budha Sahib, Chhehai;a cholah Sahib, Goindwql, Khadoor Sahib, Ramdass, Tam Tsran, R,g|^i Jirath etc. are the towns and vilJa ges having Sikh Hi s-toToai and r e li^u s background, Amritsar, Guru Ki Nagri, was fo.undei by the fourth Patshahi Sri Guru Ram Das ji, Golden Tample, DiuJrgiana Mandir, Jallianwala Bagh, Ram Tirath, Bir SJalhib, Jarra Taran, Goindwal, Dera Jaimal Singh are the historical P'-laces ^oTt;h seeing. Thi s district usually proves a shield from defence point of viewduring war timej Population of the District (1981 Census) im nura. and urban areas The total population of Amritsar district according to In ruraJarea 7B1994 are male and 684667 and 333735 are f Gm ai e . n rijral area total population of Scheduled castejls 451991 ad i;n urban area 1213D3. In rural area male population of scihed’ied castesis 242398 and female poputetion is 209593. In uirtoan.area male population is 65755 and female population is 5.5448 ^ fens:ity of population of Amritsar District, accoridng to ^1 is 430 per sq.Km. and that of Punjab State is 333 P.Sq. ...2 /- km. the ration density of population of Amritsar District and the Punjab Stcote is 4 ,3 :3 .3 or 1.30:1.00. Total litf^rate population of Amritsar District is 489722 in rural arra and 408506 in urban aroa in case of other than scheduled castes and 573394 & 100289 in rural and urban areas in case of Scheduled castes. It means the total literate population of Amritsar District is 1571991* It means the literacy rate '^f Amritsar District^ccordinq to census 1981 is 46.8% in case ^f male p-i^pulati^n and in case of female populati''^n is 34.4% and the literacy rate of thr Punjab State is 40.86%. The ratio of literacy rate in Amritsar District and the Punjab State is 41.05:40.86. The literacy rate of Amritsar district in the case of females as compared to males is in the rati- 3^.4:46.8* LEVEL OF INaJSTRIALISATICN . Am.ritsar District wields special importance in the field of Industry. O.C.M. was previously managed by a British but now it is in the hands of Tatas. Carpets manufactured here are exported other countries* Essma, Niemla^ Pun j ab Woollen Mills, Worsted & Spininq Mills, Khanna Silk Mills, /Dyalibagh Spinning MillSj Modelia Woollen Mills etB, are the leading concerns in T-xtile Industry* Raw and^Spinninq material prepared is also ■ herei Finishing and dyeing is also done here. Partap Steel Mills, Chheharta manufacture girders, sarya and other articles for defence purposes, Auto Pist^r-n is faRfious in Asia for ball bearings from quality point of view. Printing Cutting machines are also manufactured in Amritsar* Rose Ghee is prepared at Chheharta^ There are many agro^- based industries, Bagassa based industries produce card-board at Manan villaoe and Jaintipura. There is a Co-operative Sugar Mills at Sheron Village in T^-^rn Taran Trhsil, Many industties are flourishing at G^indwal. There are many solvcn^- extraction Mills and Soap factories here. Pappar Warian of . 3 A Amritsar is a speciality amonq eatables. Amritsar district is second in the Punjab State in Industrialisation. AGRICULTUR/.L DEVELOPMENT: Most of the population is in the villaoes and their main profession is agriculture. The land is very'fortile-ai;!^ is called the granary of the Punjab, The main produce is wheat, rice, maize, sugarcane, pulses etc. The main sources of irrigation are tubewells and canals- Sixty percent of formers are making use of tractors. The economy of Amritsar district denends upon agriculture- (According to censes 198 l|i; 31*46% of the population is Agriculturist and 22*24% i s assisting agriculture labour. It means 53*7% of population i s busy in aqriculturo, whereas the percentage of the State is 35.86% and 22.17, Hence 84% of the total area of Amritsar District is under cultivation. ojltural fie l d s Amritsar district has made progress in different cultural fields . Credit goes to this district in rendering service to humanity in the field of ^ literature and art* Right from Sh, Guru Ram Das Ji, Shri Qjru Arjan Dev Ji, with the assistance of Biai Gurdas, canpiled tho Guru Garanth Sahib at Ramsar. Thei/writihgs are all in verse who can forget the father of Pun j ab lovc^ poet s Waris-Shah & Hashirii -Shah of Amritsar District? Shah Mohdi of this district has a conspicious place in Punjabi Literature, ^ a i Vir Singh^ Nanak singh Novelist, Dhani Ram Chatrik, Kartar Singh Ballaqgan, Forczodin Sharaf, Vidhata Singh Tir, Qjrbax Singh PredL^ri^ Dr. Mulkh Raj Anand qive a vivid description of this district in their writings, Rafi a playback singer, Yamla Jat, Dara Singh, a world ...4/- champion Kartar Singh Wrestler, Bishan Singh Bedi, Lal^Amrnath and his son Mohinder Amar Nath and Madan Lai have brought laurels to this district in the field of culture and spots# The first President of Gaddar Parby, Baba Sohan Singh Bhakna, move­ ment of 1919 from Jallianwala Bagh, Guru Ka Bagh, Morcha^ Martyrdam of Madan Lai Dhiagra. Efforts of Dr. Sat Pal,Saif-ul- din Kuchlu, all remind us how they struggled the freedom of India. Field Marshal Manek Shah and Maj. General T*S. Bal are the brave sons of Amritsar^ District. Amritsar district does not leg behind in Social service, Shri Guru ARJM DEV started an asylum for lepers and orphans at Tam Taran* Bhagat Puran Singh took inspiration from Guru Ji and started a Pingalwara at Amritsar, after partition, which has become a big institution for social service, Amritsar district is on the forefront in propagating education, NQVcday ^ scho-^'l has been started at Goindwal, One Model School at Buttar Dhar Dec is being run by the Punjab Education Boat'd* One Public Scho&l is at Kotla Sultan^ingh in this district. There are sacred Heart School, Saint Francis School, D.A,Vi Schools and G^lleges^ Khalsa Schools and Collegos in Amritsar District, There ard Govtk Polytechnic and institute of Textile Technology, Khalsa College of Education, D,A.V, College of Education for Wcmeni Basic .Training Centre at Verka, a nd DAV Management Commattee, I . T . I ’ s run by Government^ Industrial Training School for women and institution of Garments technology which enable the youth to earn their li^ihood* Architecture of Khalsa College, Golden Temple, Durgiana Mandir, their inscriptions ml’ni-atures wall paintings etc# att'ract millions of people from abroad. Folk song®, Gidha, dg[nce and customs of rural area of Amritsar district are worth enjoying. Company Garden, the beauty scandal of Amritsar, the the jZbo, the statue of M, Gandhi, Maharaja Hanjit Singhj the lion of the Punjab, Inter National Hostel, Mohan International Ho-tel, Guru Nanak Stadium, Play fields of Gandhi Qrounds, open Air Theatre at Gandhi Grounds are worth-seeing, 1^2 brief account of SURVEY; The fifth All India Educational Survey was inaugurated by the Director of S.G.E*H*T, Panjab on IB*5,87 at Chandigarh District Education Officers (Secondary and Primary) Dy.
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